rebirth of change

Chapter 2387 Send a big gift first

Chapter 2387 Send a big gift first

Chen Kangjie and Xu Dongpeng had a chat first, and when the atmosphere became very harmonious and the feeling of strangeness between the two of them was completely eliminated, Chen Kangjie took out the materials he was carrying.

"Xiaojie, what is this?" Xu Dongpeng was full of doubts when he saw Chen Kangjie took out some documents from his body.

Before Chen Kangjie came, Xu Dongpeng had been speculating about the purpose of Chen Kangjie's visit to him, but after much deliberation, Xu Dongpeng couldn't think of a reason.

In Xu Dongpeng's feeling, Chen Kangjie couldn't be the kind of person who just wandered around with nothing to do.Not to mention that he has a lot of careers, he should be very busy. Even when Chen Qigang was in charge of the government in Pengcheng, Chen Kangjie hardly visited any house when he came to Pengcheng.

But this time, he took the initiative to call Xu Dongpeng in advance, and wanted to visit his home.

Seeing Chen Kangjie take out a few pieces of paper now, Xu Dongpeng understood a little bit that Chen Kangjie should have something to do with him, but he didn't understand what it would be.

"Uncle Xu, aren't you vigorously developing real estate now? This is my support." Chen Kangjie handed the above two pages to Xu Dongpeng, and said with a calm smile.

"Support?" Xu Dongpeng picked up the two pieces of paper in confusion, and after a few glances, he was shocked: "All these lands are yours?"

The two pieces of paper that Chen Kangjie took out were mainly vacant and undeveloped land plots in Pengcheng. This was a gift from Chen Kangjie to Xu Dongpeng.

"It can't be completely mine, but my use of these plots can play a role." Chen Kangjie said ambiguously.

What Chen Kangjie said was true, but it was also false.It's a lie, but these lands can be regarded as Chen Kangjie's own, and he has the final decision-making ability.To tell the truth, it is because these lands also have some other people's shares, such as Ouyang Zhenhua, who owns a small part of all assets of Chen Kangjie, which means that some of these lands belong to him.

"I remember that these lands are the assets of many real estate companies or investment companies. are..." Xu Dongpeng couldn't believe his ears and eyes, but his reason told him that Chen Kangjie It is impossible to joke about such a thing with him.

Since he wanted to vigorously develop the real estate industry and use this industry to promote economic development, Xu Dongpeng naturally had to conduct a survey of the land resources that the local said he owned.The result of the survey was that these plots were divided into many companies, but none of them showed a direct relationship with Chen Kangjie.

"Secretary Xu, how did you get involved with me by accident, right? Hehe, you should also understand that with my identity, how can I jump out and make this kind of business investment by myself? These are all partnerships with others , obtained through twists and turns. Of course, don’t doubt what my father did from it. He didn’t do anything. 90.00% of it was taken before he took charge of Pengcheng Yes, some even date back to the time when the old Chief’s southern tour. Some parts have been developed, and some, such as these, have not been developed and have been vacant.” Chen Kangjie said naturally and calmly.

Since it was about business, Chen Kangjie's name for Xu Dongpeng also changed unintentionally.From Uncle Xu to Secretary Xu.

"At that time, you saw that the land price and house price in Pengcheng would rise sharply? So you acted first?" Xu Dongpeng still hadn't recovered from his surprise.

"Hehe, what's the problem? Pengcheng is a special economic zone. After the old chief's southern tour, the fool also knew that the price of these lands would increase, so he lost some funds, so he just partnered with others to make some investments." Although Chen Kangjie He wanted to give a gift, but he didn't intend to show Xu Dongpeng his secrets.

The relationship between Chen Kangjie and Xu Dongpeng is far from that level of close trust.Therefore, he had some reservations during his conversation with Xu Dongpeng.

"Then why are some of them developed, and so many are not developed? Do you want...exotic goods to live in, in order to sell them at a good price?" Xu Dongpeng felt that there were too many things he didn't understand, and he also felt very sorry for Chen Kangjie. To a large extent, I can't see clearly, I can't understand.

Although in Xu Dongpeng's impression, Chen Kangjie is a genius-type figure, and his various achievements are famous at home and abroad, but those are mainly artistic and sports achievements. Now he is facing a Chen Kangjie who knows how to do business and business, so Chen Kangjie is in Xu Dongpeng's mind. The impression in the book is naturally overturned.

"Secretary Xu, if I had something rare to live in, then I wouldn't show it in front of you today. I just took it in the market and processed it or developed it and sold it, wouldn't that be enough? Why bother? To be honest, although I was optimistic about the development of this city several years ago, but I never really thought about using these lands to make huge profits, that was not my original intention at all." Chen Kangjie said as if he was talking to Xu Dongpeng on an equal footing.

In Chen Kangjie's heart, even if Xu Dongpeng was his elder, even if he was the vice-provincial secretary of the Pengcheng Municipal Party Committee, Chen Kangjie always felt that he could have an equal dialogue with him, and he never felt that he would be three points short.This point is not determined by so-called psychology, but by strength, which can establish a person's mentality.

"Then what did you think at the time?" Xu Dongpeng put down the paper in his hand, and asked Chen Kangjie solemnly.

"It's very simple. To make money, you must make money. You can't invest so much. It's to lose money. This is not in line with all market management principles. However, the reason why we don't have large-scale development for profit, but choose slow The step-by-step approach is based on stabilizing the reasonable economic prosperity of Pengcheng and not stimulating excessively high housing prices in Pengcheng. To be honest, if it were not for the policies you are implementing now, we would still uphold our consistent tone. Including During the years my father was in power, we didn't even think about that."

"In our opinion, the prosperity of a city cannot be simply reflected in the dense skyscrapers. The industry is the foundation for a city's continuous improvement, whether it is ordinary manufacturing, high-tech innovation industries, or even derivatives. Service industry. The real estate industry can only be a supplement to the real economy, or the needs of the development of the real economy. It is the huge demand for the real estate industry, so we are willing to do something about the development of this aspect." Chen Kangjie said sternly, and Xu Dongpeng could feel that Chen Kangjie was very logical, and he would not feel that his words were meaningful at all. What a dissonance.

"After taking over your father's work, I came to the conclusion that the real estate industry must accelerate its development through a lot of interviews and research. Of course, I admit that vigorously developing the real estate industry can generate huge GDP and The digital effect, but my starting point is still based on meeting the rigid needs of businesses and citizens. The government led by our party must face the ever-increasing material and cultural needs of the people, and meet such needs in a reasonable way, so that the people can You will feel happy, and the economy will develop further." Facing the calm and restrained Chen Kangjie, Xu Dongpeng unexpectedly made such an explanation in front of him.

It seemed that Xu Dongpeng was worried that Chen Kangjie would misunderstand him. Even Xu Dongpeng himself did not consciously notice this psychological change and formation.

"Yes, because of this, we decided to help. Uncle Xu, if the government has any public use for these lands, you can propose it. We are willing to transfer it to the government for use on the basis of maintaining a reasonable profit margin. The rest For the part, we will develop it according to the needs of the market." Chen Kangjie nodded, and his name for Xu Dongpeng changed again, which is a bit of a relationship.

"Are you willing to transfer it to the government?" Xu Dongpeng couldn't believe his ears.

The location of these plots may not be very good before, but now many of them have become prime locations.If it is for commercial development or commercial transfer, the profits will of course be higher than those transferred to the government.

Usually developers do everything possible to get land from the government at a low price, and on the contrary, they are willing to transfer it to the government at a high price, which is really extremely rare.

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with this. I believe that the government will provide a lot of public services for the development of this city, so it will naturally need suitable land. Others may want to make money from the government, and how In order to earn more, but for us, it is not necessary, just be reasonable." Chen Kangjie said righteously.

"Thank you, Xiaojie, then I'm here to thank you on behalf of the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the people of the whole city." Xu Dongpeng said excitedly.

Xu Dongpeng has many development ideas in his mind, but all of them require a lot of money.Don't think that a city like Pengcheng is really rich. It can be said that if it does not rely on selling land, the government will still be stretched.The more income, the more expenses.

For example, to build civic parks, municipal art centers, educational and cultural centers, civic centers, science and technology innovation parks, and various libraries and educational units, all of which require good land and large investment.If Chen Kangjie and the others could transfer it at a low price, the city government would save a lot of money.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do. However, I also hope that the city can allow us to carry out planned and step-by-step development on other land, including some land outside the customs. Maybe we won't be so eager to use it. , I hope Uncle Xu can understand."

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