rebirth of change

Chapter 2325 Evaluation of High Level

Chapter 2325 Evaluation of High Level

As the date of the handover of power drew nearer, Zhao Zhibang became more and more busy, but also more and more careful.

It is understandable to say that he is busy. After all, during this power transfer period, there are too many various things, various people need to meet, and various power balances need to be dealt with. The only thing is to achieve a stable party congress Transition requires a lot of arrangements and coordination.And he also has to learn how to handle work and government affairs with the attitude of a supreme leader.

As for being careful, it is reasonable, after all, the current top leader is Wei Zhonghua, if Zhao Zhibang appears to be too high-profile, then Wei Zhonghua will be unhappy and have thoughts in his heart, it is easy to understand for himself.A person who has held real power for many years, seeing those powers gradually leaving him, will inevitably feel unable to let go, and will inevitably feel disappointed.

Although there should be no major changes in the succession that has been determined for a long time, at this juncture, if Wei Zhonghua wants to play a little trick, it is easy. At least, it is not difficult at all to embarrass and constrain Zhao Zhibang.

When Chen Kangjie entered the palace to meet Zhao Zhibang, he had just received two important officials from ministries and commissions.

As the saying goes, once the emperor and the courtiers, the country's party and government powers are about to change leaders, some people will inevitably have new ideas, especially those cadres who have been unsuccessful in the past, and they will suddenly feel that they have found a big opportunity.For those who want to get closer, Zhao Zhibang can't be too indifferent, too cold will make people feel chilling, whether a leader is really in power, the key is not to see whether there are people who are close to him, if he is the tallest and biggest in name, he is caring If there is no one who works hard, doesn't that mean he is a polished commander?

But for these people, you can't be too enthusiastic, you must grasp the speed well.If they are too enthusiastic, then those people may succeed as villains, and even do some things that affect the overall situation. This is what Zhao Zhibang absolutely does not want to see at present.

"Uncle Zhao, you are really busy. Now that you are busy with so many things, won't you be even more tired next year? You, you should balance work and rest well. The country is so big that you can't finish it all by yourself. Yes." As soon as they met, Chen Kangjie noticed Zhao Zhibang's tired face, so he comforted him.

"You little guy, you are more old-fashioned than me. When you come, I will take a rest and change my mind." Zhao Zhibang came out from behind the desk, sat next to Chen Kangjie, pointed at Chen Kangjie and said with a smile, "I heard that you came to the capital this time to give speeches at the Film Academy and the Music Academy. Did it go well? It should have caused quite a stir, right?"

"It stands to reason that I have little knowledge and a young age. This kind of thing shouldn't have anything to do with me, but who told me to covet fame for a while and accept appointments from two universities? This is not in my position. If you accept it, then I have to perform. This time, I came here to hand in the task. As for whether it is a sensation or not, and whether it goes well or not, it seems that I should not comment on it. Anyway, I was finally able to complete the task, and I am worthy of the two. The good intentions of the school leaders." Chen Kangjie shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Hehe, you are young, so you can't have such slack thoughts. Being able to hire you at least shows that you are competent. I think you complained because you were bleeding in their two schools?" Zhao Zhibang looked at Chen Kangjie rare Said with a relaxed smile.

"Am I that kind of stingy person? I don't care about the many things, but I still care about the little money? Uncle Zhao, you can't judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!" Chen Kangjie said with a very hurt look .

"Hahaha, after a long time, I've become a villain! You little guy is still so unreasonable. And you are still so courageous. People who dare to say that about me are getting less and less. "Zhao Zhibang smiled brightly, and he really didn't mean to be angry, but after all, he was a big man who was about to become the supreme leader. When he said the last sentence, the majesty of Qi naturally overflowed and rushed towards Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie was not affected by Zhao Zhibang's aura. The relationship between them has been more than ten years. It can be said that their friendship no longer belongs to the ordinary category, and their mutual understanding and affection are very deep.In the past ten years, Zhao Zhibang helped Chen Kangjie's family, and Chen Kangjie also benefited Zhao Zhibang to a certain extent.What's more, Chen Kangjie's current age and his status outside the system really don't need to worry too much.

"This shows that I don't treat you as an outsider!"

Chen Kangjie's words full of warmth not only dissolved himself, but also made Zhao Zhibang feel at ease in an instant.

What else in the world is more touching and close than not being treated as an outsider by others.

"Good boy, we are not outsiders." Zhao Zhibang smiled kindly, and was very satisfied with Chen Kangjie's words, "You said before that you have something important to tell me. For your important matter, I have canceled other arrangements today. Yes, I really want to hear, what is the important thing you said?"

Although Zhao Zhibang said that he regarded the meeting with Chen Kangjie as a rest and a change of mind, it is impossible for him to chat with Chen Kangjie forever. Even if he will not have any meetings or interviews today, there are still many documents that need to be read and given instructions. Always a mountain.

"Oh, yes, I'm here to talk to you about 9.11/[-]."

"9.11 Incident? Are you talking about the 9.11 Incident?" Zhao Zhibang was a little puzzled. Usually, such important matters are only discussed among high-level officials, but now Chen Kangjie told him solemnly that he wanted to talk about this matter with him. How could this be possible? To prevent Zhao Zhibang from being dazed, "Oh, I understand. When 9.11 happened, you were in New York, and you were almost dragged into danger. Do you want to talk to me about this?"

"Uncle Zhao, I'm not so ignorant, am I? Although I was there at the time, what I want to talk about is not this, and it has nothing to do with me personally."

"Then you mean..."

"Uncle Zhao, what is your high-level assessment of this matter? I think, it is impossible for you to not have a strategic security assessment for such a big matter?" Chen Kangjie did not express his feelings directly, but first asked Zhao Zhibang a question.

Zhao Zhibang didn't answer Chen Kangjie's question immediately, but looked at Chen Kangjie calmly.

Chen Kangjie did not avoid Zhao Zhibang's gaze, but met his gaze.Chen Kangjie really wanted to know this question, so he couldn't evade it, otherwise, Zhao Zhibang might not have said it.After all, this is a state secret, and Chen Kangjie is not qualified to know it.

After a few seconds, Zhao Zhibang was broken by Chen Kangjie's stubbornness and persistence. From Chen Kangjie's eyes, Zhao Zhibang knew that if he didn't say it, then he might not talk to him.

Originally it was Chen Kangjie who came to see him today, and Zhao Zhibang took the absolute initiative, but because Chen Kangjie was too special, and the things he wanted to talk about were also very special, Zhao Zhibang couldn't pressure Chen Kangjie, unless Chen Kangjie seemed to know or not, Zhao Zhibang would have reserved.

When it comes to state secrets, Chen Kangjie actually knows much more than ordinary people, and he has always been very tight-lipped. So far, there has been no case of leakage. This also makes Zhao Zhibang feel at ease.

"Our assessment is that we can't be sure that this incident was done by al-Qaeda, at least from the information we have so far, we can't fully prove this point." Zhao Zhibang said in a deep voice.

Although it is just a simple sentence, it shows that China is cautious in this matter. It seems that they have not fully adopted the US side's one-sided words.

"Oh? Then didn't you evaluate what forces did it?" Zhao Zhibang's answer also surprised Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie also thought that the top management might believe the rhetoric of the US government. It seems that as a big country, we have our own calm understanding of events related to strategic influence.This is quite gratifying to Chen Kangjie.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't even think about it, as politicians of a big country, how could Zhao Zhibang and the others trust others easily, let alone those politicians in the United States, that's even more wrong.In international politics, all kinds of intrigues and mutual deceptions have emerged endlessly for self-interest, and it is not surprising.Otherwise, why does the country support so many intelligence personnel?Otherwise, would the country still need to establish a security department and train so many experts?

"At present, the information we have is relatively limited, but one thing is certain. Although Al Qaeda has flourished in recent years, it is not so difficult to rely on them to do such a big thing. The United States is not a paper tiger. It is a real tiger. The United States has always had very strict defenses against the mainland, but now it is easy for people to break into it, and it has caused such a large loss of personnel and property. It is really unbelievable. But... whether it is true or not Since the U.S. side has put this protagonist on their heads, it will not be so easy for them to take off this hat." Now that the beginning has been started, Zhao Zhibang no longer shy away from Chen Kangjie , Think of what to say.

"Then how do we assess the major impact this incident will have on the international situation?" Chen Kangjie asked again.

"There will definitely be an impact on the international situation, but it probably won't be as big as many people think. Al Qaeda is nothing more than a violent gang. They don't have their own territory and political power. The United States is trying to find ways to implement a new round of attacks on them. No matter how the United States attacks Al Qaeda, it will not have much fundamental impact on the basic trend of the international situation. At least from the perspective of our country, the direct impact will be Very limited, we have nothing to do with Al Qaeda."

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