After staying in Liushuipan for two days, Chen Kangjie returned to school.

The Industrial and Commercial University has started. Although Chen Kangjie's degree of freedom will be greatly improved after being taught by Professor Huang Weiguo and Liu Yeping, he does not need to take any classes at ordinary times. However, after the school starts, he will report and meet the teachers to see if they will The explanation of any learning tasks is still necessary.

They were very happy to see the two teachers. After some conversation, the two teachers respectively arranged a task for Chen Kangjie.

Professor Liu Yeping asked Chen Kangjie to write an article "International Political Landscape after 911/[-]", and Professor Huang Weiguo asked Chen Kangjie to write an article "Additional Laws After China's WTO Entry".

Both articles are current hot spots, but one focuses on international issues and the other focuses on domestic issues.

These two topics are difficult, but Chen Kangjie can handle them completely, but it requires a lot of information.

In fact, even if Professor Liu Yeping did not assign Chen Kangjie such a task, Chen Kangjie would still do research in this area.Of course, Chen Kangjie's research results may not be published like others.Social science articles seem to have no possibility of leaking secrets. However, it may not be a good thing to publish some opinions, especially from the perspective of China. If the prediction is accurate, it will cause others to be alert and angry. Be alert, but if you talk nonsense, it will appear that Chen Kangjie is too bad.

In contrast, "Additional Laws after WTO Accession" may take more effort and is more suitable for publication.

After China's accession to the WTO, in order to be in line with the international trade system, many laws in our country need to be amended and added. Otherwise, whether it is foreign capital coming in or domestic capital going out, it will face many obstacles.The laws involved are not only related to the economic and trade aspects, in fact, even some civil law parts need to be properly adjusted.This requires that Chen Kangjie not only be familiar with WTO rules, our conditions and commitments for joining the WTO, but also be familiar with our basic laws and regulations.Only by mastering both aspects can it be possible to know what legal provisions need to be added and which laws need to be modified.

In terms of obtaining materials and information, Chen Kangjie has an advantage over ordinary students.If it is a general graduate student in this field, they write similar articles, usually they can only find relevant documents from the library and some details from newspapers and magazines.

Chen Kangjie is not the case. Apart from the school library, he also has his own small library. He can also directly see first-hand materials abroad.In addition, Chen Kangjie's contacts can also help him obtain some internal documents from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation that others do not know.

Under the combined effect of these factors, Chen Kangjie's articles will definitely be more detailed and feasible. Don't forget that he is still a representative of the National People's Congress and has the right to propose amendments to the law. He is also a business giant. What laws will affect business? He will understand better than ordinary people what kind of impact there will be.Therefore, Chen Kangjie's writing will be more targeted.

After graduating from undergraduate, Chen Kangjie's previous dormitory no longer exists, and he now has a double dormitory in the graduate student apartment building.

Although it is a dormitory, the conditions are much better. It is actually a suite with two bedrooms and one living room, and each person has his own separate room.

Even though Chen Kangjie didn't usually live in the school, he would still occasionally live there when he came to the school to hand in tasks.So, after meeting the two teachers, Chen Kangjie went to his new dormitory to have a look.

Leisurely strolling to the dormitory of the graduate student apartment, Chen Kangjie took out the key, put it in the door lock and twisted the door. As soon as he stepped in, he was startled.

"What are you doing? Who are you? Get out?" The sound of continuous surprised reprimand and questioning sounded in the living room.

Chen Kangjie looked around, and a white and clean boy stood up angrily from the sofa in the living room, pointing at Chen Kangjie with his right hand, with an angry and ferocious expression.He is said to be fair, because this guy only wears a pair of shorts on his lower body, and a waistcoat on his upper body, with large pieces of exposed flesh, which looks quite white.

Chen Kangjie looked again, there was not only this boy in the room, there was also a girl sitting in the corner of the sofa, but at this time the girl didn't face Chen Kangjie, but turned towards the inside evasively, fiddling with her shirt with her hands on her chest , as if busy buttoning buttons.

Chen Kangjie immediately understood what was going on. Judging from the scene, it seemed that he had ruined someone else's good deed. Of course, he would be angry and wouldn't give him a good look.

But on the other hand, it seems that Chen Kangjie can't be blamed. This is his dormitory, and he has every right and qualification to come in.It’s not that there is no separate room, what do you want to do, you can go to the room and lock yourself up, why do you want to be in the public space of the living room?

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there were girls in there, sorry, sorry." Since he was the one who ruined other people's good deeds, then Chen Kangjie can't be too stubborn, man, he understands that feeling.

But Chen Kangjie softened, but the kid didn't appreciate it. Instead, he walked towards Chen Kangjie and stared at him coldly: "Who am I talking about? Do you have any quality, and ran into other people's room for no reason? What do you want?" I'll make it clear, if I don't make it clear, I won't finish with you today."

"Gao Jie, what kind of broken dormitory are you here? Didn't you say that your place is the safest and that no one else will come here? Are you just bragging about everything else you said to me?" After changing his appearance, he stood up from the sofa, cast a disgusted glance at Chen Kangjie, and said coquettishly to the boy.

"Oh, my little darling, do you think I'm the kind of person who brags? What I said was a spit and a nail, and it was fake. Who knew that this kid came out of that corner , Nothing like this has ever happened before." Gao Jie walked to the girl's side, put his arm around her shoulder, and comforted her.

"Hey, damn it, I'm asking you something." Immediately, Gao Jie said fiercely to Chen Kangjie again.

Is Chen Kangjie the kind of person who lets others push his nose on his face?of course not.

People respect me one foot, I respect others one foot, this is Chen Kangjie's style, but if anyone is bluffing and baring his teeth in front of him, then Chen Kangjie will definitely not be a good person to get along with.

"Keep your mouth clean. Who am I, do I need to tell you? Is that necessary? Cut!" Chen Kangjie replied disdainfully, not only did not retreat, but walked in generously.

"Oh, today I really bumped into a god-man who is desperate. Why are you dragging? Why are you rushing..." Gao Jie approached Chen Kangjie carelessly, and even made a gesture of making a move.

Gao Jie did intend to do something, especially in front of women, Gao Jie cared more about face.Now he was contradicted by Chen Kangjie in front of the woman, and Chen Kangjie ruined his good deed before, Gao Jie couldn't bear it.

What's more, Gao Jie has been cared for since he was a child. Whether at home or at school, there is no one around him who is not humble and tolerant to him.Almost no one would blatantly oppose him. Over time, Gao Jie developed an arrogant and indulgent character.

People with this kind of personality are all self-righteous and can't afford to suffer.

Gao Jie planned to push Chen Kangjie down with a palm, but just as his hand was on Chen Kangjie's shoulder, he started yelling miserably.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts... Let go, let go, it's going to break..."

It turned out that Gao Jie's hand had just reached Chen Kangjie, when Chen Kangjie pinched it, turned up, and Gao Jie folded down involuntarily.

The pain in the wrist was extremely severe in an instant, almost like a broken wrist, and Gao Jie's forehead was sweating immediately, and his face became twitching.

"What are you doing, let go, let go... If you don't let go, I'll call the police... Do you know who Gao Jie is? If you hit him, you're bound to get away with it." That girl Unexpectedly, such an accident would happen, his face turned green, and he rushed to rescue Gao Jie.

The girl didn't dare to do anything, so she could only speak from the side to threaten Chen Kangjie.

"Then who is he? I really want to know, why can't I walk around?" Chen Kangjie was unmoved, and continued to squeeze Gao Jie's hand, asking calmly.

In this world, there are really very few people who can shock Chen Kangjie just by thinking of a word, especially for people of this age, there are almost none.

In China, no matter in terms of power, connections or financial resources, there is no such person who will take out Chen Kangjie as soon as he speaks. Therefore, Chen Kangjie is so indifferent and completely put aside the threat of the other party.

"His father is the governor of the province." The girl blurted out without thinking, "Offending him will not do you any good."

"Governor?" Chen Kangjie frowned and asked Gao Jie suspiciously.

The governor of Qianzhou Province is He Baoguo, and Chen Kangjie has never heard of He Baoguo having such a son.In addition, the names don't seem to match. He Baoguo's surname is He, and the other party's name is Gao Jie, so it can only be Gao. How did this relationship come together?

"Don't care who my father is... Ouch, let go quickly, I can't do it, I can't do it, my hand is going to be broken..." Gao Jie, who was dripping with sweat, neither admitted nor denied it, he even more Concerned about the piercing pain in the arm.

At such a juncture, Gao Jie didn't use a begging tone to Chen Kangjie. It sounded like he was more of a request and order.This seemed to fit the temperament of a governor's son.

As soon as Chen Kangjie rushed, Gao Jie stepped back three steps in a row, and then fell to the ground unable to stop the car. The girl rushed over and supported Gao Jie with heartache.

"Honey, how are you? How is it? Does it hurt? Come, let me show you, rub it..." The girl supported Gao Jie, and said tenderly.

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