rebirth of change

Chapter 2422 The epidemic still broke out

Chapter 2422 The epidemic still broke out

"This is what you promised can't break your promise!" Whitney's voice was a little muffled when he was wearing an oxygen mask, but Chen Kangjie could still hear it clearly when he got closer.

Whitney raised his hand to grab Chen Kangjie's hand. According to the current requirements, Chen Kangjie cannot have direct physical contact with the patient Whitney. Being able to let him in for a visit is already a special case against regulations.

There was a warning sound in the monitor, asking Chen Kangjie not to get too close to Whitney and keep an appropriate distance.

However, looking at Whitney's pale palm, Chen Kangjie really couldn't bear to avoid it, which would stimulate Whitney's heart.Therefore, Chen Kangjie still grabbed Whitney's hand.Anyway, I wear protective gloves on my hands, so there should be no risk of infection.

The weak Whitney grasped Chen Kangjie for a moment, but he seemed to have great strength and grasped very tightly.Fangfo's whole person became more energetic in an instant.

Chen Kangjie knew that this was the result of his encouragement.

Chen Kangjie put his other hand on the back of Whitney's hand and patted gently: "Heal well, don't have any psychological pressure, relax, the doctors will definitely cure you. If you don't If you don't worry, I can send you back to the United States for treatment."

"No, I'm not going to the United States, I'm here for treatment." Whitney instinctively objected, maybe because he felt his attitude was a bit abrupt, Whitney turned his head slightly and lowered his voice: "Go to the United States for treatment , I won’t be able to see you.”

The conversation between the two is like a couple, but in fact they don't have any transcendent relationship.

Chen Kangjie didn't bother with Whitney so much, as long as it can help her recover, let's be ambiguous for a while.After she is discharged from the hospital, just bring the relationship back to the normal track.

During this time, because of Whitney's illness, Chen Kangjie stayed in Guangzhou and did not go back to school.I just went to Hong Kong for two days halfway to help with some reshoots and production.

During this time in Guangzhou, Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled. Didn't many people get infected when the SARS outbreak broke out?After the Whitney incident, everything was quiet, and no additional news was heard.

Could it be that I was wrong?Or has the track of history shifted?In history, now is the period when the epidemic is extremely spreading.

It was precisely because there were no additional cases that Chen Kangjie stopped seeking advice from Academician Zhong and Lin Sen. After calling his father that time, Chen Kangjie did not contact him again. He just called his mother halfway to report his safety. .

However, the actual situation is not the case. In eastern Guangdong, it is not that there are no cases similar to Whitney.However, due to various considerations, all news about the epidemic was blocked.Just two days ago, a patient with a similar case died in the South China Sea. However, this matter was not treated as a major infectious disease.

Local departments and governments always consider it from their own point of view. They are worried that if the matter is publicized, it will not only cause social turmoil, but also affect their own political future.

Therefore, everyone hopes that this unclear virus epidemic will pass as soon as possible, and everything will return to calm and disappear.

However, one day that Secretary Liu called Chen Kangjie through Liu Deyi.

"Secretary Liu, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Mr. Chen, are you okay? Oh, no, is your assistant okay?" Secretary Liu on the phone seemed a little nervous.

"Fortunately, the condition has not deteriorated, and has improved a little. I have to thank you for what happened last time."

"That's good, that's good, you have to be careful there, last time you sent your assistant to the People's Hospital below us for treatment, the emergency doctor who was in charge of admission died."

"The doctor died?" Although Chen Kangjie didn't like the doctor, he was still shocked and surprised when he heard the news. "How did he die? Could it be a respiratory infection or pneumonia?"

"Hey, you know?"

"How would I know, I'm just guessing, is it really that kind of disease?"

"Yes, the comrades from the health bureau below reported to me that it was influenza pneumonia caused by a virus, which is contagious, so I called you to tell you, after all, you have had direct contact with each other." Secretary Liu Said.

"Secretary Liu, then quickly take relevant safety measures. This is a serious event for you." Chen Kangjie's heart sank, what should have happened still happened.

"We have already reported the matter to the Department of Health and the province. This matter is not trivial, and we have to wait for the decision of the province."

"What are you waiting for, Secretary Liu, human life is at stake. Hurry up and find and isolate the relevant personnel who have had contact with that doctor. If one spreads the word to ten or ten to hundreds, the consequences will be unimaginable." Chen Kangjie stood up for the officials. feel anxious.

"It's not easy. If you go back in geometric multiples, at least dozens or even hundreds of people will be quarantined and observed. I didn't get approval from the province. I did this, and the whole city was in turmoil. I shoulder the responsibility." Can't stop." Secretary Liu told Chen Kangjie the truth.

"An official, a party member, this should be the time to shoulder the responsibility. How can... Forget it, thank you for telling me this, I will find someone to find out the news." Chen Kangjie felt helpless towards these senior officials. It's a pity, just thinking that no matter how fierce my words are, it's useless, I might as well find another way.

Secretary Liu should not have taken any specific action without instructions from the province.

After hanging up on Secretary Liu, Chen Kangjie immediately called Lin Sen.

The phone call was answered by Lin Sen's secretary. He told Chen Kangjie that Secretary Lin was in a meeting with the provincial leaders and would call him back later.

After smoking three cigarettes in the hotel, Lin Sen called.

"Xiao Chen, are you calling me?" Lin Sen's tone sounded calm and calm.

"Secretary Lin, just now your secretary said that you were in a meeting with the provincial leaders. Was it to discuss the death of the epidemic?" Chen Kangjie asked directly without going around the bush.

"This... yes, a standing committee was set up to study the health situation." Lin Sen was talking about the health situation, not the outbreak.

Judging from Lin Sen's wording, it seems that Eastern Guangdong Province doesn't care too much about the epidemic that has already caused deaths.

"What's the result of the study? I heard that there have been deaths. Remember I told you before that this disease is contagious, and every patient with this symptom should be treated with caution. It's better to isolate."

"Xiao Chen, the matter is not as serious as you think. Just now the experts from the Department of Health have said that this kind of case is very similar to common cold and fever. Treat them as serious illnesses, what a lot of effort, there are tens of thousands of people with colds and fevers in the province every day. We have to be responsible for the overall stability of the province." Lin Sen said lightly to Chen Kangjie.

"Then why is the province just letting it go like this? It spreads wantonly with the epidemic?" Chen Kangjie felt a fire in his heart.

"That's impossible. We still attach great importance to the death cases. The secretary and the governor have given specific instructions, asking the health department to send people to hospitals in various counties, districts, and cities to guide the admission and treatment of similar patients. The strategy is to loosen the outside and tighten the inside. On the other hand, provide funds and entrust medical universities and military medical universities to find the virus and propose a reasonable treatment plan. We believe that the problem is still controllable. Of course, we also put relevant The situation was notified to the Ministry of Health." It was also facing Chen Kangjie, if it was someone else, Lin Sen would not bother to say so much.

"It's loose on the outside and tight on the inside. If it's just like this, the common people are still kept in the dark. If the common people don't know, how to take appropriate preventive measures? Uncle Lin, to be honest, what you have done is far from enough, and you can actually do a lot more Now the cases only occur in eastern Guangdong. What if they spread to other provinces and cities as the population moves? Eastern Guangdong is a province with a large foreign population. I am a representative of the National People's Congress. I suggest that you, in addition to mobilizing the medical and health system, Stations, airports, docks and other places should also strengthen supervision and attention, at least to prevent the spread of the epidemic." In desperation, Chen Kangjie actually took out his identity as a representative of the National People's Congress.

As for the status of the National People's Congress representative, it is easy to use in normal times, but in the face of such a major event, if the province does not care, it will not be of any use at all.The focus of the workplace for deputies to the National People's Congress is still in the great halls of the capital, and their influence on local governments is very limited.

"Xiao Chen, are you worrying too much? Is it necessary to use such an emergency? If supervision measures are taken at the station, airport and wharf, how much manpower, material and financial resources will be invested. After all, there are only three patients who have died because of this. It is impossible for the province to agree to your suggestion anyway." Lin Sen was slightly displeased with Chen Kangjie's stubbornness.

"But the doctors were all infected and there were deaths. Isn't this enough to attract your attention?" Chen Kangjie said sadly in his heart.

"I have no way to overturn and go against the decisions made by the Standing Committee. I am just an ordinary member of the Standing Committee. The secretary and the provincial governor are still responsible for major policies and strategies. Besides, we also have to listen to health officials. The Ministry of Health will soon have a working group coming to us. I understand your feelings, and I know your intentions are good. But Xiao Chen, the government must not be careless in its work. Any policy will involve it If there are tens of millions of people, if the people of the whole province are in panic, our stable situation will be gone, and the social and economic development of the whole province will also be greatly affected. This burden is not so easy to carry." Lin After Sen finished speaking, he found an excuse for a meeting and ended the call with Chen Kangjie.

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