rebirth of change

Chapter 2432 Finally Passed

Chapter 2432 Finally Passed

"Chief, if you say that, I think a person is suitable."

"Who?" Zhao Zhibang asked with interest.

"Comrade He Baoguo, Governor of Qianzhou, has more work experience than me, and he is also better able to handle difficult affairs than me. In addition, his qualifications are deeper than mine. Moreover, this time, Qianzhou's prevention and control measures are better than ours. This side is better, so I think he can do the job well." Chen Qigang actually recommended He Baoguo, which somewhat surprised Zhao Zhibang.

Although there is an old saying that one should not avoid one's close relatives, in the political and official circles, it is usually a big taboo to recommend a person who is close to one's relationship to the leader.This will be misunderstood as forming a clique and engaging in a small circle.

However, that's what Chen Qigang did. He recommended He Baoguo out of selfish desires.Moreover, his evaluation of He Baoguo was also objective and factual.

Since you are selfless, you don't have to worry about all kinds of complicated speculation.

Besides, the minister of the Ministry of Health may not really be more promising and attractive than the position of governor of Qianzhou.At the same level, the minister of the Ministry of Health with real power may not be as good as the governor of Qianzhou.In addition, this is an assignment in the face of danger, and it bears a lot of tasks and responsibilities. It should be done well, and it is a fault if it is not done well. It is not a small challenge.

"Comrade Qi Gang, although the minister of the Ministry of Health is not very powerful, you must know that both you and Comrade He Baoguo have a lack of qualifications, that is, you have never worked in a central unit. Your future career will have a certain impact, you recommend Comrade He Baoguo, don't you think you can make up for this piece of qualifications yourself?" Zhao Zhibang said sincerely.

Although our officialdom system has undergone considerable reform and improvement, seniority will still play a key and irreplaceable role in promotion and reuse.The reason why a cadre needs to be appointed in multiple departments and places is a great exercise.Almost every central leader has worked at both the local and central levels, and many of them are even cross-industry. Only after every step of training can they form the kind of overall control in the face of complex situations.

In Zhao Zhibang's heart, when Chen Qigang became the minister of the Ministry of Health, he would definitely not just put him there and finish the job.Chen Qigang has already worked in three provinces, including inland cities and developed coastal cities, and now he has moved to a new place to serve as the head of the government. Among his qualifications, he has almost never worked in the central ministries and commissions. .

Undoubtedly, as long as one year or so is spent in the Ministry of Health, when the SARS epidemic is dealt with, you can transfer your merits. At that time, even if it is for a provincial party secretary, I believe the opposition will not be too strong .

"Chief, I haven't really thought about that. I only know that Comrade He Baoguo will do better than me. At this time, I think I should stand on the perspective of work and the people's vital interests, and not consider personal interests. Gains and losses.” Chen Qigang said frankly, not regretting or worrying about gains and losses just because he lost such an opportunity.

"Well, very good. As an important party member and cadre, you should indeed consider things in this way. Since you think Comrade He Baoguo can do it, then I will talk to him. Comrade Qi Gang, although you are the governor of the province, you are also the governor of the province. Deputy secretary of the committee, besides economic work, you should also take care of other aspects."

Hearing the previous words, Chen Qigang could still remain calm, but after hearing the latter part, Chen Qigang was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean?Is it to encourage struggle and meddling?This can't be done. In the current situation, harmony and unity should be the most important thing at the local level. What does Zhao Zhibang mean by this?

"Well, I will definitely do a good job within the scope of my duties." Chen Qigang couldn't figure it out, but this kind of question couldn't be asked, so he could only answer formulaically.

"Maybe you may be confused. I asked you to take care of other parts in addition to your own economic work, not to encourage you to fight with Comrade Lu Nengyu. To be honest, you can live in harmony. I'm happy. Take your time to understand..."

After staying in Gannan Province for two days, Zhao Zhibang went back to Beijing. When Zhao Zhibang returned to Beijing, Situ Kuo and He Baoguo from Qianzhou Province received comrades from the Central Office and asked them to go to Beijing to report on their work. The leader should listen to the relevant work reports of the two of them.

A few days later, Tang Weihu was dismissed from his position as minister and replaced by He Baoguo as the new minister.

After He Baoguo became the Minister of Health, he immediately promoted a campaign to prevent and control SARS across the country.In a word, he spread the experience of Qianzhou to the whole country. In addition to the usual measures, he also urged various local governments to take more stringent measures, especially in several hard-hit areas. Not only were all forms of assembly cancelled, but some schools A short-lived house price measure was also introduced, and virtually all performances were banned.

In a word, after accepting this task, He Baoguo must ensure that the epidemic spreading across the whole country is controlled and compressed as soon as possible.

In addition, He Baoguo also actively adopted measures to cooperate with foreign countries, not only inviting officials and experts from the World Health Organization to come to understand the situation and provide assistance, but also to exchange information with the United States, Japan and other countries and regions.

He Baoguo believes that since this sanitation disaster has turned into an international issue, the effect will naturally be better if everyone works together.Otherwise, it is only under domestic control and then transmitted from abroad, which means that this anti-blocking network is still incomplete.

Cooperation will not only improve the effectiveness of prevention and control, but also an important means to reverse the widespread criticism by the international community some time ago.It is equivalent to the fact that China has adopted open and transparent measures and cooperation methods, so how can other countries and international organizations criticize them.

All the work promoted by He Baoguo has basically received strong cooperation and assistance from various provinces and cities. Even Guangdong Province has fully implemented the guidance of the Ministry of Health.

This is something that can't be helped. Has Tang Weihu been dismissed because of ineffective work?And now that the epidemic is so fierce, if it is not controlled, no one will live in peace. Under such a situation, who would go to bargain with He Baoguo.

What's more, He Baoguo's political skills are not covered up, but he implements a two-handed policy of both soft and hard.The soft part is that he has specifically requested a special fund. If there is a good cooperation in that place, the special fund will be tilted in that direction.As for the hard part, the Ministry of Health has adopted a daily reporting and publishing system for all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country. This information is not only visible to the central government, but also to ordinary people across the country.In addition, He Baoguo also sent multiple supervision teams to the local area, and they have to submit the supervisor's assessment report every week, and that report is also made public.

In other words, if a certain province or city does not do well and does not implement it in place, not only will the subsidy funds be reduced, but it will also suffer from soft boards every day and every week.Regardless of the softness of the board, if you suffer a few more times, it will be uncomfortable enough. The perception of the superiors will be bad, and the reputation among the people will deteriorate. This will still have a great impact on the future of a leading cadre. .

In a word, He Baoguo didn't feel that he couldn't adapt to being transferred, on the contrary, he did it with great ease.

Looking back, I have to say that after He Baoguo was transferred to the central government, the position of governor of Qianzhou was vacated.

For the position of governor, it is a hot spot that many people want.

However, since Qianzhou Province has been taken by Zhao Zhibang, he does not intend to give up this place.Moreover, he was already the No. [-] chief, if this position was taken by others, it would also bring certain harm to his prestige.

Therefore, under Zhao Zhibang's insistence and reasoning, the position of governor was still arranged by him. After some consideration, Liang Minkuan took Hei Baoguo as the governor of Qianzhou Province.

Liang Minkuan's ability to go further, in addition to Zhao Zhibang's consideration, also has something to do with He Baoguo's kind words for helping him.

Speaking of which, Liang Minkuan's official career has been a bit of a waste in the past few years. When he was in Qianzhou, he was still the leader of He Baoguo and Chen Qigang. Small steps, and He Baoguo and Chen Qigang have both become provincial and ministerial.

In the past, Liang Minkuan had many exchanges and contacts with He Baoguo and Chen Qigang, but as He Baoguo and Chen Qigang made progress, Liang Minkuan gradually and intentionally alienated them.

Anyone who is in Liang Minkuan's perspective, I am afraid that he will be similar to him psychologically. In the past, my subordinates have become leaders who are not as high as myself. I was very concerned about saving face.

Being able to achieve a positive result now is a belated consolation to Liang Minkuan.Liang Minkuan was still very moved when he knew that He Baoguo had proposed his successor when he was consulting with his superiors.At least it proved that these old guys hadn't forgotten him.

It was hard for others to understand Liang Minkuan's feeling when he returned to Qianzhou after a few years from Caiyun Province.

Zhao Zhibang took this position, so it is impossible for him to intervene in the standing committee and deputy governor of Caiyun Province.It is impossible to eat the cake alone. Only when everyone sits in a row and shares the fruit, can the situation of unity and harmony be maintained.

After more than half a year of hard work, this major disease epidemic that spread to many countries and regions was stopped in the middle of 2003. The World Health Organization also removed China from the epidemic area, and many countries lifted their travel restrictions to China. warn.

In the process, we have paid the price of hundreds of lives, and many major events have been canceled because of this, such as A football match, World Ice Hockey Championship, Women's World Cup, World Women's Volleyball Grand Prix and so on.The occupancy rate of hotels in many places has dropped sharply, commercial activities have been greatly affected, and even the college entrance examination has been affected to a certain extent.Not only did the lectures appear in primary and secondary schools, but some universities were also quarantined and students were dismissed.

In short, from 2002 to 2003, our social activities and economic activities were greatly impacted. Even the many performances and promotional activities scheduled by Chen Kangjie were canceled or postponed because of the epidemic. back.

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