Chapter 25 Chinese New Year

On New Year's Eve, Chen Kangjie and his family reunited together.

This year's New Year's Eve, Chen Yuqiong and Xu Guohua did not return to Sijiaotian for the New Year, and planned to take Xu Yanyan back to visit grandpa on the first day of tomorrow.The reason why they didn't go back was related to the great changes that Chen Kangjie brought to their family this year.

"Lao Wen, you are so young, you shouldn't be drinking, but today is the Chinese New Year, I still want to toast you, thank you for helping the eldest sister and the eldest sister's family", Chen Yuqiong poured a small glass of Moutai for Chen Kangjie, and picked up the glass , raised it to Chen Kangjie.

Hearing what Chen Yuqiong said, Xu Guoqiang also raised his glass honestly. From his eyes, it can be seen that he is sincerely grateful.

Chen Kangjie raised his wine glass, scratched his head and looked at Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin.Appears to be waiting for permission to drink.

"Your eldest sister respects you, you can drink as much as you want, you boy, don't think I don't know, you often drink secretly with Ma Wei and the others."When Chen Qigang saw Chen Kangjie pretending to be stupid, he exposed his old background.

Everyone was happy to see Chen Kangjie exposed, and they all laughed at Chen Kangjie kindly.In fact, Chen Kangjie did drink with Ma Wei and the others a few times, most of which were fruit wine. Before his death, Chen Kangjie's drinking capacity was not small before the third grade. The men in the Chen family all drink a lot, so they turned a blind eye.Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie, Ma Wei and Chen Qiancheng secretly drank a bottle of Zhuyeqing given to Chen Qiancheng's father.

"Sister, since you said that, then I'll drink it, but don't say thank you between siblings. I should help you. If you were me, would you not help me? Right? Family is the only thing that matters." It's the most important." After finishing speaking, he died with his whole life.

The whole family was moved by what Chen Kangjie said, so they didn't laugh at him for "pretending to be mature".

Chen Yuqiong and Xu Guoqiang also did it readily.

"Lao Wen, thank you for sponsoring the purchase of a motorcycle. Hehe, I'll do it first. Just take a sip." Then I put down the elder sister's side, and the third brother Chen Yuchang picked it up again, with a look of irrelevance on his face. smile.

"Our brothers haven't had a drink together for many years, this glass of wine should be drunk." After speaking, everyone felt that everyone was staring at Chen Yuchang, and Chen Kangjie realized that he had slipped his mouth in a moment of emotion.How old is he? I haven't had a drink together for many years. Isn't this hurting Chen Yuchang? Chen Kangjie is also smart, so he hurriedly changed his words: "Hehe, it's been many days, many days."

Chen Kangjie changed his mind, but everyone still stared at Chen Yuchang.

"Third, how old is Lao Wen, you just take him to drink, are you acting like an older brother?" The second sister, Chen Yufen, was the first to go mad, criticizing Chen Yuchang, thinking that he was trying to spoil her younger brother.

Chen Yuchang could only eat Coptis chinensis as a dumb person. I was wronged if I provoked someone. However, seeing Chen Kangjie blinking constantly, he could only sigh and say, "Drink it once in a while, but only once in a while." I was sweating madly, and I was blamed.

Distributing lucky money on New Year's Eve is almost an ancient tradition of Chinese people all over the world. Of course, the name may vary in different regions. In some places it is called Shou Sui.

In the evening, New Year's money will be given out. From Chen Kangjie's previous memory, this year the second sister and third sister got one yuan, the fourth and fifth sisters received eight cents, and himself and the sixth sister received fifty cents.This year, due to Chen Kangjie's rebirth, the family has undergone earth-shaking changes.Chen Qigang sent two hundred yuan to Chen Yufen and Chen Yuchang, which was doubled by two hundred times.Chen Mei and Chen Mei got 50 yuan, and Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing got 50 yuan.Chen Yuqiong also sent two hundred yuan to Chen Yufen and Chen Yuchang, one hundred yuan to Chen Mei and Chen Mei, and fifty yuan to Chen Jing, but one thousand yuan was sent to Chen Kangjie alone.Although they are treated differently, the sisters have no objection. They all know that the eldest sister can earn money this year, and the younger brother has contributed a lot, and even went to Guangzhou to help buy goods (they didn't know that the main reason was Chen Kangjie's selfishness).

Compared with other families, the Chen family already had a lot of sisters, but it didn't bring any shock to them.Because Chen Mei, Chen Mei is considered a little rich woman, and she still saved thousands of private money. Chen Yuchang also bought more than 1 motorcycles. After Chen Yufen helped Chen Yuqiong for more than ten days after the holiday, she also got [-] "Salary", not to mention Chen Kangjie, a full-fledged little rich man.

When the zero clock struck, everyone set off firecrackers and fireworks outside the house, and even Xu Yanyan was carried out to feel the joy of the New Year.

The friends around were also wearing new clothes, and ran to the door of Chen's house with sky cannons.Especially those little guys who participated in the "part-time job plan" this year, no longer have only two boxes of small artillery in their trouser pockets like in previous years.

Before the supermarket closed in the afternoon, Chen Yuqiong even brought two big bags of firecrackers and fireworks from the supermarket and asked Xu Guohua to bring them back for Chen Kangjie and the others to set off.

So this year, Chen Kangjie's house is probably the place where the fireworks are set off the most intensively and with the largest amount in the whole mine. After more than an hour, people from the surrounding buildings pushed the doors to come out to watch, as if they were watching a firework show. With the withering of the fiery trees and silver flowers, 86 ended, and a brand new 87 began.

On the first day of the new year, Chen Yuqiong and Xu Guohua took Xu Yanyan back to Sijiaotian.The brothers and sisters of the Chen family also invited their classmates and friends to go to Taohuashan to play, but Chen Kangjie couldn't go, he still had one task, and that was to go with his parents to pay New Year's greetings to the godfather and godmother's family.

As soon as the three of them entered the gate of He Baoguo, Chen Kangjie was surrounded by Zhao Yuexiang and He Wanrong, mother and daughter who were enthusiastic. Chen Kangjie, who is 30 years old, smiled wryly.

He Wanrong has completely graduated from Qianzhou Normal University, and was assigned to work as a music teacher in the No. gossip.

In fact, the reason why the staff of the Education Commission did this was because of their graceful appearance. After all, No. [-] Middle School of the Mining Bureau was a key middle school with much better conditions in all aspects, and it was close to home.As a last resort, He Wanrong could only accept it angrily.

"Xiaojie, I haven't come to play at godfather's house for several days, do you not want godfather and godmother and your sister Wanrong?" He Baoguo asked with feigned anger after not seeing Chen Kangjie for several days.

"Godfather, aren't you wronging people? How can I miss you? Didn't I hurry up to study, isn't this here?" Chen Kangjie also knew that godfather couldn't be angry because he liked himself, but he still had to cooperate , To save face for godfather, I found an excuse to study.

"Study? I think you, a little rich man, are hurrying to make money?" He Baoguo continued jokingly, as if he still didn't want to let Chen Kangjie go.

"Hey, learning to make money is the same thing, isn't this spiritual and material civilization that requires both hands to be hard?" Chen Kangjie scratched his head honestly and defended.

"Haha, it's a good saying that both spiritual civilization and material civilization must be tough. Old Chen, Xiaojie is not easy, and his theoretical level is higher than ours." Seeing that his godson has such insights, He Baoguo was half joking and half praising him.

"This kid likes to read some 'messy' books. This time, he went to Guangzhou with his elder sister and bought dozens of books. Some of them I can't understand, so this kid plays with them all day long." Chen Qigang is actually very proud in his heart, but he is still modest in front of "outsiders".

"Xiaojie is smart, he can learn music without a teacher, and other things can also be learned without a teacher. Xiaojie will definitely be able to go to Capital University in the future." Only He Wanrong has absolute trust in Chen Kangjie, but this also comes from music It was a shock to her to think that he should be a prodigy in other ways as well.

"I think this godson of mine will achieve great things in the future. He is so eager to learn at such a young age, and he insists on exercising and boxing every day. With such perseverance, who of you didn't only know how to play with mud when you were so young?" Zhao Yuexiang said to this godson The more I watched it, the more I liked it. Seeing my godson being teased by my husband, of course I stood by my godson's side to help out. One sentence made the faces of the two big men turn red.

After playing happily in He Baoguo for most of the day, the two families had a lunch, and Chen Kangjie took another rich red envelope before the family of three left.

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