rebirth of change

Chapter 2312 Economic factors are fundamental

Chapter 2312 Economic factors are fundamental

"Long, hello, do you know, I like you so much, I grew up reading your books, listening to your music, watching your movies and games, when I am happy, it is you Stay with me, you are also with me when I am sad and painful. It can be said that in my life, you are the person I will never forget. I am very very curious, you have never been educated in a professional school Professional music education, and I haven't lived abroad for a long time, but why can your creative style and taste suit their tastes so well?" Vice President Xu ordered another innocent girl with two braids.

"Hehehe, when I heard you say that, I seemed to feel old all of a sudden... I rarely heard my peers say that they grew up listening to my music or watching my movies. People say years It's a butcher's knife, it makes people grow old, now I think your words are no less powerful than a butcher's knife, you will kill me as soon as you speak..." Chen Kangjie answered first That sentence made everyone laugh.

This is full of calculations, Chen Kangjie is only 22 years old so far, this age happens to be the school age of ordinary college students.However, a college student said something like that, how could it not be interesting.

"Your words, there is one thing I want to modify. It may not be appropriate, but I still think it is necessary. In a person's life, I think the most unforgettable thing is one's parents. It is parents who gave us precious life, It is also the parents who have worked hard to raise us and educate us. Therefore, no matter how much other people deserve to be liked and respected, they will never be able to take the place that parents should have.”

"Now I'm going back to your question. It's true that I don't have professional music education, but that doesn't mean I don't have a music teacher. I believe you all know or have heard of my first music teacher. She is He Wanrong Xiaojie, the queen of the song, was my music teacher when I was in primary school..."

"Wow... Wow..." There was a burst of exclamation, this was the first time outsiders heard Chen Kangjie's intimate relationship with He Wanrong from Chen Kangjie's mouth.

Now many people in the mainland regard He Wanrong as a Hong Kong person. Even if they attend some events, when introducing her, they still refer to her as a queen from Hong Kong.

So when Chen Kangjie said this, there was an uproar, especially those fans who also liked He Wanrong.This is equivalent to spying on a history unknown to them.

"Miss He Wanrong graduated from a music major. Besides her, I have several music teachers who are all top international music producers. As for the popularity of my works abroad, I don't think it can be related to whether I am abroad or not. I have lived for a long time to draw an equal sign. I believe that there must be many people here who like Michael Jackson, Sarah Brightman, etc., and they have never lived in China, and they have not even been to our country. Here, however, they are still so popular. Art has style, but it has no national boundaries. The only difference between me and them may be that I have a better ability to master foreign languages. I know a few more foreign languages ​​than them. We will We know that Chinese is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn today, it is too complicated, too broad and profound for them to learn, so we have to understand.” Chen Kangjie and others calmed down their surprise, and continued to use his exquisite heart and eloquent mouth to say.

The next opportunity, Vice President Xu gave a young teacher of their school.

Maybe the teacher's thinking and vision should be broader. The young teacher's questions are similar to those asked by Chen Kangjie in the film school. They are all macro issues and are related to the economy.

"Long, hello, although I am a few years older than you, I also want to say that your works have accompanied me for many years. I admire your talent very much. Some people say that you are a genius, and some people describe you as a genius. You are a ghost, and I think you are almost an all-rounder. You are the most successful Chinese artist to enter the world market, but we have to admit with regret that you are also the only one. What I want to ask now is, what should we do? When will a large number of artists or art workers be accepted by the world, especially the West? We know that you majored in economics, so is it easier to answer this question from an economic point of view?"

"Thank you for the teacher's compliment to me. How can I be considered an all-rounder? My ruler is short and my inch is strong. As far as the scope of music is concerned, I hardly know any musical instruments." As long as I can Modesty, Chen Kangjie will try his best to show his humility instead of being complacent.

"As for your question, when will our country's artists enter the Western market in batches? This question must be explained from an economic point of view. The economy itself is also the root of this problem. In order to understand this question well, let us first Leaving cultural factors aside, let me give two examples where there are only economic influences but no cultural factors. In the early days of our reform and opening up, that is, at the beginning of the 80s, where did most of the TV series and movies we chased come from? Bao Taiwan and Hong Kong, where the popular songs we hear most often come from Taiwan and Hong Kong. At that time, almost all the idols we remembered came from these two places, even our mainland artists He and the common people all imitate others in terms of clothing and hairstyles. We have no cultural barriers with these two places, right? But at that time, our economic level was very different from theirs. Because we yearn for their material life, together with Yes, we are also very attracted to their cultural life. Material life must have cultural extension, just like young people like hamburgers and Coke, these things are material, but they represent Western fast food culture. Until the second At the end of the tenth century and now, in the entire entertainment industry, whether it is movies, TV or music, the mainstream that influences us is still Taiwan and Hong Kong..."

"...But we also have to discover a phenomenon, that is, the influence of these two places on us is not increasing, but weakening. Why? It is nothing more than the fact that our economy has been developing at a high speed over the years, and the people's Income has been increasing. From a business point of view, when people earn more, a series of industries will naturally be born, and the entertainment industry is naturally one of them. Therefore, we are seeing more and more domestic For big stars, more and more companies are willing to invest money in their packaging. I believe that when this trend continues, we will achieve an overtake in this area before long. Their movies and music works are very important We will no longer be a novelty, especially when we can spend hundreds of millions to shoot a movie, and spend tens of millions to make a record, we actually already have an advantage in the situation. At that time, maybe our artists are more popular, and our works are more popular..."

"...So far, our study of the West actually includes all aspects, economic management, laws and regulations, science and technology, architectural planning, urban management, cultural creation, and even military and political systems. They are all learning and learning. Fundamentally speaking, we are willing to learn because other people are more developed than us, the economy is more prosperous than us, and the people are richer than us. Use the same method to achieve all that. Therefore, if we want to export culture and art in batches, we can only wait for our economic level to stand up, only when others are curious about us and willing to learn from us. At that time, our culture and art Will follow the economy and technology to go out. Culture is an additional part. Wasn’t English a compulsory course after Chinese and mathematics when we were in middle school? Only when we are strong, others are willing to learn Chinese spontaneously. Then we have the opportunity to export culture. During the Tang Dynasty, we exported culture and art in large quantities to the surrounding areas. Japan sent envoys to Tang Dynasty in batches to come to us and learn all kinds of things from us. Because we are strong and prosperous..."

"Through your question, I thought of a sentence that we often say that what belongs to the nation belongs to the world. Maybe we have always thought that this sentence is correct in our minds. However, why do many of us have special Is the national culture or skill constantly disappearing? Have you ever thought about this question in reverse? For example, many people liked to listen to storytelling in the past, how many people still like it now? Ten years later, how many people do they think there will be? If we don’t like to hear it anymore, do you think Westerners and Africans like it more than us? I admit that purely ethnic things are easy to make people curious and surprised, but they must be liked To pass it on, we must keep pace with the times. This is not an artificial factor, but an objective influence of the overall environment of the market economy. If our culture and art want to go out in batches, we must also pay attention to this point. It is necessary to maintain its own characteristics, but it cannot escape the constraints of the trend."

"Okay, time is of the essence, let's let a classmate speak at the end, which classmate?" Chen Kangjie didn't show any impatience, but Deputy Secretary Xu also had to master something, and it was impossible to waste it endlessly.

This time, Deputy Secretary Xu gave the opportunity to an overseas student from Southeast Asia.

"Long, hello, I'm Maggie from Siam. When I came to China, I dreamed of seeing you. I also went to Qianzhou, but I returned empty-handed. I finally saw you in front of me today. I am extremely excited..." This beautiful girl with big eyes and long hair from Siam was so excited that she almost shed tears when she got this opportunity.

"Thank you, you are welcome to study in China. I hope you come because the culture here is attractive to you, not me. You will get a lot of rewards if you come because of the culture. If it is because of me, I'm afraid You will get nothing." Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

On the one hand, Chen Kangjie was consoling, and on the other hand, he was also persuading.From his point of view, it is more decent and generous to say this.

Maggie calmed down: "But in my opinion, you are very representative of Chinese culture. I saw in the media that you attended events in the United States and wore very stylish Chinese tunic suits. Your clothes , in line with the point of view you just said about being in line with the trend. I saw some elderly people in Beijing also wear Chinese tunic suits, but their Chinese tunic suits are not as good-looking and fashionable as yours. As a foreigner, I can’t accept their clothes. However, I think the one you wear looks very good. In Siam, some students even imitate you and find places to make clothes like yours..."

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