rebirth of change

Chapter 2343 There is a big move

Chapter 2343 There is a big move

"My young master, you brought me from Hong Kong. Is there something you want me to do? Are you making a big move?" Fan Wenxuan sat opposite Chen Kangjie, feeling very confused and full of doubts.

Fan Wenxuan was the president of Feiyang Entertainment Company, and Chen Kangjie was an artist of Feiyang Entertainment Company. It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie should be respectful to Fan Wenxuan. However, in front of Chen Kangjie, Fan Wenxuan dared not assume a leadership posture.

On the one hand, Chen Kangjie is the cash cow of Feiyang Entertainment Company. Whether it is records, movies, or commercials, Feiyang Entertainment has obtained huge benefits from Chen Kangjie.It can be said that Chen Kangjie is the treasure of Feiyang Entertainment Company, he is a banner, many promising artists come to Feiyang Entertainment, they all come for Chen Kangjie.

On the other hand, judging from Chen Kangjie's various behaviors, even if no one told Fan Wenxuan clearly, Fan Wenxuan already had his own feelings.Whether in front of Dong Siying or Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie naturally showed the attitude of a superior.Of course, Dong Siying, as a relative, also told Fan Wenxuan some of his guesses and feelings, that is, Chen Kangjie might be their last real boss.This speculation has never been confirmed by Ouyang Zhenhua, but many side behaviors seem to prove this point.

Another point is that Chen Kangjie is also the prince of the governor, and he belongs to the yamen type.Few people in society would dare to mess with this kind of high-ranking official's son.

Based on these reasons, Fan Wenxuan respected Chen Kangjie very much. Even though sometimes she wanted to level the relationship as a friend, in the bottom of her heart, she regarded Chen Kangjie as a superior who could not be offended.

Over the years, although Chen Kangjie has made remarkable achievements, and the release of each work is an amazing thing, but from the perspective of a professional artist, he is not very productive.

I hardly participate in commercial activities, and there is not much advertising business. I have one album every year or two, and only one movie every year or two.Moreover, Fan Wenxuan never dared to arrange a job for him. Basically, Chen Kangjie could do whatever he wanted, and Chen Kangjie gave Fan Wenxuan the feeling that he was playing games.

As the president of Feiyang Entertainment Company, doesn't Fan Wenxuan not want Chen Kangjie to devote himself desperately?Of course he wanted to, he wished that Chen Kangjie would spend all day making movies or writing songs, and he wished that Chen Kangjie would participate in more public activities. Whether it was for him personally or for the company, it would be of no harm to him.

However, Fan Wenxuan was just hoping, he could not give instructions, let alone give orders.

Originally, Fan Wenxuan was planning a large-scale event in Hong Kong, but after a phone call from Chen Kangjie, she was called to Zhucheng.Therefore, as soon as they met, Fan Wenxuan wanted to test and stimulate Chen Kangjie, and she was able to say it in an expectant tone and tone.

"It can also be said that I used to be too casual, but in the next year or two, I hope to concentrate on doing something, but I need Sister Fan's full support." Looking at the emerald green lake in the distance , Chen Kangjie said.

The meeting between Chen Kangjie and Fan Wenxuan was not arranged in the office of the New World Center, but in his lakeside villa.No matter what others think or guess, Chen Kangjie still won't reveal his big boss side for the time being.

"You want to focus on something? Is it the launch of the work?"

"It can be said that it is." Chen Kangjie nodded.

"If this is the case, let alone full support, it is no problem for the whole company to revolve around you. Alas, alas, long, what are you going to do? You may know that too many people are new to you. I am full of [-]% expectations!" Unable to restrain the joy and excitement in her heart, Fan Wenxuan stood up from her chair and said dancing.

"I have some ideas here, you can take a look, if possible, form a few teams for me as soon as possible." Chen Kangjie pushed several printed materials in front of Fan Wenxuan.

Looking at the thick documents, Fan Wenxuan's heart skipped a beat. From those documents, it can be seen that Chen Kangjie is really going to start work intensively, otherwise it would be very difficult for a movie or a TV series. There will be such a thick material.

Since he has to concentrate on finishing some things that should be done but have not yet been done, Chen Kangjie will of course have some preparations. He can't call Fan Wenxuan and just give her a few words, that would be too childish and disrespectful .

With excitement, Fan Wenxuan opened those materials one by one. There were movie scripts, album outlines, and even an idea that she didn't know whether to call it a musical or a movie.All in all, there are many types and huge quantities, and even Chen Kangjie plans to create TV shows and hold concerts.

Seeing so many work arrangements, Fan Wenxuan was really ecstatic.If Chen Kangjie really puts his energy into doing these things, the money will definitely flow in. Moreover, the development of Feiyang Entertainment will usher in a heyday of super-high-speed development.

However, when the passion rushed to the top of her head, Fan Wenxuan became confused and suspicious again: "Jie Shao, are you serious? With so much work, can you complete it? If you do all these well, it will take a few years. No way."

"Do you think I'm joking with you? I'm not sure how long it will take to finish, but I will do my best to finish them well. In my opinion, the one that takes the most effort and time should be It is my greatest test to present our ancient and splendid history through film and music," Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

Chen Kangjie wants to do some creative things, but this does not mean that he will give up if he can borrow them off the shelf.For example, the movie script, which he published many years ago.Since the whole world is regarded as his idea, why waste it?

Among the things that Chen Kangjie has to do, the most innovative and challenging thing for Chen Kangjie is how to condense the history of a dynasty and the splendid culture into a few 10-minute film.Chen Kangjie intends to condense the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties by means of film and music stories.If he really does this well, then he will really be a great artist, and he will make outstanding historical contributions to promoting Chinese culture to the world.

Chen Kangjie's idea is also inspired by Michael Jackson. His mtv is to use the technique of film to express the music story, or express the film story through music.Watching Michael Jackson's mtv is not only an auditory enjoyment, but also a visual enjoyment, and even if you don't understand the language, you can still understand the strange stories in it.

It's just that what Chen Kangjie wants to do this time is more ambitious and ambitious than what Michael Jackson once did.

Chen Kangjie is sometimes arrogant, but he is not completely arrogant, he also knows his own weight, so he needs a very professional and huge team to help him and assist him.This requires the support and cooperation of Fan Wenxuan.Otherwise, Chen Kangjie would be exhausted alone, and he would be alone.

Out of blind faith in Chen Kangjie, Fan Wenxuan didn't even think about whether those things would win the market and praise.In Fan Wenxuan's view, as long as Chen Kangjie made something, there would be nothing unpopular. He is the benchmark of success, and he is the myth of invincibility.Whether it's in the stadium or in music, film, literature, etc., this has been proven time and time again.

"Long, don't worry, as long as you really want to do it, I will definitely help you build the most professional team in the world. No matter what the field's top experts and experts, I can help you find them to cooperate with you. People give money to people, just for the surprises you can bring to the world." Fan Wenxuan said boldly, patting her chest.

Fan Wenxuan was not afraid of trouble, let alone not being able to find someone. On the contrary, she was afraid that Chen Kangjie would not want to do it.She believes that Chen Kangjie's talent and global influence, coupled with Feiyang Entertainment's huge promotional resources, will definitely create an extraordinary generation.

"That's good. After you go back, you should hurry up and prepare. I be on the safe side, let's make a movie or two first. I still need some time to conceive the part of our history and culture in detail, of course. In this regard, I need the cooperation of some professional historians, playwrights, folklorists, and even architects, special effects artists, computer experts and other professionals. This must be prepared in advance. In terms of capital budget, we must Prepare in advance, I don't know how much I will invest in each film, anyway, if I want to break out of the world, I guess I need a huge amount of money to support it." Chen Kangjie said while rubbing his neck.

"I promise that there will be no problem, leave it to me. However, Liu Deyi may seem a little weak all by himself, since you have to undertake such a heavy workload. How about I form a team of assistants for you?" Fan Wenxuan was very excited Hurry up, he understands that once Chen Kangjie is so busy, Liu Deyi will not be able to keep up with it.

A good assistant is a right-hand man.Chen Kangjie wanted to do big things, if he was hindered by the lack of assistants, Fan Wenxuan would not want to see it.

In Fan Wenxuan's eyes, in order to support Chen Kangjie, she would not hesitate to move her secretary assistant and other people's managers over.

As she said, in order to cooperate with Chen Kangjie, the entire company can focus on making money around him.

"This... You and Liu Deyi can discuss it. However, although I will occupy a large part of the company's resources during this period, I don't want the company's other normal businesses to be affected, and I don't want I blocked the development path of other artists. If there are not enough people, just recruit some people, and the big deal is to increase some expenses."

"Don't worry, you will not hinder and block other people's development, on the contrary, they will also use you to obtain excellent opportunities for advancement. Whether you are making movies, holding concerts or engaging in TV shows, you always need some actors. Ah, singers, these things, doesn't this mean that their opportunity has come, hehehe, don't worry, I will arrange it." Now Fan Wenxuan, all problems are not problems, she is full of confidence.

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