rebirth of change

Chapter 2390 Prepare Songs

Chapter 2390 Prepare Songs

"Long Will Dominate the Music World", "The Most Profitable Concert in History", "The Only Long", "Long's Global Shockwave", "The Long-awaited Feast", "Long's Century", "The Only Chance to Contact Long". .....

Chen Kangjie's concert has not yet kicked off, and the media from all over the world have already started extensive reports on Chen Kangjie's world tour concert.Every paragraph or every piece of news, the title sounds quite sensational.

Media reporters exclaimed in amazement that Chen Kangjie was able to raise billions of dollars with a single world tour. In addition, if tickets are included, the number will climb even higher.

However, the reporters also admitted that apart from Chen Kangjie, it is difficult for others to have such appeal, influence and attractiveness.

So far, at least no one has been able to focus on unreleased repertoires in concert tours, and he has set a precedent in the world.

So far, it seems that only the album released by Chen Kangjie, all the songs are popular, as soon as his album is released, he will be at the top of the world's mainstream charts.That's why there was a media report titled "Long Will Dominate the Music World".

There is no doubt that in the next one or two years, the world's mainstream music rankings will become a situation where Chen Kangjie competes with himself. If other people want to win any championship or runner-up, they may not even think about it .Some people even predicted that it would be difficult for someone else's name to appear in the top [-] on a list like Billboard.

Fans all over the world are really looking forward to Chen Kangjie's concert.

Everyone has a feeling that this time is very likely to be the only chance to get in touch with Chen Kangjie up close.For so many years, he has hardly held public performances, and he has never held a concert, and now he is going to hold concerts all over the world continuously, which always makes people have a lot of speculation and associations.

The report "The Only Chance to Contact Long" has not been criticized or protested by many people. In terms of sensibility, many people have similar feelings.

It's like the antique market, those antique goods have a strong scarcity, which can attract people's attention and high interest.In this case, the personnel are willing to pay a high price for a certain antique.

And Chen Kangjie is similar, if this concert tour is his only concert, then its attraction to his loyal fans is unparalleled.He is not like other stars, if he misses an opportunity, there will be a next time, and even a next time.But Chen Kangjie may miss this time, and he can only keep it in his mind to imagine in the future.It is precisely because it may be the best sound that advertisers are willing to spend on Gao Jia.

"Long, to be honest, I really can't figure out how you can come up with such a song. In my intuitive impression and imagination, such rap songs should be the specialty of black people." Chen Kangjie's queen producer After Jeff Casey heard Chen Kangjie sing the song "Get Busy" in the recording studio, he was in a daze.

It is not the first time Jeff Casey has heard Chen Kangjie sing this type of song, but even so, he will still be surprised.Maybe it's because Chen Kangjie hasn't released an album for a long time. Every time he faces Chen Kangjie, Jeff Casey will have a refreshing sense of impact.

Although the song prepared by Chen Kangjie is to appear in the concert, it does not mean that he does not need to make preliminary preparations.Not only do it, but do it well.Therefore, after returning to China, Chen Kangjie, no matter where he is building a city or where, he basically stays in the recording studio with his team members, and through continuous practice, he performs every song to the best possible performance. .

The original singer of "get busy" itself is a black man, the rapper Sean Paul from Jamaica. When this song was released, it occupied No.1 on the American music charts for three consecutive weeks. The leaderboard also entered the top ten.

Although "get busy" is a rap song, it has a sense of rhythm and relatively simple lyrics, and it doesn't need to be rapped very fast.

Few people have heard this song in China. Chen Kangjie knew it because an online program once used it as background music. Chen Kangjie thought it sounded very catchy, so he went looking for it, and he found it and listened to it. a period of time.Now that a new album is about to be released, there is no reason not to use such a song.

Sean Paul also received three Grammy nominations for this song.

When choosing the song "get busy", he actually thought of another song "?in?da?club" that was also performed by black people. In fact, "?in?da?club" is even worse than "get busy". It should be more popular, but the lyrics in it are too vulgar, especially there are many lyrics such as cao and doing ai, so Chen Kangjie killed it in his mind.

Whether it was for social influence or for his own reputation, Chen Kangjie tried his best to avoid such vulgar phenomena.

"Jeff, I don't think so, I think long has a special flavor when performed, I like it better." Safta Jaffery, another of Chen Kangjie's queen producers, feels differently from Jeff Casey, "Jason, what do you think? ? You are a rapper yourself, you should have a different feeling."

Jason is a new member of the team. He is a music producer, songwriter, and a black rapper who has won several music awards.

The introduction of newcomers this time is to have a different perspective to examine Chen Kangjie's works and performances.

"Actually, I feel the same way as Jeff. It's really hard for me to imagine that Long can write such a song. I can see it today, which really opened my eyes. Anyway, it's hard for me to write it. But I also It is really a different appreciation to agree with Safta. However, Long, I suggest you, the pause in the middle should be more crisp, and the rhythm should be stronger. This may be better.” Jason is very good at life , no one could offend Chen Kangjie's two queen producers, and they put forward their own opinions in a timely manner.

"Okay, then I'll do it again, you guys listen again." Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

As for why he was able to write such a song, Chen Kangjie would not explain it, and he couldn't explain it clearly at all, so he simply didn't touch it.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, long, look at my gestures to start..." Jeff sat up straight, picked up the song book prepared by Chen Kangjie and directed.

For Chen Kangjie's recording, of course it is impossible to have only the three producers and Chen Kangjie, and other staff are also indispensable.

Although Chen Kangjie is the core and their boss, Westerners do not have as much thoughtfulness and consideration as Chinese people when they do things. Generally speaking, they just express their thoughts and opinions directly.

For a song like "get busy", Chen Kangjie came up with it many times based on the opinions of the three of them before finalizing it.After singing such a song, Chen Kangjie felt that his throat was about to smoke.

"Compared to "get busy", I prefer this song "crazy in love", long, do you need to take a break?" After finalizing "get busy", Jeff took out the songbook of "crazy in love" asked.

"It's okay, I'll just take a sip of water, shall I take out a demo first?" Chen Kangjie took a sip of the mineral water Jason handed over and said.

"Long, in fact, you can find other singers to come up with demos of your songs first, and then refine them. Wouldn't that be better and more efficient?" Jason said to Chen Kangjie.

"There is no need for that. I don't want to be influenced by others. I think I can do it myself. Everyone has different feelings and understandings, and the effect will be different." Chen Kangjie threw the remaining half bottle of water to Jason said.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't need to do that at all. These songs were all songs he had heard before. In other words, those original singers had played demos for him long ago, but such demos were in his mind and he couldn't get them out. .

Of course, I told Chen Kangjie himself that everyone has different feelings and understandings, and the effect will be different.Therefore, Chen Kangjie will not blindly imitate the original singer, he will still root out his own understanding and voice to make some appropriate adjustments and add some of his own emotions.

"Okay, I'm ready, let's go, I'll do it myself first." Chen Kangjie put on his earphones and stood in front of the microphone in the recording studio.

"oh, oh... i look and stare so deep in your eyes, i touch on you more and more every time, when you leave i'm in you not to go..." Chen Kangjie adjusted After taking a breath, he began to sing.

The beginning of this song is not like this, it was changed by Chen Kangjie.

The original singer of this song is two people, a man and a woman, Beyoncé and rapper jay-z, but Chen Kangjie removed the part of the male voice jay-z, leaving only the part of the female voice, this is for his convenience to perform, not A conflict of sound and meaning arises.

After Chen Kangjie sang, Jeff Casey, Safta Jaffery and Jason fell into silence, and no one spoke, as if they had fallen into a state of trance.

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