rebirth of change

Chapter 2420 Not enough attention

Chapter 2420 Not enough attention

After Chen Kangjie thanked the leaders one by one, he drove behind the ambulance towards Guangzhou.

After more than three hours, the group finally arrived at the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University.Maybe it was because Secretary Liu and the others had greeted them in advance. When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, there were already people waiting at the hospital.

"Please wait outside." The doctor from the University of Medical Sciences, after taking Whitney over, sent her directly into the consulting room. A doctor with myopia glasses and gray temples stopped Chen Kangjie and the others. Turn around and go to work.

"Doctor..." Chen Kangjie stopped this very decent-looking doctor.

"Don't worry, we will do our best." The doctor thought that Chen Kangjie was asking for something, so he simply calmed down Chen Kangjie first.

This patient was greeted by hospital leaders, so it is impossible for them to be perfunctory.

"Doctor, I don't doubt your medical ethics and professionalism. I just want to remind you that I suspect that she is infected with some kind of virus. During the examination, I hope to focus on this direction."

The doctor froze for a moment, he was a little surprised by Chen Kangjie's words, but he did not refute Chen Kangjie, nodded, and went in to make a diagnosis for Whitney.

If it wasn't for the greeting from a leader, if it wasn't for the fact that the sick person was a foreigner, the doctor would have reprimanded Chen Kangjie.When I arrive at their hospital, how to make a diagnosis, do I still need someone else to teach me?If you can diagnose it yourself, why send it to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University?

The doctor's indifference made Chen Kangjie a little worried.

In the initial stage of the SARS outbreak, it was the indifference and suddenness of the medical system that led to the serious consequences later.

At the beginning, a considerable number of patients were treated as ordinary flu, and no pathological analysis was done at all.

But I am not a professional doctor, and I don't understand virology and cytology. Although I have doubts, I can't come up with any useful evidence.Chen Kangjie can only hope that this large tertiary hospital is professional, and also hopes that what he just said can play a role in the doctors.

However, it was a little bit like what Chen Kangjie expected. Despite some examinations and blood tests, the doctor only concluded that Whitney was suffering from a very special kind of pneumonia.

"A very special kind of pneumonia? Can't we find out what's causing it?" Knowing the result, Chen Kangjie frowned.

"I don't know now. She has a bit of gastrointestinal bleeding and must be sent to the intensive care unit."

"Intensive care unit? Do you have a way to treat it?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I can't guarantee it now, because I don't know the reason, so I can only use interferon and antibiotic support therapy, and at the same time use glucocorticoids to reduce the damage to the lungs. We will do an electron microscope for her later." The doctor is a medical doctor The senior associate professor is also somewhat capable, thinking of the measures to be taken in such a short time.

"Doctor, I suggest that you treat her in isolation. I suspect that his disease is contagious, so be careful." Chen Kangjie has almost concluded in his heart that Whitney is suffering from the SARS virus. If it is really just It is impossible for the doctors here not to detect common flu or pneumonia.

"Isolation treatment? Is that necessary? Isolation treatment is for special infectious diseases. It is the most stringent measure that needs to be reported to the hospital and the Health Bureau, and can only be taken after approval. It should not be necessary now, right?" Ni's disease is a bit special, but this expert still believes in his profession.

"Then report it quickly. If it doesn't work, you can find more experts for consultation, especially experts in virology." Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

"Are you a medical student? Which medical university?" The doctor frowned and looked at Chen Kangjie and asked.

"I didn't study medicine, I studied economics and law." Chen Kangjie replied honestly.

"Since you are not a medical student, please trust us. Are you wearing masks because you are worried about being infected?" The doctor showed a kind of contempt for Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, you may think that we are jittery, but there is nothing wrong with being careful and rigorous. This is common sense, and the medical staff in the hospital should understand this. After all, what she is suffering from is very likely to be some kind of infection. disease, whether it is pneumonia or respiratory disease, don’t you think it’s wrong to do so?” Chen Kangjie was also quite dissatisfied with this self-righteous doctor.

I used to think that the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Medical Sciences, as a large hospital, should be very different from the county-level people's hospitals below, and would be more cautious and professional, but now it seems that this is not entirely the case.

Chen Kangjie decided not to rely on these conventional means, he must find the most authoritative experts to make a diagnosis.Whether it is for the prevention of the epidemic or simply for Whitney's health, Chen Kangjie can no longer stick to the rules.

"I'll go to the leadership of your hospital to report it. I hope that at this stage, all medical staff who come into contact with patients will be able to do a good job of isolation and protection. It's not for us, it's for yourselves. Please."

Seeing Chen Kangjie's leaving back, the associate professor sneered.Whoever you want to look for, if the leader of the hospital didn't say hello, this kind of disease wouldn't even need him.

Turning around, Chen Kangjie ran to the dean's office without recklessness.He didn't have any friendship with the director of the hospital, so he just went there rashly, unless his identity was revealed, otherwise, the director might not really pay much attention to it.

In the courtyard of the hospital, Chen Kangjie called Chen Qigang first.

This kind of thing, if you pay attention to it from the top down, the effect will be much better than from the bottom up.

"What? Are you looking for the Health Department of Eastern Guangdong Province or the provincial leader in charge of health work?" Chen Qigang was very surprised when he heard Chen Kangjie's request.

"Yes, one of my assistants is seriously ill, and he is in the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Medical Sciences, but the doctors I have come into contact with don't know much about the condition, and their attitudes lack the basic spirit of caution, so I hope that I can rely on the above Dad, you were here before, are you familiar with these two leaders? If you are familiar with them, please introduce them to me, time waits for no one."

"Although I used to be the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, the work I was in charge of was basically in Pengcheng. I rarely interfered with the affairs of the province. I really don't know who the director of the health department is. It is clear that the leadership in charge may have changed too... In this way, you can go to Comrade Lin Sen, he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, he should be able to help you, I used to have a good relationship with him."

"Lin Sen? Alright, then I'll go. Do you want to call him in advance?"

"Of course I have to call first, otherwise, do you think you'll just go there so recklessly, can you see him?"

With Chen Qigang's greeting in advance, Chen Kangjie entered the municipal party committee compound smoothly and met Lin Sen, the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Seeing Chen Kangjie for the first time, Lin Sen was so surprised that he thought he had admitted the wrong person.

"Uncle Lin, I've gone through some disguise, I'm wearing a mask, I'm from the hospital, I'm afraid that some virus will infect you."

"Virus? Xiao Chen, are you infected with an infectious disease? Your father told me on the phone that your assistant was infected." The thin Lin Sen was shocked by Chen Kangjie's words.

If Chen Kangjie had contracted the disease, the concept would be completely different.Among other things, when Chen Qigang made that call, it was tantamount to entrusting Chen Kangjie to him.If that happens, it will be difficult for Lin Sen to explain.

"No, I don't have any symptoms at the moment. However, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. Uncle Lin, I won't be polite to you. I wonder if you can use your relationship to find some authoritative experts to help you Consult with my assistant, especially respiratory experts and virology experts. By the way, I remember that you have Professor Zhong Shan, an academician of the Academy of Engineering, and a famous respiratory expert. It would be better if he can participate It's over." Chen Kangjie didn't come here to make friends with Lin Sen, so after two sentences, he went straight to the point.

The reason why Chen Kangjie specifically mentioned Zhong Shan was because he only remembered this name during the previous SARS incident. Academician Zhong Shan made great contributions to the prevention and treatment of SARS. After the incident subsided, he still Advanced individual by the judges.

"Zhong Shan is the president of the Medical University and the doctoral supervisor of the Capital University. If you want him to make a diagnosis..." Lin Sen seemed a little embarrassed.

Such an authoritative expert is still the figure of the university president. Although Lin Sen is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he can't say that he can be transferred if he wants to.

"Why don't you do this? If it doesn't work, then just ask him to diagnose me. I suspect that I'm infected. Please ask him to help me rule it out. Uncle Lin, what do you think?" Sensing Lin Sen's embarrassment, he Chen Kangjie almost came up with such a solution.

If asking this old gentleman to go out to treat ordinary people seems to be motivating, then Chen Kangjie believes that his status should be barely qualified to invite him.

"I'll arrange a few experts for you first, academician Zhong, let me inquire first." Lin Sen was cautious and didn't say anything dead.

"Also, Secretary Lin, if possible, I hope you can ask the health bureau to intervene. I hope my assistant can be treated in isolation. I don't want privileges. I'm really worried about the contagiousness of the disease he said. If isolation measures are not taken, it will be troublesome once external transmission occurs." Then Chen Kangjie made another suggestion to Lin Sen.

However, Lin Sen did not accept Chen Kangjie's suggestion.Helping Chen Kangjie find an expert, Lin Sen has no problem, but the isolation measures are not easy to make a decision.

"Let's wait for the expert's diagnostic results to come out first. If we quarantine now, people will panic. The outside world thinks what happened to our city. If it is not as you suspect, and the negative social impact is caused, the government It's hard to explain and explain." After talking for a long time, Lin Sen didn't quite believe Chen Kangjie's judgment and guess, he didn't study medicine, Lin Sen knew that very well.

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