rebirth of change

Chapter 2399 Highlights

Chapter 2399 Highlights

For this concert, Chen Kangjie's team really racked their brains. Not only must the quality of the music be guaranteed, but the stage must also look dazzling and attractive enough to give people a sense of visual stimulation and enjoyment .

Fortunately, as long as Chen Kangjie has results, the budget is wide open.In a word, as long as he can achieve the effect he needs, no matter how much money is invested, he will not hesitate.That's why so many magic tricks were added and so many high-tech methods were used.

Anyway, each of Chen Kangjie's performances is sponsored by a high amount, and he also sells a high amount of tickets. This is not counting the sales of the later CDs. Therefore, he can pursue quality and effect regardless of cost.

The whole performance was full of excitement, and all the audience were simply overjoyed.

However, the performance is not without any problems, but the situation is not on the stage, but off the stage.

In the past, Chen Kangjie watched Michael Jackson's video tapes and saw many people fainting from excitement at his concerts. At that time, he thought it was exaggerated.

Of course, Chen Kangjie would not doubt its authenticity, but he felt that how could an adult or someone close to adulthood be so excited and unconscious after watching a performance.No matter how much you worship idols, no matter how excited you are, there should be a little bit of emotional control at the end.

However, when such a similar situation happened at his concert, Chen Kangjie not only believed that there would be people who were overly excited, but also worried for those young people.

Maybe Chen Kangjie didn't need to bear any responsibility for the life and death of those people. After all, Chen Kangjie didn't take the initiative to hurt them. Whether it was life or death, it could be said that there was no necessary direct connection with Chen Kangjie.However, no matter what they say, they are also my fans, and they came all the way for me. If something happens to them, Chen Kangjie will still feel sad, guilty and uneasy.

Fortunately, the medical and health department had made careful preparations and arrangements in advance.Chen Kangjie himself saw five fainted. After these fainted young people were removed from the crowded crowd by enthusiastic spectators and volunteers, the medical staff immediately took over and rescued them on the spot. If it is serious, use an ambulance to send it directly to the hospital for further treatment.

Chen Kangjie invited two guests to this concert, one is He Wanrong and the other is Michael Jackson.

It should be easy to understand why Chen Kangjie invited these two people. He Wanrong is Chen Kangjie's god-sister. It can also be said that they debuted together. He Wanrong's acting career is inextricably linked with Chen Kangjie.It can be said that without Chen Kangjie, He Wanrong would not be where she is today. She is either in a school in the Mainland or in a certain government department. She will definitely not be a superstar popular in East and South Asia.

When Chen Kangjie was resting in the midfield, He Wanrong stood on the stage wearing a white dress and stood on the stage to replace Chen Kangjie.

Those fans from the west may not be too fond of He Wanrong, after all, He Wanrong's popularity is mainly concentrated in Asia.However, those audiences in the Mainland and Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan are no strangers to her.In addition, He Wanrong won a Grammy no matter what, and sang the smash hit "My Heart Will Go On".Therefore, even if some people do not pursue her too much, they are not completely unfamiliar with her.

He Wanrong's appearance also won enthusiastic applause and cheers.

Those Western audiences, even though their aesthetics are a little different from ours, are still captivated by her unearthly elegance and elegant beauty.

Shangguan Yu, who had met Chen Kangjie before, came with He Wanrong this time. He already knew the relationship between He Wanrong and Chen Kangjie, and also knew Chen Kangjie's identity, so he was very supportive of He Wanrong's going on stage to stand for Chen Kangjie.

He Wanrong has gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, and rarely participates in public events.She also listened to Chen Kangjie's suggestion and started to invest in a clothing brand of her own and a beauty center of her own.

The relationship between Shangguan Yu and He Wanrong became more and more harmonious, and the relationship between the two became better and better. He Wanrong even took Shangguan Yu to meet He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang once.He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang were basically satisfied with this honest young man, implying that they were waiting for the day when the two of them got married.

Shangguan Yu originally went to Hong Kong from the mainland. When he knew that He Wanrong's father was actually a governor, he was very disturbed.Later, under He Wanrong's turn, he slowly adjusted his mentality.

Speaking of which, for He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang, as long as the person He Wanrong brings back to them is not too bad, they will be satisfied.Anyway, He Wanrong is not young anymore, if they don't get married and find a reliable man to settle down, they will feel uneasy.

What's more, He Wanrong also told He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang that Shangguanyu was the candidate that Chen Kangjie had examined, so the two old people felt more at ease.

Chen Kangjie was younger than He Wanrong, but their two elders did not doubt Chen Kangjie's vision of people. In terms of social experience, they even felt that Chen Kangjie was more sophisticated and thoughtful than their daughter.Chen Kangjie has already passed the first pass, so they have already agreed to half of it.

He Wanrong once told Chen Kangjie that when the business she invested in took off, the two of them would get married, and Shangguan Yu was already helping He Wanrong manage the clothing brand business.

Shangguan Yu felt extremely lucky and proud to be favored by He Wanrong.It is very difficult to meet a woman like He Wanrong who is so beautiful, talented and kind-hearted in this world.

He Wanrong sang two songs on the stage, one is "My Heart Is Eternal", which is familiar to almost everyone, and the other is the Chinese song "You Are My Proud".

The song "You Are My Pride" was composed especially for Chen Kangjie by He Wanrong. However, what is unexpected is that she not only explained Chen Kangjie's greatness from the perspective of Chen Kangjie's family and friends, but even, she Also from the perspective of an ordinary fan, to describe a fan's feelings of admiration for Chen Kangjie.

"...Your appearance gave me direction, and your singing voice made my eyes full of tears...Your galloping posture impacted my heart, and your bright laughter brought Let go of my are my pride, everything you created lasts forever..."

He Wanrong was about to quit the showbiz, but what she didn't expect was that, at the end of the day, she could push her showbiz career to a new peak with such a sincere song.

After He Wanrong completely quit the entertainment circle, her most reminiscent work, this song "You Are My Pride" ranked second. As far as the Chinese circle is concerned, this song has even become her most important song. representative work.

In contrast, Michael Jackson's fame and reputation are not comparable to He Wanrong's. Therefore, Michael Jackson only appeared in the finale.

When Chen Kangjie, dressed in a leather jacket and leather trousers, dressed up as a cowboy, invited Michael Jackson, the audience erupted like thunder.

It is not easy to see that the two heavenly kings of today's world are on stage at the same time.Not long ago, Chen Kangjie had just cooperated with Jackson once in Washington, but the meaning and concept of that appearance was quite different from this one.

This time, there are really only two entertainment kings representing East and West on the stage.Moreover, they performed for the sake of performance, and the effects presented were very different.

The song they sang last time was written by Michael Jackson, but this time, they sang "? when i'm gone" by Chen Kangjie.

This song is used as the finale. On the one hand, it is of course nice, and Chen Kangjie himself likes it. On the other hand, this song is of course very suitable for Michael Jackson to sing.Of course, the meaning of this song is also very rich, and it can be sung to almost anyone.

"...there's another world inside of me, that you may never see, there's secrets in this life, that i can't hide, somewhere in this darkness, there's a light that i can't find... ..."(.....There is another world in my heart that maybe you will never see life there has some secrets that I can't hide in some corner of his darkness There is light that I cannot find....)

If Michael Jackson's appearance was the first surprise, then in the first part, Chen Kangjie and Jackson danced Jackson's signature dance would be another bigger surprise.

People found that Chen Kangjie danced Jackson's dance without any sense of disobedience, and their movements were actually uniform, which was really one of the highlights of tonight's performance.

In order to cooperate with Jackson in this section, Chen Kangjie practiced hard. In addition to Su Jiaming's guidance, Michael Jackson also personally guided and accompanied him to practice for two days.

This time Michael Jackson came to China in secret, except for a few special people, no one else knew about it.

At that time, some gossip media had some speculations, but neither aspect was confirmed.

The reason for this is to give the audience a surprise and a result beyond their expectations.

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