rebirth of change

Chapter 2426 Lobbying Father

Chapter 2426 Lobbying Father

"You're impulsive, do you know how many people will be the target of criticism if you do that? How many people will hate you?" In the living room, watching Chen Kangjie sitting on the sofa eating an apple, Chen Qigang's The voice was a little harsh.

Chen Kangjie sat there comfortably with his legs crossed and ate apples. He didn't care about his father's teaching words, but he still had a faint smile on his face.

"What did you say, did my son do something wrong? Could it be that what he said was false? To be a man, you have to be worthy of your own conscience. I think what Lao Wen did is a very correct thing. You officials Yes, why did he become a different person once he was in a higher position?" Chen Kangjie didn't care, but it didn't mean that no one cared, and Ma Fangqin on the other side couldn't stand it anymore, and refuted Chen Qigang for Chen Kangjie.

It was difficult for Chen Kangjie to come back once or twice a year, and when he finally came back, he had to be taught a lesson. Ma Fangqin, who was eager to protect his son, was unwilling.

What's more, as Ma Fangqin said, there was nothing wrong with what Chen Kangjie said and did.

"Oh...I said you...I'm not saying he was wrong, I just said...he should change to a smarter way, don't be so red and fruity Come out and become the opposite of many people, don't you know the truth of shooting the top bird?" Facing Ma Fangqin, who was protecting the calf, Chen Qigang really had some headaches.

"It's not bad to say that, Lao Wen, what your father said, you really should listen to it. It's really not good to offend too many people." Ma Fangqin turned around when she heard the words "shoot the first bird", and help He tried to persuade Chen Kangjie.

In Ma Fangqin's eyes, he doesn't really care about those principles. What he really cares about is Chen Kangjie's safety and success, which is the greatest wish and expectation of every mother.

"Hehe, I know, Mom, don't worry." Chen Kangjie put his arms around Ma Fangqin, and said kindly, deliberately not looking at Chen Qigang.

Chen Qigang's teeth were itchy by Chen Kangjie's behavior, he simply despised his existence.But even so, he could only stare blankly.

This time when Chen Kangjie came back from Eastern Guangdong, it was not Chen Qigang who called him back, but Chen Kangjie came back on his own initiative.

In name, he came back to visit his parents, but in fact, Chen Kangjie had important matters to discuss with Chen Qigang.

As for what his father would say to him, it was completely in Chen Kangjie's expectation. If Chen Qigang didn't say a word of dissatisfaction, Chen Kangjie would be surprised instead.

After dinner, when Chen Kangjie entered Chen Qigang's study, his attitude changed.

"Dad, I have to do it. Although I am not a political figure, I have to do something and not do something. Even if it is not my assistant lying in the hospital, but other ordinary people, I can't stand by. What's more, we don't know how many people will be infected or even die because of it, if I turn a deaf ear to it, then it will be difficult for me to pass this test of my conscience."

"I know what you said has some truth, but there is no need to be so high-profile. You can use other methods and communicate more. On the one hand, you will offend people by doing that. Our government will become very passive. Have you ever thought about how people with tinted glasses would look at us?" Chen Qigang leaned back on his chair and said after taking a sip from his teacup.

Every time Chen Kangjie came back, it could be regarded as a time when Chen Qigang was relatively relaxed.Otherwise, even if he came home from get off work, he would bring a lot of official documents back for processing.The governor who is in charge of a province with tens of millions of people can be regarded as a medium-sized country overseas, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the day is full of opportunities.

But when Chen Kangjie came back, he would temporarily put aside those cumbersome official duties.Even though most of the things I talked with Chen Kangjie were related to his work, it was important to relax a lot. I could think of what to say, and I didn't have to take this and that into consideration as I did with other people.

"If you can persuade them through communication, that's great. Do you think I haven't tried hard? I have approached Secretary Lin Sen twice, and the local health system personnel, I have also persuaded him to do work. , but it will not be effective at all. They are out of political considerations and future considerations, and they have no courage to deal with it at all. I also know that my words may be used by people with good intentions. I have also noticed some western The media reported it. However, the so-called government passivity or government image, in my opinion, is far from being compared with the safety of people’s lives. The first premise of the existence of a government is to ensure the survival and safety of the people, which is the most basic Yes. As a bystander, it is impossible for me to be insensitive just because of their insensitivity." Chen Kangjie expressed his feelings.

"But is the matter really as serious as you said? The Ministry of Health has held a press conference today. They said that the situation is under control, and the epidemic is being suppressed and will dissipate soon. They are being cured and discharged one by one." Chen Qigang stared at Chen Kangjie with piercing eyes and asked.

"If the Ministry of Health hadn't held this press conference, I wouldn't have come back today. It was because they held that press conference and mobilized all the domestic media to help them "disguise makeup" and endorse them, so I rushed to you Come." Chen Kangjie's tone was faintly filled with anger.

Chen Kangjie saw the relevant reports early in the morning when the news was on the hour. The press conference was attended by Vice Minister Guan Ping and the director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to explain.They are too optimistic and downplaying the epidemic, as if the spreading epidemic will disappear tomorrow.

If Chen Kangjie hadn't been reborn, then he would have believed such words.The government's words, especially the central government's words, are still highly trusted by the people.In addition, Guan Ping and the director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are experts in the field. Their words are more convincing than ordinary people, not to mention that they have produced a lot of data.

But Chen Kangjie happened to be reborn, he experienced the virus epidemic in history.It's not what they said at all. Not only is it not under control, but the trend and intensity of spreading outward are getting stronger and stronger.In this case, if the relevant departments are still so irresponsible, it is tantamount to a natural disaster plus a man-made disaster.

Chen Kangjie may not be able to control so much in other places, but his father is the governor of Gannan Province, and the distance between Gannan Province and Eastern Guangdong Province is not far.When Chen Kangjie came back this time, he hoped to persuade Chen Qigang to use the power of the governor to take some relevant actions to ensure that southern Jiangxi Province would not be affected by the transition of the epidemic as much as possible.

Chen Kangjie didn't treat this matter as a political achievement very utilitarianly. I just had one idea in my heart, save a place if I can, and save as many people as possible if I can.

"You mean...they are hiding the truth and covering up their mistakes?" Chen Qigang sat up straight, looking at Chen Kangjie very seriously and asked.

"It can be said that I'm sure that the epidemic is on the verge of a large-scale outbreak. If we don't take appropriate actions, the impact will exceed our imagination. Didn't they say that those patients were cured and discharged one by one? Then I The assistants are the best medical staff who are treating and caring. They are using imported good medicines. Why are they still in the hospital? This is the best example. I can’t believe everything the government says. I can understand why the Ministry of Health would There is such a move, but I am disgusted and despise their actions, they are irresponsible at all, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are dereliction of duty and crimes." Yue said Chen Kangjie gritted his teeth.

Chen Qigang had always believed in this son. He didn't believe that Chen Kangjie would joke or talk nonsense about this kind of thing. He was not that kind of character.

So if he had to choose a trustee between the Ministry of Health and his son, Chen Qigang would rather trust Chen Kangjie.

"They are worried that if they admit the facts, they will be scolded by the people of the whole country, and they will bear all the responsibilities." Chen Qigang said what Chen Kangjie did not say clearly.

"Will they not be scolded like this? Don't they have to take responsibility in the future? It's too naive. They are so stubborn. One day they will be scolded more seriously, and their responsibilities will overwhelm them. I guess , Eastern Guangdong Province also put a lot of pressure on them."

"If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, does this still need evidence? A fool can think of it. Forget it, let's not talk about them. Dad, I came this time because I hope you can take a different path. In the past, you Gannan Province can take action to stop Stop the invasion of the epidemic." Chen Kangjie laughed mockingly.

"What action do you think is required?"

"All hospitals set up fever clinics, and special isolation, inspection and treatment of related suspected cases. In this regard, the province must allocate special funds. All major transportation routes, airports, stations, ports, etc., must increase equipment and personnel to strengthen Inspection and quarantine, how to do it specifically, you can ask experts from the Department of Health and Gannan Medical College to give advice and guidance. All in all, this is not a trivial matter. Relevant departments should also take action to fully cooperate. It is best to set up a relevant leading group in the province. If it is not possible, I suggest that you directly serve as the leader of the leading group." Chen Kangjie didn't go around the bush, and said straight to the point.

"Use the power of the whole province? How much will it cost, and how many people will be mobilized?" Chen Qigang was shocked when he heard that the power of the whole province was going to be mobilized. There are so many hospitals and stations in the province, and the media in the province is even used to intensively promote it, which will cost at least a billion yuan."

"More than one billion, as long as a large-scale outbreak in southern Jiangxi can be avoided, it is definitely worth it, and lives are priceless. Besides, only if the entire province does not break out of the epidemic, can it be possible to provide a guarantee for economic development. If the entire province People in prefectures, cities and counties are infected with the disease, and the depression brought about by that kind of panic may cause a loss of more than a billion yuan. There are risks, but they are worth it."

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