rebirth of change

Chapter 2298 Wonderful Gao Jie

Gao Jie carefully protected his right hand with his left hand, for fear of being touched.

"You said it hurts, it's almost broken, can it not hurt? Don't touch...don't touch me..."

"I'll call the police right now, let the police arrest him, arrest him and lock him up." The girl didn't get any favors from Gao Jie, so she planned to find another way to help him vent her anger.

"Yeah, hurry up and call, son of the governor, what a man he is." Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"Who are you?" Gao Jie gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Kangjie.

"Who am I? Hehe..." Chen Kangjie smiled and did not answer. Instead, he continued to use the key to open the door on the right, walked in very chicly, and opened the room with a "bang". The door was closed.

Seeing Chen Kangjie walk into the room like this, Gao Jie and the girl looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Looking at his room, Chen Kangjie secretly nodded to express his satisfaction.

This room faces the sun, sitting west and facing east.There is a 1.5-meter bed in the room, a wardrobe and a bookcase next to it, a desk in front of the window, and a chair under the desk.

Chen Kangjie opened the window, and when he looked up, he could see the playground not far downstairs. At this time, many students were walking or jogging on the playground.

Pulling away the chair under the desk, Chen Kangjie sat down and turned on the computer switch placed on the desk.

As the logo of the doors operating system appears on the screen, the icon showing the status of the network connection in the lower right corner is also connecting.

Just at a glance, you can tell that this coy computer is new, and the configuration inside is also the best.

In Chen Kangjie's room, not only the computer is installed and connected, but even the bedding is laid out, and even some professional books related to law and political theory have been visited on his bookcase.

Needless to say, Chen Kangjie also knew that Principal Guan Mengyu was responsible for this, but he didn't know how they would arrange such a wonderful person to be his roommate.This is the only thing that makes Chen Kangjie feel flawed.

Opening the campus network, Chen Kangjie browsed some news on the campus.

"Dong dong dong." At this time, someone knocked on the door from the outside.

The person who can knock on the door of his room, without thinking about Chen Kangjie, knows who it is probably.So Chen Kangjie ignored him and continued to browse the news he was interested in.

It's just that Chen Kangjie's indifference did not discourage the person knocking on the door, on the contrary, the knocking on the door became more urgent.

Sighing, Chen Kangjie stood up unhappily and opened the door.

"What? The police were called so soon? Where is it?" Glancing at Gao Jie who was standing at the door, Chen Kangjie went back to the desk and sat down while talking.

Unexpectedly, after Gao Jie entered Chen Kangjie's room, he did not make any noise, but visited his room with great interest.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this room of yours better than mine? I just wondered, you never showed up, so why are there so many things in it?"

"Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, if the police are called, let them show up, if not, then you can dodge as far as you can, don't whisper in my ear." Chen Kangjie was annoyed Said.

"Yo, why are you like this? I'm the one who suffers. I don't care why you act like you. Why are you still angry? Do you really think I'm afraid of you? I just think, Anyway, we live in the same dormitory, we don’t look up and look down, so I don’t want to see you, see, my hands are still swollen.” Gao Jie put his right hand in front of Chen Kangjie Shaking.

Chen Kangjie leaned on the chair and looked up at Gao Jie: "You and I have seen each other? Why do you have to see me? I went into my own room, what's wrong? Do I need to call you in advance to get it?" Your approval? As for your hand, if you don't push me, can you do this? I have already shown mercy, otherwise, it will really be broken. "

Embarrassment appeared on Gao Jie's face: "All right, all right, this is a misunderstanding, is this the head office?"

"Young Master Gao, what are you... playing? First suppress and then raise. I don't understand how you play like this."

"What can I play? I just think you, Chen Wen, are worth making friends with. If it wasn't for you, Chen Wen, someone else would see if I can kill him." Gao Jie leaned lazily on Chen Kangjie's bookcase, He raised his chin and said.

"You know me?" This time it was Chen Kangjie's turn to be surprised.

Could it be that when arranging the dormitory, Guan Mengyu arranged for someone who knew him well?Or, Guan Mengyu was entrusted with a relationship and found someone who could get close?Chen Kangjie couldn't help but slander in his heart.

"Although I was admitted from a foreign school, I still know about you." Gao Jie said.

"What do you know about me, tell me." Chen Kangjie asked with great interest.

"Are you showing off or being smug, isn't it because you used to be the vice chairman of the student union of our school, oh, you are also the martial arts champion of our school, and you are also recommended for graduate students. By the way, you are still very rich. You started a business to make money during college. It’s tens of millions, no wonder people haven’t come yet, everything inside has been arranged.” Gao Jie said carelessly.

"That's all?" Chen Kangjie frowned.

"Is it possible that you have other glorious history besides these?" Gao Jie teased unhappily.

"'s over." Chen Kangjie had been observing Gao Jie's expression, and seeing that he had not released any other information about his details, Chen Kangjie said slowly.

"Then it's over, because I thought you could show off something." Gao Jie said angrily, "I said you kid, or you don't show up, and when you show up, you put me in a mess. You say, Shouldn't you express something?"

"Show? What do you mean? What kind of show do you need?" Chen Kangjie asked three times in a row.

"Tch, look at you like this, is it possible that you are still a miser? What do you mean, you have ruined me like this, shouldn't you treat me to a meal?" Gao Jie said with a look of contempt.

"To figure out a fact, I didn't harm you. It was you who behaved badly. I just went back to my dormitory normally. What's wrong with me? On the contrary, it's you. When I show up, you become furious and even go crazy. If you want to beat me up, if I don't have the ability to fight back, wouldn't it be you who will eat me?" Chen Kangjie didn't feel that he should treat guests with peace of mind because of Gao Jie's words.

Chen Kangjie still had to explain the logic of cause and effect to him clearly, so as not to make Gao Jie think that he really suffered a lot.

"Come on, love, please, please, don't please pull it, treat it like someone who hasn't eaten, hum, I don't understand, with your virtue, how did you get elected as the vice chairman of the student union in the first place." Gao Jie put on a stern look. Stimulating and uncomfortable look.

After feeling upset, Gao Jie went out, and Chen Kangjie didn't intend to stop him or change his mind, even Chen Kangjie didn't make any excuses for the contempt he received.

Looking at the door that was slammed shut by Gao Jie angrily, Chen Kangjie smiled. This roommate also seemed to be a wonderful person.

Although the two of them got along just like having a face-to-face meeting, Chen Kangjie could at least tell that Gao Jie was the kind of person who could be both soft and tough. Reckless.

It is also true that today's business university is very different from before. It is impossible for someone who is admitted from another school to study here as a graduate student.

Chen Kangjie sat in his room for another half an hour before opening the door out of boredom.

He thought that after Gao Jie left, he either went out or was bored in his own room, but he didn't expect that as soon as he came out, he saw this kid sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

Chen Kangjie smiled and said, "Master, what are you doing? Is this a university or a Taoist temple?"

Gao Jie opened his eyes and glanced at Chen Kangjie: "You know a bird, I'm trying to make myself ascetic, you ruined my good deed just now, if I don't take care of it, can my body take it?"

"I thought you had an internal injury, and the method healed it." Chen Kangjie joked disapprovingly.

"Of course it was an internal injury. For a man, what injury could be worse than this?"

Chen Kangjie really couldn't laugh or cry about this guy's weird tone: "I'm going out for dinner, are you interested in joining us?"

"Don't mention the word 'sexual interest', you are just pouring salt on my wound." Gao Jie's body twitched.

"Okay, then pretend that I didn't say anything, you can slowly ascend to heaven, and I'll fill the stomachs of mortals." Chen Kangjie waved his hand, turned around and walked out.

"Hey, hey, why are you like this? You are not only insincere when you invite people to dinner, but you also wait for others. How can you be like you... I will change my clothes... I will be ready soon... ..." Gao Jie immediately jumped up from the sofa.

Chen Kangjie shook his head and smiled, and continued to walk out, but he deliberately slowed down his pace.

As soon as Chen Kangjie reached the first floor, Gao Jie chased him up from behind.

"Wait for me, wait, don't be so ostentatious, okay?" Gao Jie put his hands on Chen Kangjie's shoulder from behind very familiarly, as if the two had been friends a long time ago.

"You hook your shoulders like this, do we know each other well?" Chen Kangjie asked, but he didn't shake Gao Jie's hand off.

From this point of view, it shows that his roommate is a bit weird, but to a certain extent, he has been accepted by Chen Kangjie.Otherwise, if Chen Kangjie didn't move his hands or feet, Gao Jie's hands would be overwhelmed.

"Hey, we don't know each other. We were born the first time, but we'll be acquainted the second time." Gao Jie said with a begging smile, "Where do you plan to invite me to eat, I can tell you first, if you go to school Canteen, that’s forgivable, at least you have to go to a big restaurant or a big hotel outside to make such a payment, otherwise, it’s a very embarrassing thing.”

"The aggressive method is useless to me. Originally, I wanted to go to a big restaurant or a big hotel, but after hearing what you said, I think the school cafeteria is a good choice. Do you want to go?"

"You... don't play the cards according to common sense. I have no grievances with you. Why do you have to fight like this? Are you used to eating in the cafeteria?" Gao Jie said angrily.

"Is there anything I'm not used to, I think the cafeteria is ok than many restaurants outside, besides, it's been a few years, if you don't go, please go there." Chen Kangjie turned and walked towards the third cafeteria, By the way, he let go of Gao Jie's hand on his shoulder.

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