rebirth of change

Chapter 2423 There is no delay

Chapter 2423 There is no delay

Chen Kangjie was quite disappointed by Lin Sen's attitude. Perhaps from the perspective of officials and politicians, their own considerations and choices have their own reasons and logic, but in this way, regardless of the lives of ordinary people, they regard each life as worthwhile. Insignificant, Chen Kangjie still couldn't accept it.

Indeed, if measures are taken across the province, especially in public areas, people will have various speculations and even some panic, but is it enough to conceal it?Just like an ostrich will cover its head in the sand when the wind and sand come, but will it be safe?

When people face some unexpected situations, the reason why they panic is, to be honest, often due to the opacity of information.Because of ignorance, coupled with the fact that some people spread rumors, the consequences will be imagined to be very serious, and thus unnecessary excessive precautions will be taken.

This is the case with the current epidemic. Chen Kangjie, who has experienced this, knows the consequences very well.

Can this matter be kept hidden forever?Can it be hidden forever?It is a contagious epidemic. If the government does not stand up, will the contagion be reduced and the source of infection will disappear?

That is impossible. When some people have a similar disease but cannot receive good diagnosis and treatment, what will the relatives and friends around him think?Would those people be afraid, afraid?

This is not the key point. What is more important and urgent is that if effective containment measures are not taken now, when the epidemic spreads, the damage will be even greater. Not only will more and more human, material and financial resources be invested What's more, more innocent people will be victimized and even die.This is the real dire consequence.

Chen Kangjie is really feeling a lot of pressure now. If he doesn't know about it, it's okay. Those who don't know are not to be blamed. In addition, he is not a government official, and he is not in his position.Whether or not to ask is justified.

However, Chen Kangjie knew the dangerous consequences. If he didn't do something to change this situation, Chen Kangjie would not be able to pass this test in his heart anyway.

Judging from the current situation, reflections and petitions will not achieve much effect. The entire eastern Guangdong Province, through Lin Sen's conversation, has reached an agreement from top to bottom, which is to "maintain the status quo". "and.

Even if he, Chen Kangjie, had the ability to meet the secretary and the governor, it would probably not have the slightest positive effect to make suggestions to them in person.

Smoking a cigarette, looking at the busy streets and the bustling crowd, Chen Kangjie really felt anxious.A certain person downstairs who is still happily going out may one day be taken away by this virus, which will cause great grief and disintegration of a family.

Looking for Central Response?Use Zhao Zhibang to exert pressure from top to bottom?This idea just passed in Chen Kangjie's mind for a while before he dismissed it.

Why?Isn't that a good move?From a practical point of view, it's really not very good.

Zhao Zhibang just took over Wei Zhonghua's class at the party congress. This period is very sensitive for him. Not only many personnel arrangements need to be settled by Qiao, but also many relationships need to be dredged. Relationship.

Wei Zhonghua handed over his party and political positions, but the military position is still in his hands.

Wei Zhonghua has been in the top leadership position of the party for 13 years, and the government is from the central to the local. He said that the people who are promoted and supported are intricate.

In this context, despite Zhao Zhibang's successful succession, in fact, many things are still handled cautiously, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is walking on eggshells at certain times.Especially in the east of Guangdong, this place is very complicated. Not only do all the departments and factions have agents here, but the secretary of the provincial party committee is also the deputy state-level central leader. To a certain extent, it will make him feel embarrassed, and even fall into some kind of struggle, which will not help him to grasp the overall situation smoothly to a certain extent.

Such matters are not only related to eastern Guangdong Province, but also related to some central ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Health.

Perhaps, the Eastern Guangdong Province is unwilling to make a big splash, and it is hard to say that it does not have to deal with the current domestic political situation.It is easy to achieve a change of name and position in the succession of the old and the new, but it is actually not easy to achieve a smooth transition between the government and the people. It is a consideration for every political figure.This includes how to stand in line and not make big mistakes at work.So they chose to keep a low profile and try to control the situation in the province as much as possible, which is not completely untenable.

It was based on this consideration that Chen Kangjie ruled out Zhao Zhibang's method.

However, petitions from the local government have no effect, and it is not appropriate to ask the central government to put pressure on the lower levels. This really tested Chen Kangjie.what can we do about it?

When Liu Deyi came to look for Chen Kangjie, he found that Chen Kangjie's room was full of smoke. He was so frightened that he thought something had happened. After a closer look, it turned out that Chen Kangjie almost filled the ashtray with his cigarettes.

Liu Deyi hurried to the window, opened both windows, and at the same time turned on the ventilator in the room to expel the smoke from the room.

"Master Jie, why do you smoke so much?" Standing next to Chen Kangjie, Liu Deyi asked worriedly.

The time he worked as Chen Kangjie's assistant was not too short, but it was the first time Liu Deyi saw Chen Kangjie smoke so much.This shows that he must have encountered troublesome things that make it difficult for him to make a decision, otherwise he would not be like this.

"Hey, when something happens, I don't know what to do. It's a headache." Chen Kangjie said as he snuffed out the half unburned cigarette with two fingers in the ashtray.

Seeing Chen Kangjie strangle Xiang Yan, Liu Deyi poured Chen Kangjie a cup of tea, "Master it because of Whitney?"

"That's right, by the way, I asked you to arrange for everyone who had direct contact with Whitney to have a comprehensive physical examination. How are you doing?"

"According to your request, I have done everything. Most of them have their physical examinations in the United States, some in Hong Kong, and some in the Affiliated Hospital of Qianzhou Medical University."

"All the protective measures have been taken?" Chen Kangjie was still a little worried. He did this to be prepared.

After all, Whitney has been in contact with a lot of people during this period of time. Since she is infected, it is difficult to rule out that others will not.If detected early, it can be treated early, and further spread of transmission can be avoided.

"I have done it. At first, some of them were resistant, but after being patient and enlightened, especially after moving you out, they were all willing to cooperate. So far, no disease similar to Whitney's has been found. Condition."

"Although I haven't found it yet, you can't be careless. You must pay close attention to this matter. If someone doesn't cooperate, then you tell him. If you can't cooperate, you can find another job. Asking them to have a physical examination is not to harm them. The salary is also paid as usual, so it will not be able to cooperate with the work, so it is indeed not suitable to stay in this team." In order to make this matter come true, Chen Kangjie did not hesitate to give Liu Deyi the power of life and death.

"I understand, I will definitely keep an eye on it..." Before Liu Deyi finished speaking, the phone in his pocket buzzed.

Liu Deyi did not answer the phone immediately, but looked at Chen Kangjie.

"Go ahead." Chen Kangjie raised his chin and said.

Liu Deyi took out the phone, and his pupils shrank when he saw the phone number on it.

"Hello...what? Are you sure...well, ok...I see...I'll get back to you later..."

"Did someone get sick?" Liu Deyi hung up the phone, and Chen Kangjie stood up and asked.

"Yes, news came from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong that a staff member of the crew was found to be a suspected case, which was very similar to Whitney's characteristics. They asked me how to deal with it next?"

"How to deal with it, of course it is the nearest treatment. You immediately contact the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong to admit the patient immediately, and take strict isolation measures. We will bear all the expenses incurred during this process." Chen Kangjie immediately Just give instructions.

The occurrence of similar infection cases made Chen Kangjie very disturbed.In order to avoid further expansion of the situation, Chen Kangjie felt that it would really be impossible not to do something further.

"Deyi, go to Hong Kong right away. In addition to implementing this matter yourself, contact me with a TV station and say that I want to use their TV station to release the news." After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie went further.

Since it was not easy to go up and down, Chen Kangjie simply borrowed the power of the media to supervise and expose.

The reason why Chen Kangjie chose the media in Hong Kong is because the media in the mainland, without the permission of the government, no media would dare to broadcast such news.

As for whether this would offend the Eastern Guangdong Province, or whether it would embarrass some people, Chen Kangjie couldn't care less about that.In the face of human life, other considerations are not worth mentioning.Isn't our old saying that human life is a matter of life, Chen Kangjie now truly feels the weight and pressure of this sentence.

"Master Jie, are you going to announce the status of this disease?" To do something, Liu Deyi always needs to know a little more about Chen Kangjie's thoughts, otherwise it will be difficult to communicate with him.

It is true that if Chen Kangjie wants to borrow any media from there, no one will refuse, and it is too late to even shout welcome.But the respect that should be given to others is still there.

"Yes, that's it... Also, you are telling the sy company that I need the Vision Network to be able to broadcast online simultaneously." After a short pause, Chen Kangjie temporarily decided to add the Vision Network.

The TV stations in Hong Kong have a relatively high degree of freedom, but it is basically difficult for them to spread outside the Pearl River Delta in the Mainland, and their spread is limited.However, is a very influential online media both in Hong Kong, Macau and the mainland. Although it mainly accepts young people, it was still easy to spread the news that Chen Kangjie wanted to reveal to tens of millions of young people. arrived.

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