rebirth of change

Chapter 2366 Cheering Heroes

Chapter 2366 Cheering Heroes

I haven't been able to help in Washington yet, but the concert's guest singers have solved a small part of it, and each of them is an international big name.

Of course, with Chen Kangjie sitting in charge by himself, no one who assists in singing will have much major impact on his concert.But even so, it is a good thing that people are willing to give face, and most of them are proposed by themselves.

On the second day, Chen Kangjie went to the recording studio with everyone to record, and at the same time went to the rfk stadium to rehearse and get familiar with the venue environment.

Since this performance is charitable, and the preparation time is limited after all, compared to each star's own concert, it is not so gorgeous and relatively simple.All singers and entertainers only have one chance to play, so in terms of costumes, I have to prepare my own.

Although it was not gorgeous, and the stage lighting and fireworks would not have any shocking effect, rfk still attracted tens of thousands of fans from all over the world.There are not many opportunities to meet so many celebrities at a concert, especially this time, Chen Kangjie and Michael Jackson, two superstars from the East and the West, will be on the same stage. This alone is enough Attract thousands of eyeballs.

This performance is charitable, so each singer will not take a penny. After paying the basic expenses, all proceeds will be donated to help the victims of the 9.11 incident and their families, and help them tide over the difficulties and get out of the predicament. Continue to live a positive and optimistic life.

In this concert, the audience can't guess what other singers will wear, but for Michael Jackson and Chen Kangjie, they don't have to guess.

Whether Michael Jackson is in a concert or other performances and programs, his attire seems to be the same forever, especially after 90 years, basically it has not changed.Cropped pants, white socks, red strips tied around the arms, and a black top hat on the head.And Chen Kangjie seems to have created his own unique simple style, and it is an oriental feature that can be seen at a glance. His basic clothing is a Chinese tunic suit, but his designer has added a lot of fashionable elements to him.

But no matter what kind of fashion elements are added, once the Chinese tunic suit is worn on Chen Kangjie's body, he will make people feel heroic, handsome and unrestrained.For Chen Kangjie's performance costume this time, the designer added peach blossom elements to his white tunic suit, which looks very refreshing and eye-catching.

On November [-]th, the weather in Washington was a bit gloomy. It seemed that the winter in North America was similar to the winter in northern China. That kind of gloomy, wet and cold weather was the norm.

The weather was not very good, but the cold and gloomy did not hinder the enthusiasm and passion of the fans and singers at all.For this concert, in order to increase revenue, they also sold the broadcast rights, and a TV station broadcast live.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as the concert started, the atmosphere of the scene was detonated.The audience paid a lot of money for the tickets, but seeing the revolving stars appearing on the stage and singing their classic songs, everyone felt that their tickets were worth a lot.

Perhaps it is difficult for the audience to reach the same consensus for the singers in front of them.Some people are fans of this, some people like that singer more, or prefer a certain song among them.

But after Chen Kangjie and Michael Jackson, who were the finale, appeared one after another, the resonance of everyone in the audience was found and ignited.

For others, they may have differences, but for Chen Kangjie and Michael Jackson, almost everyone has the same views and emotions.If there is a reporter to interview, then randomly ask fifty viewers, it is very rare that there will be one who says he doesn't like Long or Michael Jackson.

In this concert, Chen Kangjie's solo song is "i believe i can fly".

Although the concert is to commemorate the victims and help them raise funds for charity, since it is a concert, it should not be too sad, especially to give the audience a good audio-visual enjoyment and stage impression.

The song "i believe i can fly" is positive and encouraging. Of course, the melody sung by Chen Kangjie is also brisk with a touch of sadness, and the lyrics fit well with today's event.Especially the lyrics like "i used to think that i could not go on and life was nothing but an awful song" at first.

Although this concert is the finale of Jackson leading everyone to sing "what more can i give (what more can I give you?") which he wrote and composed, the whole event was also initiated and organized by Jean.But after the whole concert, I felt that when Chen Kangjie was here, the atmosphere was already at its peak.

This is not just because Michael Jackson has been affected by lawsuits and skin color in recent years, and his reputation has been reduced.The key point is that when Chen Kangjie was singing, the big screen behind him actually showed the pictures of Chen Kangjie's experience on 9.11, as well as the shocking pictures of the building being hit and collapsing taken from the helicopter at that time.

Frankly speaking, there are few people in the audience who have not seen these pictures. In the days after 9.11, the news was full of these scenes almost every day, and Chen Kangjie basically became a must-have figure.Therefore, the background on the big screen can be said to be familiar to everyone.

However, revisiting it today still makes many people feel sad and moved and shocked at the same time.

Especially when Chen Kangjie jumped from the helicopter and rescued people on the top of the building, surrounded by thick smoke, and when he was extremely thrilled, the stands were already wiping tears emotionally.

The oriental man on the stage, wearing a white Chinese tunic suit and singing with a microphone, became taller and more majestic than the heroic image in their minds at this moment.

Americans admire heroes, and regarding the 9.11 incident, if you ask Americans who was the hero of that day, 80.00% of them will mention Chen Kangjie, followed by those firefighters and policemen.It can be said that the picture frozen by Chen Kangjie's actions has already deeply existed in the minds of every American.

"...there are miracles in life i must achieve but first i know it starts inside of me..." To do it from my heart)

When Chen Kangjie sang the last note, spread his hands, and was about to bow to the audience, tens of thousands of people stood up in unison, raised their hands, and thunderous applause resounded throughout the rfk stadium.

"Long, long...hero, hero..." People shouted Chen Kangjie's English name and the title of "hero" over and over again.

Americans don't talk about the spirit of internationalism. They only know that at the moment of the disaster, Chen Kangjie stood up and saved people from extreme danger with practical actions. Then Chen Kangjie is their hero, and he is a man worthy of their praise. people with high respect.

The enthusiasm of the audience has actually affected Chen Kangjie. One of his unintentional actions made people feel so enthusiastic and respectful towards him.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie, who was in turn moved and full of thoughts, could only bow to the tens of thousands of people in the audience over and over again, thanking them for their enthusiasm and generosity.

"Long, the audience's enthusiasm for you is really beyond my imagination, but I will not be jealous, because you deserve all of this, and you brought it to everyone with your heroic deeds I have told others before that anyone can not come to our concert, but you must be invited... Today we not only want to raise money for the victims and their families We also hope to express our high respect to those heroes who have stood up bravely, including you of course. You are the greatest and most heroic hero in our entire entertainment industry. Hero, hero, long, you are ours hero..." Michael Jackson walked up to the stage with a microphone, came to Chen Kangjie's side, and spoke a long paragraph of praise and respect for Chen Kangjie emotionally.

Chen Kangjie put his arms around Michael Jackson, patted him on the shoulder, and raised his microphone: "I am not an American, but Americans have given me a lot of care and love. Personally, I don't think I am What a great thing you did, that’s just a coincidence. I believe that every friend of ours today would not shrink back in such a situation. To be a hero, to be honest, those firefighters Facing the fire and the precarious building, they were not afraid and rushed in one by one. In this tragic incident, the firefighters of the New York Fire Department suffered a lot. Their deeds are admirable and respectful." The more people admire themselves, the more Chen Kangjie must be humble, and the more he must not take himself seriously.

This is not just a matter of character, but also a matter of senses.Chen Kangjie has a clear understanding of human nature. He doesn't think that if he says this, his image will be weakened. On the contrary, Americans will think him even more amazing.

"Yes, those firefighters are great. Our city is safe and prosperous because of their protection every day. But you are also great, friends, and American people. Come to our event, he also told me this morning that in addition to the charitable funds raised today, he is willing to donate an additional $500 million to help the brave firefighters of the Fire Department of New York. This is what we received from this event The largest personal donation, let us once again thank long with warm applause..."

When all the stars came to the stage and sang the song "what more can i give" led by Michael Jackson, the concert finally came to an end with the night.

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