rebirth of change

Chapter 2446 Bush's Purpose

Chapter 2446 Bush's Purpose

"Long, you are welcome to visit our house again when you have time. Our family is looking forward to and welcomes your coming again." John Whitney said politely while standing on the steps, holding Chen Kangjie's hand.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Whitney and your wife for their warm hospitality. If there is a chance, I will definitely visit again." Chen Kangjie expressed his gratitude.

After lunch and another cup of tea, Chen Kangjie proposed to leave.The Whitney family naturally tried to persuade them to stay, but Chen Kangjie was really busy and didn't have much time to waste here.

Failing to persuade them to stay, the Whitney family had no choice but to send Chen Kangjie and the others out of the house and arrange a vehicle to take them to the airport.

As for Whitney, Chen Kangjie would not take her away.After finally sending her back and bringing her back, wouldn't the meaning of this trip be lost.

Of course Whitney insisted on going with Chen Kangjie and continuing to work for him.However, Chen Kangjie talked about it, and after doing some serious and meticulous ideological work, she agreed to stay at home for a while, to accompany her parents, and take care of her body by the way.

If Whitney came to look for him again later, Chen Kangjie would have nothing to do.But in that case, it has nothing to do with Chen Kangjie, at least he didn't let Whitney leave with him.

Now Whitney is standing beside her parents charmingly, with a pair of charming blue eyes, staring at Chen Kangjie affectionately, it seems that after this farewell, they will never see each other again.

"Long, why don't I take you to the airport." Whitney said bitterly.

"No need, the car has been arranged, you can stay at home with uncle and aunt." Chen Kangjie smiled at Whitney, and then politely declined.

Why let Whitney see him off? She sent her off, and apart from being sad and sad, Chen Kangjie was also afraid that she would not come, so he would go on the plane with him, so it's no wonder his parents didn't regard Chen Kangjie as a villain who abducted a girl .

"Long, if you want to go, then I might as well see you off. I want to go too, just all the way." It was Brown Bush who stood up and said.

"Mr. Governor, you have only been here for a short time, why did you leave? Besides, I don't dare to ask you to send me off, I will be flattered." Chen Kangjie's flattery was naturally feigned, he would be so impatient No wonder.

Even though Brown Bush is a member of the first-class family in the United States, and has a president's brother and father, Chen Kangjie will not feel that he is inferior.

Today's Chen Kangjie is no longer what he used to be. It is no exaggeration to say that he is also a wealthy family.In addition to being famous all over the world, he is actually rich in the world.Wealth, to a certain extent, is the foundation of strength. If Chen Kangjie didn't have so much wealth, he wouldn't be so free today, making decisions on his own.

"It's okay, I'm just dropping by. In addition, I think you and I hit it off right away. We can chat more along the way. When I came to John's house, I just dropped by here to chat with him." Sven Brown Bush said in a pleasant and unassuming manner.

"In that case, I'll excuse you." Brown Bush insisted on this point. If Chen Kangjie was unreasonable, he would be seriously hypocritical.

"Brown, please give it to me. Next time I'm in Tallahassee, we'll meet again." John Whitney and Brown Bush seem to have a really good relationship. Brown Bush is leaving , he didn't bring any retention.

"Uncle Bush, then I'll be counting on you too." Whitney also followed suit and said.

"Don't worry, in Florida, if I'm here, will something happen?" Brown Bush looked at Whitney and smiled.

On the way away from Whitney's house, Brown Bush invited Chen Kangjie to ride in his car, and Chen Kangjie's entourage took the Ford sedans when he came.

Brown Bush is the governor, so he can't drive by himself. He brought a driver, and his driver is private, not included in the payment of public expenses.

Of course, in the United States, the treatment of civil servants is not as good as that in China. There are many governors who drive by themselves, and there are even examples of governors who are so poor that their wives work in restaurants.It’s just that these situations cannot happen to Brown Bush. As a very important political family in the United States, the Bush family has other very generous sources of funds. As a very important member of the family, Brown’s financial expenses are Absolutely guaranteed, no problem.

In Brown Bush's car, apart from the driver, there were only Chen Kangjie and him.

"Long, do you wonder why I came here?" After the car drove out of Whitney's house, Brown Bush took off his glasses and wiped them, and asked casually.

"It's not surprising, aren't you good friends with Mr. Whitney, didn't you drop by to see him?" Chen Kangjie said in his mouth, but of course he didn't think so in his heart.

As soon as Brown Bush asked the words out of his mouth, the driver in Chen Kangjie's heart was shocked.For Brown Bush to ask that, it proved that the situation might not be as he said, otherwise, he wouldn't need to do anything extra.

A huge question mark arose in Chen Kangjie's heart. What exactly does Brown Bush mean?He definitely meant something.

"Hehe, do you really think so? To be honest, I came here because of you." Brown Bush didn't care, chuckled, and said straightforwardly.

"Because of me? Mr. Bush, I can't understand. How could it be because of me? It seems that I have nothing worthy of your concern?" Chen Kangjie was really surprised.

"Why not? You are one of the richest people in the world today. With your worth of trillions of dollars, what's wrong with me, the governor of Florida, coming to meet you?"

Chen Kangjie was taken aback by Brown Bush's words. No matter how he thought about it, he never expected that Brown Bush would say such words.

"Mr. Bush, how do you know? Your brother, President Bush?" Chen Kangjie closed his pupils and asked in a deep voice.

"Forget it, I also know that the previous government wanted to deal with you, but you resolved them all, and even the president was disgraced. To be honest, the first time I heard such news, I was also very surprised by you. Energy, I used to doubt it, but I heard that you rejected Mr. Whitney's idea of ​​letting you marry his daughter, so I believed it. Mr. Whitney is one of the richest men in the United States. The rich don’t include those on the Forbes list.” Brown Bush said slowly.

"I know that the rich people on the Forbes list are only on the surface, and the invisible rich people in the world are the real rich people." Chen Kangjie responded.

"That's true. It's not as good as you or the royal family of Saudi Arabia. None of them are on the list, but the agents you introduced are all richer than Bill Gates." Brown Bush nodded.

"Mr. Bush, even so, it seems that you don't need to see me. There doesn't seem to be much interaction between us."

"I didn't have it before, but it doesn't mean I won't have it in the future. I don't know if you are interested in investing in American industries, whether it's Florida or Texas, or Utah, North Carolina, etc."

"What to invest in?" Chen Kangjie asked bluntly, "I have ideas, but I don't know what to invest in."

"Oil, I don't know if you are interested."

"Invest in oil? Mr. Bush, it seems that the United States does not lack large oil companies, nor does it lack funds to invest in oil." When it comes to business, Chen Kangjie's attitude and tone become deep, a little different from before he got in the car two people.

"Ordinary oil is certainly not short of funds, but shale oil is short. My family has invested in an oil company, and we hope to focus on shale oil. However, although shale oil has a bright future, the initial investment It is also very amazing, the technology is difficult, and the cost of mining is high. Therefore, we hope that a partner with a strategic vision can join in and create a grand event together." Brown Bush looked at the scenery on the roadside and said to Chen Kangjie .

"So you thought of me?"

"Actually, my brother thought of you." Brown Bush corrected Chen Kangjie's words.

"Then what good does it do me?" Chen Kangjie couldn't be the kind of person who would be taken advantage of. Even if President Bush stepped forward, he would not be able to do anything that is not beneficial.

Since it's about business, let's talk about the comings and goings first.

"The benefits, of course, will not be small. The economic benefits are on the one hand. The shale oil is extracted, and the profits are mutual. On the other hand, of course, it is the political benefits. I believe you should not doubt that this can be done, right?" The last one The question asked Brown Bush's pride.

Indeed, he is the governor himself, and his brother is the president of the world's largest country, so he is fully qualified to say such things.

It is not difficult to understand why Brown Bush mentioned Chen Qigang, who was the governor, at the Whitney's house.

In today's world, the relationship between China and the United States is undoubtedly the most important bilateral relationship. If the relationship between China and the United States is handled well, it means that the world will be half stable.Whether in the United States or in China, being able to find one's own national interests between China and the United States is a huge political resource and political asset.

"Can you allow me to think about it?" Chen Kangjie didn't intend to simply agree to Brown Bush, no matter it was out of careful assessment or playing tricks, Chen Kangjie would act like this.

"Of course, of course there is no problem. If it were me, I would also consider it. However, I believe that Mr. Chen will not refuse. After all, cooperation is beneficial to both you and me."

Brown Bush is very confident, but there is one thing he didn't say, that is what will happen if he doesn't cooperate.Cooperation is of course beneficial, but if you don't cooperate, won't there be harm?You must know that a large part of Chen Kangjie's assets are in the United States, and the high-level core also knows part of Chen Kangjie's privacy. If the other party really wants to embarrass Chen Kangjie, there will naturally be a lot of trouble.

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