rebirth of change

Chapter 2313 How to Create a New Idol

Chapter 2313 How to Create a New Idol

"...I'm sorry, I said a lot...I forgot what I wanted to ask you..." This Maggie is really interesting, talking , she scratched her head and got stuck.

"It doesn't matter, I feel honored to hear so much from you, and I also gain something from it." Chen Kangjie couldn't help smiling, and said gently and politely.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen for being able to come to our conservatory of music, and thank him for bringing us so many novel viewpoints and knowledge. The female student didn't ask any questions just now, which gave me a wish to fulfill for her. I I have a curious question I want to ask, I wonder if I can?" I thought it was over, but Deputy Secretary Xu popped up with a question to ask.

"Dean Xu, please tell me, I know everything. It is my honor that you are not ashamed to ask." Chen Kangjie bowed and said.

At any rate, he is the school leader, and he is 30 years older than Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie should at least show respect in terms of politeness.

"Don't dare to be, dare not be, my own expertise is not in the field of music, but I also like pop music, what I want to ask is, apart from the popular stars of the 80s and 90s, among young people, there is no There is no iconic idol, of course, I am talking about excluding you, you belong to the world class. Back to the question, what should these young people who want to step into the music circle do, so that they can become What about the trend-setting idol? Could it be that he copied a certain form of Western music?" Vice President Xu was very polite, and his question didn't seem to fit his identity, it seemed that he was asking it for others .

"Thank you Dean Xu. I believe that many of the students in the audience will step into the pop music circle in the future. Do you also care about the question that Dean Xu asked?"

"Yes... I really want to know..." The tsunami from the audience responded immediately.

Who is Chen Kangjie?He is a king-level figure in the pop world. Not only is he world-renowned, but he also seems to be well-versed in both Chinese and Western cultures. It is so rare to get his advice.

If it doesn't work out, follow the path he guided, and a king and queen figure who adapts to the trend will emerge.Of course, everyone wants to seize such an opportunity.The Central Conservatory of Music mainly teaches classical music and modern music. However, among the students who graduate every year, there are definitely not a few who enter the field of commercial music.The dream of becoming famous is rooted in almost every young man's heart. There is no one who studies art who does not want to be famous.

"Okay then, since everyone is interested, let's talk about this topic, but let me state first that my suggestions are for reference only... There is actually no shortcut to the path of learning art Let's go, if you hope to copy a set of things, it will become popular, I personally think it is unlikely, whether it is rap, rock or jazz, if it is really authentic, it will be difficult to be recognized in our soil. accept......"

What Chen Kangjie said is not nonsense, it is supported by practical examples.

Before rebirth, there was a musician from Taiwan who studied in the United States at the end of the 21th century and the beginning of the [-]st century. His parents were also Chinese-American.He discovered at that time that rap was very popular in the United States, and he wanted to copy this path.

At that time, he thought of a way to go back to Treasure Island by himself and fully demonstrate what he learned in the United States.But, unfortunately, he didn't succeed.Regardless of whether he uses Chinese or English, the response is not good, and his performance has not been accepted by the market and the public.It wasn't until later that, driven by others, he adjusted his pace and made some style changes before he was recognized and became a first-line singer.

"Not to mention anything else, let me give you a vivid example. In the north, many people like Sichuan cuisine, right? But I want to say that those Sichuan cuisines are more or less improved. Only in this way can they adapt to the tastes of northerners. Also, in my hometown, many northerners open dumpling shops there, but their characteristics are somewhat different from those in the north. Many southerners are not used to dipping in vinegar alone. " It is said in Yanzi Chunqiu Zaxia No. [-]: Oranges grown in Huainan are oranges, and oranges grown in Huaibei are oranges. The leaves are similar, but the taste is different. So why? The water and soil are also different. Since the environment has changed, things should also have Change accordingly. As with food and fruit, so should art sometimes..."

"Then, should these music styles be introduced? I think so. Since they have vigorous vitality in other countries and more and more young people like them, this echoes the characteristics of fashion and novelty we talk about. , but it must be properly integrated with our local culture, as long as anyone can achieve this, I dare say that it will be difficult for him (she) not to become an iconic idol.”

"Then someone will ask, what kind of combination should we make with our culture? I have three suggestions. First, we can combine Chinese elements, such as traditional melodies with poetic and picturesque lyrics. Some people may I have noticed that the craze for Chinese studies is already on the rise. When pop music and Chinese studies are combined, they will have a very good appeal. When they come together, we may understand the national identity under the cultural weakness, and this This kind of "ethnic identity" has great cohesion, because each single nation has common psychological characteristics. Incorporating a new concept of Chinese style into pop music works is a brand new music experience for the audience. The ingenious fusion of traditional Chinese music and Western music has created a certain musical possibility and can maximize the gap between the two styles of music."

"Second, combine with opera elements. For example, we know that Peking Opera and pop music are not related, each has its own singing style and its own melody, but it is not impossible for them to create sparks. I think it is completely possible to combine The introduction of Beijing opera into popular music, including the soundtrack, singing and costumes, is bound to create a new style of music. It is not only fresh, but also conducive to promoting Peking opera among young people. The artistic characteristics and charm of opera have its commanding heights. After pop music incorporates elements of opera, the popularity of singing is particularly high, and the artistry will also become stronger. The characteristic singing and artistic charm of opera can make songs come alive like the finishing touch, which is endlessly memorable. The elements of opera appearing in popular music are just It is the embodiment of the infinite charm of opera. Of course, whether it is Peking opera or popular music, it must be constantly explored in the development according to the aesthetic and cultural needs of the public, so that it can be passed down and last for a long time."

"Third, combine classical elements. If you add classical connotations to popular music, and use traditional imagery techniques, melancholic and elegant sentiments, and poetic images to create a magnificent classical beauty. Then These songs are not only very helpful to improve people's music appreciation level, but also can promote the development of literature level and exercise people's artistic intuition and perception ability, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of music promotion-improving people's artistic accomplishment. Usually listeners feel that popular music is shallow, vulgar, messy, and lacks poetic beauty, so why not try on the lyrics? Make it more classical and dynamic, so as to satisfy the audience's exquisite, gorgeous, harmonious, and sentimental classical poetry A vision of aesthetic tonality.”

"What I'm talking about is meant to be spread in the Greater China region. These changes in style are not suitable for Western culture. Thank you everyone, that's all I said. If anyone thinks it's wrong, just treat it as nonsense. , Anyway, I’m just a family’s opinion, a family’s opinion.” While everyone was talking about it, Chen Kangjie finally ended his suggestions and opinions.

After the speech and interaction, many people asked to take a photo with Chen Kangjie. However, without Chen Kangjie refusing, Jiao Yufu blocked it for him.Under the obstruction of the staff and security, they left directly from the backstage.

"Oh... It's a relief, it's a relief. It's better to have less activities like this. I feel like a student who is being questioned by the examiner, walking on thin ice." Walking off the stage, Chen Kangjie sighed with relief.

"Mr. Chen, you handled it very well. I see that you are completely handy. No wonder some people say that the same is strong and the other is strong. Let's go to the restaurant and let us express our substantive thanks for your coming." Jiao Yufu Very polite compliments to Chen Kangjie

"Dean Jiao, excuse me, excuse me, I still have something to do, so don't bother me, as long as you don't try to get me here in the future, that is the best thanks, ha ha ha." Accepting the banquet, he didn't intend to accept it at the conservatory.

What's more, Chen Kangjie really has something to do.

Jiao Yufu repeatedly invited, and those school leaders followed suit to persuade him to stay, but Chen Kangjie was still stubborn.Their hospitality made Chen Kangjie a little uncomfortable.

As a last resort, Jiao Yufu and the others had no choice but to send Chen Kangjie to the parking lot. However, after Chen Kangjie got into the car, Jiao Yufu still reluctantly stood by the car door, hesitant to speak.

"Dean Jiao, is there anything else?" Along the way, Chen Kangjie found similar situations several times, but he never asked. Don't ask.

"Hey, it's nothing..." Jiao Yufu smiled awkwardly.

"Dean Jiao, is there really no one?" Chen Kangjie asked again.

"" Jiao Yufu's answer was not straightforward, hesitating unnaturally.

Since people didn't want to talk about it, Chen Kangjie didn't gossip anymore: "Oh, if that's the case, then goodbye, let's drive."

Some things, the more you ask, the less people will say.If you don't ask, maybe the effect will be better.This seems to be the reverse of the appetite, and most people do not have high patience in the face of the appetite.

"Slow down, slow down..." However, just as the car Chen Kangjie was riding in started and the wheels hadn't even made a full turn, Jiao Yufu regretted it again and hurriedly called Chen Kangjie to stop.

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