Chapter 2374

"Mr. Jie, do you have any objections to the construction of Pengcheng?" Xiong Ziqiang, who had been watching Chen Kangjie carefully through the rearview mirror, saw that Chen Kangjie's expression was getting deeper and deeper, and he knew something about Chen Kangjie better.

"Brother Qiang, do you think you should do this?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

Just now, Xiong Ziqiang had been praising the great changes in Pengcheng, so Chen Kangjie asked this question out of nowhere.

"This... I don't know much about this..." Xiong Ziqiang hesitated, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, you can say what you think. Don't the old people say that the master and the truth may be hidden among the people. What's the relationship between you and me? Can I blame you if you say something wrong?" Chen Kangjie's expression eased. , said calmly.

"If you say that, then I'll say it. If I'm wrong, you have to forgive me."

"Let's talk, let's talk, we two old men, where are we so hypocritical?"

"Okay... I know that when Governor Chen was in Pengcheng, there were few large-scale demolition and construction, and such a dense construction site basically never appeared. I can't comment on whether Governor Chen's approach is good or not. , but I think, Pengcheng is one of the most prosperous cities in China, and it is adjacent to Hong Kong. There is nothing wrong with having more high-rise buildings. In our opinion, that is a symbol of modernization. Last time we went to New York, there were everywhere It’s skyscrapers. From another perspective, if New York doesn’t have so many skyscrapers, can it become the largest international city? Anyway, there are many rich people in Pengcheng, and houses can’t be sold. Look at this area, I remember it used to be The old residential area with five or six floors, to be honest, those houses are really not suitable for the positioning of Pengcheng. Imagine that two buildings will rise here tomorrow. Does it look more comfortable and pleasing to the eye? I That's all I know, and I don't really know if it's right or wrong." Xiong Ziqiang really babbled.

Xiong Ziqiang said so much, it is really hard to say whether he is right or not.Chen Kangjie even had to admit that what Xiong Ziqiang said had some simple truths.

Are your thoughts really wrong?Chen Kangjie had a question in his heart.

Following this question, Chen Kangjie fell into a period of reflection, while Xiong Ziqiang grasped the steering wheel wholeheartedly and did not disturb Chen Kangjie's thoughts anymore.

It is impossible to be wrong, and it is unlikely that I am wrong.Regardless of the actual examples or the economic theories of these years, Chen Kangjie is told that his consistent thinking is unlikely to be so outrageously wrong.

However, he couldn't be wrong, so Xiong Ziqiang and Xu Dongpeng were wrong?One of them is an ordinary person, and the other is a high-ranking vice-provincial and ministerial-level municipal party secretary. With such contrasting identities, could they make a mistake on the same point?This reasoning seems a bit untenable.

Understood, Chen Kangjie slapped his thigh.

Adapt measures to local conditions and time.The key lies in these eight characters.After a while, Chen Kangjie found a reason in his heart that he thought was tenable.

The territory of China is vast, not to mention that every city is different, even every province and the north and south are also different.For a developed coastal city like Pengcheng, citizens’ demand and ability for high-end residences and high-end consumption places will be much stronger than those of ordinary inland cities. , and it is also of great benefit to establish an advanced image of the city.

Pengcheng is the window of reform and opening up, and it also represents our external image to a certain extent.It is indeed necessary to have more luxurious high-rise buildings. The key is to be able to sell them and promote the development of the service industry.

For such a coastal city with a population of tens of millions, its ability to accommodate and demand real estate is really beyond the reach of ordinary cities.

What I said above is to adapt measures to local conditions, and another key is to adapt measures to local conditions.

At present, the domestic economy is in a period of rapid development. The economic development will naturally generate huge demand for the real estate market itself, and there is no way to block it.During this time period, what should be done should be to properly encourage development, control the total amount of humidity, and clarify the functional planning of the city.

Appropriate satisfaction is necessary when the market is extremely hot, and on the contrary, appropriate regulation and control is also necessary when the market is overheated.

In terms of time, the domestic real estate market has not really reached the level of overheating.

After these two problems were figured out, Chen Kangjie felt a sense of enlightenment.No matter what theory, what precedent, it is not dead, it is not set in stone.

Just like the Soviet Union's economic reforms were unsuccessful, it does not mean that China's transformation will also fail.Japan has stumbled a lot in the development of the real estate industry. This does not mean that China will go that way. The key is to know how to learn from experience and gain something from it.

"Brother Qiang, you really enlightened me, thank you." Chen Kangjie patted Xiong Ziqiang's shoulder from behind and said with a smile.

In the future, Chen Kangjie would go directly to Xu Dongpeng to talk to him, and let him get those lands. As the mayor, Xu Dongpeng should know a thing or two.Instead of going around in circles, it is better to have an open and honest face-to-face talk. Moreover, Chen Kangjie's joining will also help to curb the overheating of Pengcheng's real estate market to a certain extent.

In addition, Chen Kangjie will cooperate with real estate development in the urban area, but in the suburbs, Chen Kangjie is not very good at cooperating.

This is a two-handed preparation to prevent problems before they happen.Once the real estate market in Pengcheng overheats, Chen Kangjie's suburban land can play a mediating role. Anyway, he doesn't expect to make huge profits through this industry.

The reason why Chen Kangjie attaches great importance to Pengcheng is that, like Beijing and Mingzhu, it has indicative significance for the domestic real estate market. Once these three cities stop the car, it will be difficult for other cities to overtake.

On the contrary, if these three cities overheat and take the lead, other cities will follow suit.As for other cities, even if the house price is only half or one-third of that of these three cities, it is unbearable.

"Jie Shao, how can I enlighten you, I'm just talking nonsense, haha, I know your skills." Xiong Ziqiang didn't dare to take the credit.

"Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. Have you heard this old saying? Besides, I am not Zhuge Liang, and you are not a cobbler. Confucius said that three people must have my teacher. This sentence has been around for thousands of years. No one dares to say that it is wrong." Chen Kangjie leaned on the back of the car seat relaxedly and said eloquently.

After figuring out the problem and relaxing, Chen Kangjie didn't plan to wander around anymore.

"Brother Qiang, go out and go to Longhua to have a look."

"Jie Shao, Longhua? What are you doing there?" Longhua is a town close to the urban area, and now it has developed, and there are many industrial areas, but Chen Kangjie has never named anyone to go to this place, Xiong Ziqiang felt a little bit Somewhat strange.

"It's nothing, let's just wander around and find a place to eat over there by the way. I'm a little hungry, aren't you hungry?" Chen Kangjie couldn't tell Xiong Ziqiang what he was thinking, so he could only make up a nonsense reason.

Even if Chen Kangjie's reason was made up of nonsense, Xiong Ziqiang would not ask more questions.Turn the front of the car to the left at the intersection in front of you, and go in the direction of exiting the customs to Longhua.

As a special economic zone, Pengcheng is divided into internal customs and external areas.Although it is a city, special passes are required to enter the customs in the urban area. At several checkpoints, border guards and soldiers specialize in verification.It will take several years for this phenomenon to completely disappear.

In the districts and towns outside the customs, there is no need for border permits, and they can travel freely.

Before his rebirth, Chen Kangjie had lived in Longhua for a long time. Every day when he went to work in the customs, he had to be searched at the border checkpoint before he could enter.That impression is still deep.

There is no need for any inspection in the exit direction, and there are not many vehicles, so Chen Kangjie and the others quickly exited the customs.

After walking another two to three kilometers, Chen Kangjie saw a residential area on the right, and Chen Kangjie instructed Xiong Ziqiang to park the car on the side of the road.

"Brother Qiang, find a parking lot in front and park your car. I'll take a look here." Pulling the door to get out of the car, Chen Kangjie patted the roof of the car and said.

"There aren't many cars here, so we can just park here." Xiong Ziqiang stretched his head towards Chen Kangjie.

"Oh, let's be more civilized. Parking is not allowed here. Don't affect the traffic. Go ahead. If there is no parking lot, you can park at the entrance of a restaurant called Ganxianglou. There is a dam there." Chen Kangjie was very excited. Persistence is to prevent Xiong Ziqiang from parking on the side of the road.

No way, Xiong Ziqiang could only drive the car forward.

"Hey! Why is Master Jie so familiar with this place? He even knows that there is a restaurant in Xiangganlou. In my impression, he has never been here before." When I saw the restaurant named Xiangganlou, I had such a doubt in my heart.

Chen Kangjie lived in this area before, of course he knew that there was a Xianggan building here, and he had visited here more than once.I didn't think about it carefully at the time, so I blurted out.

After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie didn't pay much attention, so he went down the stairs by the roadside and entered the community by the roadside.

Looking at these buildings with a height of no more than eight floors, Chen Kangjie felt very kind, and his thoughts were suddenly pulled by these familiar scenes to that year that he had almost forgotten.

Chen Kangjie lived in many places in Pengcheng, but this place lasted the longest, almost four years.At that time, there was still a classmate living here, and the landlord he introduced.

Before he knew it, Chen Kangjie couldn't help but walk through the narrow alleys between the buildings and came to the small building where he used to live.

Looking up, the slender window on the third floor was dimly lit.It is impossible for the row of protective fences outside to block the penetration of light.

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