rebirth of change

Chapter 2439 Visiting Whitney's House

Chapter 2439 Visiting Whitney's House

There is no doubt that Ed Bradley's interview with Chen Kangjie on "60 Minutes" will cause quite a stir, and in fact it is, when people see Chen Kangjie saying that he will launch showbiz after a while , the vast majority of them are sad and reluctant, and even in front of the TV, many people shed tears of pain.

It seems that in people's impression, Chen Kangjie will stay in this circle forever like other entertainers, bringing them surprises and happiness every moment, giving them encouragement, and accompanying them.

However, now Chen Kangjie said that he will leave after a period of time in exchange for another industry, or even a humble civil servant. How can his fans accept it calmly, so they are doomed It will be sad and painful.

What's more, Chen Kangjie is still so young, it's not that he can retire in his seventies, or it's not that his development is not going well, he has no way out and chooses other ways to make a living.On the contrary, his acting career is in full swing, or in other words, the peak of his achievements has been covered by waves.In today's world, if you ask in any country, no one will deny that Chen Kangjie is the most promising artist, and no one will think that in a predictable time, someone can catch up with him or reach his peak.

But Chen Kangjie just told everyone that he was leaving, and it wouldn't be too long.

Some people who are good at thinking have come back to it now, no wonder Chen Kangjie has released so many works intensively during this period, and is willing to go to the front of the stage to hold a concert in front of fans, and even film a musical.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't say anything to the outside world, people can predict that Chen Kangjie is in the busiest time period. If he didn't invest a lot of energy in handling such a heavy task, how could he produce so many in such a short period of time? things.

Just after the broadcast of the program, a flood of letters flew to Feiyang Entertainment Company, and the number increased dozens of times compared to usual. Those letters were opened randomly, all of which were lobbying and begging Chen Kangjie not to leave, not to give up on them. Purpose.

Chen Kangjie was really touched by the enthusiasm of so many people to keep him, but reason told him that he could not stay in this industry forever.God gave him a chance to be reborn, maybe he didn't want him to entertain everyone.

Before participating in the Grammy, Chen Kangjie also participated in the Oscar awards ceremony at the end of last year. That time "Dragon Heart" won the award.Although the awards won by "Dragon Heart" are far from comparable to "Titanic", it is very rare for Chen Kangjie to be nominated for an Oscar as a true original film.

"Dragon Heart" won five nominations for No.70's four Oscars, namely Best Actor, Best Director, Best Original Soundtrack, Best Sound and Best Supporting Actor.In the end, the film won two awards, Best Director and Best Sound.

The winning of these two awards shows that there is still room for further improvement in Chen Kangjie's acting skills. Perhaps his being nominated is also due to his fame taking effect, but he is also very happy to win the best director, at least he is in a certain This aspect has been recognized by professionals based on its true ability.In history, someone won an Oscar at the age of eight, but so far, he is the youngest director to win the best director award.

Ordinary people, at his age, have just stepped out of school. Even if they are engaged in film work, they are still at the lowest learning stage, and there is no chance of winning awards at all.

But thanks to Chen Kangjie, Chen Long was also able to enter the Oscar hall this time. Although he is already very famous, this is the first time he has been nominated.Even if you don't win an award, being nominated is already a remarkable progress and achievement.

This trip to the United States, apart from attending the Grammy Awards, Chen Kangjie also has another purpose to send Whitney home.

After living in the hospital for forty days, Whitney was able to recover and was discharged. However, Whitney was not arranged to work after discharge, and Chen Kangjie gave her a house price to recuperate.

However, Whitney was unwilling to stay too far away from Chen Kangjie, and insisted on completing his assistant work and responsibilities. Chen Kangjie had no choice but to arrange some simple data sorting work for her.

Before leaving for the United States, Whitney told Chen Kangjie that her family had contacted her and asked him to go back, and invited Chen Kangjie, hoping that Chen Kangjie could come to their house as a guest.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to go at first, but Whitney's repeated coquettish requests made Chen Kangjie reluctantly agree to send her home.

During Whitney's hospitalization, Chen Kangjie often visited her, would he bring her a bouquet of flowers, and the relationship between the two of them became closer and more harmonious than before. That's why Whitney acted like a baby to Chen Kangjie .

Whitney's home is in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where Palm Beach is located.

Although Florida is far from Los Angeles, it is not a problem for Chen Kangjie. He has a private jet.

When Chen Kangjie flew to Fort Lauderdale with Whitney and several close people around him, the Whitney family just sent three Ford cars to pick them up.

Looking at the three Ford cars, Chen Kangjie felt nothing, but Pang Hui and the others felt that Chen Kangjie was being slighted.

It’s fine if your master doesn’t come to the airport to pick you up, but you have to get a few decent cars. If you don’t have an extended Lincoln, then Mercedes-Benz and BMW will do.

However, when they arrived at the gate of Whitney's manor, Whitney's parents, family members and servants stood at the gate to greet them in person.

"Long, you are very welcome. You are welcome to visit our house." Before Whitney could introduce her, her father, John Whitney, first extended his hand to Chen Kangjie.

Although Florida is relatively hot, but, in order to show solemnity, including John Whitney, are all dressed in costumes.

"Mr. Whitney, you are too kind."

"Long, this is my mother." After Chen Kangjie shook hands with his father, Whitney introduced his mother.

"Mrs. Whitney, you are very similar to your daughter, very elegant and charming."

"Thank you, thank you, Long, our family welcomes you very much. We are very honored to have you as our guest." The elegant Mrs. Whitney said politely.

After exchanging pleasantries, the group continued to go in, but instead of walking or riding in the three Fords, they boarded a few battery sightseeing cars.

The Whitney family's estate is very large, and the vehicle drove all the way in. Whitney and her father introduced Chen Kangjie all the way. The vehicle drove for about 10 minutes before stopping in front of a four-story main building.

Chen Kangjie didn't know the ranking of this manor in the United States, but he admitted that it was the largest manor he had ever been to.The scenery along the way is beautiful, with the sea breeze blowing in the distance, even in the sun, it will not feel hot. Several places look as green as a golf course.

Looking at such a big manor, not to mention Pang Hui and the others, even Chen Kangjie clicked his tongue.

What is a real American upper class family, it seems that this is the best embodiment.He didn't have an intuitive impression of the big American family before, but now he finally has a preliminary feeling.

Get off the car and walk into the lobby of the main building. Although the decoration in the building does not look magnificent, people with a little knowledge should be able to see that every item in the room is carefully selected.Especially on those walls, there are many paintings of famous artists for decoration.

"Mr. Whitney, it seems that you like closing artworks very much. All of your things are priceless." Chen Kangjie said, pointing to the paintings of famous western artists on the wall.

"Long, my father's favorite thing to do in his spare time is to collect artworks. He is in the back, and there is also a private art collection museum. I will take you to visit it later. It contains some artworks from China. " said Whitney softly.

"Well, then I really want to take a look. I really didn't expect Mr. Whitney to be such a person with such elegant interests."

"I seldom get involved in commercial work now, so I have a lot more free time. I always have to find something interesting to pass the time. Long, let's have a cup of coffee first, and you will go to visit later, you are a distinguished guest, If you fancy something in a while, I'll give you one as a gift." John Whitney was bold, but he didn't mean to show off or show off, and Chen Kangjie could feel this.

A person who likes art collection should not be so superficial.What's more, Chen Kangjie is not some poor man who has never seen the world, he has absolutely no need for that.

In the United States, many people in the upper class regard art collection as one of their hobbies. On the one hand, art has investment value, and on the other hand, it also shows that they are very educated and able to cultivate their sentiments. This is killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the economy develops and the people are rich. If they are too poor to eat, what is the point of collecting.

Over the past few years, there has also been a gradual rise in the collection of art in China, which is related to the emergence of rich people with bulging pockets after the country's economic development.Because good works of art, no matter whether they are domestic or foreign, are expensive, and without the backing of economic strength, it is impossible to talk about the possibility of collection.

"Then I will thank Mr. Whitney first." Chen Kangjie refused without pretense.

Chen Kangjie is not the kind of person who is greedy for money, but when he heard that there are good things from China in his private collection museum, Chen Kangjie was moved.

Since the Opium War, the treasures of our country have flowed out like a tide, and today, most of them are still lost overseas.If John Whitney is willing to give it away, it would be good to take one back. Anyway, the source methods of those works of art are actually illegal, and even have the characteristics of extortion.

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