rebirth of change

Chapter 2363 Film Industry

Chapter 2363 Film Industry

It is understandable that Chen Kangjie wants to go to other companies for research. He should listen to the voices of the same industry.But why did he go to the detention center and school to investigate?

This is why Chen Kangjie wants to actually discover some of the adverse effects that the Internet has brought to schools and society. Some people, especially young people, have gone astray under the influence of different information on the Internet, ruined themselves, and burden on society.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't need to keep his identity secret when he went to sy company. Anyway, Vincent and his senior executives knew and knew about it.But when he went to other companies and schools, Chen Kangjie had to keep his identity secret and hide his identity. Otherwise, just because he was regarded as a big star would make it impossible for him to continue his research.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie has political resources. He only needs to change his appearance. If Qu Hanbin or Yao Zhe say hello, Chen Kangjie can go to the relevant units to investigate smoothly as a provincial or municipal people's congress representative. The leader said hello, and the people below are generally very cooperative as long as they are not out of their minds.

After inspecting sy company, Chen Kangjie also visited Feiyang Entertainment Company, and learned about Fan Wenxuan's preparations for their related careers.

Chen Kangjie also went to the United States to participate in the concert organized by Jackson.

"Long, the filming location of "Jurassic Park", we initially chose Madagascar, where there are very beautiful and natural islands and island forests, which are very suitable for the filming of this film." Fan Wenxuan reported to Chen Kangjiehui.

"An island country in the Indian Ocean? Is there no choice but this place?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Of course not, it's just that the cost of shooting in Madagascar is relatively cheap. In addition, several resort islands in Siam and several islands in the northern part of the country of thousand islands are also suitable." Fan Wenxuan said.

"I mean, isn't there a suitable island in our country?" Chen Kangjie's voice became a little dull.

"This...we really haven't considered domestic islands. In our consistent consciousness, there seems to be no islands of that kind in China. Usually they are either too big or too small. In fact, the first thing we consider is Kauai Island in Hawaii, if it is suitable, this place is the best, and Jon Gordon initially chose Kauai Island. But I rejected it."

This Kauai Island is really the filming location of the original "Jurassic Park". At that time, the crew filmed on this island for three weeks.After all the scenes were shot, I went back indoors to shoot.At that time, the film crew encountered a typhoon on this island, and almost killed them.

Chen Kangjie really didn't expect that Fan Wenxuan would reject Jon Gordon's recommendation.It can be seen that Miramax is still very professional in shooting and framing.

Chen Kangjie doesn't care about why Fan Wenxuan vetoed the place of Kauai Island, he only cares about whether such a place can be found within the scope of China.

When Hollywood makes movies, if they can finish them in their own country, they won't go overseas.Because film is regarded by them as an industry, and if this industry is completed in the country, it will create jobs, tax collection, and gdp.Unless there are special needs and important market considerations.

Now, Chen Kangjie also hopes to complete it independently in China, even though the investor of this movie is Miramax, but Miramax is a subsidiary of Feiyang Entertainment.

"Look for it in our territorial waters. I don't believe that such an island can't be found in the ocean territory of several million square kilometers. Unless I can't find it, otherwise, I still don't want to go to Madagascar. Shooting." Chen Kangjie put forward the request in further detail.

"Long, we have to admit that almost all of China's coastlines are polluted. It may be difficult to find such a paradise-like place." Fan Wenxuan and Chen Kangjie are very familiar, so even if she knows Chen Kangjie's clear request, she Still have to put forward her ideas in a realistic way.

I have to admit that what Fan Wenxuan said is true. Over the years, due to not caring about environmental protection, the pollution in all aspects of China has been very serious. Several large rivers discharge pollutants like the sea every year. It is really an incalculable number.

Originally, Qiongzhou Island had been well protected, but after the establishment of the province and the establishment of a special economic zone, all kinds of construction and pollution came one after another. Many places along the coast where the sea water was originally clear, also changed the color of the sea water due to the dragnet farming.

Think about it, what Fan Wenxuan said is true, but it is also a sad and sad result.

"I know this. Because of this, I hope to choose a domestic island to shoot. I hope to convey a sense of environmental protection to the country through such a film. If we don't consider environmental protection, then we The coastal areas will be completely destroyed, and it is impossible for us to endure such a huge pollution discharge endlessly in the long coastline and the depth of the sea." Chen Kangjie said helplessly, patting the armrest of the sofa.

It's not that Chen Kangjie hasn't mentioned related environmental issues, but driven by interests and economic performance, not only the coastal provinces and cities don't care, even the inland provinces and cities along the river don't pay much attention.Therefore, Chen Kangjie hopes to influence the people at the bottom, especially young people.

Even if this movie hasn't been made yet, Chen Kangjie has already predicted that the market's reaction will not be bad.Originally, the box office market of "Jurassic Park" was very good in history. Now, coupled with Chen Kangjie's fame and the latest use of new technologies, I believe it will only get better, not worse.

I remember that when Chen Kangjie watched "Jurassic Park" before his rebirth, he was surprised and sighed at the beauty and charm of the scenery at the beginning. At that time, he thought, where is this, how can it be so beautiful and charming? Such a place to play and have a look.

Chen Kangjie believes that there should be many people who have the same thoughts as him. This is the consciousness and signal conveyed by the film, that is, no one would want to pollute and destroy such a clean place.

"Long, do you also hope to find such an island in China, and then use movie stories to attract audiences and make them become tourists to develop the local economy, so that the local area will not develop those polluting industries?" Fan Wenxuan really As expected of a person who knows Chen Kangjie better, he can guess what Chen Kangjie wants to do through such a passage.

Chen Kangjie looked at Fan Wenxuan with raised eyebrows, and then smiled: "Mr. Fan, it seems that you really know me very well, and you even guessed exactly what I want to do."

"Don't praise me. If you say it like this, if I don't realize something, then I am too stupid. Now that you say that, then I will contact National Geographic and let them Come and help us make a choice." Fan Wenxuan raised her two hands and said.

"Hehe, I should praise. For example, you have thought of the development of peripheral products in advance. This is a good way to expand profits. I saw the information you gave me. You plan to design in advance. After the movie is completed It would be very good to authorize the production of related toy products and contact Li Wendong to publish children's books." Chen Kangjie said with a happy smile.

Li Wendong is the boss of Huashang Publishing Culture Co., Ltd. All of Chen Kangjie's works are published by this company.

The bold move at that time made Huashang Publishing Culture Co., Ltd. profitable. Li Wendong himself also gained fame and fortune and became a very powerful publisher.

I didn't expect that after so many years, there would be such an opportunity to cooperate with each other.

"The development of toy products was proposed by us. The publication of children's books was proposed to me by Li Wendong. That guy is a shrewd businessman. He has already spotted this kind of business opportunity. He is just waiting for you to shoot this movie. .” Fan Wenxuan did not take too much credit.

Fan Wenxuan knew that Chen Kangjie and Li Wendong knew each other earlier than her. If she took all the credit for herself, what would Chen Kangjie think of her if Chen Kangjie and Li Wendong met one day and Li Wendong mentioned it again?So, it's better to explain first.

"If this is the case, then I really think that you should learn more like him, use your brains more, and think of ways. Besides toys, can't you have other peripheral development? For example, t-shirts, for example Hats, such as stationery, even such as children's games, or dinosaur packages, etc., there can be many, many." Before Chen Kangjie came, he had considered these things, but he just waited for the opportunity to talk to Fan Wenxuan face to face .

When he first saw the information and was inspired, Chen Kangjie thought, if he can develop toys and publish children's books, shouldn't there be other wider areas to use?

"That's true, even the dinosaur package?" Fan Wenxuan asked in surprise.

Fan Wenxuan is very interested in all the incidents that can make money. It is not only the company's money, but also her personal money.

"What's wrong? Maybe McDonald's is interested? Give it a try. There are so many things, and there's no need to do all of them yourself. You can do authorization. If others don't have confidence, the company can invest in capital to do it. , Could it be that you still don't have confidence in me?" Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"Yes... yes, yes, Young Master Jie, you are really the God of Wealth, and you have pointed out several ways to get rich. I can have no confidence in myself, but I can't have no confidence in you either. Don't worry, I know what to do, and I will set up a special team to do this right away. With your brand out, I don't believe that those merchants are not interested."

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