rebirth of change

Chapter 2427 Together with Secretary Lu

Chapter 2427 Facing Secretary Lu Together

"Money is one aspect of the problem. If we want to mobilize the power of the whole province, it needs the consent and cooperation of Secretary Lu." Chen Qigang is already thinking in his mind how to persuade Secretary Lu.

The secretary of the provincial party committee is the real top leader of a province, and the big official in frontiers, if he wants to make such a big move, without the secretary of the provincial party committee nodding, no matter how much Chen Qigang is the governor, it will be difficult for him to make it.Especially in terms of personnel transfer, if the secretary does not nod, Chen Qigang, the governor, has no way to ensure it.

"It's really difficult to get him to agree and cooperate with you in the current situation. But I think you should have a way, right?" Chen Kangjie didn't see the embarrassment and entanglement on his father's face, so he knew it. After one year as the governor, my father and Secretary Lu should have achieved a certain degree of harmony.

"There is no way. The key is, how likely is the outbreak? Ten percent, 50.00%, or [-] percent?" In other words, the more likely the outbreak is, the more he can convince Secretary Lu.

"Dad, as long as it's not zero, ten percent, 50.00% and [-] percent, is there any difference? Even if it's only [-] percent, can you gamble the lives of countless people in the province? Of course, from my feeling Based on the analysis of the information we have, the possibility is already [-]%. Therefore, there is not much time left for you. If you don’t manage it, at the moment I am chatting with you, someone in your Gannan Province has already been arrested. Infected. Let’s do it, lest some places get serious in the future, and you have to stop work and attend classes, and the loss will be even greater.”

"Since you said that, then I'll try to talk to Secretary Lu." Chen Qigang raised his hand and looked at his watch. "He should not be asleep right now. He is practicing calligraphy in the study. Let's go find him."

The secretaries and governors live in the family compound of the provincial party committee, not far from each other, and it takes three to five minutes to walk.

"Us? It's none of my business? Do I want to go with you?" Chen Kangjie wondered.

"Of course you want to go. You gave me the idea, and you made the suggestion. You have to help me persuade him. You are more persuasive than me when you come forward."

Chen Kangjie jumped up from the chair and pointed to his nose: "Dad, after a long time of messing around, your idea is to hit me, no wonder your old god is there, no pressure and no entanglement, you are too unnatural Right. I'm your son, not your subordinate, so I can just act as an advisor to give you advice, and I was forced to go to the front line by you, why doesn't it make sense?"

"It is because you are my son that I let you go with me. Your eloquence is better than mine, hehe. Besides, Secretary Lu admires you very much. With you, maybe you will get twice the result with half the effort. Let's go, Helping Lao Tzu share the burden, isn't it asking you to go to the battlefield to fight, so you need such a big reaction?"

Putting on his coat, Chen Qigang went out.

What can Chen Kangjie do?This was all calculated, and it was calculated by my own father. Can he really stand by and ignore it?

Seeing Chen Qigang bring Chen Kangjie to visit, Secretary Lu and his wife were very happy, especially his wife was more happy to see Chen Kangjie than to see his grandson full of praise.

"Drink tea, drink tea, this is the Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao that my old comrade-in-arms just brought me." Secretary Lu greeted Chen Qigang and Chen Kangjie with a smile, "Old Chen, do you know what I envy you most? It's not yours." The official career went more smoothly than mine, but you have such an amazing son."

"Old Lu, don't say that. The eldest and second of your family are both very good. One is already an associate professor at the University of Science and Technology, and the other is a postdoctoral student in the United States. They are both pillars of talent and the best choice." They praised Chen Qigang was happy to have his own son, so he naturally wanted to "reciprocate courtesy".

"They are all nerds. How can there be someone like your Chen Kangjie who has soared into the sky at a young age, versatile and proficient in everything. Xiao Chen, I heard that you are studying for a master's degree in law and political science? I remember you I majored in economics as an undergraduate." Secretary Lu shifted his gaze to Chen Kangjie and asked.

Before Chen Kangjie had no direct contact with Secretary Lu, but now that he saw him, he realized that he was very different from the provincial party secretary that most people imagined.

Secretary Lu is tall, looks thin and black, and is dressed in simple clothes. If he is seen on the street, he will often be regarded as an ordinary retired worker, rather than such a powerful feudal official.

Secretary Lu served as a soldier in his early years and also entered a company. Later, he served as the director of the Revolutionary Committee and really entered his official career.

When Chen Qigang was transferred to be the governor of southern Jiangxi, although Secretary Lu obeyed and respected the decision of the central government, due to various considerations and choices, there was still a lot of estrangement and conflict between the two of them.However, as Chen Qigang focused his work on specific things, he did not engage in political struggles with him, especially after the establishment of the equipment manufacturing industrial park and great results in attracting investment.Secretary Lu's attitude towards Chen Qigang has changed a lot.

People of their generation may behave conservatively, but their attitude of serving the public wholeheartedly is unmatched by many young politicians.

Secretary Lu's ancestral home is in southern Jiangxi, and he also knows that this appointment is the last stage of his work, and he will retire in a year or,

"Uncle Ru, that's right. That's the school's love and recommendation. Although I used to study economics, and economics has been quite popular in recent years, in the future, when our country develops to a certain stage, laws and Political reform will become more prominent, so I want to learn more. Of course, in the eyes of the teacher, a guy like me who runs around may not be considered a good student." Chen Kangjie's answer was solemn and lively .

After some homework, Secretary Lu finally took the initiative to bring the topic back on track.

"Xiao Chen, you are amazing." In line with the words, Secretary Lu gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up of his right hand, "Only you dare to go to Hong Kong to say that kind of thing. I heard that it is being discussed all over the country." You, you ran to the opposite side of the government, that is, your father's opposite, and forced the Ministry of Health to come to the fore."

"Uncle Ru, don't you think the Ministry of Health shouldn't come to the fore to face it?" Chen Kangjie took the time to ask back.

"No, of course I think they should face it, set the record straight, and give the people of the whole country an explanation and direction." Secretary Lu is not the kind of person who takes credit for blame and is timid, so his perspective is very similar to that of Chen Kangjie.

"But the problem is, they are not trying to set the record straight, but confusing the public." Chen Kangjie blurted out instinctively, regardless of Secretary Lu's reaction.

"Misunderstanding? How do you say this? Could it be that what they said is false?" Secretary Lu frowned.

Secretary Lu's frown has two meanings. One means that Hong Guoguo's criticism of a central department like Chen Kangjie is inappropriate in the consciousness of his generation.On the other hand, it is also aimed at the Ministry of Health. If they really cheated, then Secretary Lu might even scold her.

Chen Qigang didn't mind, he sat on the side drinking tea peacefully.

For this kind of debate, it is better for Chen Kangjie to come forward than himself, which is why he brought Chen Kangjie here.If he confronted Secretary Lu bluntly, it would not be a question of whether he could persuade him or not. Even if he persuaded him, Secretary Lu would probably be trying to save face.Moreover, if he is not at the forefront of the situation, his credibility will be reduced, and if he fails, he will be misunderstood by Secretary Lu as hoping to take such an action to seize power.

"Basically it is fake, there is no doubt about it, I guarantee it with my personality and life. I was in eastern Guangdong during this period, and my assistant was also one of the infected patients. A doctor she wanted to contact had already Dead, there are new cases every day. My assistant and a group of experts have been watching for so long, but they have not been discharged from the hospital. Secretary Lu, to be arrogant, do you think other ordinary people will be treated better than mine? How is the assistant? Can they use the best imported medicine in the world? They are cured and discharged one by one, nonsense. I donated 5000 million to the central laboratory of the University of Medical Sciences over there, but they failed to give the virus to the hospital. Find out. Do you think there will be good and effective countermeasures when the cause of the disease has not been fully understood? That is simply a lie. That's why I rushed back from there, but I don't want you to follow The Ministry of Health should make such an unforgivable mistake." Chen Kangjie first had no good feelings for the Ministry of Health, so he naturally said something serious.

"Are you here to lobby us for strict supervision and control measures?" After asking Chen Kangjie, Secretary Lu looked at Chen Qigang.

"Secretary Lu, I believed this kid's words, that's why I brought him here to meet you. This kid may be unreliable in some things, but he will never lie when faced with such a life-threatening matter. Yes, I can guarantee this." Chen Qigang nodded and said, as an endorsement for Chen Kangjie.

Secretary Lu stood up with a heavy expression, lit a cigarette himself, and threw one to Chen Qigang by the way. As for Chen Kangjie, he completely filtered it out.Of course, Chen Kangjie smelled the smoke, even if he felt itchy, he couldn't really smoke in front of the two big brothers.The basic image still needs to be taken into account.

As puffs of smoke came out of Secretary Lu's mouth, he paced back and forth in the room.

As the top leader, there is no doubt that such a thing needs him to take the helm.This is definitely not easy for a provincial prince.Even Secretary Lu gradually understood why Eastern Guangdong Province did not take strong measures. In fact, such measures would affect tens of millions of people in all aspects. If the epidemic did not break out on a large scale, who would bear the political impact? ?How to bear it?The province's economic development and social stability are bound to be impacted and affected.

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