rebirth of change

Chapter 2421 I won't give up on you

Chapter 2421 I will not give up on you

Lin Sen stepped forward, and the effect and influence were really different. Soon, the University of Medical Sciences formed a very important team of experts. After Lin Sen mentioned Chen Kangjie on the phone, that Academician Zhong was also willing to spare time out of his busy schedule. Time to get involved in this.

After three days of repeated demonstrations and detailed examination and analysis, they concluded that Whitney was suffering from a serious respiratory disease, but they did not know what caused and produced this disease.

Afterwards, the expert group held a summary discussion meeting, which was chaired by Academician Zhong, and Chen Kangjie, as a family member of the patient, also participated in the meeting.

Of course, Chen Kangjie still participated in a disguised form, but Academician Zhong knew Chen Kangjie's identity, otherwise, Chen Kangjie was not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting, no matter how family members he was.

"We've never had a disease like hers before."

"Yeah, because I haven't seen it, I don't know what the disease is, and it's hard to prescribe medicine."

"Yeah, this kind of disease is really strange. It looks like flu and lung disease, but it's not completely, but it's a bit tricky. Academician Zhong, you are an authority in this area, do you think her disease What should be done, we listen to you."

"Yes, yes, we listen to you."

The experts who participated in the meeting were all at a loss, and didn't know where to start in the face of this disease.Since Academician Zhong is here, and he is the president of the University of Medical Sciences, he will naturally be the center.

Is academician Zhong more relaxed than others?No, in the face of a disease that has never been encountered before, no matter how authoritative an expert is, it is also like walking on eggshells.

"One thing is for sure, whether it is influenza or lung disease, it is caused by a virus, so this disease should also be a virus infection, but we don't know what kind of virus it is, so it is not easy to prescribe the right medicine. At present, we can only use it conservatively. For interferon and antibiotics, to find a better solution, the pathogen must first be found, and the gene sequence must be carried out.” Everyone looks at themselves, Academician Zhong can only top it.

As the most authoritative authority on respiratory diseases in China, Academician Zhong can't do more than that.

"This matter must be reported to the provincial department. On the one hand, it is to make them vigilant. On the other hand, we hope that the provincial department can give us a sum of money so that we can find a way to find this virus in the laboratory. The provincial department There is a genetic science center, and our medical university has a virus center and a central laboratory, and when combined with each other to tackle key problems, the effect should be better and the efficiency will be higher."

"Yes, yes, we also think this is the best." Other experts echoed.

"President Fang, this patient must be treated with care. Just in case, in our hospital, we can do isolation treatment. You can arrange an area for the patient to live in, and that area must be disinfected every day. Do not allow other irrelevant personnel to enter, even the medical staff who want to go in for diagnosis and treatment must take precautions. It seems that this disease may be contagious." As the superior leader of the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Medical Sciences, Academician Zhong can completely go down instruction.

Even if Academician Zhong does not concurrently serve as the principal, it is not an exaggeration to rely on his authority to give such instructions.

"Principal Zhong, if we quarantine, our hospital may become the target of public criticism. There are so many patients and family members who come and go every day. If the news spreads, will it cause unnecessary social impact? Maybe people will think that our hospital is a hospital. It's a plague." However, as an administrative leader, Dean Fang should not only consider purely scientific issues, but also sociology and political science.

"Hmm...don't the hospital have an infectious department? Let's think about it from this point of view. We do it on a small scale in the hospital, so we don't need to publicize it to the outside world. Even inside the hospital, we must control the scope of knowledge." All in all, quarantine is still necessary, but it’s just a low-key thing. When reporting to the provincial department, you should also pay attention to the method. It’s really not good to make people panic.”

Isolated treatment, this is what Chen Kangjie insisted on repeatedly. Not only did he tell Lin Sen, but he also told Academician Zhong about his opinion.

Academician Zhong agreed to treat Whitney in isolation, not entirely because of Chen Kangjie's insistence, Academician Zhong is not so superficial.He agreed, also because this disease is quite special, and judging from past experience, the possibility of contagion does exist.So he is also safe.

"Academician Zhong, if you lack funds, I can provide them to you so that you can establish a laboratory that is not inferior to the national level for research. If you wait for the Department of Health, the time may be delayed." After the seminar, Chen Kangjie followed Academician Zhong into the office he set up in the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Medical Sciences.

"Comrade Chen Kangjie, you have repeatedly asked me to take isolation and treatment measures, and you also told our doctor that the American lady was infected with a type of coronavirus. Do you know anything?" Academician Zhong He didn't answer Chen Kangjie's mention of funds, but naturally turned to another direction he was curious about.

Academician Zhong is not only curious, he also thinks it is very important.If it is really clear that it is a coronavirus, at least it will save a lot of trouble.At the very least, they don't have to think about influenza A and influenza B viruses anymore.

It was really difficult for Chen Kangjie to answer this question. He was a layman when it came to medicine.

"Actually... I'm not sure if it's the coronavirus, but you know, we make movies and we need to know a little bit about everything. The movie I just finished is about dinosaurs. How to explain the resurrection of dinosaurs requires the knowledge of genetics and virology, and I have also contacted relevant foreign experts, so I have doubts... We don't care what kind of virus it is, just As you said, since it is a viral infection, the possibility of infection cannot be ruled out, and isolation and treatment is the safest way." In the middle, it was already difficult for Chen Kangjie to explain it scientifically, so he could only turn around and change to another angle .

" just said that you can fund us to build a laboratory that is not inferior to the national level. You have to know that it takes a lot of money to build a national laboratory." I don't know Academician Zhong Did he believe Chen Kangjie's words? It seemed that he was a little dubious.However, what Chen Kangjie said later made it impossible for him to delve into it.

Chen Kangjie's ability to make nonsense is no less than his expertise in other fields. His keen thinking can always allow him to find a reason or excuse in a short period of time.At least, he won't be speechless.

"I know that many national key laboratories or research centers have been established on the side of the city, ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. I can give you 5000 million first, and you can add more if necessary. Do you know if this works?" Those laboratories were funded and established by Chen Kangjie, how could he not know the depth of them.If they all test for national funding, even Qianzhou University can hardly support a national key laboratory.

A laboratory is not just established, it also involves subsequent annual investment and guarantee.Therefore, the 5000 million mentioned by Chen Kangjie is only for the deployment of hardware and personnel, and the follow-up addition is further guarantee investment.

"Okay, then I'll thank you first. As you said, it will take time to wait for the approval and funding from the provincial department. Even if you go to the Ministry of Health, it may be difficult to do special things." Academician Zhong Six He is a teenager and has served as a leader for so many years. Of course, he has an understanding of the efficiency of the government.So in the face of Chen Kangjie's generosity, he was not hypocritical, and accepted the word "thank you" as soon as he uttered it.

For a while later, laboratories and researchers at medical universities were conducting targeted research on coronaviruses.However, it is not easy to figure out the appearance and characteristics of this brand-new virus that has never been encountered before.

After a lot of experiments, researchers can only be sure that this virus is different from the b814 virus, 229e virus and oc43 that have been discovered. Although the general appearance of this virus can be seen through the electron microscope, if you want to go further, especially It is even more difficult to figure out its genetic sequence.

"Whitney, are you feeling better?" Chen Kangjie stood in front of Whitney's hospital bed, wrapped tightly from head to toe.

After being hospitalized for a period of time, Whitney was visibly thinner. Although his condition did not deteriorate under the action of the drug, it did not improve significantly either.

In order to treat Whitney, Chen Kangjie had asked the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Medical Sciences to introduce imported antiviral drugs from abroad. Compared with Western developed countries, domestic research and development and production of antiviral drugs are still lacking.For example, GlaxoSmithKline, which is at the forefront of anti-virus, anti-infection, asthma and digestive system drugs, invests almost 1 million yuan in research and development every day, and has more than [-] scientists working in the field of research and development, which is almost equal to The sum of the R&D investment of all [-] pharmaceutical companies in China.If there is research and development, of course there will be output, and the latest and best drugs will appear.

As long as Whitney can be good, no matter how much money Chen Kangjie spends, no matter what the reason is, Chen Kangjie can't just watch Whitney collapse.

"Hehe... Seeing you standing in front of me makes me feel better. You haven't shown up for a few days, I thought... you abandoned me. Looking at you... ..I'm happy, happy."

"Then if you want to continue to be happy, continue to be happy, you have to be stronger and recover. I still have a lot of work waiting for you to help me deal with it. Come on, I will not abandon you. You should be able to do this Trust me completely." In order for Whitney to get better, Chen Kangjie had to say more words of encouragement to her.

In addition to antiviral drugs, personal physical function is as important as the desire to survive.When a person has a strong desire, the body will produce strong antibodies to resist the attack and invasion of viruses.

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