While talking, Zhao Zhibang couldn't continue, because he found that Chen Kangjie was shaking his head slightly.

"What? Do you have a different idea about our assessment?" After a pause, Zhao Zhibang turned a corner and asked Chen Kangjie.

"I don't have any ideas about the first half, but I do have objections to the second half." Chen Kangjie said truthfully without being pretentious.

Today, I came here to tell the truth in order to provide Zhao Zhibang and the entire senior management with a new direction of thinking, so Chen Kangjie will not shirk or evade, even if his words may lose face to these big bosses, Chen Kangjie has no choice .

"Any objections? Let's hear it." Zhao Zhibang took a sip of tea, raised his feet, and asked leisurely.

"The reason why I think your opinion in the second half is biased is because you didn't find out the reason in the first half. At present, the fact that the U.S. killed it was done by Al-Qaeda. I believe most people in the world are also like this. After all, the United States is the most powerful country today. However, for those small countries, they can think that, whether it is true or not, they are going to follow the United States anyway. If this is the case, there is no need for them to engage in Know the truth, but we can't do that, we have to figure out the reason, only when the reason is clear, can we really know what the result and impact will be, and in which direction it will develop."

"According to what you said, do you know the reason? Do you know who is the real culprit?" Zhao Zhibang asked with a sullen face.

"No, I don't know either." Chen Kangjie shook his hands in denial, not absolutely sure, Chen Kangjie dared not admit anything.

In Chen Kangjie's role, he could not mislead Zhao Zhibang and the others, let alone make up their minds and make decisions for them.The most suitable way for him is to tell them exactly what he knows, and then they will go to find the truth and make deployments that are more in line with our interests.

"However, I want to make a bold guess, that is, this matter is very likely to be stolen by the US side." Chen Kangjie then said solemnly and firmly.

Although it was a guess, from the tone of his voice, Chen Kangjie was really firm in his opinion.If Chen Kangjie himself was not firm, how could he make Zhao Zhibang and the others think in his direction.

Moreover, in this matter, whether the United States itself is involved or not is the fundamental factor affecting the subsequent development of the period.It can be said that the meaning is completely different between the participation of Americans and the absence of American participation, and the method of operation will be completely different.

"What did you say? The U.S. guards against itself?" Zhao Zhibang was about to reach out for the teacup, but Chen Kangjie's words startled him so much that he almost knocked over the teacup.

"Yes, this is my guess, but I think it is very, very possible." Chen Kangjie nodded abruptly and replied.

"Why do the Americans do this? What good does it do them? That's thousands of lives, and the economic loss is an astronomical figure. Are some of them crazy? How is this possible?" Zhao Zhibang was shocked, looking It turned out that he didn't approve of Chen Kangjie's guess.

It is true that it is difficult for anyone to accept this.If you compare your heart with your heart, it is impossible for someone in China to do this kind of thing. This is not just as simple as treason, it is simply a heinous crime, and the wrath of man and god.Especially today, it is impossible.

"What's the benefit? It's up to you to find the answer yourself. My guess is not just talking about it. Uncle Zhao, don't forget, I was at the scene that day, and what I saw was reported to you through the media and the embassy. Yes, it will be different. I think that as long as the interests are large enough, it is not impossible for those politicians in the United States to participate in this matter." After speaking, Chen Kangjie took out the report from the briefcase beside him Pass it to Zhao Zhibang, "This is the first evidence and the biggest evidence. You may not believe it, but I believe it 100%."

Zhao Zhibang took the report from Chen Kangjie suspiciously, opened it and read it.

Zhao Zhibang was born in science and engineering, and he studied at Shuimu University. Although the report Chen Kangjie handed him was very professional, Zhao Zhibang could basically understand it.

After quickly scanning the report, Zhao Zhibang frowned: "This report is to prove that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center did not collapse due to the impact and burning of planes, right?"

Zhao Zhibang didn't dare to be completely sure of his judgment after reading it. Even if his major was related to civil engineering, it was not a major in architecture after all. To be on the safe side, he still had to ask Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, I entrusted Southern University to do this. They built a model and conducted precise deduction and experiments. The data used here basically have no errors. According to their calculations, the impact of one plane alone And burning, it is impossible to cause two skyscrapers to collapse in such a posture. To do this, you must add the means of blasting. In addition... the opinion I want to tell you is that on the night before 9.11, I once saw with my own eyes some people operating in the World Trade Center, I don’t know who those people are, but it’s a coincidence that those mysterious people have appeared in several blasting floors speculated by Southern University.” In order to strengthen persuasion Chen Kangjie told Zhao Zhibang all his private affairs.

"Why did you see someone working in the World Trade Center the night before? Could it be that you judged that this is the American side's self-stealing because of this?" Zhao Zhibang didn't trust Chen Kangjie's judgment because of it, on the contrary, he was aroused by it. Lots of questions.

"As for how I saw it with my own eyes, I don't believe in the explanation. Anyway, you just believe that I won't lie to you. Apart from this factor, don't you know that there were only fifteen F-15 fighter jets in the United States at that time? ? On 9.11, almost all the combat forces in charge of air security in the United States were sent out. Don’t you wonder about this? There are scientific theoretical arguments and reasonable speculation, so I have reason to believe that the United States is guarding itself. , at least, there are high-level people involved. Otherwise, who can easily do so many things?"

Chen Kangjie's words made Zhao Zhibang fall into deep thought.

When Zhao Zhibang and the others made the assessment, they did not take into account many factors from the US side. This has something to do with the fact that our intelligence capabilities in the US are not as strong as we imagined.

For a long time, although we have always been in a game with the United States, it is impossible for us not to send intelligence personnel to the United States.However, the difference in national strength between the two countries is too great, and the strength of the two countries is also too different, which makes the United States' intelligence spying on us almost ruthless, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.In order to avoid backlash and pressure from the United States, we have always been very careful and restrained in intelligence to the United States, which has caused the two countries to be quite unequal in obtaining intelligence information.Especially in terms of military and political intelligence of the United States, we are currently very weak.

"If it is true as you said, then the matter will be serious. At present, the United States has sent a dual aircraft carrier battle group to the Indian Ocean. Before, we thought they might be a deterrent. We hope that the theologians can hand over bin Laden, the soul of the al-Qaeda organization. At present, it seems that they want to start a new war." After a while, Zhao Zhibang said intently.

"Forcing the theologians to hand over bin Laden? Didn't the theologians say that they would never hand over the leadership of the al-Qaeda organization? A war is inevitable, and the scale of this war is estimated to be not small. "Chen Kangjie has experienced that period, so he made a more radical and precise judgment.

"You mean the war will spread from Afghanistan to the Middle East?" Zhao Zhibang asked eagerly.

"I don't dare to speak nonsense about this. How to make further judgments and evaluations is a matter for your high-level and security departments. The only thing I want to add is, don't be too affected by Operation Desert Storm. If there are really people from the US involved at this time, Then in terms of time, it may not be as quick as Operation Desert Storm. If the war lasts for three, five, or even ten years, will the impact be different?" Even if Chen Kangjie didn't want to reveal too much There are many "secrets", but I still can't help but induce more.

The Desert Storm operation back then was very short-lived. If the high-level officials felt that even if there was a war, it would end in a short time, then the deviation would be not small.

"Yes, it is easy to bring down a regime, but it is difficult to stabilize a region." Zhao Zhibang nodded in agreement with Chen Kangjie's statement, "Xiaojie, what you said is very important, so let's go, I will take you to see Comrade Zhonghua, Tell him your judgment."

At present, Wei Zhonghua is in charge of the decision on national security and strategic direction. For such a big matter, from Zhao Zhibang's point of view, he should report to Wei Zhonghua as soon as possible, so that he has a psychological preparation and arranges for us. possible countermeasures.

"Uncle Zhao, I will not participate in the report to Uncle Wei. You should go by yourself. I will tell you this as soon as possible. I just hope you can take countermeasures. After all, it will be you in a short time." I'm in charge." Chen Kangjie politely rejected Zhao Zhibang's request.

Zhao Zhibang looked at Chen Kangjie eagerly, his eyes were full of emotion.He understood that this was equivalent to Chen Kangjie giving him the credit. At this juncture, if he could make a correct strategic judgment on this matter, it would be of great benefit to his prestige.

As for Chen Kangjie not going, how Zhao Zhibang would modify the wording to report to Wei Zhonghua, or even bring it up in the high-level meeting, was his business, and this would not be able to stop him.

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