rebirth of change

Chapter 2290 The Oprah Show

"Thank you for your understanding, please bear with me, and let me have some personal space. You just said that you interviewed Michael Jackson. He is my friend. I know that he has not been here for a long, long time. I have passed the supermarket, this point, whether it is an artist or an ordinary person, I think it is very cruel." Chen Kangjie said with cupped fists.

"When it comes to Michael, I suddenly realized that the two of you are actually quite alike, you are both the King of Pop."

"No, Michael is the real King of Pop, but I don't count. Compared with him, I'm still far behind." Chen Kangjie said modestly.

"Long, is there a tradition of modesty in your Chinese culture? Not only do I not think you are inferior to him, I even think you are more talented than him. Everyone, don't get me wrong, I didn't say this, it is Michael told me, but I also agree with it. Michael Jackson’s scope of involvement is basically only in the field of music, but you, literature, music, movies, sports, etc., you are number one in almost every field. It's what most people say can't be achieved..."

At this time, an audience shouted from below, "Long is still a language genius, and he can also calligraphy."

"Yeah, hehe, it seems that your fans know you better. There are too many things about your talents. You and Michael Jackson are both philanthropists in the entertainment industry. Long, can you tell us about your donation to charities every year?" How much money do you want to donate?" Oprah is playing tricks to add to Chen Kangjie's positive image.

"This..." Chen Kangjie hesitated a little.

"What? Is there any inconvenience? In terms of funds, if there is any inconvenience, we are allowed not to answer." In American culture, there is a tradition of respecting the privacy of other people's income.

"No, it's not a matter of convenience, but I really don't know the numbers. All my income from performances, bonuses, advertisements, and copyrights are donated to the foundation except for the necessary expenses. They won't reach me anyway, so I don't care how many there are." Chen Kangjie's words were true, but he was playing tricks.

Chen Kangjie is equivalent to just saying that he has donated almost all of his income from the entertainment industry.But the big head of his real source is never mentioned.

If the outside world knows that he is still the richest individual at present, then the bombardment of this news may not be lower than the impact of 911/[-].

"Wow, you are such a generous person. If you calculate this way, you should donate hundreds of millions of dollars every year. This time alone, your movie "Dragon Heart" has won the highest global box office in history. As the leading actor, director, screenwriter and producer, you can get the big head, more than one billion dollars, have you donated all of it?" Oprah asked in surprise.

Charity, children, obesity, etc. are all topics that "The Oprah Show" often pays attention to. It cares about conveying positive energy to society, so Oprah will react in this way.

"If there are so many, in addition to the cost that should be recovered and the company's income, my personal part will be donated to the long fund." Originally, a "yes" would be enough, but Chen Kangjie still gave the answer completely, In order not to be picked on by the troublemakers in the future, saying that he didn't donate more or less.

For Chen Kangjie, he doesn't care about money anymore, but he still wants reputation.

"Here, I would like to thank you again for your contribution to American children, education, and medical care to the charity of the world. Speaking of gratitude, here, I have to mention your heroic rescue of people on the top of the World Trade Center , to be honest, when I saw the image of that scene, I had tears in my eyes. Long, were you not afraid at the time?" Oprah, as the master of the topic, as a gold medal host, said It is a good show to make a link between the past and the future.

"It would be a lie to say that I am not afraid. When I think about it, I still have lingering fears. If we finish for a few minutes, not only those people will not be there, I am afraid that I will not sit here to meet and chat with you. As a normal person I must also be afraid of the people who live here. It’s just that at that juncture, at that juncture, I had to stretch out my hand when I saw such a scene. The risk is a risk, but I found out afterwards that it was totally worth it. After all, we saved Three people. It's a pity that my energy is limited and I can't rescue more people." At the end, Chen Kangjie's eyes and expression became a little sad.

Is Chen Kangjie really sad?Maybe a little bit, especially after experiencing that catastrophe.But there is one thing, Chen Kangjie is not like what he said, incapable of saving more people.

In fact, he has already saved many people. Many Chinese and overseas Chinese who went to the Kodak Theater that day were saved because of his decision.In this incident, the number of Chinese who died was greatly reduced.Those people were either really unable to leave because of work, or some simply had prejudices against Chen Kangjie and were unwilling to join him.

It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and if he doesn't want to come, he can't blame anyone if he dies.

In addition, if saving lives is really the first priority, then he can do a lot of things in advance, such as issuing an early warning, such as making a movie with a similar theme in advance as a warning.It's just that he can't do that. If he wants to do that, it's a good thing for the United States, but not necessarily for China.

Standing on the supreme interests of the country and the nation, Chen Kangjie must hold back no matter how difficult it is, not only that, he even has to facilitate it.

What's more, even if Chen Kangjie gave an early warning, would the U.S. government heed it?In fact, it was a kind of early warning since he let people spread those rumors, but the authorities don't care much, otherwise they only need to take some strict measures, how can **** want to hijack so many planes at the same time? Can it be easy?

"Long, you are already amazing, so I can't blame you. If you want to blame, you can only blame those **** who are too conscienceless." Oprah comforted Chen Kangjie quickly.

"Even so, I still feel uncomfortable."

"Long, why were you at the scene that day? It was said on TV that Miss Streisand was interviewing you. Can you tell us what happened that day?" Oprah induced.

"That day I planned to go to the Kodak Theater to attend my meeting with compatriots. There was not much time. Miss Streisand wanted to interview me, so I could only arrange the time for the whole process. In fact, I believe that you have already I understand. After all, the program of the day was broadcast live at the beginning. I just didn’t expect that such a link would allow me to witness such a disaster that I didn’t want to see. To be honest, for the process of the day, I have no idea I really don’t want to recall it, because when I think about it, I feel very uncomfortable and blocked, can you understand my mood?” Chen Kangjie said lightly.

Why does Chen Kangjie need to elaborate on things that everyone knows, what's more, if you say too much, you will lose it. If an inappropriate sentence suddenly pops up, it will be bad.

"I can understand that many misfortunes have happened to me in the past. For a long time, I didn't want to think about it. It was tantamount to uncovering the scars on my body. It was not until a long time later that I gradually dared to ask My friends confided in my past and the sad past." Oprah said heavily.

"If time goes by, I might be like you too, but... After all, it only happened a few days ago, and everything can still be vividly remembered, including the moment when a plane flew by under our noses. Then This real feeling is still there now." Chen Kangjie said.

"You mentioned that there was a plane flying past under your noses. I am curious about one thing. I believe many people who care about you will also be curious. It is that a plane actually hit the Marriott Hotel. We know that you are here During the New York period, I lived there. Is this a coincidence? Or is there some ulterior conspiracy? If you were not already on the helicopter and still in the hotel that day, wouldn’t you also... ..." Oprah did not say the following words, but the meaning was already obvious.

"I really don't know how to answer this question. So far, I don't know whether it is a coincidence or a conspiracy. In this tragedy, dozens of buildings were affected, including the Pentagon. Therefore, I I don't know if we should also make some interpretations of the collision of the Marriott Hotel. I think this question may only be answered by the FBI, or maybe this question will never have an answer. After all, all the people who participated Died in a disaster." Chen Kangjie had seriously thought about this question, but he did not get a definite answer.

Time confirmed that the plane that hit the Marriott Hotel was the same passenger plane that crashed.Historically, one of the four hijacked planes crashed during the hijacking.This time, there was no such link. Instead, the plane crashed into the building of the Marriott Hotel. Chen Kangjie was puzzled by this detailed change.

Chen Kangjie didn't believe that those people's choice of targets would be arbitrary, but he felt that it seemed a bit far-fetched that those people bumped into the Marriott Hotel to solve him once and for all.

"Okay, then let's talk about something else, long, you speak Arabic all night, then can you analyze for us why those people are so crazy?"

"You are really embarrassing me. How can I know? I believe that many experts in your country are already doing research and analysis in this area. Our East Asian side is basically an area of ​​cultural identity. For example, as long as Those who have the same cultural expression will be Chinese. And you are religiously identified. We don’t care what religion our people believe in, but you care that the Arab world is also a region of religious identity. I wonder if this is because What about a conflict between your religion and theirs?" Chen Kangjie said he was embarrassed, but he still didn't let the question fail.

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