Chapter 27 Reasons to make people dizzy and make people happy

In fact, it's not that Chen Kangjie can't go to junior high school, it's that he doesn't want to go to it at all.The vice-principal of the children's school was Chen Qigang's classmate. After learning about Chen Kangjie's miraculous deeds, he asked Chen Qigang to let Chen Kangjie skip a grade, but Chen Kangjie refused.The happiest time before his rebirth was when he was in primary and middle school. He was finally reborn, so how could he discard it.Another reason is to consider Chen Jing's feelings. My younger brother is younger than me and one level above me, so I feel uncomfortable in my heart.If Chen Kangjie skipped another grade, wouldn't it hurt his sixth sister even more?Naturally, Chen Kangjie would not do this kind of thing.

In the beginning of spring, everything is revived, and the green is abundant, which is a good time for spring outing.Most schools will organize student outings in the spring, so that students have a chance to get close to nature, and the outings in the countryside can not only improve the mood of the students, but also increase the friendship between the students.

Under the organization of Chen Hongmei and other three homeroom teachers in the second grade, they also plan to go on a spring outing to the fruit forest four kilometers away from the school on weekends.

The fruit forest is a wild mountain forest, mainly growing some peach trees and plum trees. In spring, thousands of flowers are in full bloom, colorful and very beautiful. Walking under the flowers, the fragrance of flowers will make people feel refreshed and have a romantic feeling. breath.Before his rebirth, Chen Kangjie went to the fruit forest twice for spring outings.

For the trip on the weekend, every student will prepare some snacks, which is the happiest thing for everyone.Some people have a good relationship and partner in twos and threes. Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie partnered with Ma Wei and Zhang Jiahua when he went to the mangrove for the first time.Because the life of Chen Kangjie's family is relatively tight, they only prepared one canned food and one piece of bread. Zhang Jiahua's snacks are more than those of Chen Kangjie and Ma Wei.

This time it was different, almost 20 people wanted to partner with Chen Kangjie, almost all of them were boys.Of course, an important reason is that Chen Kangjie studies well and is willing to help others, so he is very popular.Secondly, Chen Kangjie, a small rich man, will definitely prepare a lot of snacks. Everyone has a sense of beating local tyrants.

Of course, Chen Kangjie would not care about such trivial matters. It is rare to have such an opportunity for everyone to travel. Chen Kangjie himself is also very happy, especially to help some students whose family conditions are not very good, Chen Kangjie is also happy to do it.

After school was over on Friday afternoon, Chen Kangjie took a large group of classmates and "killed" Renrenle supermarket aggressively. The things here are the most complete and the cheapest, and there are some new products that are not available in other stores.

Chen Kangjie's slogan is "take what you want to eat", as long as your schoolbag can hold it, as long as you can carry it, you will be fine, and Chen Kangjie will pay for it all.

In the supermarket, I also met students from other classes shopping for spring outing items in twos and threes. They are all stuffed, and they are all expensive and delicious. There are not many such opportunities, and it is impossible for everyone to let them go, and everyone is happy from ear to ear.The students in other classes can only be depressed, who said that there is no Chen Kangjie in their class.

Chen Qiancheng, Qian Xiaobin, Xiong Guangxin, etc. from Class [-] and [-] were also shopping. Seeing the madness of the male students in Class [-], they found out after asking that it was Chen Kangjie who was treating them. They didn’t want to do this anymore, and ran to Chen Kangjie to fight the autumn wind. Of course, Chen Kangjie wouldn't care about this "little money", he waved his little hand, no problem.The three boys screamed with excitement, not only could they get a lot of delicious food, but they could also keep the one dollar given by the family and spend it slowly.

"Old Man, what money do you need for this? Just register and take it away." Chen Kangjie went to the cashier to pay the bill. Miao Cuihua knew that Chen Kangjie was Chen Yuqiong's younger brother, and he was also the most valued younger brother. He had greeted them before. , My younger brother comes to buy things, no matter what he can't collect money.Miao Cuihua didn't want to take money at first, but she saw that there were too many items, dozens of schoolbags of food.If you are not sure, just give feedback to Chen Yuqiong.Chen Yuqiong just came to the supermarket to see what was going on. Knowing that his younger brother was going on a spring outing with his classmates, and his younger brother agreed to treat him, Chen Yuqiong naturally would not accept money from his younger brother.

"Sister, this is different. I eat and take it by myself, so I won't give it to you if you ask me, hehe, but today is my treat, you can't take away my favor. Besides, you don't know Brother, I’m rich too, hehe”, Chen Kangjie really didn’t want his treats to become his sister’s help, that was not in line with his current mentality and original intention.So insist on giving.

Chen Yuqiong couldn't resist, so she instructed Miao Cuihua to charge at cost.

When Chen Kangjie took out a few hundred dollars from his pocket, Miao Cuihua was shocked, not to mention the classmates. They didn't know that Chen Kangjie wrote songs to earn money. Chen Kangjie asked his family to keep it secret.Most of those students’ families only gave one yuan, two yuan, or even fifty cents. For example, those who participated in the “work plan” before Ma Wei and Chen Qiancheng only received five yuan and ten yuan.Chen Kangjie actually had hundreds of dollars with him, which was worth three months' salary of a "white collar" like Miao Cuihua.

They thought that the money was given by Chen Yuqiong, and they all envied Chen Kangjie for having such a rich and good sister in their hearts. They were so envious, and they all firmly believed that they should have a good relationship with Chen Kangjie in the future.

Chen Kangjie didn't care what they thought, and he would pay for anyone who was willing. Since it was charged according to cost, even though the food in twenty or thirty schoolbags was only 200 to 300 yuan.

Early in the morning on Saturday, after gathering and organizing the team in the learning playground, the teachers and classmates of the three classes headed for the fruit forest in a mighty way.

Many students in the third class felt very happy when they bought it yesterday. Today, they have to carry these foods up the mountain, but it is miserable. Before they climbed to the middle of the mountain, they were all exhausted and out of breath.At this time, Chen Kangjie could only change the plan in advance.Originally, I thought about the land and gave some of it to the female students. Anyway, they couldn't finish it. Looking at the situation now, they can only act in advance.

"You female students can't look at it like this. Do good deeds and help them share some of the burden. We students should help each other. Not only do you have to help share the food up the mountain, but you also have to help share the food later, otherwise they will all be exhausted. Now, you have to do good deeds to help you down the mountain." Chen Kangjie didn't want his female students to have the idea of ​​"charity". He was not that naive, so he just found such a high-sounding reason.

In fact, many female students are greedy when they see so many snacks. There is no way, they are all children, which is normal.But I'm also embarrassed to ask for it. Now that the study committee says so, it's the best, because it's a good deed, not greedy.

Hearing what Chen Kangjie said, the male students gave up a little bit. They didn't say it sooner or later. They only said it when they were halfway up the mountain. Isn't this a trick? But when they saw Chen Kangjie's staring eyes, they all obediently opened their schoolbags and Students choose.

The students in other classes are also very greedy, but there is no way, they are from the third class.Hearing Chen Kangjie say that helping to share snacks is still doing good deeds, he sweated and fainted, why don't we ask us to do good deeds too, we are like Lei Feng.

Teacher Chen Hongmei admired Chen Kangjie's approach very much. He knew that he was not a simple student. He obviously wanted to benefit the female students, but he used such a high-sounding excuse, which made people speechless. This child is terribly mature.

After sharing one-third of the snacks, everyone felt a lot lighter. Of course, they also felt a lot of heartache. Later, I heard that Chen Kangjie would make up for it next week. Everyone felt like they had taken aphrodisiacs. Full of energy, it seems that "the waist is no longer sore, the legs are no longer painful, and I can climb uphill in one breath, hey, it's not hard at all".Soon the third class was the first to arrive at the destination.

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