rebirth of change

Chapter 2360 Why Not Listed

Chapter 2360 Why Not Listed

"President Ouyang, Mr. Jie, next, our research center will further expand the scale. Currently, there are only 500 professional and technical personnel in the capital. According to our plan, we should choose two or three more points in China. , expand the scale of professional engineers to more than 3000 people. Here in the capital, at least more than [-] technical R&D personnel must be maintained. Even from a long-term perspective, we should have corresponding centers in the United States, Europe and Tianzhu. ..."

In the Beijing R&D Center of SY Company, President Vincent accompanied Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua while visiting and explaining.

Of course, sy company has more than 500 employees in the capital, they also have marketing personnel, management personnel, and other ordinary employees.However, the proportion of R&D personnel in the company's personnel is relatively high. This has something to do with Chen Kangjie's emphasis on R&D, and also has something to do with Vincent's professionalism.

As a returnee Ph.D., Vincent bears a deep shadow of the American emphasis on scientific research.However, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua not only delegated the management of the company to him, they did not intervene at will, but also encouraged him to pay attention to the investment in research and development.

"In terms of internationalization, I support it. The Internet industry is currently the industry that is most suitable for internationalization and should be internationalized. For the world market, it should not be limited to profiting from the local area. The absorption of local talents The same is very important. In terms of computing technology, software technology, programming technology R&D and innovation, whether it is Tianzhu, the United States or Europe, there are very good talents and foundations. I personally support your idea very much. As for R&D Whether the center is placed under the local branch or under the headquarters of the company, you can measure and decide according to the actual situation." Chen Kangjie said.

Chen Kangjie knows that the United States and Tianzhu have their own advantages in terms of network cultivation and technology. In many companies in the United States, Tianzhu people have played the role of technical backbone.

Internationalization is not only the internationalization of the market, it should also be the internationalization of capital, the internationalization of talents, and the internationalization of management.If you just want someone else's market, then you can't maximize the effectiveness.Only by making reasonable use of global resource allocation can we better improve ourselves and grow ourselves, so as to become a truly influential international enterprise.

As far as Chen Kangjie knows, almost all international corporate giants spare no effort in absorbing and occupying the world's resources and talents.

In many ways, why we buy foreign technology is simply because we can't develop it in a short time or the cost is too uneconomical.But buying technology can only make us make up for our shortcomings, not make us a leader.Because the world's first-class technology cannot be bought.

However, top-notch talents can be bought.As long as there are talents, is it still afraid that the technology will not improve?No matter how good the technology is, it is also made by people.

In this regard, the vast majority of domestic enterprises are still very conservative, always only hope to rely on their own self-reliance.In fact, the introduction of foreign talents and direct investment to set up R&D centers in foreign countries are not an important manifestation of self-reliance.

In our domestic enterprises, it is rare to see foreign faces.Almost from the managers to the lower-level employees, they are all Chinese faces.

Of course, this aspect reflects that our current system has certain defects and obstacles in attracting foreign professional and technical personnel, but we have to admit that this also shows that we have certain deviations in our thinking. At the same time, It also reflects the general lack of self-confidence of domestic enterprises.

The companies that Chen Kangjie invested in have done much better in this regard.In order to recruit some professional talents, they have broken a lot of rules and regulations, and their treatment and living environment are as close as possible to international standards.In a word, the companies under Chen Kangjie are willing to spend money to recruit people, and they really value the introduction and training of talents from the bottom of their hearts.

However, it must be admitted objectively that even so, those companies under Chen Kangjie are only doing better than domestic companies. Compared with many companies in the United States and Europe, they still have a long way to catch up.

This is related to the overall environment of the country. Due to various cultural, political and social factors, many foreigners, especially professional and technical personnel from Western countries, still have many doubts about choosing to work in China.Of course, this is related to the consistent negative publicity of the Western media on China, and also related to the considerable control measures implemented by our government.

For example, it is not easy to get a green card from China, or to become a Chinese citizen. It is also difficult for foreigners to buy a house or a car in China. Due to various reasons such as visa management methods, foreigners in China also needs to go to the local police station to file for the record. These measures will make people feel inconvenient to work and live in China.We have to admit that there is still a big gap between our openness, our management methods and transparency, and the developed countries.

The reason why the foreign technicians and management personnel in the enterprises invested by Chen Kangjie can still be retained is that the treatment they provide is not only not as bad as that offered by large western companies, but even better in some aspects, such as the housing provided by the company. Use a car, solve the round-trip air tickets for relatives to visit relatives, etc.On the other hand, it is also related to the good cooperative relationship between those enterprises and the government, and the government turns a blind eye to some aspects of management.At least if the government does that, those technicians and managers will have less trouble.

"If you want to set up scientific research centers in the United States, Europe, Tianzhu and other places, you should have no problem with funding?" After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"President Ouyang, I can barely afford it at the moment, but wouldn't it be better if we could raise more funds? I remember I sent you two reports, but you didn't approve them. Are we a little conservative?" Vincent looked at Chen Kangjie, then at Ouyang Zhenhua and said.

"You mean about the listing of the company, right?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked back.

Ouyang Zhenhua's rhetorical question was aimed at Vincent, but his eyes were on Chen Kangjie's reaction.

Chen Kangjie didn't react at all, and continued to watch the work of those technicians.

"Yes, that's the one. President Ouyang, it's very slow for a technology company like ours to rely on normal operating profits to accumulate strength, and it's not in line with the market trend. I've calculated that if we go public now, Whether it is in Hong Kong or New York, there is no problem at all, and at least $20 billion in capital can be raised. If we have $20 billion in capital, how many things can we do. As soon as we go public, we will immediately It is possible to become one of the world's most first-class technology companies, and our company's market value is at least tens of billions of dollars. According to the current rapid development trend of the Internet, it is not impossible to become a large enterprise with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. Therefore, I have repeatedly Appeal, our sy company should go public." In name, Ouyang Zhenhua is the boss of the capital contribution, and Vincent's key point is to make Ouyang Zhenhua into a vulgar.

Vincent seemed very excited. At present, the profitability of the Internet industry is not strong, and even in many cases, it depends on throwing money.

Now the biggest source of profit on the Internet is advertising. However, the brand promotion of traditional companies still focuses on traditional media such as TV and newspapers.Therefore, if enterprises want to further develop stronger and occupy the market further, then going public to raise funds has become a common choice and trend.

There is almost no Internet technology company whose goal is not to go public.

"Vincent, it was my suggestion that the company not go public, and President Ouyang just followed my suggestion." Chen Kangjie left from behind the desk of a research and development staff, returned to the middle aisle of the R&D center and said something.

"Your suggestion? How could you think of making such a suggestion?" Upon hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Vincent hastily quickened his pace and followed behind Chen Kangjie.

"Let's go, find an office to sit down and talk about." He didn't continue walking, and didn't stop to explain to Vincent.

The discussion of this kind of issue is relatively sensitive, and it can be said that it is a big commercial secret. Naturally, we must find a secret place to sit down before we can discuss it.

"Okay, follow me, here, let's go to my office to talk..." Vincent hurried to Chen Kangjie to lead the way.

The typed report was only rejected by Ouyang Zhenhua, without mentioning any reason.Now that it was Chen Kangjie's suggestion, and Chen Kangjie was willing to explain it to him, Vincent was of course excited and eager.

Vincent was very puzzled in his heart. In his mind, the listing of the company would bring no harm at all. Which of the big American companies would not do this.It is quite normal for an enterprise to operate to a certain extent and become capital operation and capital management.

It's not been a day or two since Vincent and Chen Kangjie have known each other. He was able to take charge of sy company because of Chen Kangjie's insight and talent. If it weren't for Chen Kangjie, Vincent wouldn't be where he is today in career, and he wouldn't be able to get Fan Wenxuan in love. favor.

Therefore, Vincent does not think that Chen Kangjie is the kind of person who is ignorant or ignorant.On the contrary, Chen Kangjie is talented and has made great achievements in various fields.Even in business operations and management is no exception.

Chen Kangjie usually does not participate in the company's management, but Vincent also knows that Chen Kangjie not only has the status of Hongyuan Investment Advisor, but also makes many decisions.

It's just that Vincent really didn't expect that it was Chen Kangjie's suggestion that sy's listing was hindered, which somewhat exceeded his expectations.

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