rebirth of change

Chapter 2344 Binzi is here

Chapter 2344

After determining the general direction and goals, Chen Kangjie and many people from Feiyang Entertainment entered the busiest stage.Many international professional teams have been established one after another.

Those who can cooperate with Chen Kangjie are definitely not second-rate or third-rate personnel. His team includes the top professionals from the mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, and Hollywood. In the early stage, Feiyang Entertainment prepared 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in funds, and, Fan Wen Xuan is still raising funds.

Of course, the team members who have worked with Chen Kangjie for a long time are indispensable, such as jeff casey, safta jafery, Jedika, Roffman, Deborah Lynn Scott, Su Jiaming and so on.

In order to facilitate the work, Feiyang Entertainment established a coordinating team in Zhucheng, and set up various types of teams in Hong Kong and the United States. support.

On this day, Liu Deyi brought the coordinating team members to meet with Chen Kangjie.Including Liu Deyi, there are seven people in this team, two of them are Fan Wenxuan's assistants.For Chen Kangjie's great cause, Fan Wenxuan also went all out.Liu Deyi has also changed from a simple assistant to a leader who dominates six people.

Chen Kangjie was very satisfied with the team members that Fan Wenxuan had assembled for him. This was equivalent to changing Chen Kangjie's assistant from one person to seven people. Each of them was young, capable, and talented.Moreover, among the seven people, two of them still have western faces.

"Your name is Whitney, and you're American?" Chen Kangjie asked, pointing to a slender, tall blonde beauty among the six people.

Since Liu Deyi was standing on the side of Chen Kangjie, there were only six people opposite him.

"Yes, Long, I'm an American and graduated from Yale University." Whitney replied very concisely.

Don't look at Whitney showing a very capable and mature side in front of Chen Kangjie. In fact, since meeting Chen Kangjie until now, her little heart has never calmed down.

"Graduated from Yale, I don't understand. Since he is a top student of Yale University, how could he come to me to be a small employee?" Chen Kangjie asked, turning the pen in his hand.

Students who graduate from Yale University often engage in respected and high-paying professions such as law or politics in the United States. As one of the best universities in the world, graduates from Yale University often do not find jobs. And, the positions they get are often the best.

The salary of Chen Kangjie's assistant is actually very competitive, but in Chen Kangjie's view, very few Yale graduates are willing to do this job.

"Because of the professional counterpart, I graduated from the Conservatory of Music." Whitney replied.

"Yale University also has a conservatory?" Chen Kangjie knew that Yale University was most famous for its law school, but he really didn't know that this Ivy League university also had a conservatory.

"Hehe, yes, and with a master's degree and a doctorate degree." Whitney chuckled shyly.

"Ahem, hehe, I'm sorry, please forgive my ignorance." It's good that Whitney didn't smile, but when he smiled, Chen Kangjie was a little embarrassed.

"Boss, Whitney just graduated. The Miramax company he applied for was recommended by Miramax this time." In order to relieve Chen Kangjie's embarrassment, Liu Deyi changed the subject and explained.

As the leader, Liu Deyi, of course, knew about his subordinates in advance.

However, Liu Deyi's understanding is only from their resumes and recommendation reports, and he doesn't know the background of each of them very clearly.

"Oh, ok, ok, welcome to join."

"Thank you boss, I will definitely work hard." Whitney said after staring at Chen Kangjie shyly.

When they met for the first time, Chen Kangjie just got to know them, learned about their situation and specialties, and laid the foundation for close cooperation in the future.After Chen Kangjie asked some other people about their situation, these people were officially recognized, led and arranged by Liu Deyi.

After meeting with the staff closest to him, Chen Kangjie wrote vigorously and devoted himself to his work.After a while, Liu Deyi left and returned, standing in front of Chen Kangjie as if he had something to say.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Chen Kangjie raised his head and glanced at Liu Deyi.

"Boss, do you still remember the meeting you held in Japan?" Liu Deyi asked.

"Remember, it was organized by Long Japan, what happened?" Chen Kangjie's memory is so good, how could he forget it so quickly.

"Miss Binzi from Long Japan is here. She called me many times, and I declined for you with various excuses...Who would have imagined that he came to build the city, and just now gave me I called." As Chen Kangjie's assistant, Liu Deyi took on the important function of helping Chen Kangjie refuse the outside world, but this time, he couldn't stop him, so he had no choice but to find Chen Kangjie.

This Binzi was really persistent, calling again and again, and the most troublesome thing was that she and Chen Kangjie met inappropriately, and Chen Kangjie seemed to have a good impression of that Binzi.So Liu Deyi felt that it was best to report to Chen Kangjie, so as not to offend the boss by being a bad person blindly.

"She is not staying in Japan, what is she doing here to build the city?" Chen Kangjie frowned all of a sudden.

Although Chen Kangjie had a good impression of that Binzi, and it was indeed not easy for a member of the royal family to rush around for his affairs.However, deep down, Chen Kangjie has always had a deep-rooted prejudice against the Japanese.

"Of course I came to see you. If you don't want to see her, I'll continue to help you refuse." Seeing Chen Kangjie frowning, Liu Deyi thought that he had done something wrong, and quickly found an excuse to make up for it.

"This...forget it, I can't be too unreasonable because she came from thousands of miles away. In this way, you can arrange for me to meet her." Chen Kangjie hesitated for a while, but in the end he was not too unfeeling .

No matter what people say, she is also a princess of the royal family, plus she has some friendship, Chen Kangjie can't help but be ruthless.

If ordinary people want to meet a friend, they can just find a restaurant or coffee bar, but Chen Kangjie can't be so hasty when he wants to meet people, especially someone who knows him well.

After racking his brains, Liu Deyi arranged for the meeting place with Binzi to be in Lakeside Park.

The lakeside park is far away from the urban area, the environment is quiet, and it is close to Chen Kangjie's lakeside villa. Whether it is chatting outside or having a drink in the villa, it will be convenient and private.What's more, Chen Kangjie currently arranged for them to work in the lakeside villa area.

In order to facilitate work and take care of their lives, Chen Kangjie took the three villas in the lakeside villa area for his own use, and Liu Deyi and the others lived and worked in those three villas.

This lakeside villa area originally belonged to Chen Kangjie, except for some executives living in it, it was not sold to the outside world.With such an excellent environment and location, Chen Kangjie didn't intend to let people with mixed fish and dragons outside get involved.Although the lakeside park is open for free, it is precisely because of this reason that there are not so many tourists here, especially on weekdays.

In the evening, with his hands behind his back, Chen Kangjie strolled to the meeting place that Liu Deyi had arranged for him. From a long distance away, he saw a girl in a white dress and a windbreaker standing on a viewing platform on the lake in the distance.

The lake breeze blows, and the girl's shawl hair flutters in the wind.

Walking on the wooden paved trail, there will be no loud noises. In addition, the girl may be silent in the beautiful lake and mountains, and did not notice Chen Kangjie's approach.

"Miss Binzi, is this place beautiful?" Chen Kangjie greeted with a smile when he came to a distance of four or five meters.

"Ah! Long, you're here. I'm so sorry, I was distracted for a while." Binzi recovered from the shock, and hurriedly bowed and apologized to Chen Kangjie.

In terms of etiquette, the Japanese are really a model for the world, and they are always very concerned about everything.

However, Chen Kangjie did not bow in return. Since he is in China, there is no need to follow their Japanese rules. Although these etiquettes have been passed down from the great China thousands of years ago, after all, China is no longer particular about it. .

Chen Kangjie waved his hand casually: "I'm the one who's sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, which makes me look a bit rude."

Binzi raised his head, looked at Chen Kangjie shyly, and bowed again: "It's none of your business, I want to see you myself, I came early, you are not late, please don't blame yourself."

Chen Kangjie was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing, do I blame myself?I was just being polite, but she actually took it seriously.

"Miss Binzi, please sit down, I really didn't expect to see you here, why did you come to Zhucheng?" Chen Kangjie invited Binzi to sit on the rest chair, and the two of them just looked at Bibo through the wooden railing The rippling lake.

"I...I want to see you, so I came here..." Binzi replied with some embarrassment while pinching the corner of the windbreaker.

"This... didn't we just meet in Japan? Miss Binzi, I think you should go back to Japan as soon as possible..." Dazed, Chen Kangjie felt a little lost Say something.

At first, Chen Kangjie thought that Binzi just wanted to meet his idol, but from his tone and her expression, it seemed that it was not the case, and Chen Kangjie scratched his head a little.

This Binzi obviously came here for love, no matter how stupid Chen Kangjie was, he could see it.Although he also knows that there are countless people who like him all over the world, but there are really very few people who are able to come so bravely and tell them in person, which makes Chen Kangjie a little unsure how to deal with it .

If there was such a beautiful girl who fell in love with him before rebirth, he didn't know what it would be like, and if he didn't make it, he would already have her in his arms now.But now his identity is different, so of course he has to pay attention everywhere.

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