Chapter 24 Supermarkets are booming

"Put this side higher, yes, that side lower"

Chen Yuqiong is instructing the dozen or so employees she recruited to put the items sent from Guangzhou on the shelves.

This time, a total of 0 people were recruited, [-] women and [-] men. Almost all of them were unemployed youths in the mine.The reason why I am willing to work here is that the treatment here is very good. Each person works six hours a day, and the monthly salary is [-], which is [-] to [-]% higher than that of many regular workers. Moreover, Renrenle Supermarket also distributes uniform clothes, This is also Chen Kangjie's idea. According to each person's figure, he found a tailor on the street to make. Each person has two sets of dark blue suits. Of course, men and women are slightly different. With a white shirt and black leather shoes, everyone looks very energetic. .

The six boys are all security guards, most of whom are nephews of workers who have just retired from the army. They are divided into two shifts of three people each.One of them is Chen Yuchang's buddy, who has nothing to do all the time, wandering around.Now Chen Yuchang's temperament has also changed a lot. Although he still rides his Yamaha tzr250 to swagger through the market, at least he doesn't fight with others, and he goes to work on time.Seeing that my good buddy has nothing to do, I introduced him.I heard that the salary is almost twice as high as that of Chen Yuchang, and he is also given a suit. This boy named Xiao Wenxing runs so fast, I am afraid that he will not be able to take his place a second later.

In order for them to work better in the future, Chen Kangjie also took out [-] yuan and asked Chen Yuchang to treat the people in the police station to dinner, and gave [-] yuan in cigarettes and alcohol, almost everyone in the police station got a share.This is also burning incense and worshiping Buddha. Although Chen Kangjie is opposed to this, the reality is that it is necessary. Only when he is strong enough can he avoid these clichéd rules to a certain extent.

Chen Yuqiong appointed Han Bin, the oldest among them, as the manager of the security department.

There are fourteen girls, eight are responsible for the shopping guides on the shelves, four are collecting money at the cashier, and two are storing bags for customers and receiving consultations at the bag deposit office outside.They also work in two shifts.A year-old girl named Miao Cuihua was also appointed here as the manager of the sales department, with the same salary as Han Bin.

Miao Cuihua graduated from high school, and she is considered the most educated among them.After graduating from high school a year ago, I didn't get into university, so my family entrusted me with a relationship and arranged to work as a temporary worker in a department store.In fact, it is not even a department store, it is just a two-story state-owned shopping mall.Miao Cuihua works hard inside and is very popular among customers, but because she is a temporary worker, her wages are not only always low, but she is also ridiculed by other regular employees.

"No matter how good the performance is, it is still a temporary worker"

"What is this little vixen working so hard for?"...

So as soon as I heard that Chen Yuqiong wanted someone here, I resigned and came here. For this reason, a colleague of the shopping mall disdainfully advised: "Cuihua, how can you go there? It is private, we are state-owned, private How can there be a strong state-owned enterprise, I advise you not to go."

In her view, the state-run is an iron rice bowl, and it is a kind of pride.It was a pity for her that Miao Cuihua didn't take it seriously and went resolutely.

The goods are all neatly arranged and complete. Chen Kangjie also suggested that the eldest sister pick out some products for discount promotion, which is directly the cost price.For this reason, Chen Kangjie also wrote more than a dozen big-character posters and asked Han Bin to take people to post them at every intersection on the street, which was the only advertisement.

All is ready except for the opportunity.According to the date selected by Chen Qigang, it is scheduled to open in the twelfth lunar month.To start a business, choose auspicious days according to the almanac, which is probably the practice that all Chinese will follow.

On the day of the twelfth lunar month, the entrance of Renrenle Supermarket was very lively.Five strings of firecrackers were set off in a row.Chen Qigang specially asked for leave to attend the opening ceremony of the eldest daughter's supermarket. He Baoguo's family also came. At He Baoguo's invitation, Liu Zhiguo, the mayor of the Special Economic Zone, also came to join him. Chen Kangjie's siblings were indispensable, and the second sister Chen Yufen also came to help. The director of the station also dispatched almost all the policemen in the station to maintain order.

For Liu Zhiguo and Director Tan of the police station, Chen Yuqiong also gave different amounts of shopping coupons as gifts, which is also a matter of face.

After Chen Yufen came back from the winter vacation, she was shocked by everything she saw.The family has undergone major changes, the elder sister actually opened such a big supermarket, the third child Chen Yuchang actually has such an eye-catching motorcycle, and he hasn’t come back for a semester, what’s wrong with it.Chen Mei and the others took her to twitter and explained the whole story with more details.This made Chen Yufen glaring at Chen Kangjie: "Lao Wen, when did you become so talented? How come everyone has benefits, but I don't? Bullying the second sister?"

"Second sister, aren't you at home? When you graduate, what do you want? What will I do for you, my little brother? It's absolutely unambiguous. This is the head office, right?" Chen Kangjie hurriedly scratched his head as a promise, and was let go.The second sister, Chen Yufen, is very fierce and aggressive. If she doesn't comfort her, Chen Kangjie will also have to take the lead.

The supermarket has finally opened for business. In the twelfth lunar month, there were many people shopping for New Year’s goods on the street. It seems that there is such a big "shop" here. I heard that the price is still very cheap. Some people who saw the big-character posters came early and queued up. The one hundred shopping baskets that Chen Yuqiong had prepared at the door were all wiped out in a few minutes. Those who didn't grab the baskets had to plan to use their clothes for pockets.

Everyone flocked in, and put the cheap ones in the baskets, and almost fought against the shelves with promotional items at special prices. Those who didn't have baskets just picked up the clothes, and the cheap ones were scooped up as if they didn't want money.The specials are soaps, soaps, washing powder, soy sauce and other items that every family needs daily, so after being "robbed" in 10 minutes, many people who didn't buy them gathered around the checkout counter to express their dissatisfaction. The arranger rushed to a batch, and then calmed down.All of them walked into the Renrenle supermarket empty-handed, and when they came out, they used the clinker bags provided by Renrenle to twist the purchased items.

This day, from ten o'clock in the morning to ten o'clock in the evening, the supermarket was always full of people. The four cashier girls all got on their horses, and there was still a long line behind them.The security team also uncovered two cases of theft and handed them over to the police station to deal with them. Those who still wanted to "take advantage" saw someone being taken away by the police station, so they gave up their nasty thoughts.

In the evening, the customers dispersed. Chen Yuqiong was shocked by the statistics. On the first day, they sold 11 yuan, and almost half of the incoming goods were sold. Hurry up and call Guangzhou to arrange delivery there. It will be out of stock after tomorrow.Seeing these employees who had no time to rest today, everyone looked a little tired. Chen Yuqiong rewarded each of them with 30 yuan as overtime pay and hard work pay, which immediately made everyone happy, and the tiredness on their faces also disappeared. They all swept away, and felt very comfortable working with such a boss. One day's overtime pay was equivalent to those workers' hard work for a week. Everyone was also very excited and said that they would work hard and work hard in the future.

After sending the employees away, it was past eleven o'clock at night.

"Sister, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

"Lao Wen, I never thought that the business would be so good. Except for the promotional specials, the 'gross' profit is about 6000. This is only one day. Your idea is so good. When you said you opened a supermarket, I was afraid. The business cannot compete with those state-owned stores." Chen Yuqiong said excitedly and emotionally.

"Sister, don't be so excited. Business can't be so hot every day. The first is that the supermarket is newly opened, and everyone thinks it's fresh. The second is that the price of our supermarket is low. The third is the New Year's Eve. Everyone spends and prepares for the New Year. Wait for this hot head After that, it’s not bad if you can maintain [-] to [-] a day.”Chen Kangjie helped the eldest sister analyze it, but don't let her get too excited. Opening a supermarket is a long-term business, and it is completely different from selling music greeting cards.

"Hehe, 1000 to [-] yuan is not bad. According to the 'gross' profit of [-]%, there are more than [-] to [-] yuan a day, which is considered a lot of money." Sustained, if you can maintain a gross profit of one or two thousand a day in the future, it is estimated to be the most profitable business in this special zone. The workers in those mines have not earned that much for many years.

"Sister, it's best if you think so, but Renrenle Supermarket can also open a branch. When your business here is stable and you make money, you can go to the city or the next county to open a branch. It's like a snowball. Haha", Chen Kangjie told the eldest sister about the development direction of Renrenle Supermarket, and Chen Yuqiong suddenly became enlightened.

"Yes, you can open a branch, why didn't I think of it, you are still smart, brother"

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