rebirth of change

Chapter 2362 Research Consultation

Chapter 2362 Research Consultation

The purpose of Chen Kangjie's coming to SY Company is not just to take a look around or give Vincent some answers. Even if inspections in this area are to be done, Ouyang Zhenhua usually does it.

This time Chen Kangjie came here, in addition to intuitively understanding the development of sy company, the key is to listen to some relevant professional opinions on the formulation of Internet management regulations from insiders.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie intends to propose the formulation of Internet management regulations, Vincent is excited and happy.

"Jie Shao, such regulations should have been enacted a long time ago. Although deregulation can give this industry a place to fully develop, it will also make this industry disorder and chaos. Now we have come to a stage where the Internet industry is developing. In the critical period, if there is no reasonable guidance and management, it will be detrimental to the future development of the industry. Now, all kinds of messy things are overwhelming on the Internet, involving pornography, gambling, and rumors. , has become an area outside the law. In particular, our legally and formally operating companies are being eroded and eroded step by step, making our development difficult..."

"That's why I'm here to listen to your opinions and suggestions. I also know that this matter has come to an end. Now you can treat me as a survey of a representative of the National People's Congress and talk about your views and opinions." After speaking, Chen Kangjie took out a notebook to prepare for recording.

Chen Kangjie's memory is super good, but for the sake of rigor, he still plans to record some key points to avoid confusion later.

"First of all, the first point is that this industry should implement a license system, which is the source of management. Without a license, any organization or individual is not allowed to set up an Internet access service business site, and is not allowed to engage in Internet access service business activities. The establishment of an Internet access service business site The operating unit shall adopt the organizational form of an enterprise. The second point is that cultural administration departments, public security organs, industry and commerce administration departments and other relevant departments and their staff shall not engage in or engage in Internet access service business activities in a disguised form, nor shall they participate in or participate in a disguised form. The business activities of the business units of Internet access service business premises. Why do you want to do this, I think you understand the reason. The third point is that the current law should be in line with the Internet industry, such as piracy, infringement, defamation, etc., the Internet The above behaviors are also subject to relevant laws. Of course, for the special situation of the Internet, there should be other punishment methods to appear and define. In view of this, my personal suggestion is to manage, but not too strict This is an emerging industry, and it still needs encouragement and support in general..." Vincent really thought about this industry, so he gave Chen Kangjie a lot of suggestions eloquently.

Regarding the suggestions put forward by Vincent, Chen Kangjie attached great importance to them and cared about them, as shown in the fact that he listened carefully and memorized them carefully.

Vincent felt nothing, he felt that Chen Kangjie's performance was quite normal.But Ouyang Zhenhua was surprised, since he and Chen Kangjie have known each other for so many years, Chen Kangjie has never recorded a person's words so seriously.It can be seen that Chen Kangjie attaches great importance to this matter.

"Then how should we divide the responsibilities of the platform and the responsibilities of netizens themselves, what do you think?"

"This... from my point of view, I certainly hope that the platform does not need to take too much responsibility, like our sy company, which has communication software, communication groups, portals, comments and discussion areas, Now that some small online games have been developed, we have no way to do such a large-scale sorting and control, which requires a lot of manpower. But if the platform or the enterprise does not take the lead, it is obviously impossible to rely on the self-discipline of netizens. So, I think the platform side should bear most of the responsibilities, and users should bear a small part. Only in this way can the platform side be urged to increase self-regulation and content control." Vincent replied carefully.

"Hehe, you do this for the purpose of eliminating hostility, right?" Chen Kangjie asked with a smile.

"Xiaojie, I think what Vincent said is very reasonable. How could it eliminate dissidents?" Even Ouyang Zhenhua, who was sitting next to him, felt a little surprised.

"Because if the platform bears most of the responsibility, then it is estimated that many online platforms will be inspected and punished, or even shut down. As an industry leader and a leading company, sy company has the strength to do this work. Even if sy company can't achieve perfection, they are the leader after all. As long as they are not too much, whether it is the regulatory department or the judicial department, in order to take the overall situation into consideration and take care of the impact, they will not make it too difficult for sy company. Wouldn't it be a lot of competitors Have they all been wiped out at the embryonic and initial stage? This is good for sy to dominate the entire market." Chen Kangjie explained with a smile on his face.

"Jie Shao, I'm not entirely selfish. Really, I'm also making a suggestion based on reality and management effects. If you don't do this, all the disorder will continue endlessly. Platforms can be pushed to individuals no matter what, so how can the relevant departments manage it? They can manage hundreds of Internet platforms, can they still manage tens of millions of netizens? That is unrealistic, and investigation and evidence collection will also It has become very difficult." As if being stepped on by Chen Kangjie, Vincent waited for Chen Kangjie to finish speaking, and then jumped out to defend and analyze.

"Well, this also sounds reasonable. Indeed, seizing the platform is equivalent to holding the bull's nose." Chen Kangjie nodded and said indifferently.

"So, I really don't do it entirely for selfish reasons. Of course, this method is indeed very beneficial to our sy company, but we must also see that only in this way can we separate the false from the false and keep the true from the false, so that those who are creative and understand Platform companies that operate and abide by laws and regulations thrive and become leaders. In such a large country as ours, an industry must have a group of representative companies with international competitiveness. Otherwise, thousands of If a small business competes with a foreign giant, will it have a chance of winning? No, besides, our sy company will definitely set an example, and will not really want to seek any special care." Vincent further explained.

"Well, it makes more sense to hear it this way." Chen Kangjie continued to have a slight smile on his face.

Chen Kangjie is not completely unfamiliar with business management and industrial development. Apart from owning several companies, he also majored in economics.He knows that the natural law of survival of the fittest, in a market economy, after competition and elimination, some companies will rise to become leaders, and some companies will disappear in the competition, thus giving the market to more vigorous and powerful companies. enterprise.

Of course, Chen Kangjie does not want to see the emergence of oligopoly, which is not conducive to competition, not conducive to innovation, and not conducive to the protection of consumer interests.However, every industry, every industry, after a certain period of time, will be dominated by a few dozens of enterprises, which is also an inevitable phenomenon and result.

"Besides these, are there any other good suggestions?" Chen Kangjie asked again.

"Well... Yes, the operating units of Internet access service business premises should not admit minors into the business premises. By the way, such business premises are not allowed to be set up within a certain distance from the school. We recently I found a phenomenon that many minors, especially many students in school, always skip classes and schools, and appear in groups in Internet cafes near those schools. If this phenomenon is not managed, it will lead to a series of social problems. Although as an online company, we hope that the number of our customers will increase and expand our market base, but from the perspective of social responsibility, I do not want this to happen. Of course, as for the detailed division, As for how far away Internet business establishments cannot be set up, it needs to be researched and confirmed by the police department, the industrial and commercial department, and even the public security department." Vincent rubbed his hands, tilted his head to think, and said solemnly.

When vincent said this, Chen Kangjie thought of the brother Internet cafe they opened not far from the entrance of the Industrial and Commercial University.That Internet cafe is not only very close to the school, but the customers who use the Internet are mainly students, which is not bad. They are mainly college students, and they are basically adults.

But at that time, there were people from other black Internet cafes making trouble, and in the surrounding black Internet cafes, a large part of the consumers were really students from the surrounding primary and secondary schools.

Chen Kangjie knew about this problem, or he knew it before he was reborn, but he really didn't pay much attention to it.Now that Vincent said this, Chen Kangjie became interested. It seems that more attention must be paid to this aspect, and relevant "firewalls" must be built.

"Yes, primary and middle school students are not mentally sound, prone to Internet addiction, and easily polluted by various mixed content on the Internet. They should be protected. The "Compulsory Education Law" really plays a role in this aspect. It doesn’t work, I’ve made a note of this, is there anything else?”

"No...not anymore. That's all I can think of now. If I have any ideas or suggestions in the future, I will definitely send an email to your mailbox to report."

"That's fine, then I thank you. By the way, you can also help me understand more inside the company, and see if other people have any ideas. That's fine, we'll talk about this today. Looking back, I have to go to other places." Companies, schools, and even detention centers, get more information. Brother Ouyang, let's go."

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