rebirth of change

Chapter 2359 Studying New Laws

Chapter 2359 Studying New Laws

"Long, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Seeing that Chen Kangjie was holding back so much that his waist was bent, she hurriedly asked with concern.

"No, you didn't say anything wrong, didn't say anything right. Let me tell you, to learn Chinese, you must use regular textbooks, watch regular videos, and don't use messy things on the Internet. Ways, those ways don’t allow you to learn truly elegant and civilized Chinese, ok?” Chen Kangjie rested his hands on the table and finally regained his strength.

Chen Kangjie believes that regular newspapers, textbooks and news will not make such indecent remarks, and other staff members around Chen Kangjie are unlikely to say that kind of words to Whitney, and the rest, Chen Kangjie deduces that she It should be obtained from the Internet, and only on the Internet, everything will appear in disguise.

The current network is very chaotic and disorganized, it is simply a disordered development.This can be understood as the government giving the network economy a relaxed environment and a growth period, but there must be certain management norms for the regulation.Even in the virtual world, it cannot be completely out of touch with the laws and regulations of the real world.

"How do you know I saw it on the Internet?" Whitney asked.

"Nonsense, you are a foreign girl, if you are not on the Internet, who would say such things to you?"

Chen Kangjie still knows Chinese people very well. No matter how vulgar we are, in front of foreigners, no matter whether it is an official or the most ordinary people, they still care about politeness and image. No one is willing to lose face in front of foreigners.This can be understood as our national self-esteem and self-confidence, or it can be understood as a problem of face.In any case, it is always right that people don't want to say or do something outrageous in front of foreigners.

Chen Kangjie is now a graduate student studying law, and the matter of Whitney prompted Chen Kangjie to raise questions about relevant management laws and regulations.

Chen Kangjie is not only a student and entertainer, he is also a representative of the National People's Congress, and has the right and obligation to put forward relevant proposals.

In April this year, four departments in our country launched the "Administrative Measures for Internet Service Business Sites". Very broadly involved.Its content is not detailed, and the loopholes are too large.

Secondly, this is a management method of the administrative department, not a law passed by the National People's Congress, and its binding force is relatively limited.

Chen Kangjie felt that he should take the initiative to put forward a proposal to formulate a more practical and effective Internet management law, which not only requires detailed regulations on the business site, but more importantly, it should also regulate the Internet in detail and accurately. content.

As a reborn person, Chen Kangjie is also the biggest behind-the-scenes boss of the Internet. He has a deeper understanding of this industry than almost everyone at present.This law was proposed and drafted by him. I believe he will have a more comprehensive consideration for both the society and the development of the industry.Neither can the development of the Internet become disorderly, but it cannot dampen the enthusiasm for the vigorous development of the Internet economy.

In addition, this work can also be used as a topic and learning achievement of Chen Kangjie's postgraduate study, combining theory with practice, killing two birds with one stone.

"It's true that I saw it on the forum, but I can't understand it. Since you are my boss and a person with outstanding talents, please explain to me and let me learn."

"I can't explain it, and I don't need to explain it, and you don't need to just need to know that it's not a good word, it's just a curse." Chen Kangjie worried that this was not enough, in case Whitney used It would be even more ridiculous to swear at people with that sentence, so Ji Ji added: "That sentence is only suitable for men to swear at others, not for women, so you must not learn it, do you understand?"

"I... seem to understand a little bit, is it similar to the fuck you in the United States." Whitney rolled his eyes and tasted the meaning.

"Come on, yes, that's what it means. Go to work quickly, and don't ask me such funny questions in the future." Chen Kangjie lowered his head and waved his hands, hurriedly driving Whitney away.

"Hee hee, it's nothing. I don't care if I'm a girl. You're a man, so why are you embarrassed? Hee hee, have you ever used this sentence to curse people?" Embarrassed, Whitney actually teased him in turn.

"Work, go to work quickly, this topic is over, go quickly, don't you want to go to the United States with me? Don't prepare yet, if your preparation is not sufficient, I will change people at any time." In order to Whitney, the goblin, was forced to leave, and Chen Kangjie did not hesitate to resort to intimidation.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie really didn't want to get involved in this issue anymore, Whitney smiled, and then reluctantly turned around and left gracefully.

Looking at Whitney's graceful back, Chen Kangjie didn't come to his senses until he went out to close the door.

Damn, it seems that I was played and teased by others.Whitney's grinning look, as if he really didn't know that sentence?


This little girl, you are molesting me. Don't think that you are a foreigner so I dare not punish you. If you get angry, I will take you down anyway.Chen Kangjie shook his head in self-deprecating manner, and slandered unwillingly.

Since Michael Jackson was promised to go to the United States to help, some of Chen Kangjie's own work can only be put on hold for a while. After all, he will be delayed for at least a week every time he comes and goes.

Moreover, the next National People's Congress is only three or four months away. Since he wants to propose and promulgate relevant Internet management laws, he must make some preparations in advance.

The promulgation of a law is not a child's play, it will affect the whole society and economic development, it is necessary to be as rigorous and prudent as possible.

On the one hand, he had to discuss this issue with his supervisor, Professor Huang Weiguo, and listen to his professional opinions.After all, Professor Huang Weiguo is a senior expert in the field of law. He has been engaged in research in this field for decades. His experience and research observations cannot be easily compared with Chen Kangjie, a rookie.

On the other hand, Chen Kangjie also called for Internet industry leaders and professional managers like Vincent to consult and understand.He even wanted to personally inspect the sy company to collect as much information as possible, even google, and Chen Kangjie planned to get some useful suggestions and information from them.

All in all, Chen Kangjie should start from a legal point of view, but also combine the ideas and opinions of Internet practitioners and relevant research scholars, and also consider the future development trend and young people's expectations and understanding of the Internet.

A day later, Chen Kangjie went to Professor Huang Weiguo's office to ask him for advice on this issue.

Hearing that his students wanted to propose and formulate an Internet law, Professor Huang Weiguo was somewhat surprised and pleasantly surprised.

A professor who is sincere in learning is not actually very willing to take that kind of celebrity student.Because this kind of students tend to do their own thing, and they often don't do their job properly. In the end, I have to find a way to help him graduate.

After accepting Chen Kangjie as a student, did Huang Weiguo have no worries in this regard?Of course there are.Chen Kangjie is not an ordinary celebrity, and his scope is too wide. Huang Weiguo is really worried that Chen Kangjie is busy with his own career, and ignores the law major he studied, and finally got his degree certificate hastily.Moreover, Huang Weiguo can't have too many rhetoric and dissatisfaction about this.

Now, Huang Weiguo is naturally very happy that Chen Kangjie is willing to study and lead such legal issues. Of course, he is willing to pass on the legal logic he understands to Chen Kangjie.

Has Chen Kangjie not had relevant experience before?He has, for example, the regulations on the protection of citizens' property and the regulations on the protection of ancient cities and streets are typical examples.However, it is very different from the Internet management laws and regulations, which will not only greatly affect a future industry, but Chen Kangjie has no plan to rely on the intellectual support of the Yangtze River Society.Moreover, those two laws were also specifically formulated by the relevant legal committees, and Chen Kangjie only proposed a rough draft.

Now that I have studied law, I have to have some real skills.What's more, at present he can be regarded as the person who knows the Internet best, at least one of them, so he intends to even come up with practical and feasible content.

Of course, the content proposed by Chen Kangjie may not be fully accepted in the end, and a vote is also required.However, having a complete framework and content for everyone to refer to and discuss is always more efficient and more tractive than blind men and elephants.Even if some amendments were made to individual provisions, it would be inseparable from the fact that he led and formulated them.

"Chen Wen, if you can do this, at least your master degree in law will not have any problems. I am also paying attention to this issue now, and, I think, it is urgent. If there is no complete law and regulations to come Regulating the development of the Internet, this industry is very likely to go astray. If that is the case, it will not be conducive to the long-term development of this industry. Today’s Internet industry is on the same starting line as other countries in the world. We must cherish and care for it. Personally, I think this is an industry in which we can make great achievements and lead..."

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