rebirth of change

Chapter 2436 "60 Minutes"

Chapter 2436 "60 Minutes"

But it turned out that after Bob Dylan opened the envelope, the name inside was indeed "long". This was surprising, but not surprising.

Surprisingly, the music form of country music basically does not exist in China and East Asia. In other words, Chen Kangjie has no artistic influence at all.Moreover, Chen Kangjie is a "foreigner", so why did he get such an award?Just like we held a Beijing opera competition ourselves, and the winner was a German or a Russian, we must be surprised.

But why do people feel unsurprised after being surprised?

That's because Chen Kangjie's plagiarism covers a wide range of identities, as long as he thinks it is a good song, or a work that is popular in China, he will not hesitate to join it.For example, the works of Brad Paisley and American country music master Rogers were added to Chen Kangjie's album. For example, "time well wasted" plagiarized by Chen Kangjie is the work of Brad Paisley, and it was once the runner-up in the US sales chart, and it is also popular in the country. In the music album list, the album featuring "time well wasted" won the annual champion.

People may be puzzled or a little unwilling, especially the locals in the United States, but they will not think that it is a mistake for Chen Kangjie to receive this award, or that he is not qualified at all.

Among young people, they will feel that Chen Kangjie deserves this award.

Anyway, he was numb to receiving the award, and Chen Kangjie didn't feel embarrassed anymore. Bob Dylan presented him the award, and Chen Kangjie also accepted it openly.It's just that when I delivered my acceptance speech, I did seem a little emotionally excited.

"Thank you, thank you judges, thank you everyone who likes me, thank you for your support, recognition and encouragement. Mr. Smith left me just now. I thought there was a prank waiting for me. Unexpectedly, what was given to me was Such a surprise and touch, I am very, very happy... My award shows that American society and culture are indeed very inclusive. I love this place, and I love each of you. Thank you, sincerely Thank you everyone...”

After attending the Grammy Awards ceremony, in order to promote his music album and movie, Chen Kangjie took the time to accept an exclusive interview with Ed Bradley, the host of cbs "Six and 10 Minutes".

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie should continue to look for Streisand. After all, Sun Cloud News Group (sc News Group), which is in the climbing stage, needs valuable news to sprint.

After three years of integration, the SC News Group under the leadership of Streisand has developed a sc TV station covering multiple states, a sc news website, and the "Sun Cloud Times".Of course, at this stage, in addition to the sc news website that can cover the entire United States, the current coverage and distribution of sc TV station and "Sun Cloud Times" are still somewhat limited. Covering the entire North America should be a matter of time.

From the perspective of historical trends, paper newspapers are on the decline. Chen Kangjie should not spend a lot of money and experience to integrate a "Sun Cloud Times".However, Streisand judged that despite this, it is impossible for paper newspapers to disappear completely within 30 to [-] years, so since newspapers still have their functions and communication effects during this period of time, Chen Kangjie should not block such a field .What's more, newspapers, TV stations and websites can complement each other and play a complementary role to a certain extent.

Streisand's judgment was in line with Chen Kangjie's cognition, so Chen Kangjie supported her to move forward in that direction.

However, Chen Kangjie did not approach Streisand, but accepted an interview invitation from CBS Ed Bradley.He did this based on a consideration to avoid suspicion.

Although the behind-the-scenes funder of sc news group is Chen Kangjie, and Streisand is also the person he recruited, but now Chen Kangjie doesn't want the Americans to implicate him with sc news group. Sc News Corporation has a very close impression.If this impression remains, it may be detrimental to the expansion and development of SC News Corporation in the future.

In the future, in terms of form, Chen Kangjie will deliberately keep a distance from SC News Corporation, but in essence, Chen Kangjie will give Streisand more support, such as Bob's capital investment, such as coy and anycall's advertising.

At present, two companies, Coy and Anycall, have placed a large number of advertisements on the TV, website and newspapers of SC News Corporation, and the amount of advertisements exceeds the market price. This kind of hidden benefit transmission can evade all supervision and risks, and sc news corporation can get real funds.

"60 Minutes", a news magazine program, has been aired by CBS for more than [-] years and has a good reputation in the United States.Maybe the people in China are not familiar with it, but this program actually has a certain historical relationship with us.

17 years ago, Wallace, the founder of this program, interviewed the old chief, and three years ago, interviewed our top leaders.He played a very good role as a medium for Americans to understand our reform and opening up policy and our national conditions.

Chen Kangjie will accept that Ed Bradley may have a certain relationship with this origin.Chen Kangjie thus became the third important person in China to be exclusively interviewed by "60 Minutes".The only difference is that the first two are political leaders, while Chen Kangjie is a social celebrity.

"Hello long, I'm very glad that you can come to "60 Minutes". I feel very honored to be able to interview you." As soon as we met, Ed Bly, who had a long hair and was 42 years older than Chen Kangjie Deli was the first to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Bradley, it is a great honor for me to meet you and sit down and chat with you." Holding Ed Bradley's hand, Chen Kangjie said enthusiastically .

"Wow, if I hadn't met you face to face, it would be really hard for me to understand that your English is more American than mine. Hehe, I remember when my senior Mr. Wallace interviewed your old chief more than ten years ago, he could put He and the interpreter made trouble." Ed Bradley invited Chen Kangjie to sit down face to face.

"Hehe, I can understand that, not to mention Americans, but ourselves, many people would feel a headache if they want to understand his old man's dialect. However, that doesn't affect him from becoming a great statesman and strategist."

"Yes, I missed that era, but it is still a great honor for me to be able to interview you, a great artist, face to face. Long, have you watched our show? What do you think of our show?" After a few simple sentences, Ed Bradley got to the point.

"In my country, I don't receive CBS programs, so I don't have much contact with "60 Minutes". I only watch it occasionally when I come to the United States. Although the contact opportunities are rare, I know, Your program has its own objective perspective, otherwise the two supreme leaders of our country would not have accepted exclusive interviews with Mr. Wallace back and forth. I appreciate this. I don’t know much about the program "60 Minutes". Maybe, I don’t know much about you yet, hehehe.”

"Long, have you known me before?"

"Part of it. I know you were born in a poor neighborhood. You were interviewed in the Vietnam War. You were wounded there. You were the last Americans to leave that battlefield. Also, you were the first black White House reporter. Before you, all white people reported the news of the White House. You have won many major awards including the Emmy Award... Hehe, please don't be surprised. These are when I learned that you were going to interview me. My assistant sorted it out for me."

"Haha, thank you for clarifying my doubts, otherwise I would think that I am such a famous and amazing person in China. When it comes to winning awards, I can't compare with you. This time at the Grammy, you have created unprecedented People have no history, and I boldly predict that it is almost impossible for anyone to break this history in the future. Regarding this, do you have anything to say to me or to your friends in front of the TV?"

"What should be said, it seems that I have already said it at the award ceremony. Even if I say it now, I can only say thank you, thank you to the American people, thank you to so many seniors and friends in the music industry, my honor is theirs Yes, I can only thank and appreciate them from the bottom of my heart." Chen Kangjie knew that he would be asked about his award-winning experience, so he had already thought up the answer with the same invariable response to all changes.

"Long, as far as I know, China is still in a relatively closed environment and stage. How did you come into contact with so many levels and types of Western culture and music? I have always wondered about this. The solution, can you tell me? Or are you an alien who came to Earth?" The last sentence Ed Bradley was obviously joking.

"I also hope that I am an alien. In that case, scientists don't need to spend so much time and energy looking for alien signals. Actually, it is really difficult for me to explain your question to you one by one. Just like we can’t explain why Einstein put forward the theory of relativity strangely. If I insist on saying it, our country may not be as closed as you imagine and realize. You should know that there are many Chinese in the United States Ah, they are engaged in various jobs, and many of them have returned to China one after another, and naturally brought back American culture and talents." Just explaining this way, Chen Kangjie felt that his persuasiveness was not enough. So he continued: "On the other hand, after entering the 80s, we were actually opened up and learned about the outside world through radio, TV, newspapers and books. More importantly, English has become a compulsory course for us since middle school. , all the way to university, if you want to learn English well, of course you must understand a lot of English culture. Of course, it is undeniable that I have to work harder and be smarter than ordinary people, so that’s it.” At the end, Chen Kangjie shrugged Shrugged, which meant that was the only way I could answer.

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