rebirth of change

Chapter 2400 Helping Jackson to be an ordinary person Chapter 1

Chapter 2400 Help Jackson to be an ordinary person

On April [-]nd, the day after Chen Kangjie's concert ended, news about his concert appeared in major media.

Stunning, shocking, refreshing, beyond imagination, surprising, unbelievable, unforgettable, all-round enjoyment and other praise adjectives have basically become the mainstream in various media reports.

For example, "World Entertainment Weekly" wrote that Long's performance was completely beyond the scope of their inherent logic. In the past, they were worried that Long had never held a concert, and would appear dull because of his inexperience. Surprise beyond imagination.

According to the report of NHK TV station, this performance of Long heralds the beginning of a new era. It is easy for people to forget all the concerts they said they have seen before. The auditory, visual and sensory effects that Long brings to the audience The enjoyment is refreshing and uncanny.

The British Guardian reported that watching Long's concert seemed to be in Las Vegas instead of China.His performances integrate various latest and most advanced technological elements and performance elements, the tradition is not lost in modernity, and the modernity is integrated with tradition.

The Guardian also specifically mentioned the performance between Chen Kangjie and Michael Jackson: You can imagine the feeling and impact of the combination of Long and Michael. When Long showed Michael's most representative dance without How incredible it would be to lose to Michael.

The angles of domestic media reports are different. When they regarded Chen Kangjie's performance as the highest level stage show in China and the world, they did not forget to highlight the key point of combining Chinese and Western cultures.

CCTV news said that this stage performance by Chen Kangjie is the best example of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures. On the gorgeous stage, not only can you hear the most representative music of the West, but you can also see many aspects of Chinese culture. The representative Tai Chi and learned about the "dragon", the totem that most reflects cultural characteristics.From the overwhelming enthusiasm and excitement of the audience, we can know that Chinese culture is inclusive and open to the world. At the same time, Chinese culture can go out and be accepted by Western audiences.

The title of the Youth Daily report was "You Are My Proud", in which he highlighted the scale of the performance and the extent of Chen Kangjie's conquest of various Chinese and Western audiences. "Everyone who has watched this performance, I believe they will never forget it..." "Chen Kangjie has become the most representative character and characteristic of oriental culture. Keep the spirit and style that a Chinese should have." "This time, in the grand performance in his hometown, Chen Kangjie not only received a very warm welcome from the people in his hometown, in fact, the people of the whole country are also proud of him. Pride is also the pride of all Chinese..."

If it is difficult for the readers and the audience to appreciate the stunning performance from the text description, then several TV stations broadcast short clips after editing, and people will have an intuitive understanding of his performance.

Many people are guessing how Chen Kangjie's incredible behavior on stage came about.

Some people even think that Chen Kangjie has supernatural powers. He is already a master of martial arts, and he can fly over walls.

For the next few days, the city of Liushuipan remained extremely lively, and people seemed to be talking about one topic—Chen Kangjie's concert in the streets and alleys.

Many people who came to Liushuipan with great difficulty, of course, did not want to leave here. They tried their best to pursue Chen Kangjie's experience and figure according to their own understanding.Of course, during the period, people did not forget to visit several representative scenic spots in the local area, especially the very representative places such as Tangcheng and Songcheng.

Some time before Chen Kangjie’s performance, the major scenic spots of Mengting Group have set up their publicity boards in various windows, such as railway stations, bus stations, the square in the city center and the roadside near Southern University. .Those bulletin boards not only have fascinating introductions of various scenic spots, but also have pictures of Chen Kangjie's visits printed beside them.Fangfo Chen Kangjie has become the spokesperson of these scenic spots.

Those scenic spots are almost all invested and constructed by Chen Kangjie. Of course he has been there, and he will leave video materials when he has been there. If Chen Kangjie himself does not pay attention, Dong Siying will also pay attention.

Dong Siying did not report to anyone on the publicity boards where pictures of Chen Kangjie had been to those places were printed, nor did he pay any endorsement fees.However, no one went to trouble them. Chen Kangjie himself didn't speak up, and the local government departments didn't speak up. Who would care?They all thought that Chen Kangjie was invited.

This performance also made Mengting Hotel famous.Almost people all over the world know that the place where Chen Kangjie stays is in Mengting Hotel, and the business of Mengting Hotel has expanded to many countries and regions in the world.Some media have concluded that in Chen Kangjie's concerts in other cities, Chen Kangjie will definitely choose Mengting Hotel as the first choice for staying.

A few photos about Mengting Hotel have shocked some people's visual nerves, that is, the entrance of Mengting Hotel has become a sea of ​​flowers in the past two days.

Chen Kangjie's concert made the business of more than a dozen flower shops in the city surprisingly good. Their flowers were in short supply, and basically as many as they purchased would be bought immediately.In some shops, if they sell more in the past few days than in a year, it can be said that business has never been so good since the establishment of a local flower shop.As for those flowers, 90.00% of them were bought and sent to Mengting Hotel.

At the beginning, there will be hotel staff to help collect it. Later, there are too many people sending flowers, and those flowers can only be placed outside the hotel.Seeing those bright flowers exposed to the sun like this, Chen Kangjie couldn't help it. He couldn't collect all of them, and felt that there was no place to put them.He also kindly advised, but those obsessed fans didn't listen much at all, and always wanted to express it in this way, especially those who couldn't get in without buying tickets.

Many people can't afford to spend so much money on tickets, but most people can afford to buy a bunch of flowers for tens of dollars.

In addition to flowers, there are all kinds of dolls and dolls. According to the statistics of the hotel staff, three days before and after the performance, Chen Kangjie received as many as a thousand dolls, big and small, and many shops sold them for several months. The endless dolls were sold out within a day or two, and they were still without price cuts.

No wonder various places are keen to engage in large-scale activities, which are indeed of great benefit to the local economy and popularity.

On the second day after the concert, Chen Kangjie accompanied Jackson to visit Tangcheng, and the two of them turned into ordinary tourists.

Since Chen Kangjie can disguise himself, of course he can also disguise Michael Jackson.

"Do you feel that you are not used to your current appearance and attire?" Chen Kangjie asked with a smile, looking at Michael Jackson in jeans and a traveling cap.

The reason why Chen Kangjie arranged such a trip at the risk of his disguise method being leaked was really to satisfy Michael Jackson's strong desire to be an ordinary person.

What others will always see is his glamorous side, who will always only see him being sought after and admired by others, hugging him wherever he goes, being the focus of the media, and living a luxurious life.

But Chen Kangjie can understand the pain and helplessness of being a star, because he is also an artist.It's just that Chen Kangjie can walk around because of his own means, unlike Jackson who hasn't been to a supermarket, shopped a street, or spent a vacation like ordinary people in 20 years.

It can be said that his life is completely isolated from society. Perhaps, only when those invited children enter his fantasy kingdom, can he find the innocence and freedom of ordinary people. Even then, his range of activities is restricted. Isolated.

Man is a social animal, and man is a species that lives in groups.When a person can only be isolated from others, the burden and pressure on his heart is unimaginable.To use an inappropriate analogy, this is no different from soldiers being locked up or prisoners being locked up in a small dark room. Freedom is restricted and the soul is lonely.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Michael Jackson was as excited as a child, turning and turning, looking and looking.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, I really didn't expect that I would become like this, you know? I have never been like this since I was a child, long, you are amazing, your oriental culture is too unbelievable for me, you see My face, see? I'm not me anymore, oh my god, I can't believe this is real, I'm going crazy if I didn't prepare myself, I don't recognize myself, I really don't recognize myself..." Michael Jackson danced, excited, excited, he hadn't been this happy in decades.

Michael Jackson's excitement and agitation can be said to have surpassed that of a long drought, because it is unlikely that a drought will last for decades. He is like a person who has been poor for a generation and suddenly got a castle.Not in his perspective, it is difficult to understand and imagine.

"It's fine if you're satisfied. Today, the two of us, just be ordinary people. You and I are no longer superstars. I'll let you enjoy the mood and feelings of ordinary people. How about it?"

"I can't wait, I can't wait, I go out like this, I guarantee that no one will recognize me. Long, I envy you, you have such a magical potion, in comparison, you are much happier than me Many." Jackson grabbed Chen Kangjie's arm with both hands excitedly and said shaking.

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