rebirth of change

Chapter 2291 I don't need your worship

"You mean, this is a religious conflict?" Oprah asked surprised by Chen Kangjie's answer.

"I'm not sure about this, but now the world always likes to talk about conflicts, and few people analyze it from the perspective of religion, so I thought, can we look at it from this angle? At least, this This incident must not be a personal enmity. In addition, it does not seem to be a national hatred, so the chances of religious and cultural conflicts become greater. As far as I know, in the United States, including some Western countries, the Communist Party of China is There are some bad feelings and prejudices, and such feelings and prejudices will always appear in foreign affairs and foreign security policies. Then you will look at others that way, and others will look at you with a similar attitude under the reaction force, it seems that the same It's a very natural phenomenon." Chen Kangjie said.

"It seems that what you want to reflect in "True Lies" a few years ago is such an idea. From a certain point of view, I agree with your point of view, but the United States is a very tolerant society. Here, not only There are white people, black people, and Chinese people living there, and they also tolerate all kinds of religions, including your Buddhism and Islam, which is prevalent in the Arab region. Does this also mean that American society does not discriminate?" Oprah It seems that they want to debate, and they seem to want to get more information from Chen Kangjie.

"This logic, at first glance, seems to be valid, but after careful scrutiny, it is untenable. Yes, there are all kinds of people living in the United States, which has a lot to do with the fact that the United States is a country of immigrants. It is also related to the strategy of the United States to attract talents from all over the world. However, why did the United States still have so many discriminatory actions and policies against blacks after World War II? If you are black, you should be clear that your parents include yourself, When is it possible to ride in the same car with white people. And those who uphold white superiority are almost without exception Christians. In terms of demographics, blacks plus other minorities make up the majority of the American population The proportion is already very high, so whether it is in the top levels of the US government, Congress or the Supreme Court, is the proportion of minorities equal? ​​Why is there still a trend of white supremacy in the United States today? Maybe there is a phenomenon People all over the world, including many of you Americans, have not noticed much, that is, authentic Americans are actually quite conservative. The so-called openness and tolerance are only on the West Coast and some big cities. You live in Chicago, I believe that in the surrounding areas one hundred kilometers away from Chicago, many people still uphold the consistent conservative tradition in their lives, go to church every week, and pay attention to the status of God and family, etc., don’t they?”

"It seems to be the case." Oprah fell into deep thought, neither sure nor opposed to Chen Kangjie's statement.

"Today's America looks very open, but maybe one day the United States will become conservative and autistic, and even the rise of populism is not impossible. What's more, there is also the possibility of division in a united America. And risk. And all of this is not a political decision, and to a certain extent it is not an economic decision, but religion. In my opinion, there is a big difference between the thinking of people in Tennessee and the thinking of people in California , this is just an example. Why do high-tech industries in the United States only exist on the east and west coasts instead of inland? Is it just because those places are close to the sea? High-tech industries are different from traditional industries, and they do not require the convenience of transportation. It’s not that high, so here comes the question, why? We can’t just look at it from the perspective of objective conditions and geography.”

Chen Kangjie's words not only made Oprah think deeply, but even many local Americans in the audience were thinking about this issue along with Chen Kangjie's words.

In the United States, traditional industries are almost all inland states, while high-tech and financial industries are located on both sides of the coast. There are historical reasons for this, but there are also religious reasons.

"Okay, long, I admit that your answer has aroused my interest in exploring, but we can't discuss this specifically today. I believe that the audience, whether it's on the scene or in front of the TV, is more concerned about your other aspects. It is said that You have become a professor in two professional colleges in your country, can you talk about this situation? It seems that in people's impression, China is not such a country that has the courage to make breakthroughs." That topic is too Profound and heavy, Oprah didn't want her show to lose its usual style, so she diverted.

"Correct me, it's an associate professor, not a professor. There is a big difference. As for the reasons, I won't go into too much detail, but here, I want to emphasize that the whole West, in general, has a great influence on me. There are various misunderstandings in our motherland. Many people's knowledge and understanding of it are still decades ago. This is actually wrong. Since our reform and opening up, the whole society has undergone earth-shaking changes. Changes, and the positive meaning of these changes, few people pay attention to and disseminate them. To be honest, today's China is far from the conservative and stubborn country it was decades ago. attitude. I, a student who just graduated from university, can become an associate professor of two well-known universities, which also reflects this reality from one side. In addition, you may not know the history of China very well. In the long history of China , more than eighty to ninety percent of the time, we are actually very open and inclusive. We have made many outstanding breakthrough contributions to mankind, whether in the fields of science and technology, military affairs or culture. I hope that the United States My friends, don't look at a civilization with a long history with old eyes, it is not conducive to our peaceful coexistence. Today, tens of thousands of young Americans are willing to travel and study in China. In the future, more people will walk into that transition and learn more about it, and I welcome you." Chen Kangjie spread his hands and made a welcome gesture to everyone.

"Long, because of your relationship, I already know that many people have gone to China. I am frank, if it weren't for you, my understanding of China would have stayed at least 30 years ago like the people you described. At that time In front of you, I have to say that my idea was wrong, if your country is closed and conservative, the possibility of cultivating a diverse international talent like you is estimated to be zero."


The recording of the whole show lasted for a relatively long time. Later, Oprah also asked several lucky viewers to ask Chen Kangjie face to face, looking for answers from Chen Kangjie on the aspects they said they cared about and paid attention to.

And Chen Kangjie also selectively satisfies their curiosity, as long as it does not involve sensitive topics, Chen Kangjie will not avoid it.

However, when a Japanese audience asked Chen Kangjie whether the Jinling massacre was a fictional event made up by Chinese historians, Chen Kangjie became angry.

"Just now I thought you were of Chinese descent, but I didn't expect you to be of Japanese descent. I'm really sorry. If I had known in advance, I might not have asked you to ask questions. You ask me, is the Jinling massacre where 30 people were killed It was fabricated by historians, so can you tell me that the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also fabricated? In fact, the U.S. military may have just dropped two inedible eggs. I am right The Japanese people have a good impression of Japanese young people, but they are very disgusted and disgusted with the Japanese government and those right-wing forces. History, you can’t just make it up if you want to, it’s a tragic fate. If you still don’t If you can look at and reflect on history clearly and correctly, then I boldly guess that similar things will definitely happen and be tested in Japan. You just said that you like me and worship me. Sorry, I don’t need yours Like and adore, I will not feel proud to have such a person among my fans, on the contrary, I will feel it is a shame. I hope you will not appear in front of me in the future, otherwise, I am afraid that I will lose control Do you understand?" The angry Chen Kangjie no longer cared about etiquette and image, and said angrily.

However, Chen Kangjie's performance was not disgusted by the United States and many other audiences. On the contrary, they felt that such a Chen Kangjie had an excellent character and a real existence.As for whether Chen Kangjie was rude and hated some people in Japan, they didn't care, because they didn't even like that kind of people.

Oprah did not expect that such a mistake would appear on the show. The audience's questioning was not arranged by her. Even before that, she did not know that such a person would participate in the show.To a certain extent, it shows that their team has deviations and loopholes in the screening of the audience, but on the other hand, it also adds to the show's viewability, which is like the pros and cons of one thing.

But no matter what the reason was, and no matter what consequences it would bring, the reality was that the sudden appearance of this person made Chen Kangjie unhappy, so the show could only end in a less-than-perfect depression.Although this was a recording, Chen Kangjie would obviously not agree to recording it again.

After finishing the recording of "The Oprah Show", Chen Kangjie declined her invitation for a treat and returned to his residence by himself.

After staying in the United States for another two days, Chen Kangjie set off to return to China.Before returning to China, Chen Kangjie temporarily composed a song "I Didn't Hold Your Hand" in response to the 911 incident, and he also found some well-known local singers, including Michael Jackson himself, to participate in the singing and recording.

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