Chapter 26 A little teacher who works in two shifts

On the first day of the new semester in 87, many students hadn't seen each other for a whole holiday, and they chatted about their knowledge and fun during the holiday before class.The group of partners behind knew that Chen Kangjie's family opened a big supermarket, and also knew that Ma Wei and Zhang Jiahua had participated in the "part-time job program" before and made a lot of money, and they all surrounded Chen Kangjie to ask when such good things would happen again.

Chen Kangjie really couldn't answer exactly when such a thing happened, so he replied perfunctorily.Similar part-time job plans are only temporary, and Chen Kangjie has no way to make them long-term and normalized now.

At this time, the class teacher Chen Hongmei walked in, holding the test paper in his hand, with a smile on his face.

"Students, you have had a vacation, and it's time to put your mind back on your studies. Last semester, the students in our class made great progress, especially the three students Chen Kangjie, Ma Wei and Zhang Jiahua. In the final exam, they They have all made great progress, and Chen Kangjie also achieved a double-percentage mark, which is the only double-percentage score in our grade. Next, I will read the scores and ranks, and the students who read their names will come up to get the test papers."

After pressing her classmates, Chen Hongmei made a summary of the exams last semester.But when she heard that her name was not mentioned, Wang Hongjuan turned her head to Chen Kangjie with an expression of dissatisfaction.Chen Kangjie didn't care when he saw it, what adult would care about it with a child?

Seeing the indifference and contempt on Chen Kangjie's face, Wang Hongjuan felt that she had punched cotton, and vowed fiercely that she would get No.1 back this semester.

"Chen Kangjie, 0 points, No.1, also grade No.1, Wang Hongjuan, 194, No.2, Liu Yingying, 191 points, No.3...Ma Wei, 178 points, No.9...Zhang Jiahua, 168 points, No. 15..." Teacher Zhang read the names one by one, some were happy and some were sad.

The happiest ones were Ma Wei and Zhang Jiahua. Both of them used to be in the bottom ten like Chen Kangjie. Every time they came home from the exam, they asked their parents to sign the test paper, and they were treated like slippers.With such good grades in the exam this time, I can finally go home without worrying about being beaten, and maybe I can get praise and a little pocket money as a reward.

But these are all thanks to Chen Kangjie, they all went to Chen Kangjie's door after school to finish their homework before going to play, and Chen Kangjie patiently explained them one by one. The little sisters of Chen Qiancheng and Chen Jing were also among them.

"Now, let me announce the candidates for the class leader for the new semester. Chen Kangjie, the class leader. Wang Hongjuan, the deputy class leader... Wang Xueping, the labor committee member." The bad thing about homework snitching.Wang Hongjuan didn't expect that she would be demoted from the monitor to the deputy monitor. Wang Xueping was even more depressed. From the deputy monitor, she turned into a labor committee member that everyone hated.So all three were dissatisfied, and the two "victims" Wang Hongjuan and Wang Xueping glared at Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Chen, I don't want to be the monitor," Chen Kangjie put forward his opinion.

"Why?", Mr. Chen was a little depressed, which child is eager to become the class leader and class leader, why is this kid so "unfamiliar"?

"Mr. Chen, I'm a lazy person. I can take care of myself but not others. Really, otherwise I'm afraid I'll spoil the whole class." Chen Kangjie said the excuse he had racked his brains to come up with.

Chen Hongmei wanted Chen Kangjie to be the class monitor. On the one hand, Chen Kangjie's grades were so good that there was nothing to say, but Chen Qigang nominated him as the section chief, so he had to give some face in this regard.But Chen Kangjie didn't want to be the squad leader, and she had no choice but to use other methods.

"Since you don't want to be the squad leader, then you shouldn't be. Then you can be a study committee member and help those students with poor academic performance. I heard that you often help Ma Wei and Zhang Jiahua. You can't treat other students favorably. Because you are so small, sit in the third row, um, sit next to Wang Hongjuan." Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't want to be the class monitor, Chen Hongmei thought of a position as a study committee member.Study committee members are only available in junior high schools.This can be regarded as "compensation" for Chen Kangjie not wanting to be the class monitor, and Chen Kangjie's grades are so good, he can no longer sit in the last row, which is often occupied by the students with the worst grades.

Wang Hongjuan and Wang Xueping were also happy when they heard that the head teacher had promised not to make Chen Kangjie the squad leader, which meant that their positions were preserved.But when she heard that Chen Kangjie was asked to sit next to her, Wang Hongjuan was a little unhappy again.How can I put that "bad guy" next to me? Isn't this bullying people?But this is the arrangement of the class teacher, she can't say it.

"Mr. Chen, it's fine to let me be a study committee member. It's also my responsibility to help the students study. That's okay, but this seat doesn't need to be adjusted. You see, our class's grades are a little behind for the time being. , are all in the back, I want to help them, how can I sit in the front?" Chen Kangjie heard that he wanted to sit in the front by himself, and he was still sitting at the same table with Wang Hongjuan, how could he do that?I sit in the back, there are still a lot of things to do, and there are still novels to write, and I sit next to Wang Hongjuan, so I am looking for guilt?So the monitor in charge doesn't complain about himself all day long.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie did not want to sit next to her, Wang Hongjuan became even angrier.Just now he didn't want Chen Kangjie to sit next to him, because he was bullied by this "bad guy".Now he actually doesn't want to sit next to him, so he doesn't want to see him.Am I that annoying?

Chen Hongmei was also depressed, this kid didn't appreciate anything, and kept talking in the same way, he was almost becoming a master.Fortunately, he is willing to be a study committee member, which can be regarded as an explanation to Chen Qigang.

In this way, Chen Kangjie became the only study committee member of the primary school, taking on the heavy responsibility of helping students study.However, Chen Kangjie also really wanted to help his classmates. Once reborn, he had to change the lives of the people around him, otherwise he would lose a certain value of rebirth.

So from then on, Chen Kangjie asked the students in the two rows behind to finish their homework at school after school, and they could only leave after self-check.Otherwise, one is to tell the teacher, and the other is to be excluded when there is a "part-time job plan" (so many people envied this part-time job plan just now, so let's use it as an induction condition).Unexpectedly, the 30-year-old Chen Kangjie also used threats and temptations to deal with these little kids.

At the beginning, only the students in the two rows at the back participated, and gradually the students in the front also stayed behind to finish their homework before going home. Not only the students in Class [-], but even Class [-] and Class [-] had several students come in to fill in the gaps. Chen Kangjie didn’t mind either. They are all alumni of two lifetimes, and if there is something they don't understand, Chen Kangjie will treat them equally and explain them one by one carefully, just like a little teacher.

That's not enough, knowing that Chen Kangjie became a study committee member, Chen Jing's friends also demanded this treatment.Chen Kangjie had no choice but to arrange them after dinner.

In this way, the two stone desks in front of Chen Kangjie's house became another classroom.The friends around came to take up seats after eating, just like self-study in college.Chen Kangjie could only guide them one by one like in the class, Geng Guiying asked a question for a while, and Yu Zonglan asked a question for a while, this side hadn't finished answering, and the waiter Mei raised her hand to say there was a problem, Chen Kangjie was very busy.

Seeing that their children like to study so much, the parents of these children are also very happy, and they all ask their children to play with Chen Kangjie more often.

The children are willing to learn from Chen Kangjie, and they are willing to ask Chen Kangjie what they don’t understand instead of the teacher. This is because of the psychology of their peers. They feel that everyone is a partner, and they can say whatever they want. At least they don’t have to worry about criticism or disapproval from the teacher. willing.

What surprised Chen Qigang, Ma Fangqin and some of their parents was that Chen Mei and Chen Mei sometimes asked Chen Kangjie questions.

At the beginning, they just wanted to test their younger brother, but after getting satisfactory answers, they also started to ask Chen Kangjie for answers if they didn't understand.

That's the knowledge of the fifth grade and junior high school. This kid actually understands it. It seems that he is really a child prodigy.Why are you still in the second grade? You can go directly to junior high school.Many people think so.

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