rebirth of change

Chapter 2386 Calling on Xu Dongpeng

Chapter 2386 Calling on Xu Dongpeng

"Of course he has connections, because his father is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General Ding Haolun. It can be said that his business would not have been smooth without Ding Haolun's support." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"You don't need to think about it. You should know that it is like this. It is almost impossible for ordinary people without the backing of big people and without an umbrella. In our party and in the government, it is often because of such scum that people are in the middle of the common people. The prestige of the government is getting lower and lower, and the common people don't trust the government and officials more and more." Chen Kangjie threw his chopsticks on the dining table and sighed with resentment.

"Yes, the problem of corruption is really getting worse. Young master Jie, what are you going to do? After all, Ding Haolun is the secretary-general of the municipal party committee. It shouldn't take long for him to find us."

"Are you still worried about his revenge? Let me tell you, if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him. In this way, you can sort out the information and materials you have, and bring them to me later. I will be useful." Chen Kangjie insisted. said the face.

Xiong Ziqiang left the room, but Chen Kangjie stood in front of the window and looked out at the city's reinforced concrete forests and towering tower cranes, thinking.

No need to think about it, Chen Kangjie knew clearly that Ding Haolun must belong to Xu Dongpeng, as the chief steward of the municipal party committee, if he could not be trusted, Ding Haolun would not be able to take that position at all.

After all, Xu Dongpeng didn't take over the position of secretary of the municipal party committee for too long. If he just messed with Ding Haolun like this, would Xu Dongpeng be misunderstood or misjudged?

After all, Chen Qigang was the previous secretary of the municipal party committee. Not long after he left, his son returned to the carbine to find the secretary general he had pushed up. If Xu Dongpeng had no other ideas, Chen Kangjie would not believe it.Comparing my heart to my heart, if that role was replaced by him, Chen Kangjie, I would also feel uncomfortable and grudges in my heart.

But Chen Kangjie couldn't rub the sand in his eyes. If he wanted to turn a blind eye to this black sheep, Chen Kangjie couldn't do it no matter what.

In addition, even if Ding Haolun is to be dealt with, there is still a problem of method and method. Whether it is straightforward or roundabout, the method is different, and the result and impact will be different accordingly.

In addition, Chen Kangjie had to consider Shi Xiaofen and Xiong Ziqiang.It's not that Chen Kangjie is gossip and arbitrary, but that he really feels that he has delayed Xiong Ziqiang and the others a lot.Of course, if Xiong Ziqiang had no intentions at all, it would be impossible for Chen Kangjie to be that kind of domineering person. Respecting Xiong Ziqiang's choice is a basic premise.

"Dinglingling..." Just as Chen Kangjie was thinking about it, his cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that the call was from Nie Yuanzheng.

"Brother Nie, have your people been discovered?" Chen Kangjie asked straight to the point as soon as the call was connected.

"You are a god, you can guess all of this, how could you think of such a result?" Nie Yuanzheng was really surprised and admired that Chen Kangjie could tell the purpose of his call in one breath.

"Although they didn't wear military badges, and their clothes didn't have any special marks, they can only hide it from ordinary people. It's very difficult for people inside. Anyway, there are only a few troops stationed in Pengcheng. As long as It's not difficult at all to investigate carefully." Chen Kangjie analyzed.

Chen Kangjie could guess this based on Ding Haolun's status as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.It's not easy for others to meddle in military affairs, but it's not difficult for Ding Haolun to pass through the military division, unless Ding Haolun is indifferent to what happened to his son Ding Xuan.But is that possible?Will Ding Haolun ignore it?If he was that kind of person, his son would not be so arrogant.

"Yeah, just now, Zhou Benshan, the commander of the military division, called me. Although he didn't say it clearly, he was sure that it was my people who got in the way. Anyway, he didn't say what he said. hinting and reminding."

"Will that have any bad influence on you?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"No, although Zhou Benshan is the commander of the military division, he does not belong to the same system as our field troops. It is precisely because of this that he did not explain what he said. He probably wants me to handle it myself. It is best It’s enough to give him a so-called reasonable explanation.”

"Hehe, does this count as mutual protection and protection by officials?" Chen Kangjie joked with a smile.

"Oh, what did you and I talk about? Who am I for? What do officials and officials mean to protect and shield each other? At most, it can only be a tacit understanding, not rebelling against each other, and maintaining a common image and interests." Nie Yuanzheng said convincingly, "How about I confess to him and confess you casually?"

"Come on, I was just joking, you did that, you ruined my image." Chen Kangjie hurriedly begged for mercy, "Brother Nie, I have written down your love. By the way, those brothers Some of us should have been injured, how about I compensate them for medical expenses? Can it be considered as a contribution to the work of both support? "

"There is no need to pay for the medical expenses. Our own medical team can handle the little skin trauma. This kind of dual support work, let's keep you and other troops."

Nie Yuanzheng was a little touched that Chen Kangjie could take the initiative to mention those injured brothers. If he didn't mention a word, Nie Yuanzheng would be fine, let alone ask Chen Kangjie to take care of him.

"Okay, if you say that, then I'm not hypocritical. If there is anything I can use in the future, just say, I will do my best. By the way, as for Zhou Benshan, you don't need to explain anything to him , maybe, I can turn this matter around."

That night, Chen Kangjie took the materials he had prepared and went to Xu Dongpeng's house to visit.

Before going, Chen Kangjie called his father, Chen Qigang, to talk to him about what happened to him, and listen to his opinion by the way.

In any case, the husband and wife have been in power in Pengcheng for several years, so they are relatively familiar with the situation and interpersonal relationships here. Moreover, including Xu Dongpeng, they could be regarded as his subordinates at that time, so it would be no harm to listen to his opinions.

Chen Qigang didn't like Chen Kangjie's dislike of Ding Haolun and his son, and had no idea of ​​"eliminating harm for the people". At that time, he criticized Chen Kangjie for recruiting people from the military to intervene in local affairs.

"If you do that, not only is it very likely to have a negative impact on Nie Yuanzheng, but it is also very likely to damage the image of the army among the people. In addition, the conflict between the military and the local government is a big taboo, and the upper echelons do not want to see it. When that happens. To put it lightly, Nie Yuanzheng is a violation of discipline, but if it is serious, it is illegal. Xu Dongpeng is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. If he is caught, what will happen? Have you ever thought about it? You make a phone call, a mechanized infantry The commander of the division will follow your orders, so where is the military order? They are field troops, not armed police forces, and you should carefully weigh the importance of this and stop messing around."

"Ding Haolun's matter, you'd better let Xu Dongpeng handle it by himself. If you intervene rashly, even if Ding Haolun is taken down, it may bring unexpected shock waves. If you take the initiative to find Xu Dongpeng, I believe him I will know how to choose. As for Zhou Benshan, I will just call him when the time comes. Although this person is principled, he is not pedantic. When I was in Pengcheng, he respected and supported me a lot. of."

Chen Kangjie was going to visit Xu Dongpeng, so of course he couldn't rush to the door. He made a phone call beforehand and made an appointment before visiting.

Xu Dongpeng was a little surprised when he received the call from Chen Kangjie who was coming to visit.

This is not to say that Xu Dongpeng does not know Chen Kangjie or that Chen Kangjie is not qualified to come.Instead, he was surprised because of his acquaintance and Chen Kangjie's identity.

In the past, when Chen Qigang was still the secretary of the municipal party committee in Pengcheng, Chen Kangjie had contact with Xu Dongpeng, but the relationship was not so intimate, but more of a need for interpersonal relationships.Chen Kangjie was not in Pengcheng all year round, and the number of times he had contact with Xu Dongpeng was indeed very small.

It can be said that the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Xu Dongpeng is quite ordinary, but no matter whether it is light or not, no matter from Chen Qigang's point of view or from Chen Kangjie's own influence, it is impossible for Xu Dongpeng to refuse Chen Kangjie's visit, not only cannot refuse , you have to show a warm welcome.

When he arrived at Xu Dongpeng's house, Chen Kangjie was familiar with the road. He didn't move just because he became the head of the municipal party committee, and he still lived in his old house.

"Uncle Xu, I'm sorry to disturb you." Xu Dongpeng had been Chen Qigang's deputy, so Chen Kangjie assumed the attitude of a junior.

"Hehe, what's the point of being embarrassed? When you come to Pengcheng, you should come to my place. You can't be unfamiliar just because your father is transferred away. I'm too happy that you can come. Why are you bothering me. I called Governor Chen several times to report on work, but he mentioned you, please come in, please come in." Xu Dongpeng stood on the steps of the villa, smiling, looking very enthusiastic.

Chen Kangjie was no longer in Guangdong Province, so Xu Dongpeng couldn't really report to Chen Qigang.It's just that the two have been working together for several years, and it's normal that they still have some contact.Moreover, Chen Qigang's level is also higher than his, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a report when communicating on some issues.

"My father often mentioned you, Uncle Xu, to me. He spoke highly of you, saying that you are not only capable, but also have a broad mind." Entering the living room of Xu Dongpeng's house, after the nanny served tea, Chen Kangjie sat in Xu Dongpeng's room. Said on the sofa on the right.

"Hehe, hehehe, Xiaojie, thank you Governor Chen for your kindness. In terms of ability, character and heart, Governor Chen is really a role model for us old subordinates. I really didn't expect that I was in Governor Chen's heart It is a great honor to have such a high position!" Xu Dongpeng seemed very happy.

But to say that Xu Dongpeng took it seriously, that's not entirely true.Xu Dongpeng is not a three-year-old child, and he has never been in contact with Chen Qigang. Perhaps Chen Qigang still thinks highly of him, and recommended him to take the position back then.However, Xu Dongpeng was a little bit questioned that he was so noble and prestigious in Chen Qigang's mind.

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