Chapter 2430

In the face of Zhao Zhibang, who obviously had the spirit of provoking teachers and inquiring, the eastern Guangdong Province did not dare to neglect. On the one hand, they did a good job in reception, and on the other hand, they took more active measures to face the spread of the epidemic.

At present, Eastern Guangdong Province is the largest hardest-hit area in the country. They have a large population of foreigners and high mobility, and these populations are concentrated in a few limited cities. In addition, their previous isolation measures have not been done well. To deal with the epidemic The methods were soft, which made the spread of the epidemic uncontrollable and unstoppable.

What's even more frightening is that within half a month, more than 20 medical staff were infected, and three of them passed away regrettably after treatment was ineffective.

Although Eastern Guangdong Province has put in all its strength to deal with it, they were really caught off guard by such a menacing epidemic.From Nan Xijing to the director of the hospital below, everyone was under tremendous pressure.More than 800 factories in three cities have been forcibly closed, and more than [-] people have been quarantined for observation.

They used to be able to play tricks, but now, anyone who plays tricks again will be courting death.

"Comrade Xi Jing, your work is not doing well. The central government and I are very dissatisfied. Look at what the eastern part of Guangdong is like now. Is it still as prosperous as it was a few months ago? More than [-] lives Ah, including our selfless and dedicated medical workers, because our work is not in place, their lives will never come back. As the birthplace of the epidemic, how could you be so careless at the beginning? How could you be so careless? So indifferent? Now we not only have to face the criticism of the people all over the country, but also the criticism and rejection of the international community. The price is very high, very high.” Accompanied by the leader of the gang, he visited three hospitals and one community, and Zhao Zhibang was very moved by what he saw.

Before the meeting with the cadres and comrades in Eastern Guangdong Province, Zhao Zhibang severely criticized Nan Xijing and Zheng Haichao in the teaching lounge.

At this time, no matter how Nan Xijing was a member of the Politburo, Zhao Zhibang couldn't give him a good look.Calling them alone to criticize would be a shame. If it was the secretaries and governors of other provinces, it is estimated that Zhao Zhibang would publicly block them from coming to power at the meeting.

As the leader of a big country, it is not enough to be too soft, and it is not good to be too strong. Only a combination of soft and hard can be effectively controlled.This is the reason why our country has been emphasizing the way of civil and martial arts since ancient times.

"Chief, I have not done my job well. I will review it to you and the central government. It is our ineffective work that has led to such bad consequences." In the current atmosphere, facing Zhao Zhibang's criticism, Nan Xi respectfully Can admit mistakes.

Facts speak louder than words, it's all like this, if Nan Xijing defends himself again, won't he make himself even more uncomfortable?

"Review, it must be reviewed, not only to me, but also to the tens of millions of people under your rule. Tell me now, how did you get to this point? Why is this? I remember the correct words , Chen Kangjie has already issued a clear warning in the neighboring Hong Kong, how could you be indifferent? I guess, during that time, you might still blame him from the bottom of your heart, right?" Zhao Zhibang's face was as deep as water, and his voice was stern.

"Chief, we admit that we have made major mistakes in our work. However, when the news about Chen Kangjie came out, we also wanted to take decisive measures, but immediately after, the Ministry of Health informed us that the epidemic is not serious and it is completely safe. We believed it to be true, and I caused delays and immeasurable consequences and losses. Of course, no matter what, our provincial government is to blame." Zheng Haichao took Zhao Zhibang's words and replied.

Zheng Haichao is going to be a little slicker. Although he also admits his mistakes and shortcomings in his work, his focus is still to shift the responsibility to the Ministry of Health.

Zheng Haichao is different from Nan Xijing, his rank is lower than Nan Xijing, a member of the Central Committee and a member of the Politburo, the difference is only half a rank. Cadres, it is because this half-level is firmly blocked from the circle of state leaders.This half level is doomed that one of them can only represent the locality, and the other can represent the central government to a certain extent.

It is very, very difficult for Zhao Zhibang to substantively impress Nanxi, and if he fails to do so, it will cause an uproar.However, it would be relatively easier for Zhao Zhibang to move Zheng Haichao.

Therefore, Zheng Haichao had to find someone to support his back no matter what, so that even if he fell, at least he would not fall so badly.Nowadays, the best backers are those from the Ministry of Health. To be sure, they are Tang Weihu.

"Of course the Ministry of Health has their faults, but you also have your own faults. In comparison, Gannan Province and Qianzhou Province have done a good job. They can plan ahead, think more, and go more. One step, because of this step, how many people have been saved. There were epidemics in their neighboring provinces, but there were no cases there, or there were individual ones, and they were dealt with in the first time, so as not to expand. Every time we A party member, every cadre, is a public servant of the people. We must always think and make decisions from the perspective of the people, not for ourselves. Now I really want to know, why is it so serious here? Zhao Zhibang couldn't see Zheng Haichao's practice of shirking responsibility. The more he shirked, the more dissatisfied he was.

Zhao Zhibang has a steelyard in his heart, and he knows whether the Ministry of Health is responsible and how much responsibility it has.

He said that what is needed is Zheng Haichao's attitude. If they don't have a correct attitude, will they be able to cope with the challenge well?

"Chief, we don't try to shirk. The responsibility is the responsibility. We didn't do a good job. No matter how you say it, there is no doubt about it." Nan Xijing first showed a sincere attitude. With this attitude, he could go on to say: "As for why our place is so serious, besides our work measures are not in place, there are also certain objective factors. After spring, our place starts to heat up, and the temperature or The warming of the climate is very beneficial to the activity and spread of bacteria and viruses. In addition, there is a huge flow of people here, especially migrant workers. They will pay less attention to the hygienic environment. All kinds of factors add up. This has made our eastern Guangdong Province the hardest-hit area. To deal with the situation that is likely to deteriorate further, our province has decided to allocate a special fund of no less than 20 billion to deal with the epidemic. We believe that, As long as we are united and mobilized from top to bottom, we will surely win the final victory of the SARS epidemic."

Nan Xijing's pattern can be seen from such a passage. He has means, courage, and his ability to express himself while avoiding the most important.

No matter who listens to his words, he will feel comfortable.Even if it's uncomfortable, at least it's not too disgusting.At least his attitude is in place, and it can be seen that he has made relevant preparations.

"Okay, then I will look at your performance. You must have a highly responsible spirit and attitude. We can't afford to lose this battle. If we lose, the consequences will be even more unimaginable. If we really get to that point, I, You are all destined to become sinners of history and the nation, and you are unforgivable. I hope you can make up for it, and truly implement every task in a concrete manner." Zhao Zhibang was in a better mood as expected, but words of encouragement and encouragement , he will not forget to say.

After meeting Nan Xijing and Zheng Haichao in a small group, Zhao Zhibang attended a cadre meeting of the leaders above the prefectural and departmental level in Eastern Guangdong Province.At this meeting, Zhao Zhibang did not criticize Nan Xijing and Zheng Haichao anymore, but after listening to a professional report from relevant experts, he encouraged everyone to work together to overcome the epidemic.

You don't need a heavy hammer to beat the drums. It's time to talk, and then it really depends on their actions.For those cadres below the provincial level, it is impossible for Zhao Zhibang to criticize them.

The general is incompetent, and the army is exhausted.If a battle is defeated, it is first of all the responsibility of the general, and it cannot be the executors and those under command.

After inspecting Eastern Guangdong Province, Zhao Zhibang did not return to Beijing immediately, but went to Gannan Province from Eastern Guangdong. Although there was a report, Zhao Zhibang still wanted to see for himself how Gannan Province was doing. , They were able to minimize the impact of the epidemic, and they should have used some different methods and measures.

Of course, Chen Qigang, as one of Zhao Zhibang's favorite generals, was able to do a good job. He was relieved, of course, he also wanted to cheer up and stand on the platform.

Lu Nengyu lamented his luck very much. He believed in Chen Kangjie once, not only saved his hometown from the kind of disasters in other places, but also ushered in the inspection of the No. [-] chief.

If it was an ordinary work inspection, then Lu Nengyu had nothing to be happy and excited about, but it was obvious that Zhao Zhibang came this time not to find fault, but to praise and praise.This will be a great encouragement for the whole province to do a good job in the next step.

Gannan Province has not been so outstanding for quite a while. With Zhao Zhibang's praise and the national media's focus, Lu Nengyu believes that both the cadres and ordinary people in southern Gansu will feel proud and proud.

At the airport, Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang went to meet him together.Zhao Zhibang walked out of the cabin, and when he warmly shook hands with them, he really praised them first.

What's interesting about this is that Chen Qigang, as the implementer and the front line, put all the credit on Lu Nengyu.In a word, their achievements were achieved under the leadership and support of Lunengyu. Without Lunengyu, they would not have achieved such achievements.

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