rebirth of change

Chapter 2370 You are too good at associating

Chapter 2370 You are too good at associating

"Hehehe, hahaha, Mr. Adams, your imagination is really rich, you are too good at associating, I think, you are talented as a detective, an imagination like yours should enter the film industry, Maybe next year's Oscar for Best Screenplay will have your name." After Adams finished speaking, Chen Kangjie immediately burst into a hearty laugh.

Don't look at Chen Kangjie's heroic smile, but in his heart, this is not the case.

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie hesitated and hesitated about whether to hold such a compatriot meeting, and thought twice.At that time, he was worried that doing so would arouse suspicion and cause unnecessary trouble.

The selection of personnel for that compatriot meeting was too special and obvious, and it was almost as if there was no clear warning.

But Chen Kangjie did that in the end, just like Adams said, Chen Kangjie knew everything that would happen in advance.For unfamiliar Americans, Chen Kangjie can face it with a hard heart, and can treat those things as having nothing to do with him.From this point of view, Chen Kangjie really cannot be said to be so kind, and it is not an exaggeration to say that his heart is as hard as iron.

However, facing those compatriots of the same language and race, Chen Kangjie couldn't be so indifferent and fearless.

In the end, sensibility overcame rationality, and Chen Kangjie, who couldn't bear his heart, still directed such an event that he could not attend at the last critical moment.

In that arrangement, Chen Kangjie saved many compatriots, but he also planted a certain hidden danger.

Several months passed, Chen Kangjie thought that this detail would not attract attention, but who knows, he still came to him today.

However, no matter who came to the door, Chen Kangjie had to deny that arrangement. He absolutely could not admit that he knew the situation in advance, otherwise, no matter whether Chen Kangjie was directly involved in the creation of the tragedy, he would have I can't tell.Even if it's just a reason and excuse for not reporting what he knew, Chen Kangjie's reputation will be ruined, and all his reputation will be destroyed.

Thousands of casualties and tens of billions of direct losses are not something that can be forgiven with just a few words.I am afraid that even those compatriots will not be able to appreciate and praise Chen Kangjie at that time.

"Long, we are not talking about movies with you. We are very serious. Due to various coincidences, we have reason to suspect that you knew in advance that the tragedy of 9.11 would happen." Adams stared at Chen Kangjie and said solemnly.

"Coincidence? What coincidence? What reason?" Chen Kangjie asked rhetorically.

When encountering major events, you must be more calm. This is Chen Kangjie's profound experience over the years.

Facing Adams and his colleagues from the FBI, no matter what Chen Kangjie thought in his heart, he had to pretend nothing had happened.These guys are not so easy to fool. If one is not handled well, it may increase their suspicion and make them hold on.

"Yes, what's the reason? I absolutely believe that Long can't be that kind of person. Do you know? This time Long came to Washington to participate in the mourning and fundraising activities for the victims of 9.11. He is for those brave firefighters , and generously donated 500 million US dollars. If he really knew in advance, is there still a need to do so?" Whitney obviously stood on Chen Kangjie's side unconditionally.

"Our reason is that your meeting with compatriots was not arranged in advance. It was decided on the day before 9.11. How could it be such a coincidence? Moreover, just the night before, you left the hotel, I went to the building opposite the World Trade Center, and the people you invited basically lived in the World Trade Center and the surrounding area. In addition, you did not show up at the compatriot meeting on 9.11. Could it be that these , Is it really as simple as a coincidence?" Adams asked solemnly.

"Just based on this flimsy reason, do you suspect me? Isn't it too childish? Well, since you want to see it this way, let me explain it to you, lest you think wildly and wrong a good person..." Chen Kangjie His brain is spinning rapidly to brew and organize vocabulary and language.

Not only Adams and the others stared at Chen Kangjie without blinking, but even Whitney and the others paid attention to him.

"The compatriots meeting was indeed a temporary idea of ​​mine. I know that it is not easy for Chinese to live and work hard in American society, so I wanted to meet with them, encourage and communicate with each other. And New York is just the opposite of Chinese. Cities that are relatively concentrated, but when I came to the United States, most of them went to Los Angeles, so I thought at that time, the opportunity is rare, so I asked the assistant below to arrange it. As for you, why did you invite the area? Is it not easy to understand that it will mainly be in Manhattan? There are a lot of Chinese in New York in Manhattan. What’s more, the list of that event was not drawn up by ourselves. The consulate and the New York City Police Department got it. According to your logic, do you have to investigate whether they are in league with me? Let me talk about why I didn’t show up at the meet and greet the next day... Actually, it doesn’t seem to be necessary How do I explain it? The whole world saw what happened that day. I risked my life to save people. Moreover, after such a big thing happened, do you think normal people will go to a meeting? Don’t you think, That day Manhattan was full of mourning, misery and chaos, but I was having a drink with my compatriots on the other side. Is it correct? Is this reasonable? To be honest, I would not be so inhuman.” Chen Kangjie’s 90.00% of the explanation is realistic, but [-]% of it, he also secretly changed some concepts.

For example, Chen Kangjie replaced Manhattan near the World Trade Center in order to blur the concept of hell.For example, Chen Kangjie said that the list of activities was obtained from the consulate and the New York City Police Department. In fact, the list was treated differently, and it was not completely listed according to the list.

No matter what the facts are, Chen Kangjie's explanation is a little pale, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense.If you believe in him, you will be flawless, if you don't believe in him, you will be weak, it depends on what angle you stand on.

"I just said that it is impossible for Long to really dare to do such a thing. Well, Long has already explained clearly to you, can you leave now, we will continue to have dinner together, I hope you will not disrupt and disturb us. "Whitney pouted and said in unconvinced help to Chen Kangjie.

It is a rare opportunity to have this kind of private dinner with Chen Kangjie, and Whitney was quite annoyed by being sabotaged and influenced by Adams and the others.If it wasn't for Chen Kangjie being there, and Whitney would have taken into account her ladylike image, I'm afraid Adams and the others would have been driven away by her long ago.

"Long, who is in charge of organizing the event that day? It should be your assistant. We also want to talk to him." Adams, a veteran, did not directly respond to Chen Kangjie's reasons, but found a new direction.

"Yes, it's my assistant, but I'm very sorry, this time he didn't come with me. This time, Miss Whitney snatched the opportunity to accompany me. I don't think you should doubt that he didn't come with me. I'm coming, is it a deliberate arrangement to escape?" In order to make his words more tenable, Chen Kangjie expressed all the doubts in Adams's heart.

Not to mention, Adams and the others really thought that way, thinking that Liu Deyi's absence this time was a deliberate arrangement.But when Chen Kangjie said it so openly, he didn't know how to answer it.

"I can prove this point. Long definitely didn't have that kind of arrangement in advance. If I didn't insist on coming, it would be Manager Liu who came this time. If you express doubts and want to investigate further, I can cooperate with you. But I have to first Well, if you are irresponsible, if you guess wildly, we will definitely ask Mr. Welch to give a clear statement." Whitney jumped out again, not only speaking for Chen Kangjie, but also threatening.

The Welch in Whitney's mouth is not the president of General Motors, but the current director of the FBI.

As soon as Whitney's words were spoken, Chen Kangjie became very curious about him.

Asking the director of the FBI for an explanation is definitely not something that ordinary people can say. Even Chen Kangjie has never said such a thing.But this kind of words just came out of Whitney's plump and round mouth.

Chen Kangjie was curious about Whitney, and Adams was equally curious.Adams understood quite well, Director Welch, that it would not be seen or connected by everyone.Is this girl a bluff threat?maybe.However, it seems that it is not impossible for Long to ask Mr. Welch for an explanation.

"Let me add one more point. On the day of 9.11, the hotel I stayed in also suffered a tragedy, which also caused heavy property and personnel losses. If I knew in advance, why didn't I change to another hotel? You know, that one The hotel has just been transferred to a Chinese company, will I favor one over another?" After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie added another powerful reason.

Why the hotel where Chen Kangjie stayed was also hit by a suicide plane on 9.11? Chen Kangjie, like Chen Kangjie, has not figured it out until now.One can even boldly guess that it wasn't that the plane flew off by accident, but came running towards him.

Faced with Chen Kangjie's newly added reason, Adams was even more unable to respond.

At this moment, the two barristers contacted by Whitney arrived.After the two lawyers made some negotiations and warnings with Adams and the others, Adams, whose evidence and reasons were somewhat flimsy, could only leave in despair with his men.

Without a lawyer, they couldn't take Chen Kangjie away by force, and if a lawyer came forward, they couldn't do anything about it.

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