Chapter 2352

"I really don't know about this. I'm usually not responsible for this matter." Qu Hanbin on the other end of the phone shook his head.

A municipal party secretary is so busy. In a city with millions of people, almost everything is related to him, so it is impossible for him to understand everything in detail. For a top leader, the key is to grasp the general direction.Therefore, it is normal for Qu Hanbin not to know the cost of a city's brand promotion. This is usually the responsibility of the Propaganda Department, not to mention that it is global, so he doesn't know. He has never done similar things before building the city.

"Then Secretary Qu, why did you think of calling me to discuss this matter? You are unlikely to follow entertainment gossip news at any time, right?" Qu Hanbin didn't understand, so Chen Kangjie urged him to figure it out.

"This is what the Propaganda Department reported to me. I thought about it, you are such a famous person, and your influence has spread all over the world. If you are going to perform on stage, of course we must actively fight for it. It is very beneficial to increase the popularity of Zhucheng. Now that I know you, I will of course give you a call first." Qu Hanbin said honestly.

"Then since it was reported to you by the Propaganda Department, they should know the cost. You can ask them. Secretary Qu, logically speaking, you called me, and I have to give you this face, but... ... After all, this is a commercial performance, a normal economic and cultural activity. We have arranged ten performances in China, with such a small number, in principle, there will not be two cities in one province." Chen Kangjie said around the corner .

"We don't have two cities. Of course, Qianzhou Province has to choose to build a city. Hehe, the provincial capital of your hometown, you will not be friendly enough to leave it alone? The conditions for building a city are undoubtedly the best, hahaha, There is no other choice." Qu Hanbin still feels a bit out of line, his self-confidence is not unreasonable, but the problem is that Chen Kangjie will not follow the route he drew now.

"But Secretary Qiu Yi has already called me in advance, and I have already agreed."

"Qiu Yi called you? Did you agree? How could he be so unkind and preemptive? He just didn't follow the rules, stealing the business from him." Hearing that Chen Kangjie had agreed to Qiu Yi, Qu Hanbin became impatient. .

Although Qu Hanbin is in charge of the provincial capital, he, like Qiu Yi, is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee at the sub-provincial level. From this perspective, they are the same.And if Chen Kangjie's matter was held in Liushuipan, but the building of the city failed, wouldn't it appear that Qu Hanbin was inferior to Qiu Yi?This was something Qu Hanbin could not agree to anyway.

Back then, when Qu Hanbin was the mayor of Shun'an, Qiu Yi was only the deputy mayor of Liushuipan. Now, Qu Hanbin has become a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee and Secretary of the Zhucheng Committee, and Qiu Yi has also become a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of the Liushuipan Committee. The secretary of the municipal party committee, whether in terms of real power or rank, Qiu Yi has equaled him.Of course Qu Hanbin couldn't accept another loss to Qiu Yi.

There are also capable people in the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. When they reported to Qu Hanbin, they had already regarded this matter as one of their major political achievements.Ordinary people's concerts cannot be an indicator of political performance, but Chen Kangjie's performance, not to mention that fans from all over the country and even the world will flock to it, and the media gods will not let this kind of event go.Their prediction is that its influence and publicity effect will not only be in the country, but the shock wave will extend to countries all over the world.Therefore, as long as they can catch Chen Kangjie's concert, it is equivalent to getting an opportunity to promote and expand their popularity and reputation. If the "Long's Hometown" card is played well, it will be a good thing for both fame and fortune.

"Secretary Qu, why can't Secretary Qiu call me first? Why can't I agree? Isn't this a bit unreasonable?" Chen Kangjie snickered as he succeeded in trickery, but he couldn't show it.

"How much sponsorship fee did they pay? If they can afford it, we can afford it too. No, we will add 50.00%." ​​Before Qiu Yi was mentioned, Qu Hanbin was not very eye-catching. When Qiu Yi was mentioned on the phone, He just went above and beyond.

"This...hehe, don't say it, don't say it, it belongs to the category of commercial secrets, we have to be honest as human beings, and we can't disclose it casually." Chen Kangjie said with a sinister smile.

"Xiaojie, we have known each other for many years. Governor Chen and I also have some friendship. Can't you accommodate me a bit and help me with face? Think about it, if you held the event at Liushuipan But not here in the provincial capital, my face...where should I put it?" If Chen Kangjie couldn't get it out of the way, Qu Hanbin simply followed Qiu Yi's example and played the relationship card.

"This...that's true, you will indeed be embarrassed." Chen Kangjie said hesitantly.

"That's right, so, Xiaojie, see if you can cancel the side of Liushuipan and move it to Zhucheng. Zhucheng is the provincial capital and the center of the whole province. The radiation surface can also affect Liushuipan. Well, as for the cost, don't worry, as long as you agree to make an offer, we will never counter-offer, how about it?" For the sake of face and political achievements, Qu Hanbin really went all out.

Most domestic officials have a problem, that is, they are not afraid to spend money as long as it is for political achievements. Anyway, they use public money, and they don't take it out of their own pockets.

"Secretary Qu, am I the kind of person who sees money with open eyes? Am I the kind who only recognizes money?" Chen Kangjie seemed to be a little upset by being stimulated.

"No, of course not, I, I, I'm just eager." Qu Hanbin hastily denied.

Qu Hanbin doesn't know the real details of Chen Kangjie, but he still knows about the Chen family's siblings. The eldest, the second and the third are all big bosses, with a net worth of over [-] million, and even if Chen Kangjie is not in business, he is still a rich man, let alone him It can also affect a large consortium like Hongyuan Investment.It really seems a bit low-level to spend money unilaterally.

"Come on, Secretary Qu, it's impossible for me to cancel that side. I can't do that kind of thing without credit and principle. But, since you have found me, I can't help you. How about this, I can agree to increase the city of Zhucheng. In order to highlight the status of Zhucheng as the provincial capital, there may even be two games. However, for specific cooperation matters, let the city government discuss with Feiyang Entertainment Company. After all, the specific You and I are not responsible for the matter, do you think this is good?" After taking the initiative in the conversation, Chen Kangjie simply led the line to Fan Wenxuan.

Although most people in the country like to kill acquaintances, Chen Kangjie is still a little bit unable to kill Qu Hanbin directly.In this case, let Fan Wenxuan do it. I believe that Fan Wenxuan, who has been in business for many years, will definitely be able to do it properly as long as she has a thorough understanding.

"Okay, okay, no problem, Xiaojie, thank you very much. If you need help with anything in the future, just call me, and I promise not to make any discounts." Finally, I got the desired result Qu Hanbin is of course happy.

Although Liushuipan was not squeezed out, if two games were held in Zhucheng, it would be better in terms of face, at least the superiority of the provincial capital was highlighted.As for the funding issue, Qu Hanbin didn't think about it at all, and he just talked about it with the city government.

Chen Kangjie who hung up the phone here had a smile on his face.Such a matter can not only benefit, but also make Qu Hanbin owe favors, killing two birds with one stone.I believe that even if Qiu Yi knew that he had given two games to Zhucheng, it would be all right, at least they spent money, and he, Qiu Yi, didn't have to pay a dime.It can be regarded as each winning.

Afterwards, Chen Kangjie told Liu Deyi about the situation here, and the matter was handed over to him to cooperate with Fan Wenxuan.

The person who called Chen Kangjie in the capital city was also an old friend, Mao Shaoping, the executive deputy mayor.

Mao Shaoping was very straightforward, and when the phone was connected, he directly asked for it.

"Xiaojie, I heard that you will be the first to hold ten concerts in China. Let's not talk about anything else. You must not forget that you are our ambassador for the Olympic bid."

"Mayor Mao, your tone seems to be giving me an order. You still mentioned that Olympic bid ambassador to me. Since I became your Olympic bid ambassador, not only have I not received a dime for your hard work, I myself I’m even paying for the transportation fee. I’m going to engage in commercial performances to make money and spend a small amount of money, and you come to give instructions, so you want me to do it for nothing? I’m afraid it’s not good, right?” Chen Kangjie pretended to be aggrieved.

"That's doing things for the righteousness of the country and the nation. If I give you money, will it show your noble and great sentiments? Hehe, besides, even if we give it, will you accept it? You are going to sing now, the capital is the capital, No matter how you look at it, you can't forget it, right?"

"Mayor Mao, don't care about commercial performances. Everything is based on economic interests, and we don't bear any political or ethnic responsibilities. We can't afford it. You just said, even if you give it, I will If you don’t accept it, that’s wrong. Why don’t I accept it? I’m exchanging labor for money, and I’m getting it legally. If you dare to give it, I’ll accept it. I’m talking about Mayor Mao, your senior government officials, what are you doing? Do you just like to take advantage of our common people so much?" This time Chen Kangjie wanted to collect money deliberately, so of course he would not be polite or put on a high profile.

The capital is a very wealthy owner. The headquarters of big state-owned enterprises, big banks, and large organizations are almost all in the capital. Chen Kangjie has to collect money in other cities, so what about local tyrants like the capital?

"Why do we like to take advantage of ordinary people? I have never taken advantage of you. Do you still remember Liu Neng you recommended to me? I made this call for him. He plans to place it in their district. It is his turning point for him to catch him himself. Master Jie, you can’t just leave him to me, and when it’s time to support you, you still have to continue to support him.” Everyone who called Chen Kangjie People, if they don't get close, they don't seem to show their relationship with Chen Kangjie, and Mao Shaoping is no exception.

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