rebirth of change

Chapter 2365 welcome help

Chapter 2365 welcome help

"No, thank you, did you forget that Michael will treat me to dinner later?" Chen Kangjie said with a faint smile.

"He hasn't come now, he must have forgotten, so...or if you don't like being in the hotel, I invite you to eat in a restaurant outside. I know two or three good restaurants in Washington, how about ?" Whitney didn't know whether Jackson would come, but if she fooled Chen Kangjie out, then the leisure time tonight was bound to belong to the two of them only.

As long as she can create an opportunity to be alone with Chen Kangjie, Whitney will spare no effort.

"Whitney, you should go to rest, hehe, I absolutely believe that Michael Jackson will not forget to invite me to dinner."

"Do you believe that? He should be very busy for several days in a row." Whitney is still insisting.

"This is the trust of a friend, and I have full confidence in this friend..."

"Dong dong dong." At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Whitney looked at Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie smiled and motioned for her to open the door.

Whitney walked over and opened the door, and Jackson's distinctive face appeared at the door.

"Hey, if I'm not looking for the wrong door, Long lives here, right?" With Whitney in the way, Chen Kangjie saw him, but he hadn't seen Chen Kangjie yet.

"Hello, Mr. Jackson, yes, Long is waiting for you." Saying that, Whitney gave way to the door.

Chen Kangjie, who had already stood up, took two steps forward: "Michael, just now we were discussing whether you would come or not. I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"Oh, someone doubts me? This lady suspects that I won't come? Or did I forget in a hurry? Oh, it's impossible. I forget everyone, and it's impossible for me to forget Long. He is my true friend." In the first half, what Jackson said was to Chen Kangjie, and in the second half, he said it to Whitney.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jackson. I really shouldn't have thought that way. I'm so sorry." Whitney is the kind of woman who has received a recuperative education. When Jackson said this, she immediately admitted her mistake.

"Michael, this is my assistant Miss Whitney, please don't take offense, we are just joking." With Whitney's attitude, Chen Kangjie will stand up.

In any case, Whitney is his man, and if the subordinate admits his mistake, the boss must have an attitude.

"How could it be? I know this is our American style of humor. Long, you are really lucky to have such a beautiful assistant as Miss Whitney."

After talking, the two went to the reception area where the host and guest sat down.

Jackson also came with his assistant and bodyguard, but in Chen Kangjie's room, the bodyguard didn't have to come in. As for his assistant, he worked as a waiter for two global celebrities in the entertainment industry along with Whitney .

"Long, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to Washington DC. I know you are preparing for your filming and concert. I have had a similar experience. It is really a very busy thing. .”

"If it was any other event, I might not come, but because of the 9.11 incident, I have to come. I was a witness and a witness to that tragedy. I can understand the great pain, that incident Although it happened in the United States, the whole world is actually saddened by it. If my actions can help those injured or their families, then I really have a duty to do so." Regardless of what I think in my heart, as Chen Kangjie's identity , what he said can only be so high-sounding, there is no way to do it.

In fact, many people in the world feel very happy about the occurrence of 9.11.In the past, the United States went to other countries to kill people and throw bombs casually. Now it is their turn to receive retribution. I don’t know how many people applaud.It's just that those kind of words can't be said no matter what, especially Chen Kangjie can't say it.

"Yeah, well, let's not talk about this, thank you anyway. You should be hungry now, right? Should I eat at your place or in my room? I have told the restaurant to prepare it, and they can deliver it at any time." Come up."

"Since you have all come to my room, let's eat here. It's troublesome to come and go, what do you think?"

"Okay, of course there's no problem, Scola, let me serve the meal. I'll eat with Long here." Jackson raised his hand to beckon his assistant.

"Long, Mr. Jackson, you guys are going to eat, so I'll..." Whitney raised his eyes and sneaked a peek at Chen Kangjie and said.

"What are you doing? You don't have anything to eat, let's go together." This is Chen Kangjie's room. Although he is not a treat, he is qualified to say such things.

"Yes, Miss Whitney, please have dinner with us." Jackson also said.

"Okay, I'm going to help Scola." Whitney was of course happy to stay.

Chen Kangjie suggested to have dinner in his own room. He just wanted to be quiet and avoid being disturbed by going to Jackson's room. As the promoter of this concert, many people would go to him.

It didn't end up being much better here either, mya arrived just 1 minute into their dinner.

Regardless of whether mya has eaten or not, when she comes, I can only invite her to sit down and have a drink.

After the beginning of mya, many people came one after another.

These people were the guests of this concert. While they liked Michael Jackson, they also admired and admired Chen Kangjie. That's why they found Chen Kangjie's room and wanted to meet him.

Fortunately, the room Chen Kangjie lived in was big enough to accommodate a dozen people without any problem.

Now Chen Kangjie is a bit lucky to keep Whitney.If she is sent away, who will be the waiter to serve these fellow stars.

Some of these people who came had met Chen Kangjie before, and some met for the first time.No matter what kind it is, we are friends when we come.Moreover, before the start of the concert, it is very helpful for everyone to get together, exchange feelings with each other, and find a tacit understanding for the performance the day after tomorrow.

"Long, I heard from Michael that you have already invited him to be a guest at your concert, is that true?" Mariah Carey in a black dress half-raised a glass of red wine to Chen Kangjie and asked.

"Yes, there is such a thing. I think my concert will be enhanced with his participation. Michael is very experienced in live concerts. I will learn more from him when I come this time. "Chen Kangjie also raised his wine glass to greet him, and said after taking a sip.

"Long, I'm also very experienced, don't you plan to invite female singers to participate?" Mariah Carey said with a wink and a smile.

"Of course I have thought about it. There is a saying in my country that if men and women match, work will not be tiring. Of course I want to find some female singers to help. Maria, if I invite you, will you help me?" Chen Kangjie Now that you have understood what Mariah Carey is thinking, of course you should take the initiative to be a gentleman.

Everyone in the world knows that Chen Kangjie, who has never held a concert before, will definitely have a splendid concert, sweeping the entire music scene like a hurricane. Anyone in the industry knows this.Therefore, Chen Kangjie's concert stage will become a sacred and extremely attractive place.

What's more, Chen Kangjie's concert is also the venue for the release of new songs and new albums. This is different from everyone else's concerts, and it is very unique.

To be honest, only Chen Kangjie dared to do this. It is difficult for others to dare to put on the stage works that have not yet been recognized and accepted by the market.Chen Kangjie's self-confidence cannot be imitated even if others want to imitate it.

Is Chen Kangjie crazy?Overconfident?Of course not.

Chen Kangjie's self-confidence comes from the fact that the songs he chooses are actually screened and tested by practice. In other words, the songs Chen Kangjie chooses will be the most popular in the next ten years, at least they should be the ones in Western society. pop music.

With the experience of rebirth, Chen Kangjie will have such extraordinary confidence and courage.

"Yes, of course I am, it is my honor, long, I am very, very happy to accept your invitation, I will definitely arrange a schedule to attend on time, but you have to tell me the specific time and place in advance " Mariah Carey said excitedly like a little girl.

"That's for sure, we have to rehearse in advance and adapt to the venue."

For Chen Kangjie, he is of course happy and willing to have these powerful international superstars join in. With their participation, his concert will only be more attractive. This is a win-win situation.

For Maria and the others, they helped Chen Kangjie today, so when they hold a concert, they invite Chen Kangjie to help out, will Chen Kangjie be ashamed to say no?Can Chen Kangjie not repay this friendship?

So, everyone's dedication to Chen Kangjie today will be rewarded.

"Long, then I'm going too, and you have to arrange one for me. Moreover, I heard that at least half of the songs in your global tour this time will be for the first time. You love your new song, so that's it. Are you confident?" Xiao Tiantian also jumped out.

"Actually, I don't have much confidence. It's just that I may not have time to release a systematic album in the future, so I might as well make this concert a release of a new song by the way, which is equivalent to releasing a new album at the same time. Of course Now, as for whether the market and fans will accept it, I can hardly guess now. If you are willing to help, Xiao Tiantian, I would also be honored and welcome." Chen Kangjie said duplicity.

He was obviously confident and confident, but Chen Kangjie had to pretend to be humble and low-key.

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