rebirth of change

Chapter 2437 Release the news of withdrawal

Chapter 2437 Release the news of withdrawal

Chen Kangjie has been heard several times about his own experience and talent, and each time his answer is different, but the core has not changed much, and each answer is more or less related to his temporary reaction.

"It's unbelievable. Just like that, you can create achievements that others can't imagine. Yes, it's unimaginable. You can't imagine it, let alone do it. Perhaps, I can only attribute you to God's help The genius type is similar to the Einstein you exemplified." Ed Bradley said in surprise.

"Onlookers know, in fact, it is very difficult for everyone to evaluate themselves. Although I don't agree with your usage of divine aid genius, I also admit that I have no way to have an accurate description of myself. I am A very casual person, he usually does whatever he likes." Chen Kangjie softened Ed Bradley's words.

"There are indeed many things about you that we can't understand. Take your concert as an example. You have never held such an event before, but suddenly, you are holding many concerts in a year. Moreover, In the past, you would only release an album in one or two years. At that time, we thought that only at such a time could you ensure the quality of each released album was at a high level. However, you now withdraw multiple albums a year, and The level of each card is also maintained at the first-class level, why is there such a change? Or, why are you so intensively involved in related work now, what motivates you?" It seems that Ed Bly Deli asked the same questions as he did before, but in fact the direction was different.

" should I put it. Although my album and concert are on average once a month or two, I have actually been preparing for it a long time ago. I hold a concert in the hope that people who like it will My fans or fans have an explanation. I have a certain sense of urgency to release so many albums at once. Mr. Bradley, let me tell you this, I should not be like other people in the circle forever Engaging in this profession, in order to give people more experience in life, I feel that I should make some adjustments to my future path..."

"Long, do you mean that you will quit the showbiz in the near future? You will no longer release music albums, and you will no longer make movies?" Ed Bradley seized the gap and asked.

Journalists are very clear about what kind of news is attractive and what kind of information is valuable, so when they are in contact with the interviewees, they will guide the interviewees from time to time to the direction they need , give the information you need.

As for whether Chen Kangjie quit the showbiz, that would be a shocking news. Ed Bradley, as an old reporter who has been in the industry for many years, it is impossible for him not to have that sensitivity.

" should be." Chen Kangjie pondered for a while, and replied deeply.

"Wow, isn't it? Long, are you here for real? Do you know that if you really quit, hundreds of millions of people around the world will feel sad and regretful. You are still so young, and your future is limitless. As long as you are still in this circle, the next few decades will be your world, how can you have such a weird idea?" Having said so much, Ed Bradley is actually taking a step further confirm.

"As I said just now, I am unlikely to be in this industry forever, and I have never thought of dominating the entertainment circle. Some people may be unwilling to withdraw from me, but I think some people should be happy to see it. For example, this time at the Grammys, I stole the positions of many people. If I were no longer there, I believe that many outstanding talents would emerge. To a certain extent, I blocked their room for advancement. A person’s life, We should try more possibilities, so that our life will be more brilliant and exciting." Chen Kangjie explained to himself in a half-joking way.

"Then when will you quit? Although I am very, very reluctant to see you have that day, but my curiosity still makes me wonder how much time we still have to have Long's company."

"Hehe, that's hard to say. Although I have such an idea, as I said before, I am a relatively casual person. This time may be next month, next year, or two years later." , I can’t tell for the time being, anyway, I still have a lot of work to do, even if I want to quit and leave this industry, then I have to start well and finish well, and contribute my last wonderfulness to everyone, to everyone who likes it my friend."

"This caution makes me feel heavy. To be honest, I don't want to believe it is true. Among so many stars, you are the only one who expressed his intention to quit at this young age. Many young people heard In your case, they will feel sad, because they may not have entered yet, but you are thinking about quitting. Long, then I guess, the time for you to quit is after you hold your global tour, in other words, Will this global tour be your last performance?" Ed Bradley knew that the topic of Chen Kangjie's highlighting the showbiz was the most explosive and impactful, so of course he had to ponder and dig around this topic .

"Whether I will leave after the world tour, I can't confirm it yet, but one thing is similar, that is, this world tour should be my last public performance. From then on, I should be with those big Performances and activities are segregated, I do not deny this." Now that he has spoken and been asked about this topic, Chen Kangjie no longer hides it.

Anyway, sooner or later we have to reach that step, so it is better to release the news first, so that everyone can have a process of adaptation.

"What about movies? Will you still make movies? As for sports, as the world's best track and field athlete, will you not be seen on the field in the future? And writing, will you still publish new books?" De Bradley asked a series of questions.

"I still have several films in my hands that have not been finished. This one is hard to let go. In addition, I still have a few musicals about the history and culture of China to be filmed and produced. That is also work that needs to be completed. .As for sports, you should know that I am not a professional athlete. Except for the Olympics, I have not participated in any other formal competitions, whether it is the Golden League or the World Championships. Therefore, this interest may not be eradicated at once, at least , next year's Olympic Games, there is no problem seeing me on the field. Speaking of writing, I haven't written anything for a long time, but I can't draw a conclusion on this aspect. Maybe one day I will think of a good story and write it It’s hard to say as a friend. In fact, when I say quit, I don’t mean to completely cut off from the past. It’s just that once my focus is adjusted, I will no longer be a star in the strict sense. Participate in acting."

"Long, you still want to make a musical about the history and culture of China? Can you tell us something first?" This was the first time Ed Bradley heard about this topic, so he was very interested.

"The history and culture of China have a long history and have a history of thousands of years. Among the four ancient civilizations, only the culture of China is still continuing. But as far as I know, friends from other countries in the world are not interested in us. China's culture and history lack objective understanding, so I wondered if it is possible to use a new method to spread an intuitive impression of Chinese culture to everyone. You should know that what I have done in the past, whether it is music or movies , are all catering to the trend and thinking of the world. I have done relatively little for my motherland and my deep-rooted cultural genes. Therefore, I am also reflecting and making up for it. Now I don’t know if my musical filming Will I get everyone's love and support when I come out, but I have to do it. I believe that everyone who likes Chinese culture and longs should be able to read it. Otherwise, no matter what you know about me or the The understanding of Chinese culture will be one-sided. I hope that when I bring the valuable culture of the West to my compatriots, I can also introduce our historical and cultural stories to other people in the world, including you... .." As soon as this topic came up, Chen Kangjie's words seemed a little unstoppable.

If Chen Kangjie is really willing to do a lot of publicity for something, it must be the part he is talking about now.

It is not easy for people from other countries to understand and trust our culture and history.It is even difficult for them to raise their interest.Moreover, this is something that is really beneficial to China, so Chen Kangjie feels that it is necessary to do some propaganda and inducement.

"Although I haven't seen it yet, I'm very interested just hearing what you said. No matter what other people do, when you launch it, I will definitely buy it and appreciate it. Even, I don't rule out making a special program for everyone Recommended." Ed Bradley is a real man.

As soon as this word came out, regardless of whether Ed Bradley would actually make a show to promote it, at least Chen Kangjie had already begun to owe him favors.In addition, whether it is CBS or Ed Bradley, even if they specialize in such a program, they are guaranteed to make money.Because just playing the name "long", there will be gimmicks, and there will be ratings.

Since you can get favors and benefits, why not do this kind of thing?

"Then I would like to thank you in advance. China and the West should live in peace and progress and prosper together. Mutual understanding and trust are the foundation. I hope I can become a small piece of turning head and help build the foundation of cultural exchanges between each other." Make a small contribution."

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