rebirth of change

Chapter 2371 The Whitney Family

Chapter 2371 The Whitney Family

"Jie Shao, it seems that the FBI is after you, otherwise they wouldn't just come to you like this."

On the plane returning from the United States, Xiong Ziqiang who sat face to face with Chen Kangjie seemed a little worried.

"They just have doubts and don't have any hard evidence, otherwise, they wouldn't come to the door so softly." Chen Kangjie picked up a cup of black tea in front of him, "I know that in the US government, people who are unhappy with me There are quite a few people, but they dare not touch me casually, and many people believe that the lesson from five years ago is deep in their memories."

"That's the way it is. However, you should try to come to the United States as little as possible in the future. If you can't come, don't come. One thing is worse than one thing, and you can't give them a chance to take advantage of the loopholes." Xiong Ziqiang suggested.

"This is very difficult to do. Our interests in the United States are too great. It's not that I won't come if I say I can't come." After taking a sip of tea, Chen Kangjie sighed and said, "It's not only the United States that now has a profound interest relationship with us. , it will be the same for quite a long time in the future. Except for the United States, it is difficult for any market or country to hold such a large sum of money. In more than ten years, when our country’s economy fully recovers, Maybe it'll be fine."

"Then what if they catch you again?" Xiong Ziqiang was still worried.

"No matter what they try to do, they have to come up with strong evidence. Without evidence, everything else is useless. In addition, I have some issues with the previous president, but the current president has nothing to do with me. If there is a chance, I have to Get on good terms with the Texas cowboy."

"Jie Shao, haven't you provided political donations to President Bush?"

"Hehe, it's not me, it's Bob who gave him political donations."

The former president kld has stepped down. This President Bush was not favored by anyone before. Although he has a president's father, many people still don't think highly of him.However, Chen Kangjie, who is familiar with history, knew that he would become the president, so he once instructed Bob to give this Bush more support.

This is a chess piece buried by Chen Kangjie. Although he has no direct relationship with Bush, it is uncertain when this chess piece will be used.American politicians generally don't dare to offend financial backers.

Xiong Ziqiang nuzzled behind Chen Kangjie with his mouth: "Also, Young Master Jie, your assistant should be of unusual status."

Whitney did not stand behind Chen Kangjie, but rested in the room behind him.Even so, Xiong Ziqiang lowered his voice appropriately when speaking.

"Hehe, you can see it, can I not see it?" Chen Kangjie chuckled and said: "But I believe he will tell me soon, she is a smart person."

"I'm worried that he approached you with ill intentions. This girl is young, beautiful, and has a good figure. If she really has other ulterior motives, then she must be careful." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"It's as if I've never seen a beautiful woman before. Could it be that the beauty trick works so well for me? Tsk, she's young, so I'm not young?" Chen Kangjie curled his lips and said.

"No, that's not what I meant...just, man, isn't there such a saying, a hero is saddened by beauty, but you are the hero of the world." Seeing that Chen Kangjie's face was about to sink, Xiong Ziqiang Hurry up from derogation to praise.

After the plane stopped in Hawaii, after taking a nap, Whitney came out of the room to have dinner and chat with Chen Kangjie.

"Miss Whitney, why don't you go back to work in the United States in a few days, and serve at Miramax." After eating a simple meal and wiping his mouth, Chen Kangjie casually said said such a sentence.

"Ah, go back to work at Miramax? I'm not going to do it." As soon as Chen Kangjie's suggestion came out, Whitney became anxious.

"If that doesn't work, I'll introduce you to a cafeteria. Anyway, you are so good at cooking, I believe you can fully display your strengths and outstanding talents in the cafeteria." Chen Kangjie joked again in a teasing tone.

"I don't even do it. My cooking skills don't just serve others. Long, are you trying to drive me away? Why are you driving me away? Did I do something wrong?" Whitney His face was so contorted that he felt like he was about to cry.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just think that you should be humbled if you stay by my side. I'm doing it for your own good." Chen Kangjie put his hands on the back of his head, leaned on the back of the sofa, and looked at the anxious Whit Ni said.

"Is it because the FBI came to you to find out about 9.11?" Whitney asked unconvinced.

"Hehe, do you think it's because of this? I'm aboveboard and frank, how could it be because of this? Aren't you very smart, why are you so stupid now?" Chen Kangjie laughed out of anger.

"That's...well, I understand. You think I've concealed my identity, you're upset, you have scruples, right?" Whitney rolled his eyes and thought of the sticking point.

"Do you think that if you were me, would you be able to rest assured that an unknown person would be your assistant?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer directly, but his rhetorical question was equivalent to admitting that this was the key part.

"Is identity that important?"

"No, it doesn't matter what your identity is. It doesn't matter whether it's a young lady or a commoner. However, honesty and trust are really important, or how you treat your identity is really important. What do you think?" Chen Kangjie shook his head, released his right hand and waved a finger up.

"Yes, I admit, I did... hide something in my resume. But I really didn't mean it, I meant it, and I really didn't think about what I was trying to do." Whitney The momentum softened.

"Since you haven't thought about what you want to do, why hide it? Right, there is no need at all. Do you think you are a rich girl, so I will ask you to borrow money? Hehe." Chen Kangjie's expression He's tone of voice doesn't seem to be asking a question, it's like joking with a normal heart.

Chen Kangjie's tone was calm, but Whitney couldn't really feel indifferent.If it really doesn't matter, it will definitely be sent back to the United States.

"It's not entirely my fault. If it wasn't for those FBI guys making trouble, I would have told you. I never thought of hiding anything from you." Whitney complained angrily.

"Yes, there is such a thing. But now we are at an altitude of [-] meters, and there should be no more boring guys running out to make trouble." Chen Kangjie nodded and admitted.

"Well, don't you want to know, let me tell you, but after I say it, you can't send me back to work in the United States." Before revealing her identity, Whitney wanted to have sex with Chen Kangjie Do some bargaining.

"Well, it depends on what you say." In fact, what Chen Kangjie meant was that it depends on what identity you say and how credible it is.

Whitney picked up the drink and took a big sip, immersed himself for a while, and brewed his rhetoric.

"I'm from the Whitney family." After a while, Whitney raised his head and said.

"The Whitney family? I've heard of the Kennedy family, the Roosevelt family, the Adams family, and the Rockefeller family. These are big families that have had an important impact on American history. But, the Whitney family, I really don't know. I haven't heard much about it, can you explain it to me? I'm a little curious." Chen Kangjie really hasn't heard of such a family in the United States.

The United States claims to be the most democratic country, and they promote democracy all over the world, but in fact, the United States is basically a country controlled by one family, and American society is often deeply influenced by several families.This seems to be inevitable after a society develops to a certain maturity.

For example, the Kennedy family and the Rockefeller family mentioned above have a profound impact on American politics and a profound impact on the American economy.

Americans believe that elections are the best way to embody democracy, but they don't think about it carefully. How many of those so-called political candidates are not family members or spokespersons of certain families?

When a family has accumulated a certain amount of power and resources, they will focus on the cultivation of offspring, and with the support of huge resources, it is easier for offspring to stand out.Even if there are no outstanding talents in the immediate family, they will cultivate spokespersons.

Regardless of whether it is the direct children of the family who stand up or elect a spokesperson, there is only one purpose, and that is to preserve vested interests, whether political or economic.

Of course, politics and economics cannot be completely separated.Political families also need economic resources, without economic resources, how to live a high society life, how to win elections?The election of a senator will cost at least tens of millions of dollars, and the election of a president will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.Is such a large amount affordable or easily raised by ordinary people?Although candidates can raise election funds from voters, it is difficult to rely on such small donations.

Of course, the economic family needs political resources in turn. Without political resources, the huge wealth owned and hidden by the family may be wiped out or even annexed.Even if it is not for these reasons, it still requires the policies introduced by politicians to be as beneficial to themselves as possible. Only by mastering favorable policies can assets become more and more, rather than conversely less and less.

To put it bluntly, the United States is a money society, and the entire country and society maintain the current stable situation and move forward step by step under the cover of a combination of political and economic families.

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