Chapter 2373

The special plane flew back from the United States and stopped at the airport in Hong Kong.After Chen Kangjie and the others got off the plane, they chose to enter the mainland from the port by car.

Chen Kangjie planned to take a rest in Pengcheng. On the one hand, he wanted to learn about the local real estate market. On the other hand, Chen Kangjie also wanted to do some personal affairs.

"Long, I'm your assistant, I should stay by your side." Standing at the car door, Whitney was still arguing not to get in the car.

What Chen Kangjie had to do in Pengcheng was not directly related to his acting career, so he didn't need an assistant like Whitney, especially since this girl had such a background.Although Whitney has revealed his identity to Chen Kangjie, there are some things that should be avoided.So I arranged for a car to take her to the airport, and let Whitney go back to Zhucheng first.

Among Chen Kangjie's assistants, so far, Chen Kangjie only trusts Liu Deyi.Others, except Chen Kangjie's public acting status, will have reservations, and so will Whitney.

It's just that Chen Kangjie wanted Whitney to go, but Whitney didn't really want to go.

"I'm on a break now, and I don't need an assistant. Remember, we agreed that you won't get any preferential treatment. Whatever you want to do with your work, your manager Liu has already called me and said that I will arrange it for you. The work is waiting for you to go back to do it." Chen Kangjie walked with his back behind his back, and said in a businesslike tone.

As for whether Liu Deyi will arrange work for Whitney, isn't that a matter of Chen Kangjie's words.Chen Kangjie said there is, and he said there is no.

"But I don't want to go back, I want..." Whitney made a pitiful gesture.

"What do you think, don't think about anything. Work, that's your job. Since you accept this job, you have to accept the arrangement, ok?" Chen Kangjie didn't give Whitney a chance to express too much.

"Hmph, really, it's too unreasonable." Whitney snorted unwillingly.

"Come on, you won't be able to catch your flight if you're late, don't you want to take the train back? If you want to take the train, then I'll buy you a hard seat ticket and you can go back."

"I don't want to take the train, I just leave, I hate you." After finishing speaking, Whitney stomped her feet and turned around unwillingly and got into the commercial vehicle.

She has been in China for a while, but Whitney knows how crowded and uncomfortable the trains in China are, especially the hard seats. When she sees the pictures on TV, her scalp tingles.

Even if Whitney is not the eldest lady, she is still a high-level white-collar worker, and she can't bear to be squeezed into the crowded carriage with those migrant workers and smell the strange and unpleasant smell.So, if you can fly, it’s still first class, so let’s go as soon as possible.

Seeing the commercial vehicle taking Whitney to the airport drove away, Chen Kangjie turned around.

"Jie Shao, does Miss Whitney give you a headache?" Xiong Ziqiang asked with a smile.

"Miss, I don't have the consciousness to be a subordinate, and it is reasonable to have a little temper. The more she is like this, the more she must be treated strictly, and she must not be allowed to take advantage of it. You must be tough on her."

"Jie Shao, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that she came here because she has feelings for you. Do you really treat her like an ordinary assistant all the time?"

"Then I don't regard her as an assistant. What do I regard her as? A girlfriend or an aunt? My own backyard is not completely settled yet." Chen Kangjie patted his head depressed and said.

"Hehe, that's all I said, Young Master Jie, where shall we go next?"

"Others go back to the hotel room to rest by themselves. Brother Qiang and I can just go out for a stroll." Chen Kangjie waved his hand and said to the others behind Xiong Ziqiang.

"You all go back. We're in the mainland now. I'll follow you. It's fine." After Chen Kangjie finished talking about Pang Hui, they didn't move immediately. They returned to the room one by one when Xiong Ziqiang spoke again.

Chen Kangjie would not feel that his words were not as effective as Xiong Ziqiang, they were concerned about their own safety.

If Chen Kangjie did not bring Xiong Ziqiang, it would be difficult to make the trip, so he simply offered to bring Xiong Ziqiang and let Xiong Ziqiang send the others away.

"Mr. Jie, where are you going?" Xiong Ziqiang sat in the co-pilot of the Tengfei car and asked Chen Kangjie sitting behind through the rearview mirror.

"Let's take a random walk on the main road in the city first."


With the sound of a car engine, the black Tengfei sedan was driven out of the parking lot of Mengting Hotel and onto Shennan Avenue, the widest main road in Pengcheng.

"Jie Shao, this Pengcheng hasn't been here for a while, and it really has changed a lot." After driving a few kilometers, Xiong Ziqiang looked ahead and said.

"Is there such a big change? Why didn't I notice it?" Chen Kangjie looked out of the car window. With the rapid movement of the car, the dense trees and tall buildings outside the window were quickly flowing back from his eyes.

The signs of winter in the southern country are not obvious. In the north, all the trees have fallen off at this time, but there is no special sign of winter in Pengcheng except that it looks cooler.

"Look, there are tower cranes everywhere, and construction sites for new buildings everywhere. Isn't that a big change?" Xiong Ziqiang pointed out the car window and said.

"Yeah, that's a big change."

Chen Kangjie knew why there was such a big change, which was why he wanted to spend more time in Pengcheng.

Chen Qigang was transferred to southern Jiangxi, and the original mayor Xu Dongpeng took over as mayor smoothly. When Chen Qigang was still organizing consultations, he even spoke well and recommended Xu Dongpeng.

As soon as Xu Dongpeng came up, it was as if he had made some achievements in a short period of time, so as to show his means and ability.

But if we start from the manufacturing industry, it's not impossible, but the effect is too slow.After thinking about it, he found a way, which is to vigorously develop real estate.

As an open special zone with prosperous economy, Pengcheng has a unique advantage in developing real estate.It's just that when Chen Qigang was here, he was under appropriate suppression. At least, Chen Qigang didn't use any means to promote the development of the real estate industry.

At present, in the evaluation of officials in China, the economic development indicators are still the top priority, that is, the economic growth rate and the amount of gdp.As long as there are outstanding achievements in this area, it is a performance of ability and courage, and it is a go-getter for reform and opening up. On the contrary, it is a typical example of mediocrity and incompetence.

Once the real estate industry is promoted, its contribution to the economy is not only high, but also fast.If the land is sold piece by piece, the government will have a large amount of income. Moreover, once the community is started, completed and sold, it will generate an output value of hundreds of millions and billions. The amount of sales of electrical appliances and other aspects is quite large.

If you want the economic figures to look good, there is nothing more, faster and better than developing real estate.In a city like Pengcheng, the manufacturing industry is concentrated, the population of immigrants is large, and there are many rich bosses who get rich first. As long as they are encouraged a little, they can easily increase their gdp by tens of billions in a year without any problem.

The reason why Chen Kangjie knew that this situation would come around was because the company under him had received urging and requests from Pengcheng City.

Chen Kangjie has hoarded a lot of land in Pengcheng, but a lot of it has not been developed and is still idle.

In the past, when Chen Qigang was here, only when developing industrial parks would he urge those idle lands to be developed.Now that Xu Dongpeng is in power, he doesn't care about that. As long as the land that has been sold, whether it is the development of an industrial park or the development of commercial housing sales, it must be mobilized, so that precious land cannot be wasted.

The people below were pressured, so they responded to Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie wanted to come and see for himself.

At first glance, it was indeed the case. Even in the city, there are many more construction sites. Those construction sites are obviously not scientific research bases or high-tech parks, and they are either high-end residential areas or office buildings and commercial buildings.

In fact, Chen Kangjie has never opposed the development of real estate. After all, the people have related living needs, and citizens also need more places for consumption.What Chen Kangjie cares about is that for the real estate industry, we must proceed step by step, especially not to encourage and develop real estate as a pillar industry.

Once the real estate industry develops too much, the impact will be very unfavorable.Not to mention that the wealth of ordinary people will be hollowed out, it is also a threat to the economic security of the country.

The development of real estate is inseparable from financial support, and once finance is invested in real estate due to the transition of interests, it will inevitably bring harm and difficulties to the manufacturing industry in turn.Speculative behavior will come in waves one after another. Once the snowball gets bigger, it may lead to the danger of an "avalanche".

Before the rebirth, the economic crisis in 08 could be said to be inseparable from real estate.There is also the example of Japan. The bursting of the real estate bubble has prevented Japan from recovering for 20 years.Such an example is shocking in Chen Kangjie's eyes.

Once a country's economy relies too much on real estate, a sad situation will inevitably appear.It is really the high profits created by the real estate industry, which is enough to attract everyone's attention, including those bosses who have worked hard in the manufacturing industry.When the production of 100 million pairs of shoes is not as good as buying a house, who cares about developing manufacturing and investing in research and development?

And a country, especially a country with a large population, if the manufacturing industry cannot become strong, if all funds are absorbed into the real estate industry that does not directly generate value, can it become a powerful country?Can it be a great country?What is the difference between that kind of prosperity and a mansion built on the beach?When the tide comes, everything may be wiped out.What can you bring by guarding those houses?Can I eat or drink?At that time, real estate will become a competitive enemy.

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