rebirth of change

Chapter 2353 First Unity 1 Understanding

Chapter 2353 Unified understanding first

"According to this, wouldn't District Chief Liu even make a phone call? Mayor Mao, you and I have known each other for not a day or two. You should be clear about my personality. There is a clear distinction between public and private. I recommend District Liu. I'll give it to you, but it doesn't mean he belongs to me. I'm just a student now, and you are a deputy provincial and ministerial leader. If District Chief Liu should also belong to you, of course, If you think he is unusable, lacking talent and virtue, then you don’t need to bother, or even get him away through the organization. I really can’t push the responsibility for me like you do. If someone who doesn’t know, still You think I’m a cadre and an official.” Mao Shaoping talked about Liu Neng, and Chen Kangjie also talked about Liu Neng.

Chen Kangjie's words really choked Mao Shaoping.

Liu Neng was introduced and recommended to Mao Shaoping by Chen Kangjie himself. Can he just take it away?Besides, Liu Neng is not without merits, if used well, Liu Neng is quite easy to use.

Mao Shaoping secretly slandered, even if I ignored him, if you, Chen Kangjie, introduced him to Secretary Wen, how could I fix it, wouldn't it be an offense at both ends?Mao Shaoping knew about Chen Kangjie's extensive connections, and based on the fact that the secretary of the document went to the airport police station in person for him, it was impossible for him, Mao Shaoping, to take it lightly.

"You are amazing, so I can't beat you, so according to what you say, the capital is not considered? You should be a very humane and loyal person, you can't put it in other cities and leave out the capital, right? "Pushing didn't work, so Mao Shaoping simply pulled.

"Mayor Mao, I remember that culture is not your division of labor. Why are you so concerned about this matter?" Chen Kangjie asked, changing the subject.

As the executive deputy mayor with real power, Mao Shaoping is in charge of areas with high gold content, such as finance, such as finance, such as quality inspection and so on.It's not that the aspect of culture and education is not important, but relatively speaking, the aspect of power is much worse.

"Cultural affairs are indeed not my official responsibility, but am I not in charge of the promotion and preparation of the Olympic Games now? You are our ambassador for the Olympic bid. Of course, your activities can be said to be my scope of work. If you can make your singing Wouldn't it be better to link it with the promotion of the Olympic Games? We have won the right to host the Olympic Games, but just because we have won it, we can't reduce its publicity. Not only can't it be reduced, but it must be increased. The Beijing Olympics is well-known all over the world, and we still have a long way to go to win the attention and support of people all over the world. No, knowing that you, a famous celebrity in the world, will have a domestic concert, of course we will find you." Mao Shaoping Said.

"Mayor Mao, let me tell you the truth, it's not impossible for you to find me, and I am willing to continue to make some contributions to the cause of the Olympics, but...we have to follow the rules, don't we? "

"Rules? What rules?" Mao Shaoping was still a little bit hesitant to turn the corner.

"Mayor Mao, we invest a lot of resources in a concert, various dancers, lighting engineers, cameramen, editors, as well as media resource promotion, venue construction and layout, etc. Wait, which one does not cost money, and in order to maintain the highest international first-class standards, everything must be the best. Mayor Mao, we also have to live and survive. You can no longer ask us to do free Let’s be a laborer. Even if my share doesn’t count and I’ve made selfless contributions, what about other people’s? What about the company? They also want to continue their business.” Chen Kangjie’s words couldn’t be more obvious, and he just had to open his mouth Ask for a specific amount.

"Oh, I see. You want us in the capital to pay part of the cost, right? That's easy to say. As long as you are willing to add a part of the Beijing Olympic promotion to the concert, we are willing to pay part of the funds. Don't worry, the government will not I treated you badly." Mao Shaoping said grandly.

"Mayor Mao, hehe, you are really reasonable. Then let me ask, how much are you willing to pay?" Chen Kangjie was also really rude. As soon as Mao Shaoping said it, he immediately entered the stage of bargaining.

"1000 million, shouldn't that be a lot?" Mao Shaoping thought his 1000 million was a lot.


"Tsk, what is 1000 million US dollars, 1000 million RMB."

"1000 million RMB? Mayor Mao, I'm not talking about you, you can really talk. Several cities across the country can't pay 1000 million RMB? I didn't expect you to be so stingy. I see, your 1000 million is still worth it. Save it to fund a few more other activities." Chen Kangjie could only say, "You're dismissing beggars."

"What? Comrade Xiaojie, 1000 million is still too little for you?" If Mao Shaoping still couldn't hear Chen Kangjie's teasing and unhappiness, then his job would be for nothing.

"Mayor Mao, do you still want me to think that 1000 million is too much? 1000 million RMB is only a little more than 100 million US dollars. You... It costs hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie, but you only If you pay 1000 million yuan, I think if you are as careful as you are, the Olympic Games you organize may be suspended." Chen Kangjie further attacked.

"Let's discuss it again, let's discuss it again, then according to what you said, how much is needed to complete it."

"How much is not up to me, the key still depends on your ambition and budget. If I say one billion dollars, what are you doing?" When bargaining in business, the most taboo thing is to reveal your bottom line.It is impossible for Chen Kangjie not to understand this truth, so even if he played hide-and-seek with Mao Shaoping, he would not say the specific number.

Once you say a specific number, it is basically determined whether it will be successful or not. If there is no room for slowing down, it means losing the initiative.Vague and ambiguous, it is different, leaving a lot of room for maneuver, advancing and retreating and defending.


According to Mao Shaoping's understanding, 3000 million is already a lot, and it is difficult for a star to spend so much money for a concert.

"3000 million...OK, I promise you, we are old friends now, but 3000 million can only make us use the capital as a venue for performance."

As soon as Chen Kangjie agreed, Mao Shaoping was still a little happy, but after hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Mao Shaoping couldn't be happy again.

"We spent 3000 million yuan on you, but you got nothing? Isn't our money a hundred flowers?"

"Mayor Mao, how can you have Baihua? I can't let you Baihua. You gave me money. I will definitely arrange a show in the capital. I have always been a person of credibility."

"I mean, there won't be a link to promote the Beijing Olympics?"

"Of course... there won't be. It's only 3000 million yuan, not 3000 million US dollars. How could there be a special link to promote the Beijing Olympics? Mayor Mao, you are overthinking." Chen Kangjie was a little bit It was as if he was playing tricks on Mao Shaoping. He was clearly vetoing it, but he wanted to say "Of course" and deliberately prolonged his speech.

"Comrade Xiaojie, you are not kind, 3000 million, even if it is RMB, it is not a lot. If you don't mention the Beijing Olympics, how can I reimburse 3000 million accounts? How can I explain to other comrades? ?”

"Then...five seconds, I'll take five seconds to mention it, is it okay?" Five seconds, Chen Kangjie is completely disgusting, what effect and effect can five seconds have.

"Five seconds is better than nothing, at least 5 minutes, right? Think about it, 1 minute of labor is equivalent to 600 million. How can there be such a lucrative project?"

"Mayor Mao, are you saying that my time is not worth that price? Let me tell you, if I just spend a few minutes singing a song, at least it will bring me tens of millions in return, and it's still in US dollars. Mao Mayor, if you look down on me, then we still can’t do it. I believe that in cities like Mingzhu, Guangzhou or Pengcheng, they will be fine if there are twice as many. You know, my concert is equivalent to The record will be recorded and produced at that time, and it will be released to the world. Many songs in my concert will be the first show. What do you think you can do with 3000 million yuan? You don’t even think about it, if you spend money How much will it cost to advertise to the whole world that can make people remember and generate goodwill?" Chen Kangjie ran on.

"Oh, so that's the case, then... how about you make me a price and see if we can afford it?"

"Mayor Mao, I think, should you hold a meeting in your city to discuss and study it first? At least you should come up with the big picture first, so that we can talk about the details. I can't help it. Speaking of business, besides, the company did not authorize me to talk about this. I just thought that we knew each other after all, so I was willing to help. No matter what you and I talk about now, if the city disagrees or supports it, then Isn’t it all useless? So, you should first unify your understanding and thinking in your team, what do you think?”

What is unified understanding and unified thinking? Chen Kangjie just wants Mao Shaoping to get a bigger budget.In a word, it is to talk about money. The city will first determine the amount of funds, and Chen Kangjie will negotiate the increase or decrease of that amount.

"That's true. I'll go to the secretary in a while. Let's have a meeting to make sure, and I'll call you tomorrow." Mao Shaoping thought about it too. With so much money spent, there should be a "shangfang sword" OK.Otherwise, Mao Shaoping himself would not be able to stand being criticized for being successful and prodigal and being extravagant.

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