rebirth of change

Chapter 2431 Propose Minister Candidates

Chapter 2431 Propose Minister Candidates

Lu Nengyu was happy and grateful for Chen Qigang's practice of pushing credit.

In front of a newly appointed supreme leader of the country, even if Luneng Yu has nothing to ask for, what he wants to get is a mediocre and insensitive evaluation.

The geese leave their voices, and the people leave their names.Lu Nengyu still hopes that after he retires, he can have a good historical evaluation.

In front of Chen Qigang, even if Lu Nengyu wanted to explain, it was impossible, so he could only accept Chen Qigang's kindness and love with gratitude.Of course, he will not let Chen Qigang do it for nothing. In the future specific work, Lu Nengyu will definitely report Chen Qigang's kindness with practical actions.

Seeing that Chen Qigang and Lu Nengyu could get along so harmoniously and work so unitedly, Zhao Zhibang was naturally gratified and happy.If the following fights become a group again, it will actually be unfavorable for Zhao Zhibang to grasp the overall situation at present.

Even Zhao Zhibang secretly admired Chen Qigang's progress.Regardless of whether the credit is due to Chen Qigang's leadership, his move is a big step in maturity.To put it bluntly, would Chen Qigang lose his share in Zhao Zhibang's work?impossible.

Since the benefits of pushing and letting oneself will not be less, then why not be a good person.

After a short rest, accompanied by Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang, Zhao Zhibang visited and inspected several sites.

Since it is impossible for Zhao Zhibang to go to very remote places, and he does not have the time and experience, he basically transits in Gechang City, including hospitals, medical and health command centers, airports, railway stations, bus stations and other places.Since he was inspecting Gechang City, Tang Quan, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, would definitely accompany him.

Chen Qigang not only pushed the credit to Lu Nengyu, but also gave Tang Quan enough performance to overcome difficulties. Almost all the explanations were done by Tang Quan. Chen Qigang and Lu Nengyu only interjected when they were free. A word or two.

Since he took refuge in Chen Qigang, Tang Quan's performance has been pretty good, and he is very cooperative with Chen Qigang's work.Because of this, Chen Qi gave him a chance to show off just now, which was regarded as a further win over.

Of course, Lu Nengyu's betrayal of Tang Quan was not cold at first, and he even wanted to teach him a lesson.But after confronting each other several times, Lu Nengyu didn't get any real benefits because of Chen Qigang's intervention.In addition, after the relationship with Chen Qigang improved, Lu Nengyu gradually accepted this fact.

It is true that Tang Quan is also a master who knows how to be a man. He defected to Chen Qigang, but he did not fight against Lu Nengyu because of this.As long as it is not related to Lunengyu's immediate interests, Lunengyu will firmly stand on Chen Qigang's side at the meeting, but once the discussion or vote will affect Lunengyu, Tang Quan will often choose a roundabout evasion strategy .

In any case, Tang Quan used to belong to Lu Nengyu, and Lu Nengyu was still the secretary of the provincial party committee and the most powerful person in Ganzhou Province. It would be unwise to directly oppose him, and it would not be good for the senses.

Chen Qigang also understood Tang Quan's difficulties, so he didn't force Tang Quan too much.The more Chen Qigang was like this, the harder Tang Quan worked to implement Chen Qigang's policies.It seems that this is not the case, and it is not enough to make up for this kind of knowledge.

After the inspection, Zhao Zhibang listened to a work report from the Gannan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government.This work report is not limited to the prevention and control of the epidemic, but comprehensive, economic, social, cultural, transportation, party building, etc.

Such a work report gave more people room to express themselves, and the advantage was that it was more conducive to Chen Qigang's cohesion.

It's very simple. When Chen Qigang promoted early prevention and control of the epidemic, even with the support of Lunengyu, there were still other noises in the province. Some said it was a show, some said it would increase the financial burden on the province, and some said it would Affect the social stability and economic development of the province.Opinions vary.

Now, just because that thing was done well, the No. [-] head came, and because that thing gave them a chance to perform, how those who opposed it would look at Chen Qigang afterwards, and of course they would look at it positively. It is naturally beneficial to establish prestige and promote the next step of work.

After staying in the VIP Building of the Provincial Guest House, Lu Nengyu was first summoned by Zhao Zhibang to make a small-scale work report and discussion.

After Lu Nengyu left, Chen Qi just went to visit and report.

"Qigang, your work is very effective. I thought you were not standing still. I didn't expect your work to progress so fast. Just now, your Secretary Lu was very satisfied with you and praised you severely. I am very pleased with the performance.”

Since we have known each other for more than ten years, Zhao Zhibang is much more casual with Chen Qigang.Chen Qigang was originally supported by Zhao Zhibang, and it was impossible for him to alienate Chen Qigang.

"Thank you, chief, for your concern. This is my duty, and it is also Secretary Lu's leadership. Knowing in advance that I have to take on such a heavy burden, I am actually trembling and walking on thin ice. I also know that my work is far away from the party and the government. There is still a long way to go before the expectations of the people, so I dare not relax, and I will continue to work hard." Chen Qigang said while sitting opposite Zhao Zhibang respectfully.

Now that Zhao Zhibanggui is the supreme leader of the country, no matter what kind of relationship Chen Qigang had with him in the past, his attitude must be more correct now.Or the more people Zhao Zhibang valued, the more he had to do such a thing.

"Oh, relax. This is not a conference room or an office. There's no need to be so rigid. In this regard, you are not as relaxed as your son. That kid is quite casual in front of me." Seeing Chen Qigang sitting upright Zhao Zhibang waved his hand and said.

After Zhao Zhibang said this, Chen Qigang softened a little and was no longer so rigid.

"That kid is ignorant, I will definitely criticize him when I have the chance."

"What did you criticize him for? He didn't do anything wrong. It's a good thing that he is casual, and I'm not a jackal. Qi Gang, if your son is not sensible, how can you find a sensible one? Young man, you, just have fun secretly. But speaking of it, I haven’t seen him for a long time.” Zhao Zhibang is like making a routine, without the kind of business-like majesty, “I heard that, Before you took measures to prevent and stop the epidemic, he came to Gechang and went to meet Comrade Lu Nengyu with you?"

"Yes, but there is something to be said. To be honest, we were able to make up our minds to do this so early because of his lobbying and persistence. If it weren't for him, we might not have been so early." Since Zhao Zhibang said that, Chen Qigang couldn't deny it, not to mention the fact that he was his own son, so Chen Qigang didn't need to plunder his beauty.

"Look, you still said that your son is ignorant. That kid is very clear about right and wrong, and what he doesn't care about are minor details. But there is one thing, he is really going to be criticized, and he can remind you. Why can't you also remind me? If I had awakened earlier, the situation would not have come to such a point."

It was not easy for Chen Qigang to answer this question. It was not good to refute it, nor was it good to admit it.

"He...he probably didn't think carefully, and didn't expect it." Chen Qigang could only say this vaguely.

"He doesn't think well? I don't think so. That guy probably thinks too much. Forget it, it's all like this now, and it's useless to complain about him. He is just a social person and has certain obligations and responsibilities."

It was even more difficult for Chen Qigang to answer this question, so he could only continue to listen.

"Comrade Qi Gang, I want to talk to you about something."

"Sir, tell me, I will firmly implement whatever instructions you have." Speaking of which, Chen Qigang formally wanted to take out his notebook to make records.

"Oh, don't forget, it's not that formal, I just want to ask you what you mean. Through this SARS epidemic, Tang Weihu of the Ministry of Health is no longer in charge, not to mention that it has become an international incident. It’s hard to explain. I plan to propose Tang Weihu’s dismissal and you will take over as the Minister of Health. What do you think? I’ve seen that your Gannan Province has taken appropriate measures to deal with the epidemic quickly and with good results.”

"Chief, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. I've only been here for one year, and I don't have professional knowledge in medical and health. I'm afraid I can't be competent for that position. I'm afraid it's the second best thing to live up to the trust of you and the party. I What is more worrying is that my unprofessional behavior will not be conducive to the expectations of the people." It stands to reason that Chen Qigang should not refuse.

As the saying goes, a party member is like a brick, and it can be moved wherever it is needed.

But Chen Qigang really has no confidence. Ministries and commissions like the Ministry of Health are very professional. If you are a complete layman and your qualifications are not deep, it will be quite difficult to do well.

To build a province, Chen Qigang can rely heavily on the Department of Health and some supervisory leaders, but it is different when he becomes a minister.

It was Zhao Zhibang's temporary idea to propose that Chen Qigang be appointed as a minister in Beijing.Ordinary people, it might not be so easy for Zhao Zhibang to move at present, but as a minister, and he is currently on the cusp of being criticized, Zhao Zhibang proposed to replace him, and I believe no one would object.

"I also know that you don't study medicine and hygiene, but now I need a trustworthy person to help me deal with this problem. Time waits for no one, and the situation waits for no one. If we continue to delay, we will be even more passive." Zhao Zhibang nodded slightly, and said in a heavy tone.

After taking office, this incident was a test for Zhao Zhibang.If this incident can pass smoothly, then his position will be half stabilized. If not, it will probably lead to even greater criticism.It was because the matter was so important that Zhao Zhibang wanted to find a trustworthy person. Otherwise, there would be plenty of qualified people in the Ministry of Health, and professionals could just find the president of a medical university.

But no, the professionalism of that position is second, and the political aspect is the most important. Otherwise, Zhao Zhibang would not have consulted Chen Qigang for his thoughts and ideas.

"Chief, if you put it this way, I think a person is suitable..."

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