rebirth of change

Chapter 2445 Governor Bush

Chapter 2445 Governor Bush

"Jennifer, where have you been, Long, have you finished your habit of living?" Chen Kangjie and Whitney came to the gate of the main building of her manor, and Whitney's mother greeted her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Whitney, for being very kind and making me feel at home." Chen Kangjie replied politely with a slight bow.

No matter what the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Whitney is, Chen Kangjie is a junior, and he must have the respect and courtesy he deserves. Even if he is a guest, he must not be lacking in education and manners.

To a certain extent, Chen Kangjie not only represents him personally, perhaps, other people's perception of the Chinese is determined by his posture and recuperation.

"Mom, I just took Long around and went for a walk by the beach. Mom, are there any guests at home?" Seeing a black Cadillac under the parking shed outside the door, that's why Whitney asked. .

Chen Kangjie also saw that black Cadillac, but it was impossible for him to ask similar questions.

"Yes, here comes your Uncle Bush."

"Uncle Bush? Oh, long, I'll take you to see Uncle Bush." ​​Hearing that name, Whitney looked happy.

"Who is that Uncle Bush?" Pulled by Whitney, Chen Kangjie asked curiously in a low voice.

"Hehe, you'll know when we get there. He and my dad are good friends." Whitney didn't answer, but made a fool of himself.

Chen Kangjie and Whitney walked into the luxurious and spacious living room of her house, and saw two people sitting there drinking coffee and chatting.One is John Whitney. Sitting next to John Whitney is a slightly fat white man with half black framed eyes on the bridge of his nose.

When he saw this person, Chen Kangjie's eyes stared a little. Although he had never dealt with this person before, he knew him.

"Long, hello, come here. I'll introduce you to a friend." Seeing Chen Kangjie and the others coming, John Whitney stood up with a smile.

However, Chen Kangjie didn't wait for John Whitney to introduce him, he walked towards that "Uncle Bush" and offered his hand.

"Mr. Governor, hello, I didn't expect to meet you at Mr. Whitney's house."

"Long, hello, I didn't expect you to come to Mr. Whitney's house, and you're also the boss of this girl named Jennifer. What's more unexpected is that you know me." The other party held Chen Kangjie's hand, said happily.

John Whitney should have told him in advance that Chen Kangjie was at his house, otherwise, this Uncle Bush would not appear so calm.

"If it's another governor, I might not know him, but for the governor of Florida, I can't do it if I don't want to. You have a president's father and a president's brother. In the United States, you are the only one. "Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

Yes, the one who shook hands with Chen Kangjie is Brown Bush, the younger brother of the current US president and the current governor of Florida, who is exactly 50 years old.In the United States, there are really not many governors that Chen Kangjie can recognize at a glance, and this Brown Bush is just one of them.

"Hahaha, you all know each other, which saves me a lot of trouble. Long, please sit down." John Whitney greeted.

Chen Kangjie sat down on the sofa one distance away from Brown Bush. As soon as he sat down, a servant brought delicious coffee.

"Uncle Bush, why did you think of coming to my house? Did you know that I was back and came to see me?" Whitney did not sit by her father's side, but chose to sit with Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, I heard that you are back. Of course I want to come and see you. I haven't seen you for a while, and you look beautiful again. It seems that you have been away from home for a while, and your life has become more nourished and happy." Brown Bush said kindly. Said jokingly.

"Really? I also think I have become more beautiful, but my parents just don't agree." Perhaps Brown Bush was just joking, but Whitney took it seriously.

"Hehehe, I never disagree, my daughter, that is definitely the most beautiful." John Whitney laughed heartily.

"Long, welcome to Florida. If I had known in advance that you were coming, I would have invited you to Tallahassee." Brown Bush turned his head and said to Chen Kangjie.

"Tallahassee?" Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled, because he really hadn't come into contact with this place name.

"Long, Tallahassee is where Uncle Bush works. Many foreigners know Miami when they mention Florida, and they also think that Miami is the state capital. In fact, the government seat of Florida is in Tallahassee." See Chen Kangjie didn't understand where Takahashi was, so Whitney beside him quickly explained.

"Hahaha, it is said in the newspapers and on TV that Long is an omnipotent genius and the person with the highest IQ. I didn't know it before. If I hadn't seen it, I would never have believed it if someone told me." Brown said Bush, laughing.

Although Brown smiled boldly, Chen Kangjie could tell that he didn't mean to be sarcastic, on the contrary, he was using a humorous way to get closer.

A person who can become a governor will naturally have a high EQ. Besides, Chen Kangjie is so famous, who would be so stupid as to laugh at him to his face?

"Yeah, now the facts have proved that I am an ordinary person. If the news media don't use exaggerated words to increase gimmicks, how can I increase sales and ratings? I have always been misunderstood by many people." Chen Kangjie Go on speaking in the words of Brown Bush.

After such a short episode, the strangeness between each other was instantly eliminated and turned into a sense of intimacy.

After chatting in the living room for a while, Whitney's mother came and asked them to go to the dining room for lunch.

"Long, are you going back today? Why don't you spend more time in Florida. If you stay, I can take the time to walk around with you." At the dining table, Brown Bush asked Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Governor, thank you for your kindness. I am really busy during this time. When I leave this circle one day, I will definitely visit Florida. I know that you have a high degree of support in the local area and will This piece of land is developing very well, and if I remember correctly, the unemployment rate in Florida should be one of the five lowest among the fifty states." After Chen Kangjie politely declined, he responded to Brown Bush's proposal. Achievement praise said.

Chen Kangjie knew that Brown Bush's administration in Florida was still very good, otherwise, he would not have become the first Republican to run for re-election in this populous state.

"Long, it seems that you really care about Florida. You know this kind of news. I really didn't expect it." John Brown said in surprise.

"This is what I read from the newspaper after I arrived in the United States." Chen Kangjie made an excuse.

"Long, as far as I know, the province that your father is in charge of has achieved very good political performance. If I have the opportunity, I would also like to visit and exchange ideas." Brown Bush suddenly changed his voice.

Chen Kangjie was stunned all of a sudden, not because the topic was sensitive, but because it seemed a little abrupt.

Chen Kangjie didn't know why Brown Bush suddenly mentioned his father, and even said that he was going to visit and communicate, which really puzzled him.

Brown Bush is not an ordinary governor. His father is a former president and his elder brother is the current president. His influence is extraordinary.

Could it be a slip of the tongue that he rashly said that he wanted to communicate with Chen Qigang in China?Will it be casual talk?Chen Kangjie didn't believe it no matter what.There must be some kind of political meaning hidden in it. Yes, Chen Kangjie can only explain it from the political meaning, but for a while, he still couldn't figure out what it meant.

"If Mr. Governor is willing to go, I think my father will definitely welcome it very much. He must also want to learn how Mr. Governor effectively governs." Although he couldn't figure it out, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to refuse such a proposal.Whether it's out of politeness or other considerations.

If Brown Bush is really willing to go to southern Jiangxi Province, it will definitely be good for enhancing Chen Qigang's political influence and qualifications.Even, when Brown Bush went to China, the top officials of the central government would come forward to receive him.

Central executives, central executives... Thinking of this, Chen Kangjie seemed to understand Brown Bush's purpose a little bit.

Perhaps, Brown Bush's elder brother hoped to use his younger brother to establish a private and trustworthy bilateral relationship with China.

In the exchanges between countries, we often see actions on the stage, but in fact, the real content often happens under the stage.On the stage, it is generally just a cutscene, and the real content will be achieved in advance off the stage.

The personal relationship between leaders sometimes plays a role that is often difficult to replace.

Historically, the Republican Party is often not very friendly to China. During the election campaign and in the first half year of taking office, President Bush, the elder brother of Brown Bush, was very critical of China, and he also launched a series of Policies and initiatives affecting stable cross-strait relations.

However, after 911/[-], President Bush wanted to devote all his efforts to the war on terrorism, but his war on terrorism was widely criticized all over the world because he expanded and extended the scope of the war on terrorism infinitely.At present, President Bush needs China's political and diplomatic cooperation on this point.At the same time, the Republican Party has always advocated suppressing Russia. To achieve this, the cooperation of China is also needed.

Therefore, it can be reasonably guessed that Brown Bush has some intentions and ideas to pave the way for his brother and improve the relationship with China in private.

You must know that Chen Qigang is not only a governor, but also Zhao Zhibang's favorite general. From this angle, it is hard to say that the effect will be bad.

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