rebirth of change

Chapter 2438 Avoiding family problems

Chapter 2438 Avoiding family problems

"Hehe, Brick, long, you are really humorous. I don't know how to evaluate this metaphor. What I'm more curious about now is, what will you do after you quit the showbiz? Will there be any for us?" To bring even greater surprises, what is your plan, can you reveal it to us?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet about what to do specifically. Maybe I will travel first, start a business, or enter the civil service system to serve the public. In short, any possibility exists. I really haven't made up my mind yet. "

Did Chen Kangjie really not think about it?Of course not.It's just for the sake of peace in the future, he can't announce it, let alone announce it in advance.

Moreover, there are indeed some unpredictable variables in the future career development, so it is reasonable and normal for Chen Kangjie to adopt an avoidance strategy.

"Hehe, I guess you won't tell me now. But I just never thought that you would say that you want to enter the civil service system to serve. This subverts our normal thinking and impression, and it's hard for me to imagine , you, a world-renowned and tallest star, what it would be like to be an ordinary civil servant, and how those people you serve would feel when they saw you. I really can't imagine it, but there are One thing I can be sure of is that the common people will love you and like you to come into their lives.” Ed Bradley always habitually picks out attractive gimmicks from a passage to concentrate on researching key problems. It is the sensitivity and talent that a good reporter must possess.

Chen Kangjie's withdrawal from the showbiz would have been shocking enough. If he really became a civil servant in a certain place, it would be incredible to think about the scene.

In the United States, no famous star would do that kind of thing. Even if they wanted to enter the government, they would run for some prominent positions, such as senators, governors, or even presidents.

In people's usual cognition, since a person has already achieved fame, how can he still do low-level work?Even if a celebrity is not in the entertainment industry, he can still do business and live a leisurely life. Anyway, he shouldn't be a low-level civil servant of a service nature.

"Whether people will like me or not, I don't know for the time being. But I hope that even if they like me, it is not based on my status as a star. It is impossible for the aura of a star to be on my shoulders forever. As long as I quit , it will slowly dissipate. I hope people recognize me because of my service attitude, because of my ability, because of my sincere sincerity. In our country, serving the people is the duty of every civil servant. People's job roles may be different in terms of purpose and goal, but they should be the same in terms of beliefs and status and dignity...Mr. Bradley, I seem to have fallen into your trap. It didn't say that I would definitely do that kind of work, hehe, you induced me."

From the fact that Chen Kangjie can still laugh, we can know that he is not unaware, he is just deliberately cooperating with Ed Bradley to perform a show.

The vast majority of interviews are actually a show in which the host and the interviewee cooperate.They are all presenting the content they need to the audience or readers.

"No, no, I didn't seduce you, absolutely not, hehe, I don't believe that you are so easy to be seduced, if I have some purpose, at most I can only say that I asked the audience what they want to know , On the one hand, I represent myself, and on the other hand, I actually represent those fans who like you."

"Well, if you want to explain it this way, it seems that I can only accept it. Through the dialogue with you, it seems that I have the idea of ​​wanting to be a reporter for a while. Being an uncrowned king should be a cooler and more fun thing. " Chen Kangjie said after shrugging.

"The reporter is not the uncrowned king, you are. I still remember the riots in Los Angeles. Because of you, the whole city of Los Angeles was almost turned upside down. No, it should be said that the United States was almost turned upside down. That incident proved that you are the real The uncrowned king of celebrity, and some sociologists have even begun to study celebrity privilege effects.”

"I don't think I have any privileges. Whether in the United States or in my home country, I abide by the law and I never actively seek privileges. I have been as low-key and as normal as possible since I became famous. The Los Angeles riots you mentioned just now are the justice of the American people. They have always had a sense of justice against unfair and discriminated events. Frankly speaking, in my opinion, this is where the true American spirit and values ​​lie. If celebrities have some social effects, it is at most that when they encounter unfair treatment, many people will stand up to support themselves. But in turn, we will see that some things happen even to ordinary people , the whole society will also give solidarity based on unanimous judgment. I remember that year when I participated in the Olympic Games in Atlanta, USA, there was an unfortunate bombing. It has something to do with me, and now the suspect Eric Rudolph was finally captured by the police in Murphy, North Carolina, which proves that some people did have discrimination and prejudice against me at that time." Chen Kangjie said righteously.

"Then do you think it's because of American racism?" Ed Bradley asked a relatively pointed question through Chen Kangjie's words.

"Mr. Bradley, you are an American and a black man. You have lived in the United States all year round. No matter what the United States advertises to the world in terms of human rights, do you think that even today, there is still racism in the United States? Or You think it doesn’t exist in American society at all, and it’s really as good as the government’s publicity.” Chen Kangjie pushed the question back to Ed Bradley at once.

"It should still exist to a certain extent, but we have been appealing and improving." As a reporter, Ed Bradley could not deny the truth, but as an American, he could not tell the story of Chen Kangjie. harsh criticism of the United States.

"I know very well that even though I have won many Grammy Awards in the United States today, there are still some people in the United States who don't like me."

"But I firmly believe that the vast majority of Americans like you very much and are friendly to you and your country."

"I don't deny that." Chen Kangjie nodded with a smile.

"Long, let's talk about something else. At present, the whole world is being attacked by the SARS epidemic. We can see objectively that China's handling of it at the source is very unsatisfactory, which has attracted criticism from all over the world. And I heard that later You played a big role in handling the incident, can you tell us about your experience?" The SARS epidemic is a hot topic at present, attracting the attention of the world, and Chen Kangjie is also involved in this incident, Ed · Bradley also like to play in this regard.

"The emergence of any epidemic, I think the whole world does not want to see it. I don't want to see it, and you don't want to see it. The SARS virus is a new variant virus that has not been discovered by humans before. And then there's the lack of awareness. Because of the lack of awareness, ignorance, and incomprehension, it's not surprising that when it arises, our response or the way we respond is somewhat flawed. I'm not trying to help my country's government To justify something, I just think we have to look at this matter objectively. Our handling and the new countermeasures we adopted have proved that we are responsible and do not shirk or cover up. Only by taking this virus seriously can we win the battle against the virus with the whole world. In two words, the price we paid was heavy, but our subsequent contributions must be seen by the whole world.” No matter how dissatisfied Chen Kangjie is with the government, Chen Kangjie still has to forcefully help the government to defend himself.

The image of the government is actually a part of soft power, and once that image is destroyed, it will become extremely difficult to re-establish it.

"As for me personally, I actually didn't do anything great. I just offered some suggestions and opinions to the best of my ability, that's all." Chen Kangjie spared no effort to defend the government, but when it comes to himself, he said very easily I took it with me.

If some people encounter this kind of opportunity, they would like to take credit for themselves and put money on their faces as much as possible.

However, Chen Kangjie understands that if he is too capable, it will in turn bring out the incompetence and mistakes of the government.This is what Chen Kangjie doesn't want to see.

"However, I heard that it was because of your continuous lobbying that your government changed its course. Moreover, the province under your father's administration and the province in your hometown happened to be the first to set an example. Could it be that all this Does it really have nothing to do with you?"

"As I said before, I have put forward suggestions and opinions, but it is those government officials who really want to change and implement them in a down-to-earth manner. My role is actually very small." Chen Kangjie's tone was tight, not because Ed Bradley seduced like that and went in the direction of that need.

"Okay, let's talk about your family. For a long time, your family has been rarely reported and mentioned by the outside world. This has made many people interested and curious about your family. What is it like? Your family environment has made you so unusual and extraordinary."

"Sorry, I can't tell you anything about my family. I don't want my family to be harassed in any way. I have the responsibility and obligation to protect his life from any influence. In addition, I am actually an ordinary ordinary People, I just said that I have made some achievements that have been recognized by the society, I hope everyone can treat it with a normal heart..."

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