rebirth of change

Chapter 2355 You Are Different

Chapter 2355 You Are Different

"Mark, Xiaobin, what do you think? Are you the same as them?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked Mark Fan from Free Semiconductor and Qin Xiaobin from Huawei Software.

After Fan Mark and Qin Xiaobin looked at each other, Fan Mark took the lead to answer: "Mr. Ouyang, we Free Semiconductor Company can say that we have no competitors in China. Our competitors are Intel, Texas Instruments, and st and Samsung. As a company, it can be said that from the very beginning of our establishment, the competitive environment we faced was international. This opportunity is actually a good opportunity for our company to further expand its international reputation and influence. If possible, we I still hope to get this opportunity.”

Although Fan Ma Ke didn't express his wishes very strongly, he also expressed their tendency.

For things that can be cheap to take advantage of, who wouldn't want to?If one avoids those international giants, then at least the price can be kept a lot.With an extra 1000 million left, wouldn't the research institute be able to introduce more advanced talents?What's more, once you can avoid those international predators, you will save more than 1000 million.

"What about you? What do you think?" Ouyang Zhenhua pointed at Qin Xiaobin.

"Mr. Ouyang, Mr. Chen, the environment our company faces is similar to Mr. Fan's, so my thoughts are also similar to his. I think that a world-class company and a first-class brand cannot be produced just by relying on bias and support. Just like sports competitions, if you can’t win the Olympic Games, you can’t win the World Championships, you can’t be regarded as the best athlete in the world. As you can see, in basketball, the West will adjust the basket because our height is generally different from theirs Is it the height? Even if it is adjusted, can we win the championship again?" Qin Xiaobin's few examples show that he also hopes to easily get the spot.

"Boss Qin's two examples are on point." As soon as Qin Xiaobin finished speaking, Chen Kangjie closed the folders in front of him and said awe-inspiringly.

"Ah, Mr. Chen also thinks what I said makes sense?" Qin Xiaobin felt happy when Chen Kangjie affirmed his statement.

Qin Xiaobin thought that Chen Kangjie had changed his mind. All the princes present here knew that their boss was Ouyang Zhenhua, but Chen Kangjie's opinions often had the final say.As long as it was decided by the consultant Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua would never reject it.What's more, in this concert, Chen Kangjie himself is the absolute core protagonist.

"Of course it makes sense. It is precisely because of the reason that you are completely separated from other domestic companies."

"Ah? This..." Qin Xiaobin was happy for a few seconds, and then became dumbfounded.

Even fools can now understand that what Chen Kangjie said meant attacking the shield with the spear of the son.

"Don't be surprised, it's my suggestion to separate you from other companies. The reason why I want to do this is not to discriminate or suppress our own companies. I'm not that crazy, and I'm not that stupid. The reason why I want to do this, on the contrary, is that I have full confidence and pride in you high-tech companies."

"Yes, first-class enterprises and first-class brands can only be obtained after washing in the turbulent economic tide. The big waves wash away the sand. Just now Mr. Fan said that from the beginning of their establishment, they have faced cruel international competition. Is it possible that only free Is this the case with semiconductors? Besides, are your other companies only focusing on the domestic market? If that’s the case, it will be quite sad.”

"Everyone here, you should be very clear that the company you are in charge of has assumed a huge responsibility since its birth, which is to establish international brands for us. Ascendas Motor Company, I remember several times I told you years ago that your competitors are Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, and giants like Ford. The same is true for coy and anycall. What you represent is our country's innovation capability, our country's manufacturing capability, and our The country’s brand building ability. Because of this, we have never considered cooperating with foreign brands. Do you think you have strength when you stand on the same platform as those domestic state-owned enterprises and electronic companies that lack innovative vitality? Can you show your self-confidence? If this is the case, then you should stay in a corner and be a frog at the bottom of the well who thinks you are great."

"Everyone ask yourselves, which company in China has such strong financial strength once it is established? No, you have invested tens of billions of funds on your body. Over the years, the profits you have generated yourself, are you right? I also keep all of them for my own use? Did you ask you to hand in a penny? Did you share a little bit of your profits? No. In the daily business management, has it influenced or pointed out you? President Ouyang and I Except for some pointers on the strategic direction and the requirement to focus on R&D and personnel training, it doesn’t seem to have affected you much. Could it be that such an environment is not enough to give full play to your strengths, build up your self-confidence, and welcome those international companies competition?"

"Yes, I admit to one thing. From the perspective of historical trajectory and development time, the company you are in charge of is indeed relatively young, and the accumulation in many aspects is not enough. Is this the reason for us to shrink back? We really have to wait for the companies to have more information. 50 or even 100 years of history, can you step out of the country and break out of Asia?"

"No, absolutely not. Our sense of mission tells us that we have to be brave enough to start a business in ten years to thirty years. In my mind and imagination, in another ten years, at most 30 years, you must all become world-class In the current history of the rapid development of the Republic, everyone must become the backbone of the industry to serve the country. For such a goal, it is almost like asking money for money and people for others.”

"In the history of development, we do have certain disadvantages, but don't we have advantages? The vast market of 13 billion people is one of our biggest advantages. The high starting point at the beginning is one of our advantages. The strong support from the high-level government is one of our advantages, as is the unfettered management and the good-looking financial figures. In other companies, the management often has to fight and compete with the board of directors. We do not have This, each of you has more power than foreign CEOs, and you have full management freedom."

"Looking back and thinking about it, if you compete with those domestic companies on the same platform, are you embarrassed? I am even embarrassed. They face more difficulties in the process of development than you. Financing is hindered, and it is difficult. Hiring top-notch talent, management rigidity, lack of clear strategic direction, etc.”

"It stands to reason that as a family, I should really take care of my own people, but I can't do that. You are already one of the best in the country. Even if I want to take care of you, I should also take care of those companies that are far behind you. On this issue, I did not consider the problem from the perspective of a businessman, but from a broader perspective.”

"From another perspective, what if the protagonist of this event is not me, but someone else? What should I do? Ask others to take care of me? It's absolutely impossible. Who would do that? So, this time, no matter whether you are It’s not that I can win, anyway, I will accept all the money you pay. Because if I don’t accept it, others will accept it, there is nothing to say about it.”

Chen Kangjie finally finished his long speech, which made his mouth dry, so he quickly took a sip from his teacup to moisten his throat.

"Everyone, everyone has heard Mr. Chen's words, and I believe he understands what he means. Think about it again, Mr. Chen's performance in the Olympic Games, those track and field events have always been the weakness of the Orientals, but even Mr. Chen does not believe it. Evil, it just happened to break the dominance of the West time and time again, completely overturning everyone's fixed understanding in the past. I hope that we will do the same in the development of enterprises. Go against the trend and create something like him that impresses foreigners. It’s amazing. I admit that everyone has worked very hard these years and has made considerable achievements, but this is not enough. We still need to do better. You need to be hardworking yourself. If you are hard enough, you are afraid What?" After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Ouyang Zhenhua made some additions.

In order not to offend everyone, Ouyang Zhenhua's words were softer than Chen Kangjie's.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua have already said this, what else can Qi Junwu and the others have to say?Whether it is out of face and self-confident ambition, or out of an irreversible trend, they can only make up their minds to compete with those big foreign companies.

So, starting from Mark Fan, executives made new statements one after another.They will not participate in the competition of domestic enterprises, and they will show their full preparation and strength to meet the giants of various industries in various countries.

Domestic companies want to go out, and foreign companies want to come in, no matter which one, Chen Kangjie can become a medium that can be used well.Young people in China will undoubtedly support him enthusiastically, and fans in other countries, especially those in Western countries, will also pursue him relentlessly.

After debuting for so many years, Chen Kangjie has never held a concert. It is precisely because of this that his concerts can become very good resources.What's more, Chen Kangjie's concert is very different from other artists' concerts. His concert is equivalent to the release of a new album, and it is also equivalent to the launch of a new MV.This publicity drives the effect, which is difficult for other artists to achieve.More importantly, Chen Kangjie has never had a failure experience. Every single and every album of his is a hot item in the music market, and there is no one that does not sell well.

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