rebirth of change

Chapter 2424 Pushed to the Ministry of Health

Chapter 2424 Pushed to the Ministry of Health

It is almost conceivable that once Chen Kangjie released the news through the media, it would definitely cause an uproar.Even if it is not domestic media, it is still difficult to block its shock waves.

Of course, during the 5 minutes of the interview, Chen Kangjie's tone was appealing and reminding that he did not make excessive criticisms or accusations against the relevant government and departments.

Chen Kangjie knew very well that what he did was already offending people. If his tone and words were more intense, it would make people more dissatisfied and bear hatred. In terms of effect, it may also have a counterproductive effect.In addition, if his words are very angry and violent, he will be used by many overseas media and personnel.

In other words, if Chen Kangjie constructs new criticism, it will become evidence for people to accuse our government of inaction.This is something that Chen Kangjie must avoid after thinking about it.

As soon as Chen Kangjie's related talk was broadcast, it immediately took the lead in causing violent waves in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.

Due to Chen Kangjie's special status, no one would have thought that he was talking nonsense or deceiving the public.The citizens and the masses believed him very much. What's more, Chen Kangjie also had a real example, that is, his assistant Whitney was hospitalized at this time, and the doctor who had been in contact with her was also sick and died.

As an influential public figure, Chen Kangjie must be responsible for what he said, and the examples he gave must stand the test.

Of course, Chen Kangjie is not a doctor, so he didn't explain the condition in detail, nor did he say how to treat it, those are not what he should say.However, Chen Kangjie still advises everyone based on common sense, pay attention to personal hygiene, keep the living environment ventilated, do not stay in places with heavy traffic for a long time, and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible if you feel unwell.In addition, Chen Kangjie also warned that in order to isolate the virus, you should wear a mask when you go out. This is to protect yourself and others.

As for the government, Chen Kangjie just asked the government and relevant departments to take more and more effective measures to deal with the further spread of the epidemic, and to think and choose from the perspective of priceless life.

As soon as Chen Kangjie's words came out, it naturally caused heated discussions and some panic among the Chinese people.

Faced with an invisible and intangible virus, and this virus may kill people at any time, as long as they are normal people, they will be unable to deal with such news for a while. This cannot be safely avoided by personal efforts.

Following the network signal, Chen Kangjie's conversation naturally caused fermentation in other provinces, autonomous regions and cities.This matter became a topic of concern and discussion among all young people for a while.

Faced with this wave of public opinion triggered by Chen Kangjie, the government has undoubtedly become the target of pressure.

"This Chen Kangjie is completely disorganized and undisciplined. I remember that he is still a party member. How could he go to Hong Kong to speak up like this? This will make our government the target of the crusade. Now the focus of public discussion has become the epidemic. There is also the Vision Network, which spreads to the country without approval, I think we must come up with a way to deal with it.” Zheng Haichao walked into Nan Xijing’s office, and before he had time to take a sip of water, he Said to Nanxi with an ugly face.

Zheng Haichao is the governor of eastern Guangdong, and Nan Xijing is the secretary. In Nan Xijing's office, Lin Sen and the propaganda minister Tang Guowei are still sitting.They were all called by Nan Xijing to discuss countermeasures because of Chen Kangjie's words.

"Governor Haichao, drink your saliva first, drink your saliva first. When I saw this news, I was extremely astonished. The person who said this was Chen Kangjie, how to deal with it? The key now is not to face Chen Kangjie, but to Focusing on facing tens of thousands of public grievances and panic, that is the top priority." Nanxi respectfully looked much calmer, and stretched out his hand to beckon Zheng Haichao to sit down.

From the passages of each of the two of them, we can see the huge difference in their structure and position.

Is Nan Xijing really not under pressure?It would be a lie to say no.As secretary of the provincial party committee, he has to control the overall situation and be responsible for the progress, development and stability of the province.However, what Chen Kangjie said just caused a huge impact on development and stability.

However, no matter what kind of pressure he was under, Nan Xijing had to remain calm in front of his subordinates and colleagues.If he is panicked, can the people below be at ease?Can you still work safely?

In addition, no matter how dissatisfied they were, Nan Xijing knew that they had absolutely no means of dealing with Chen Kangjie.catch him?That is to risk the disrespect of the world, who would dare.fine?Why should he be fined? Even if charges can be collected, is Chen Kangjie afraid of fines?Stop him in his career?Chen Kangjie is not a government official, he is free, and official means are useless.In addition, Chen Kangjie's market is mainly abroad. Can they stop people from buying his records, can they stop people from watching his movies, or can they stop him from participating in the Olympics?It's all fantasy.

Since you can't do it, why bother to talk about it, it will only increase your troubles and lower your own pattern.

In addition, is not easy to start with. It is not a small website. It has become the leader of the domestic Internet economy and a company enthusiastically sought after by young people. Internally block the Vision Network, or Nan Xijing disregards his own future and reputation, and cooperates with the central department to block the Vision Network.However, no matter what kind of price it is, Nan Xijing is unwilling to bear it.

"I'm just dissatisfied and complaining. The situation in front of us is difficult to deal with. I'm really at a loss here, Alexander." Zheng Haichao took a sip of water, shook his head and said.

Nan Xi respectfully glanced at Zheng Haichao meaningfully, then turned to Tang Guowei and Lin Sen: "Tell me about how to deal with this situation."

Zheng Haichao faintly noticed Nanxi Jing's meaningful glance, but he acted nonchalantly.

Is Zheng Haichao really such a man without city government?It is absolutely impossible to be the governor of such a large province.

The reason why he came here as soon as he entered the door was of course his purpose.Jing Nanxi knew that Chen Kangjie couldn't be moved, and Zheng Haichao knew the same. Don't forget, just a year ago, Chen Kangjie's father was still working with them in Eastern Guangdong Province.

It was precisely because he couldn't handle it, and the pressure had to be faced immediately, that Zheng Haichao deliberately put on such a posture.And after Nanxi Jing faintly refuted it, he could just take a half step back.

Shift leader, you, Nan Xijing, are the secretary, you are the leader, you have responsibilities, you have to carry them first.If you want to go down, there are Lin Sen, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Tang Guowei, the propaganda minister.The hospital where Whitney was treated was within Lin Sen's jurisdiction, and Chen Kangjie's revelation belonged to Tang Guowei, the head of the Propaganda Minister.

On the contrary, it was him, Nanxi Jing, who seemed to be able to stay out of the matter.

At least, he doesn't need to stand out, nor does he need to be a power forward.Up and down, he can unload force and move a thousand catties in four or two.

"Secretary Xi Jing, Governor Haichao, first of all our Propaganda Department is responsible for this incident. I will review this point." Tang Guowei ranked ahead of Lin Sen and was slightly older than Lin Sen, so he stood up first. "From the perspective of our Propaganda Department, I think that if we want to quell public opinion and reassure the masses, we can use newspapers and TV stations to refute rumors. Otherwise, the situation is not that serious at all. It’s just a small localized illness, what do you think?”

Nan Xijing was noncommittal about Tang Guowei's thoughts, and continued to ask Lin Sen: "Comrade Lin Sen, what do you think?"

"Secretary Xi Jing, I didn't expect that boy from Chen Qigang's family to play such a game. To be honest, he approached me two days ago and asked me to come forward and respond to the province, and take strict measures in the province, such as Real-time monitoring of docks, airports, stations and other places, such as isolation of suspected cases, large-scale investigation of related persons infected with the disease, etc. I rejected him, saying that the province has already reached an agreement, maybe it is because of this, that boy Just find another way and give us something like this." Lin Sen told a story like this, it seems that he wants to take responsibility, but in fact, when he thinks about it carefully, he is clearing the relationship.

"I basically agree with Comrade Guowei's opinion. He uses the media to give us problems, so we can also use the media to resolve them. However, I think this may not be enough. At least we can't stand in front. After all, this epidemic is The health system is in charge, and those of us don’t have relevant professional knowledge.” Lin Sen continued.

"I think Comrade Lin Sen's idea is very good. We reported this matter to the Ministry of Health, but the Ministry of Health did not provide us with corresponding professional judgment. No matter what degree of measures and methods are adopted, there must be The Ministry of Health’s professional evaluation is the basis, Secretary Xi Jing, I think we still need to seek the opinion of the Ministry of Health.” After Tang Guowei and Lin Sen finished talking, Zheng Haichao’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly added.

This is not to seek the opinion of the Ministry of Health, it is simply to push all the responsibilities to the Ministry of Health.Dead fellows don't die poor, not to mention that they did report the relevant situation, and the Ministry of Health also sent an expert team to the eastern province of Guangdong to understand the situation and evaluate it on the spot.So far, the Ministry of Health has not given East Guangdong Province a clear direction.

Based on this point, it is most appropriate to push the Ministry of Health to the front.

"Well... Later, I will communicate with the comrades in the Ministry of Health and listen to their views and opinions. We really need to respect the profession, and there is a specialization in the art field." Nan Xijing thought for a while, nodded and said .

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