rebirth of change

Chapter 2447 Aid Schwarzenegger

Chapter 2447 Aid Schwarzenegger

Regardless of whether Brown Bush is threatening or luring, Chen Kangjie must always maintain a calm and steady posture.

Money is not a problem for him, whether it is billions or tens of billions, it is just a number symbol.But Chen Kangjie can't be regarded as a bully who can be slaughtered at will. He will have the same posture as others.

Brown Bush really sent Chen Kangjie and the others to the airport in person, and even arranged for Chen Kangjie and the others to go through a special passage.

"Mr. Governor, thank you, you are so enthusiastic." Standing beside the private jet on the tarmac, Chen Kangjie shook hands with Brown Bush to say goodbye.

"You're welcome, you are not only a famous person, but you are also very likely to be our future partner, and you are completely worthy of me." Brown Bush said with a natural expression.

Chen Kangjie was noncommittal: "Mr. Governor, then we will see you again. You are welcome to visit China when you have time. Take a look around and learn more about China."

"This is for sure. I like the roast duck in Beijing very much. It was a hobby left by my family when my father was a diplomat in China. Our state government is using bilateral diplomatic channels. If possible, we in Florida hope to be able to Establish a sister state-province relationship with Gannan Province in your country." Brown Bush said with a smile.

Both Brown Bush and John Whitney left a deep impression on Chen Kangjie, that is, no matter what topics they faced, they always had gentlemanly smiles and politeness on their faces, and their faces were pleasant.

Perhaps, this is the quality that people born in big families have cultivated since childhood.This kind of people are easy to be socially at ease, that is, whether you like them or not, at least, you should not hate or resent them very much.

This point confirms an old saying in China, which is to stretch out your hand and never hit a smiling face.Smile is an important magic weapon to bring people closer.

"Establish friendly state-province relationship?" Chen Kangjie did not expect that Brown Bush had such a plan.

"Yes, with this level of friendly relations, Florida can deepen exchanges and various cooperation with Gannan Province, which will help push our relationship to a new and promising stage, thus benefiting the people of the two places After you go back, you can also bring this suggestion of mine to your father, and hope that he and I can meet each other halfway." Brown Bush said in a steady tone.

"Okay, I will definitely convey Mr. Governor's opinion, and I also hope that you can carry out effective friendly exchanges and cooperation." Chen Kangjie nodded and said.

Chen Kangjie believed that neither his father nor Lu Nengyu would refuse such a proposal.Establishing a friendly state-province relationship with Florida is of great benefit to promoting the further opening up of Gannan Province.Moreover, once the cooperation agreement is signed, it is equivalent to adding a significant political level to Chen Qigang and Lu Nengyu, which means that they have played a certain role in the country's diplomatic strategy.

After waving goodbye, Chen Kangjie boarded the plane and left.

Although Chen Kangjie said that he was very busy, he did not intend to leave the United States immediately, he had to return to Los Angeles.

On the one hand, Chen Kangjie has a lot of work to negotiate and deal with, especially with so many albums and movies he has released, and he also needs to communicate and confirm his concert in the United States. If Chen Kangjie has any opinions, he has to put forward a huge requirements and instructions.

On the other hand, when Chen Kangjie went to California, he had another task, which was to help Schwarzenegger in the election.

Schwarzenegger has officially run for the governor of California. Although he has done some things with his wife, coupled with his status as a big star, he is relatively well-known, so he has won the support of a certain number of California people.However, judging from the figures of the three polling agencies, there is still a slight gap in the support of Schwarzenegger compared with his competitors.

The public's grudge against Schwarzenegger is mainly due to the fact that he has been in the show business and has no experience in public service. In other words, he is worried about whether he can manage tens of millions of people and has the largest economy in the United States. state.

Being a politician and being a star are two different concepts, and the abilities and temperaments required are also quite different.The quality of American voters is relatively high, so it is only natural for them to have such worries.

The relationship between Chen Kangjie and Schwarzenegger is not bad, they can be regarded as friends for many years, so when Schwarzenegger faced difficulties, Chen Kangjie had to stand up and help, even though this big guy is also a Republican.

To be precise, Chen Kangjie is not an American citizen and should not participate in this kind of political competition, especially standing for candidates.

However, almost the whole world knows that Chen Kangjie has an unusual relationship with Schwarzenegger. As long as he doesn't use sensitive political terms, it shouldn't be a big problem.President Bush is a Republican, and Schwarzenegger is also a Republican. Even if Chen Kangjie is somewhat unruly, there should be no political pressure.

"Long, I'm really sorry, you're so busy, I still disturb you, I'm really sorry."

In the big villa of Schwarzenegger's family, Chen Kangjie sat face to face with Schwarzenegger and his wife.When Chen Kangjie arrived in Los Angeles, Schwarzenegger personally brought him home from the airport.

Asking Chen Kangjie to help in the auxiliary election was not because Chen Kangjie had nothing to do on his own initiative, no, it was Schwarzenegger's initiative.

"Arnuo, do you still use this kind of politeness between you and me? Could it be that if you have difficulties, can I stand by? As long as there is something that is useful to me, please feel free to bring it up. I am bound to do so." Chen Kangjie said boldly.

"Long, no matter what, I still want to thank you. Although you are not an American citizen, you can play a special role." Schwarzenegger's wife Maria said.

"Hehe, Mrs. Schwarzenegger, you are overrated. With you as his campaign adviser, I believe he will be half successful." Chen Kangjie said.

Unlike Schwarzenegger, Maria was born in a political family. His uncle is not only a former president, but his father is also a current senator.

It can be said that Maria received more political influence than Schwarzenegger since she was a child.In addition, Schwarzenegger is a Republican, but Maria's family is the Democratic Party, and Schwarzenegger is now going to confront his opponents from the Democratic Party. With Maria helping Schwarzenegger plan, Naturally, the chances of winning will be greatly increased.

"No, long, you can't say that. I remember that you encouraged Arnold to enter politics. He is going to take that step now. Naturally, you can't stay out of it. In addition, my role is to help to a certain extent. He, but because of this, it's not very convenient for me to help him make a big show." Maria waved her hands.

"Long, to tell you the truth, asking for your help is Maria's suggestion. She thinks that if you come forward to assist in the election, the effect will be better than anyone else. If you want to choose your favorite person in California now, You are very likely to rank first, although such a survey has not been done, but I am very convinced of this." Schwarzenegger said.

"Hehe, if you say so, I might as well stand for the election." Chen Kangjie joked.

"Long, it's a pity that you are not an American citizen. If you were, it would definitely be easier for you to enter politics than Arnold." Maria took the words and said.

"Hahaha, I don't believe in such speculation, Mrs. Schwarzenegger, why would you think of suggesting me?" Chen Kangjie smiled and shook his head.

"Your fame, your positive image, your relationship with Arnold, etc. are all beneficial to him. Another point, even if you don't talk about these, you also have actual success experience. I remember you once gave Australia Lawrence was elected, and that time, because of your participation, Lawrence was elected and was re-elected. I think this successful experience is worth replicating." Maria analyzed.

"Mrs. Schwarzenegger, do you overestimate me and overestimate me? If you say so, wouldn't I be able to vote for anyone and affect the political map of the world? Then It is impossible, everyone has different characteristics, and the situation of each country is also different, we must admit this. Speaking of which, the population of Australia is not as large as that of California.” Chen Kangjie did not say a few words because of being praised The whole person became flustered.

Chen Kangjie had to look at himself rationally and objectively, and even be more humble.First of all, Chen Kangjie is a human being, not a real god. He will not be God like Jacqueline said.No, he must have a correct understanding of this label.

Secondly, that kind of thing can't be done too much. It will be fresh and easy for voters to do it once in a while.But if you frequently help people in elections like that, it will be a good medicine, but it will fail. Voters absolutely don’t like this kind of person, and even feel disgusted, thinking that it seriously affects their politics and choices.

What's more, Chen Kangjie is still an outsider, so if there are too many times, he will feel a little bit like catching mice.At that time, not to mention the positive effect and positive energy, it may become counterproductive and have a counterproductive effect.

"To a certain extent, I agree with what you mean. However, we have many similarities with Australia in terms of culture, political atmosphere, and tradition, so I think it can be borrowed. In addition, it seems that apart from giving Lawrence You have never been involved in the rectification outside the stage. I believe that you will win the trust of ordinary people. Long, whether Arnold can get the governor's throne this time really depends to a certain extent on you. "

"It's too flattering to me. Anyway, it's like this. Then I'll let you arrange it. As long as it doesn't involve sensitive issues, I will listen to you. It's just that my time is very limited. I may only be able to participate in one session." Two events..."

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