Chapter 2425

"Minister, what's the matter? Are you so unhappy?" Guan Ping, the vice minister of the Ministry of Health, walked into Minister Kang Weihu's office with a document.

"What else can happen? Isn't it because of the mess in the Eastern Guangdong Province?" Kang Weihu rubbed his forehead, shook his head and said.

"Minister, we are indeed under a lot of pressure over there, especially after Chen Kangjie talked nonsense in the media, the tide is coming from all directions. Today I received a few calls to inquire about the situation, Western Guangdong Province, Nanhu Province, and even the State Environmental Protection Administration are asking."

"They just join in the fun, we're annoying enough, and they add to the chaos. Is the information in your hand going to be reported to the Prime Minister?" Kang Weihu said.

"Yes, according to your request, I sorted out the information, you can go over it. If it weren't for that Chen Kangjie, the Prime Minister would not be paying attention to this matter now." Guan Ping also complained about Chen Kangjie.

What Chen Kangjie did, in the eyes of this official, was a big treason that added to the chaos, and he deliberately went against them.

But they didn't think about it from Chen Kangjie's point of view, or from the point of view of the grassroots people, they just started from their own official position.

"It's not just the Prime Minister who is in trouble now. I heard that Chief No. [-] is also very concerned about this news, but he hasn't had time to ask questions yet." Tang Weihu looked depressed.

"Ah, you have alarmed Chief No. [-]?" Guan Ping asked in surprise.

If the prime minister only has the function of administrative leadership and does not have a strong say in personnel affairs, then the No. [-] head is different. The biggest thing in his hands is personnel power. Although the personnel power needs to be discussed and made decisions collectively, at least he The vote of yours is the heaviest.

If the No. [-] chief pays attention to this matter, and they cannot handle it well, then it is very likely that there will be a personnel change later.

For Zhao Zhibang to take over, the top priority at the moment is indeed a smooth transition, but isn’t that the old saying, a new official takes office three fires, Zhao Zhibang also needs some things to establish his prestige, whoever hits the gun at this time is very likely to be Stretch out your neck to get a knife.

Tang Weihu nodded: "I am also the first and the first two."

"Minister, this matter is a matter of Eastern Guangdong Province, and they should be at the forefront. After the evaluation of the people we sent out, the epidemic situation in Eastern Guangdong Province is indeed not optimistic. At least, it is difficult to achieve the epidemic situation at present. Complete suppression, there is a risk and possibility of contagion. As a professional authority, we can put forward targeted measures and opinions, and we can also take the lead in some parts of appreciation.” Guan Ping is Tang Weihu’s person, and the relationship between the two is very close It's true that he is usually the most supportive in the ministry, so what he says is less taboo and a lot more frank.

"Of course I know, but it's almost impossible for us to shift the responsibility to Guangdong Province. Nan Xijing called me just now."

"Secretary Nan Xijing called you? What did he say?" Guan Ping asked with concern.

"It sounds like he's just asking about our assessment, seeking professional advice from our Ministry of Health, asking us to come up with opinions earlier, etc., but can't you hear what he really means? They have already pushed all of this ahead of time. Give it to us, we have to take the lead. It seems that they didn't take further measures because we didn't give them professional evaluation opinions. We seem to be a stumbling block for them to work hard and love the people." Tang Weihu said.

"How could he do this? The health forces in Eastern Guangdong Province are not the kind of backward inland provinces. Can't they make their own assessments? Moreover, they didn't report the epidemic to us as soon as it happened. It was a dead person." , let us know with half push and half push. Minister, there is another point, the investigation team we sent down, in the investigation process, the Guangdong side did not cooperate so much, which prevented us from grasping the overall situation quickly. After all, they don’t want the economy of the provincial capital to be affected, if not, they would have already taken measures half a month earlier.” Guan Ping followed with indignation.

"So what? I'm just a member of the Central Committee, and Nan Xijing is a member of the Politburo and my leader. What can I do to confront him? Can I bite these out? Don't say I can't, even if I bite, then You have to be able to bite clearly. What's more, people's footsteps are faster than ours, and their methods are better than ours. The initiative is not in our hands now, md, a star, can't you just do your own thing well? Why do you want to What a waste of money?" After speaking, Tang Weihu took his grievances on Chen Kangjie again.

"Minister, what should we do now? If we don't come up with an explanation, it will be difficult for us to explain the ups and downs. Now our Ministry of Health is about to become the target of public criticism." Guan Ping clapped his hands, complaining.

Tang Weihu didn't answer Guan Ping's words right away, but opened the assessment report and spread it out on the desk to read it.

A few minutes later, Tang Weihu raised his head: "Guan Ping, this report needs to be revised."

"Revise? Minister, how do you revise it?" Guan Ping asked in surprise. This report is a summary of the situation based on seeking truth from facts.

"First of all, we admit that it is caused by this matter. However, we have to reduce the severity and delete some cases, and the epidemic is already under our control. It won't be long before we can eliminate this SARS virus. Change in this direction...By the way, let our national laboratories step up their work to find out the source of this virus as soon as possible and come up with a way to restrain it." Tang Weihu thought for a while, his eyes widened , exuding a firm momentum and said.

Tang Weihu is going to play a big game. Since Guangdong Province wants to return the responsibility to him, and he has no way to retreat, for his own future, he can only cheat to get through.Tang Weihu firmly believed that as long as his side was stable, Guangdong East would never tear things apart, and that would be of no benefit to them.And as long as this level passes, no one will care whether they have provided false data.

"Minister, this is not good. If it is pursued, or the epidemic spreads further, it will be troublesome." Guan Ping didn't expect Tang Weihu to play like this, and his heart skipped a beat.

"If we don't talk about it, if we don't talk about eastern Guangdong Province, who will know? As for the epidemic... We know that no matter how big the epidemic is, it will have a certain period of time. It is impossible for it to spread endlessly. Appropriate When the time comes, the human body will develop adaptive antibodies, maybe........ I hope that the epidemic caused by the SARS virus will weaken by itself after a while. Anyway, we can only overcome this hurdle first. Let’s talk about it, otherwise, not only will the central government be dissatisfied, it will deal with us, and the people will scold us, and the eastern Guangdong province will step on our heads. If we don’t do this, now we will let the eastern Guangdong province enter a state of emergency. Can they do it? Even if they do it, don’t they still bear a grudge against us? There’s no other way.”

The minister seems to have a high position and authority, but in fact he has to face many difficult hurdles.

Guan Ping thinks about it, this is also the reason, if he does it like this, maybe Nan Xijing will help them speak at an appropriate time and share the pressure.But if this is not the case, the Eastern Guangdong side will overwhelmingly push the responsibility to them.

In the center's weighing consideration, it is not difficult to make a choice between the Ministry of Animal Health or the Ministry of Animal Health.Persimmons should be picked and squeezed softly. This is the case in ancient and modern China and abroad.Compared with eastern Guangdong, the largest province in the country, the pressure and rebound of the Ministry of Health is of course much smaller, and the impact on social fluctuations and impacts is relatively much smaller.

It is precisely because of this that Nan Xijing and Zheng Haichao have such confidence.Eastern Guangdong is the leader of the national economy, and no one can bear responsibility for undermining its overall development.

In addition, Tang Weihu asked Tang Weihu to do this action. If something really happened, he would be the first to bear the responsibility.Don't think that if Guan Ping followed Tang Weihu, he would not think for himself. In the officialdom, such people hardly exist.If there is no problem, of course you are hello, I am hello, everyone, but if there is a problem, then push it if you need to, and retreat if you need to.

"Minister, what about the heated discussions and backlash among the people? If the momentum is not suppressed, it will be difficult for us to get through it. It is better to guard against the people's mouth than to prevent Sichuan. Besides, people's hearts are not stable, and other things are very likely to happen. The mess." Guan Ping asked again.

"That's right, this trouble is even more painful than dealing with the higher-ups, everyone's mouth is worth it, Lao Guan, do you have any solutions?"

"I...the public grievances were provoked by the media. If we want to appease and suppress them, we can only use the media. If we think that what Chen Kangjie said is not true, or there are elements of rumors to a certain extent , then it is necessary for the Ministry of Health to hold a press conference to explain the situation we have learned to the public and to dispel everyone's doubts. In any case, the public's sense of trust in our government still exists. Apart from this method, it may be difficult Find another more effective method." Guan Ping thought for a while and said.

"Well, that's really the only way to go. Then, Laoguan, you should prepare. In a few days or two, we will hold a press conference on behalf of the Ministry of Health to explain clearly to everyone. But don't say that what he said is a rumor, don't blame him. To comment on his words, just treat his words as untrue." Tang Weihu handed over this task to Guan Ping.

Tang Weihu also knew that if they said that Chen Kangjie's words were rumors, the backlash would be even greater.In that case, it is better to explain yourself, and finally see what the people choose to believe.

After all, the Ministry of Health has come forward and recruited all the media from the central to the local level in the country. The effect of the dissemination must not be bad.

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